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Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action

Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action

RE: Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
(03 Oct 2023, 11:36 pm)streetdeckfan wrote This might be an unpopular opinion, but the drivers were already offered a 'decent wage' and as usual the unions decided to try and push their luck. They've got to make it look like they're doing something otherwise how are they going to rake in their millions?

The fact of the matter is GNE are loss making and do not have the money to pay drivers more. More pay for drivers means they can afford less drivers. There is no magic money tree.

While an extra few percent doesn't sound like much, it's an extra £2m a year they're asking GNE to come up with. Actually that still doesn't sound like a lot, but that's an extra 70 full time drivers GNE could hire even after the 9.5% pay rise they were offered, or more likely 70 full time drivers they need to justify keeping around when they're already haemorrhaging money.

(feel free to check my maths, it's late and I didn't fancy breaking out Excel to work it out properly)

As for MG, I really do think his heart was in the right place, but he was screwed over by the pandemic. Passenger numbers had actually started increasing after he implemented the changes, so obviously something was working, had he become MD a year or two earlier, perhaps GNE would be in a much stronger position now?

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Surprisingly based. I think people are very quick to criticise Martijn Gilbert and highlight him as the source of most of the problems of the present, but I'd argue that Kevin Carr's leadership and the inertia that characterised his custodianship of the business has an overlooked role. A dinosaur when he took over in 2012, and a fossil by the time he retired in 2018.

RE: Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
Go North East - 2023 Pay Deal and Industrial Action
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages