(15 Nov 2023, 5:50 pm)Andreos1 wrote You have a direct bus?
Often cheaper driving and parking or taxi-ING if there's 2 or 3 people off to see the dying relative than it is getting a couple of buses there and a couple of buses back.
Partly because the majority of us no longer have a direct bus to the hospital.
Strike or not.
We'll i do from my new penthouse to QE then a 1.5 mile walk......
I was replying to this SDF saying people wont use them. incuse they couldn't get back . i was suggesting if a 56 or x1 from Gateshead to QE or wreckenton people would use it than save the taxi fare even if they had to get a taxi back. 1 taxi and a bus is cheaper than 2 taxi unless you can now get a cheap taxi return??!!
would imagine people would be less annoyed not having a service at all than having a service run but not be able to get it because of capacity, ie. getting somewhere then not being able to ge