(17 Mar 2023, 4:47 pm)Adrian wrote They've responded:
Noticed a 4 on the Highway last Sunday. Was heading between Mount Pleasant and Shiney. Just assumed the tunnel was shut.
Probably a short term reaction to the vandalism.
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(18 Mar 2023, 3:05 pm)Andreos1 wrote Noticed a 4 on the Highway last Sunday. Was heading between Mount Pleasant and Shiney. Just assumed the tunnel was shut.
Probably a short term reaction to the vandalism.
(19 Mar 2023, 12:29 pm)Rob44 wrote throwing masonary at a bus from a bridge - what would you call it childhood shenanigan's?
(19 Mar 2023, 1:04 pm)Adrian wrote It's not the point. As the previous poster stated, good luck trying to prove it's attempted murder. There has to be a specific intention there, which in this case, I highly doubt that there is.
That's not me defending or sticking up for people throwing ballast off the bridge at buses. It's completely reckless, and as we've seen, can cause serious injury or even death. I'm not sure what they'd go for as the charge though... maybe causing danger to road users under the Road Traffic Act?
Of course, catching them will be the first step, but the Police seem completely incapable of doing that.
(19 Mar 2023, 3:47 pm)Rob44 wrote https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/...d-15561923
(19 Mar 2023, 5:02 pm)Adrian wrote 'could' being the key word.
I'm presuming that Greater Manchester Police are trying to use the trumped up charge as a deterrent (and hopefully it works!), but they'd have to convince the CPS of it to get a case. Easier said than done.
(19 Mar 2023, 7:33 pm)Rob44 wrote I agree with what you say tbh except the trumped up bit. surely if you chuck/drop/catapult something at a bus, metro, lorry or out else and it hit you must know there's a chance it could kill someone? Even if it put one group of ferral youth from doing it than its worth it.Isn't that manslaughter? Rather than murder.
(20 Mar 2023, 8:07 pm)Rob44 wrote If I chuck you off a tall building and I die is that murder oranslaughter? As I didn't mean to kill you... It was just a bit of fun
(20 Mar 2023, 8:07 pm)Rob44 wrote If I chuck you off a tall building and I die is that murder oranslaughter? As I didn't mean to kill you... It was just a bit of fun
(20 Mar 2023, 9:46 pm)MurdnunoC wrote If you manage to chuck me off a building and you somehow die then I think that makes you either incredibly unlucky or incredibly stupid.No proof,no case
Now if I chucked you off a building and you die, the charge would depend on whatever happened in the moments previously. For example, if I chucked you off in a fit of rage or lured you up to the rooftop with the intention of throwing you off, that would be murder. If we were messing about and you fell because of my foolishness, that would be manslaughter with probable verdict being death by misadventure.
As said previously, it all comes down to intent, and the ability to prove that intent.
(21 Mar 2023, 8:18 am)Rob44 wrote My final though on this - if you chuck a lump of concrete off a bridge towards an oncoming bus what are you expecting to happen?
(21 Mar 2023, 8:18 am)Rob44 wrote My final though on this - if you chuck a lump of concrete off a bridge towards an oncoming bus what are you expecting to happen?
(21 Mar 2023, 12:48 pm)Rob44 wrote I have no words for this!
(11 Sep 2023, 9:36 pm)Unber43 wrote Has the vandalism stopped as it was really bad in the beginning of the year and now everything just seem to have quieted down.Light nights? See what happens when it's dark at 4pm again.