(31 Oct 2016, 4:49 pm)cbma06 wrote I wouldn't be surprised if service 20 gets split on Hylton road with half doing the pennywell shops circular and other half turning right and going to south Hylton to replace service 8, there was a mention in the air that service 5 will retain the 30 minute route between Chester road and town but hourly from Chester road to gilley law while the other does hourly from Chester road to south Hylton via Holborn road, Helmsdale road (old 13/14 terminus) Hylton road to south Hylton, soon find out more info when the changes appear on VOSA in a couple of weeks.
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Only service which i could see getting an increase, would they have enough gas buses though, in total, they only have 5 spares out of the 40 gas buses.
Unless its the 18/19 getting increased....

Have those Enviro's from Scotland entered service yet?, if not, maybe they can used on the new Sunderland express service?