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Posted by: Dan
For those of you interested in actual fleets of bus companies: do their fleet numbers really irritate you?

As an example of Go North East's fleet:

I would much prefer it if Go North East worked their fleet similar to Stagecoach, with different numbers taking on different types of bus - minibus, midibus, full size, double decker, articulated, coach etc.

1 to 1000 could be ancillary vehicles - 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx perhaps denoting different types.
1000 to 1250 could be dedicated MPD numbers.
1250 to 1500 could be dedicated Solo numbers.
(and carry this on for all other types of vehicles).

Something that really bugs me is the numbering of GNE's B7 Geminis:
41, 42, 43, 62... Hardly makes sense to me.

Here's another one. A load of Prestiges in the middle of the Volvo B10BLEs:
Why? I don't know what's worse: having them there, or what it will be like when they're scrapped and no longer within the fleet. A massive jump between the two B10BLEs there.

I don't know what to even say about this one:
Further Solars continue after the mass of dual door B10BLEs also.

Surely a gap in fleet numbers would have been appropriate here so that, if further rigid Citaros enter the fleet, they become standardised in the sense that they're together with the Citaros already in the fleet?

Another example of the above:
Further investment into B9TL vehicles was obvious, so why have B7TLs there amongst the branded B9TLs?

In short, a different vehicle type should have its own dedicated set of numbers to allow for further investment into the fleet with that vehicle type.

Here's something else that annoys me too - Arriva this time, though there are examples of this happening in GNE's fleet too:
Surely 4709 should be DHC, 4710 should be DHD and 4711 should be DHE..?

What are your opinions on the ordering, numbering etc of fleet lists?
Posted by: MurdnunoC
Just following on from this conversation from the Washington Area Developments thread:

(11 Jul 2013, 7:31 pm)gtomlinson wrote I find it odd that the Competition Commission ruled that ASDA could not have Birtley Netto and were forced to sell it to the Co-Op due to the locale of the Galleries Asda but it's ok for Morrisons to have a 30,000sq foot supermarket in Birtley (construction starting August) and plan for another 30,000sq foot in Washington Huh

Well, I had the pleasure of visiting Blyth today. I drove into the town centre from Cowpen and stopped to buy a drink from the large ASDA located there. Afterwards, I got back into my car to continue my journey down the A193 into Blyth. About 5 minutes down the road I noticed a smaller ASDA (ex-Netto) Supermarket and it got me thinking about the points raised in the quote above.

It does strike me as odd this ruling by the Competition Commission about Birtley as the ASDA at Cowpen is probably larger than the one at Washington and also the fact that there are two ASDA's positioned on the same stretch of road in the same town. So does anyone have any explanations or theories why two ASDAs can exist in Blyth, but not in Washington and Birtley?
Posted by: Michael
The next phase of planned improvements to Seaburn seafront has being put up on the Sunderland City council site.

here is the new road layout on a map...

Improvements to Whitburn Road will be the second phase of works using Coastal Communities Funding
The work is expected to start in early 2014.
Posted by: gtom
Just wondering out loud here but when I quote a reply to a thread, is there a way to not quote the rest of the conversation?


I like Buses

I like buses too

I like red buses

I like yellow ones

I know I can delete it but with most I'm thinking VBulletin it would only quote the last quote. If someone doesn't delete it can add a huge length to threads.

Just wondering if its a default setting or if you guys prefer it that way?
Posted by: tyresmoke
Hi all
Tomorrow see's another round of rail replacements.
Coaches replace buses between Darlington and Middlesbrough all day

Also, between Middlesbrough and Sunderland until 1230

Both are Northern Rail routes and are therefore to be covered by First Rail Support. Likely to see operators such as Classic, Compass Royston, Croft Coach Travel, Enterprise Travel, Jim Hughes, M&D Travel, Stagecarriage
Posted by: Andreos1
Haven't been on this side of Edinburgh for a year, but excellent progress being made (at long last) on the tram system heading out of town.
It looks like they are currently working on the electrics heading North West, paralell to the M8/Falkirk railway.
Posted by: MrFozz
2. If no.1 gets nowhere, then a third party can step in as a mediator, this could be an admin or another member of the forum.

Forgot to say, I would happily anyone that's needed
Posted by: Michael
Simple... the song's u secretly like but embarrassed by it...

Ill start

Enya - Orinoco Flow

Probley's because it was the song what was always playing when i went in to assembly at primary school haha

S Club 7 - Reach - i remember doing this for an assembly at primary school to.. bloody 90's
Posted by: DanPicken
all footie banter goes here
Posted by: MrFozz
Would it ever be possible to install tapatalk onto the site.

For those who don't know, Tapatalk is a Smartphone application where all your forums that you regularly use is one place, with quick access to every forum your registered on.

I currently use tapatalk to access 5 forums, there all in one place making it easy for me to keep tabs on the sites I am registered at.

So, I was wondering if the mods here would ever be prepared to have a look at possibly putting this board into tapatalk for us smartphone users


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