Right... here's mine! Beware there's a fair bit of reading!
I was planning on going to the family prize bingo where my grandma lives if possible this evening which would mean I'd have to finish my trip early. To make up for lost time I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to park the car in Hexham all day; this means I don't have to double-back on myself going to the bingo afterwards. It also means I have more choices to get back, I'm not stuck with 85s.
Because I was driving to Hexham and had been on early shifts at work this week, I decided I'd get the first bus from Hexham which is the 0543. Anyway, I woke up at 0430, got ready and set out.
GNE 6082 0543 10 Hexham to Newcastle Eldon Square
It was a rather nippy morning although the views coming over to Hexham were stunning with the low-lying cloud in the valley! Walked up a dead town centre to the bus station, with a TEN branded B9TL overtaking me in the process. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out that the only vehicle to pass me would be the one I was getting over! Whilst I waited (and the driver went into the station building along with another GNE guy who turned up in a car) I put the data into my phone to save time and hassle later on.
I was incredibly surprised to see a taxi turn up and a man get out of it to board my bus too! Mustn't be as bad as me though.
The driver was one of the old-timers, used to work for Arriva here before GNE took over, was a regular on the coaches.
Sat at the back on the lower deck and popped my phone on charge whilst I sapped the Wifi to check Facebook etc.
I was actually rather amazed to see a whole heap of people board from the east side of Prudhoe onwards, and by the time we got to Newcastle the bus was rather busy.
TWM 4078 4082* 109 0702 Monument to Sunderland Park Lane
After alighting at Eldon Square, I was rather annoyed to see that hardly any buses were around or due, at 0700! Won't be doing that first bus again! Walked over to Monument to get the Metro somewhere. The original intention was Gateshead and see what was operating bus-wise out of there however I couldn't be bothered so I continued over to Sunderland Park Lane. These Metrocars had the new announcements on and the scrolling PIS displays worked fine. I notice these too have been condensed to give clearer information which I rather liked.
Got held at Pelaw for 2N00 (0612 Hexham - Middlesbrough) to pass but after that it was plain sailing over.
GNE 5305 35A 0755 Sunderland Park Lane to Houghton-le-Spring
One of the objectives for today was to get at least one of the Gold branded Mercs (in an ideal world, 5303 with the branding!). So, after getting a Breakfast Baguette from Greggs (nom) I waited at Stand L for the 35A. One turned up and a few folk alighted; I was the only one to board. I hadn't a clue where Low Moorsley was so I looked at the timetable and noticed it goes via Houghton so I opted to go there instead. Sat at the quadrant alongside the emergency exit and the bus was just right! Performance wise, heating, state of bus, all good.
The bus slowly filled up after that, mind you, there were only about 7 or 8 on when I got off. Seen the 'lovely' bottom end of Houghton before alighting and crossing the road where all of a sudden, three GNE vehicles turned up at once: 5299 on a 36, 3980 Not in Service and a Red Arrows X1 for Newcastle.
The obvious solution was to wait and see what the Vyking was doing; I watched the driver input his route into the Hannover and seen it was destied up for the 38 to Sunderland. I knew I was doubling back on myself but boarded anyway as I didn't quite fancy going on an X1.
GNE 3980 38 0830 Houghton-le-Spring to Tunstall Village Green
Boarded this fine beast and the driver switched the engine off and had a quick smoke outside before we set off with one other person who boarded and went upstairs. I was sat on the nearside rear wheel arch looking on my invaluable Bus Checker UK app and noticed this went to Tunstall Village, so I added up some times in my head. I'd then do a 2 (-1 min connection) or 2A (+9 min connection) to Washington Galleries as I'd not previously been on the Simplicity route before. I shook my head at an MPD which was going to pick me up, and shortly after a Versa turned up on a 2 to spin round for my 2A.
GNE 8324 2A 0903 Tunstall Village Green to Sunderland City Centre
After a fair wait here (some nice houses around though) 8324 turned up (winner!) and I sat at the back seats at the emergency exit. The windows were open and there was a great breeze flowing through the bus. Around 6 others were on the bus, this level pretty much stayed the same.
I noticed we were actually going through Sunderland City Centre (I wondered why it took 50 mins from Silksworth to Washington!) so I alighted with everyone else on the main road in Sunderland.
SNE 28039 3 0918 Sunderland City Centre to Farringdon, Antwerp Lane
I looked up the road and a gas bus E300 was sitting on a 3 to Farringdon. I've previously been on a gas E300 before and wasn't keen on it, but I thought I might as well to see if it might change my mind. Was actually a pretty good vehicle, even better I had Wifi! (After having to fill out that silly questionnaire twice!). I hadn't a clue where I was going so sat tight until I realised the bus went in a loop round a rather rough-looking housing estate. Rang the bell however I rang it too late so was overcarried, but I had a brisk walk in the sunlight back to the main road.
SNE 36081 5 0941 Farringdon, Allendale Road to Sunderland City Centre
Checked the bus times here and noticed three buses were due shortly. I went for the first one to turn up which was ADL E200 no. 36081. I rather liked this route, the bus was quite good for an E200 too. Read my Stephen Fry book in the meantime, and I was in Sunderland before I knew it!
GNE 5165 9 1019 Sunderland Park Lane to North Shields Interchange
Walked up from the main street again and checked Bus Checker to see what time the next North Shields-bound 9 was, as I wanted to do the Tyne Tunnel again but northbound this time. 10 minutes the next one was due, bob on! Was hoping for a President to drop on this however it was a sodding ex-Oxford Renown. I was still going ahead though; sat at the offside quadrant where there was initially a handful on but this soon busied up. Didn't realise how much of a boring journey it was to Jarrow either! The Tunnel bit was rather good although I couldn't really see much so nothing to comment there. Eventually made it to North Shields where I was planning to get a 310 back down so I could charge my phone. To my relief, a Clipper B9TL turned up right in front of my Volvo!
GNE 6114 310 1120 North Shields Interchange to Newcastle Haymarket
Boarded this vehicle with a rather chatty and happy driver where I sat upstairs, nearside about 7 seats down. I had to open all of the windows as it was that hot! Properly peaceful journey until around the top of Wallsend where this thick dole couple (the woman looked God-awful, gives me shudders thinking!) boarded and noisily made their way upstairs and sat at the back. Otherwise it was a good journey and we touched base in Haymarket Bus Station before long where I alighted (albeit rather late when everyone else started boarding for the outbound 309). Went over to Greggs and bought a delicious Steak Bake before waiting for the Q3.
GNE 8313 Q3 1214 Haymarket to St Peter's Basin to Monument, Market Street
I hadn't seen a new Quaylink-branded vehicle in the flesh before so it was quite a nice sight, really! Sat at the back next to the emergency exit again and followed the usual route. Do love the NSAs and the screen (although couldn't read it properly from the rear seats). I must say, I think the 'real' Newcastle is down at the Quayside. Absolutely love it around here. Passed Byker Waste centre which was the main location in the recent BBC documentary series, Wastemen. Quite interesting to see it in the flesh rather than the telly!

Got to St Peter's Basin (pretty nice housing estate, a man in a suit ran to the bus and boarded before checking his Facebook and messaging a few people) where we sat for a few minutes before we were off again. I then suddenly realised there was a test train/NMT due through soon and I wished I hadn't ballsed up the times for me to go and get it.
TWM 4047 4019* 108 1251 Monument to Gateshead Stadium
I bailed at Monument where I entered Monument Metro station and got the first train (the 'Next train at' announcement played as soon as I was off the escalator!) south. I was originally planning on going to Felling, however I checked the progress on the NMT and it was 11 early through Brockley Whins. This made me panic so I alighted at Gateshead Stadium instead in hope of getting a better shot with the train passing at a slower speed for the 20mph restriction at Park Lane, Gateshead.
The sun came out at the right time and I wasn't bowled by the next South Shields Metro and I got a rather nice shot! (Shameless plug -
TWM 4060 4036* 135 1305 Gateshead Stadium to South Gosforth
I then packed my camera away and awaited the next Metro back north which was due in 3 minutes. I then thought I might as well do the 900 from South Gosforth to Newcastle Airport due to the modernisation works (thanks Marcus for the initial heads-up of what was working them!). At South Jesmond I alighted but had no idea what the rear Metrocar number was as there wasn't one on the front side exterior nor interior. Was 4036 anyway; I then ran up to the bus stop to catch one of the 900s with seconds to spare.
ANE 7490 900 1322 South Gosforth to Newcastle Airport
One of the Metro CSAs held the bus for me as I ran towards it; I then thought it wasn't the best idea as it was full and standing. Not to worry, soon got on our way and we were soon at Regent Centre. I had to alight myself to let others off before boarding again (the driver re-asking for my ticket too(!)). The bus slowly emptied until we got to Kingston Park where we followed a JR Travel Gold Plaxton President which occupied our stop. We spun round and alighted at the X47 stand where this man and his wife came up to the driver (I was standing right next to the driver) and said he was breaking the law as he shouldn't have let another buggy on and the two Metro inspectors were stood apparently blocking his line of vision [they weren't]. He then said he worked for Stagecoach and an official report is going in. I did bite my lip at this point and it's a good job I did!
Then entered into some light conversation with the driver afterwards. I won't post on here what he said (nothing bad, just to protect his identity) but going from this I don't think anything will happen to him
Eventually got to the Airport where I hopped off and went for a stroll around. There was nothing really, had a bit walk around the terminal and went for a quick loo break but before long I was back out waiting for the next bus which eventually turned up a good 20 minutes late.
