(20 Apr 2016, 5:13 am)citaro5284 wrote If you are wistfully stuck in the 90's, you will not bother about the wifi anyway
Well those V Reg examples are 1999 registered. That's some upgrade we've had on the Angel

Dear old NK51 bunch were newer!
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(20 Apr 2016, 5:13 am)citaro5284 wrote If you are wistfully stuck in the 90's, you will not bother about the wifi anyway
(20 Apr 2016, 9:33 pm)Ambassador wrote Well those V Reg examples are 1999 registered. That's some upgrade we've had on the Angel![]()
Dear old NK51 bunch were newer!
(20 Apr 2016, 8:50 pm)Jamie M wrote By the way, how do you people manage to get pictures of the displays on buses? My phone and camera can't deal with the blind flashing/refreshing and comes out only very partially. Example:
(20 Apr 2016, 10:45 pm)Davie wrote I think it's due to the shutter speed.
(21 Apr 2016, 12:28 am)GMitchelhill wrote Actually it's due to various factors.
Yes one is shutter speeds.
The other is how often the blinds refreshed.
When LED bus blinds first appeared, success of getting them to show in the photo varied on either camera or the make of the blind. I found that I could regularly get the blind to show on photos if the bus had a LED blind made by Hanover because they were high quality. Yet if the blind was made by Vultron, Bright Tech or Moblitec, the camera would struggle because they would refresh more often (and often not all the blind would refresh at once) and they were often low quality. IIRC Yorkshire Traction had a large number of buses with Vultron blinds.
However these days the bus blinds are more consistant as mainly most Bus blind are made by Hanover with some being made by Moblitec. Blinds made by Vultron and Bright Tech (who both went bust) often ended up getting replaced when they broke because there was no aftermarket care.
Go North East fortunatley used Hanover and have done for many years after originally getting various buses with Bright Tech blinds fitted between J reg and M reg. Then switching to Bright Tech on Small scale at P reg before going all round dot matrix from S reg.
(22 Apr 2016, 8:34 am)idiot wrote The 2/2a seem to struggle with timings currently.
(22 Apr 2016, 7:06 pm)pdiddy wrote If it is getting reduced (IF) then they won't need as many buses. Send 2 to Crook to replace 571 and 572 ☺
(22 Apr 2016, 7:11 pm)Michael wrote They won't, i think the PVR will drop to 9 but i think GNE will want the extra bus out for reliability so make it 10.
3 spare Versa's:
2 to Crook for the 18
1 to Riverside
If this is happening of cause but the side branding is getting changed to every 15 minutes.
(22 Apr 2016, 7:47 pm)Ryan99 wrote No need for another one too riverside they have enough & does the 18 get that many passengers
(22 Apr 2016, 4:50 pm)Michael wrote Seen at least one Simplicity with: Every 15 minutes on instead of every 10.
Wrong move for me reducing the 2/2A... Then again the 2A hasn't appeared on the new VOSA regestration, this includes the detailed version to so it might just be the 2!
Nothing confirmed, pure speculation.
(23 Apr 2016, 3:51 pm)Ryan99 wrote Found out of a deptford driver that one of the simplicity versas is getting took off , while the stagecoach 5 is getting took over by gne and it will be operating to Hendon on either evenings or during the day aswell while the 36 will be operating through silks worth replacing service 99 , which in my eyes makes sense
(23 Apr 2016, 5:33 pm)Tom wrote There's a mistake on the 45/46 NSAs. They say they stop at Metro Oasis but they don't and someone got up to get off but the driver said that it didn't stop there and he was right (only 49s and 97 stop there)
(23 Apr 2016, 5:49 pm)Dan wrote The 45/46 services do not serve Metro Oasis towards Consett, but are in fact registered to serve this stop towards Newcastle (despite the Nexus liners suggesting that services 49 and 643 are the only services which serve this stop). They can't serve this stop towards Consett as the bus would have to cross two lanes to get back into the correct lane - the driver was right to tell the passenger that they could not alight at this stop.
The programme was amended at the start of this week, and the revised media is due to be uploaded to the buses soon.
The customer app is also incorrect, on the basis that it uses the same stop list.
(23 Apr 2016, 5:53 pm)Tom wrote This was towards Newcastle he said they don't stop and it's only the 49, 49A and 643 that stop towards Metrocentre and the 97 the other way along with the 49 there according to the timetable. Though he did stop and let them off but told them they aren't meant to stop there.
(23 Apr 2016, 5:55 pm)Dan wrote Towards Newcastle, the 45/46 should stop at Metro Oasis. I believe a staff notice went out to drivers regarding stopping arrangements earlier this week.
(23 Apr 2016, 6:37 pm)Ambassador wrote 6060 NSA is all over the place. It sounded like Emma announced Wellington St but the whole way Karen started announcing the stop then it abruptly cuts to Steve doing the next one...the latter seems to happen on most of the 21s now.