Currently on my street in Springwell, Sunderland.
Also just hatched a 10Km egg.... Eevee... -.-
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go
RE: Games
New update is out.
I have a magickarp as my buddy. SirFlapalot is a bit blooming annoying, so say the least.
I have a magickarp as my buddy. SirFlapalot is a bit blooming annoying, so say the least.
RE: Games
(16 Sep 2016, 8:53 am)Michael wrote Couldn't find it..
Todays current offering, (only playing it when waiting for friends)
A dotrio! I hatched a doduo, the other day. Hatched my 3rd ponyta in just over a week, this morning, so I'm now ready to evolve a rapidash. About 8 growlithe candy short of an arcanine.
Pleased to say that magickarp don't jump on your shoulder like pikachu after 10km of walking. That would be flaming annoying! Tlking of Pikachu, he was waiting for us on the school run, this morning, much to littl'un's amusement. Sadly, big'un has no balls again, so I just took a screenshot on his phone, in no way gloating, oh no.
I'm not much better off for balls - the weather was dire, this morning and I didn't fancy a soaking while waiting for non-compliant buses. PLans for tomorrow are get into Durham for 10-ish, spin some stops and grab something form Pret, then head over to Seaham to eat it there, spin some more stops, hopefully catch some stuff, probably use some incense, catch some more stuff, then head into Newcastle. Big'un needs biscuits, like. (I need wine).
RE: Games
(16 Sep 2016, 8:57 pm)BusLoverMum wrote A dotrio! I hatched a doduo, the other day. Hatched my 3rd ponyta in just over a week, this morning, so I'm now ready to evolve a rapidash. About 8 growlithe candy short of an arcanine.
Pleased to say that magickarp don't jump on your shoulder like pikachu after 10km of walking. That would be flaming annoying! Tlking of Pikachu, he was waiting for us on the school run, this morning, much to littl'un's amusement. Sadly, big'un has no balls again, so I just took a screenshot on his phone, in no way gloating, oh no.
I'm not much better off for balls - the weather was dire, this morning and I didn't fancy a soaking while waiting for non-compliant buses. PLans for tomorrow are get into Durham for 10-ish, spin some stops and grab something form Pret, then head over to Seaham to eat it there, spin some more stops, hopefully catch some stuff, probably use some incense, catch some more stuff, then head into Newcastle. Big'un needs biscuits, like. (I need wine).
Murcia is a decent place, must be on a Ponyta and Geodude nest, always spawning.
Took some screenshots of some of the spawns around the villa but having problems uploading them on to here.
Edit: include Growlithe on the nest list
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Games
(17 Sep 2016, 1:08 pm)Michael wrote Murcia is a decent place, must be on a Ponyta and Geodude nest, always spawning.
Took some screenshots of some of the spawns around the villa but having problems uploading them on to here.
Edit: include Growlithe on the nest list
Seaham appears to be a bit of a magnemite nest, around the memorial area! Big'un caught over half a dozen in the hour we were there!
He also has a caterpie sitting on his shoulder, now.
RE: Games
(21 Sep 2016, 6:52 pm)NK53 TKT wrote Now downloaded pokemon go and I am addicted, my top three are:
1. 239cp Pidgeot
2. 105cp Venonat
3. 79cp Pidgeotto
Decent start

I'm busy playing while on holiday and i've gained 14 Pokemon i needed from either catching or evolving them.
Just caught a pinser too
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Games
Big'un did a bit of searching round fastpokemap, last night and unearthed a kabuto nest at ropner park and a pikachu nest around Lumley castle!
I caught him his first dratini, on the school run, so hopefully I'm up in the approval stakes, this evening.
I caught him his first dratini, on the school run, so hopefully I'm up in the approval stakes, this evening.
RE: Games
(22 Sep 2016, 9:52 am)BusLoverMum wrote Big'un did a bit of searching round fastpokemap, last night and unearthed a kabuto nest at ropner park and a pikachu nest around Lumley castle!
I caught him his first dratini, on the school run, so hopefully I'm up in the approval stakes, this evening.
Oo nice, where is Ropner Park?
Had enough candy to evolve my Machoke to a Machamp... So glad i was on a Machop, Growlethe, Ponyta, Geodude nest while over hete.
Also eolved my Growlethe, Ponyta, Geodude to Golem while here in Murica.
Also got a Sandslash, Rhydon, Dodorio, Primeape, Marowak, Pinsar and a Onyx.
Not a bad haul while just playing at the villa also got from level 18 to 20.
At the airport, free WIFI and a pokestop...

Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Games
Buddy system working well.
And my big hitters. Not exciting. The clefable is c/o Newcastle city centre cefairy farm
And my big hitters. Not exciting. The clefable is c/o Newcastle city centre cefairy farm
RE: Games
(24 Sep 2016, 7:32 pm)Adrian wrote My brother has done some distance with his Pikachu, and now has a Raichu. First one I've seen to be honest!
Apparently big ones are starting to appear in gyms.
We visited Lumley castle, this morning. Can't trespass on the golf course, but found one at the edge at spawning time (about quarter past the hour) - I caught, big'un's escaped. There was at least another but it didn't show up for us.
After 2 hatches and 2 catches, I now have 22 Pikachu candy. A way to go, yet. When I get to 300 magikarp candy (currently 274) I might swap over my buddy, for a bit.