ANE 7488 900 1407 (+22) Newcastle Airport to Kingston Park
Another Volvo B7TL it was (both 7490 and 7488 didn't sound good, the engine kept 'pulsing' its revs and both were slightly rattly although I realise they're now 13 years old) and I waited in an ever-growing queue with folk pushing in. There was an Australian woman and her daughter (phoar she was nice!) and about 3-4 pushchairs, various other dregs of society and a lady with a guide dog who had an 'in training' lead on. I let this lady on in front of me and she, another passenger and I engaged in conversation. She was saying how another dog she trained up qualified and that it was a bit of a mistake going to the airport today because of the rail replacement buses. Her dog was a labradoodle too, she was saying how great they are and how popular they're becoming as guide dogs too. The dog even rested its head on my ankle however I had to leave at Kingston Park.
SNE 22409 X47 1440 Kingston Park to Newcastle, New Bridge Street
Ran across the road to see an ALX300 arriving into the stand, another well-timed trip! Sat right at the front of this and noticed how young children aren't allowed to occupy the front seat(s) any more. This can only be a good thing although I can see these notices going up after a previous incident...
This bus was a cracker, liked its kickdowns and remained rather lightly loaded. Cracking run down the A167, we were following an X78 into Newcastle too before it turned off the road.
GNE 6130 X31 1515 Newcastle Eldon Square to Stanley Bus Station
After arriving at Newcastle once again I decided what to do. I walked over to Eldon Square and waited 10 minutes for an Omnidekka. In this time I nipped to Poundland (very conveniently placed!) and got a bag of nutritious Yorkie mansize buttons and a couple of bottles of water. Also seen a red Omnicity on the 43, that would've tempted me to bash it!
Boarded the Omnidekka (thankfully not 6127) and sat the nearside quadrant (before re-familiarising myself with how much legroom is on the very rear seats...!!!!). The bus was around half-full although the rear suspension was absolutely awful. Doing 20 ish mph in Newcastle city centre was sending me flying, no joke!
At speed though it was fine, and made the banks up to Sunniside with ease. Soon we were at Stanley where I would have to alight.
GNE 6125 X31 1557 Stanley Bus Station to Gateshead Interchange
Obviously not wanting to spend longer than necessary at this bombsite, I walked across the bus station to see another Omnidekka awaiting departure on an X31 back to Newcastle. I boarded this one and sat in the exact same seat. This bus was a bit quieter but got busier around Lobley Hill area. I was wanting to go to Newcastle on this however I didn't after I noticed pretty much everyone else leaving so I did too.
TWM 4032 4027* 110 1635 Gateshead to Haymarket
Got the Metro over the Tyne and ended up in Haymarket where I'd see if anything of interest was lying around; alas it wasn't. I went to Eldon Square again and waited. Good things come to those who wait, surely...?
GNE 99993 X21 1710 Newcastle Eldon Square to Gateshead Interchange
By sheer luck this landed on the next X21 out of here. It was a necessity to bash really, even if it was only to Gateshead! To be honest, I couldn't see any difference whatsoever to a Volvo B9TL although it didn't sound as good. Should get one at higher speeds next time as today I was tied for time.
GNE 5394 X66 1723 Gateshead Interchange to Metrocentre
After alighting at Gateshead I walked around and noticed 5380 on the Q1 as well as 5332 on the Blaydon Racers. Waited for the next X66 to transport me to Metrocentre so I could attempt the 'Lemington Leap' once again to get back, although this time I hadn't a clue if I would make it or not! Luckily there was a Dart in the layover blinded up for the 7 so this was mine.
SNE 35189 7 1742 Metrocentre to Lemington Road Ends
I, however, had seemed to have boarded the inbreed express as the amount of idiots with stupid screaming kids was unbelievable! I was contemplating murdering one of the little brats but thankfully didn't. Just about managed to survive to Lemington (as did everyone else) where I alighted and walked across the road to the slip road bus stop where 5 chavs were standing.
ANE 4664 85 1758 Lemington Road Ends to Hexham
Finally, running 4 minutes late (after checking on the live map), the best of what's left, 4664, turned up with one of the city drivers in charge to Carlisle. This was a good journey, I sat near to the front on the offside (only seats available) and thought how lucky I was to not be on a bus with as bad a suspension as 6125 earlier.
I alighted at Hexham Hospital and walked down to the car before going to Tesco to get some money out and I then drove to my grandma's where we went to the social club for the bingo. Quite a productive night; I won a large storage box, various colour/size cooking bowls and a folding dish drying rack!
Thanks for reading. Until next time, cheerio!