RE: X9 | X10 - Acquisition of interdeck coaches from Oxford Bus Company
(28 Jul 2020, 1:02 pm)Stanleyone wrote My understanding of it is, x70/x71 will interwork with X30, with the X31 standing alone. If the X31 is timed right then the X31 consett extension should provide an even service to Annfield plain. Currently the X70/X71 are too tight to efficiently go on to the X47. If the X31 were to interwork then you'd have the X31 & X70/X71 running along the common section 1 minute apart.
The X84/X85 will be supplemented by fleet enviro 400s, 6336/6337 being the generic fleet vehicles.
That sounds 100% right and what I've been saying all along. Going by the initial Consett spare ratio, it would either be 2x E400MMC or if the X5/X15 extension was axed and both services reverted to Durham - Consett only, then that would leave 2x E400MMC + 1x 2016 StreetDeck as spares covering a total PVR of 29x.
Either way, it's highly likely that the 21 will get a reduction between Chester Le Street & Newcastle when at the other side of the pandemic & social distancing completely relaxed. If a 7-8 minute frequency was required in the interim, any suitable double deck vehicles could be allocated as a short term measure.
(28 Jul 2020, 8:24 am)Storx wrote The X30/X31/X70/X71 PVR is going to be 11 not 12.
"The new vehicle allocations reflect the position once new, hopefully more efficient, interworking patterns are implemented. Exact details of this are being finalised now, but has been prompted as a result of the expected longer-term loss of patronage of 15-20%. Clearly if any efficiencies are made by interworking other services with the X30, then they need to be low-height double-decks which is the main reason for the change."
As mentioned in above post, the 11x would also likely be supplemented by 1x 2019 E400MMC given the likely interworking & standalone patterns as mentioned by StanleyOne. The X31 also operating E400MMCs will allow some early monring / early evening journeys to interwork on and off the X30 for even more efficiency as required.
You missed that bit, you could easily cut the X5/X15 back at Consett which has been mentioned a few times aswell. Then you would have enough buses for the PVR of Consett without taking 2 buses from CLS cutting the frequency of the Angel which wouldn't cope with a 10 minute frequency with social distancing if numbers got back up.
Likely that the X5/X15 would be curtailed at Consett but the extra StreetDeck would be spare at Consett to keep a higher spare ratio. And once social distancing has been lifted, a 10 minute frequency on the 21 would be more than ample. A lot of key corridor services (i.e SNE 39/40 62/63, ANE 308) run by various other operators will also face the same fate. - The X5/X15 doesn't go past Consett... Also there's the colours of the X-Lines buses.
Also it makes no sense for the B9TL's to be at Consett or Washington since they won't have any at their depots so it's just pointless driver training and you might aswell use them on the 25 in place for the ex London deckers.
But they've had them previously so that wouldn't be an issue albeit a slight lack of standardisation. Plus, the infrastructure is already kinda there on 6096-98 to allow them to be converted to X-Lines after a refurbishment including Civic V3 seating, NSA's, power etc.