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Yet another Bus Recovery Grant cliff-edge. What would you do?

Yet another Bus Recovery Grant cliff-edge. What would you do?

RE: Yet another Bus Recovery Grant cliff-edge. What would you do?
(01 Mar 2023, 8:25 am)Storx wrote One thing that can't be ignored is the relatively decent railway service around there which won't help matters.

It's an awkward area as unless you plow millions and millions of pounds of tax payers money in the area it'll never really work and then again you'll have one bus going to the wrong place on an hourly frequency which isn't useful and people still won't use them and it'll carry around fresh air.

We need a new solution for places like it, what it is I'm not sure. DRT on paper is the answer but so far they haven't worked because they're complicated and confusing to use for Joe Public. It's not unique, North Yorkshire is just as bad and most other rural areas.

As a wise man once said, car sized problems require car sized solutions.

If there's not enough passengers to support a bus service, then a DRT system using buses isn't going to work either.

Maybe integrating it into the taxi 'network' would be a better use of resources?

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RE: Yet another Bus Recovery Grant cliff-edge. What would you do?