My EV has temporarily given in with a broken software update resorting into me needing a bus ride most days this week and I've noticed how much standards have fallen. I guess its natural since a lot of experienced good drivers have left and we've got newbies but by god....
A few from this week alone....
900 - the driver got lost twice, mounted two kerbs at a bus stop, had to reverse into a residential cul de sac and was generally in the wrong lane.
21 -
- coming onto High St West from the bus link - scraped all the way along the kerb.
- The same bus hit a roadworks sign turning onto John Dobson St
- Went around Gateshead Roundabout twice as didn't know the turning for Low Fell and then crawled along in the dark and rain as they were new to the route.
- Knocked a roadworks sign off whilst turning onto the Tyne Bridge.
- I don't know if its because they are new or if its a Streetdeck issue but without fail they all seem to be stalling or losing power at bus stops. You wait 5 minutes then get the audible fire suppression active and we're away
The poor Cannon bus stop has been whacked 3 times in a week.
X39 - can only assume these buses are fitted with handbrakes and not normal brakes.
I get it's tough to recruit and people have to learn but I've generally no idea how some of the drivers this week got their licence and worst of all - they look equally bloody terrified as the passengers!