RE: Go North East - Latest
(10 Apr 2014, 5:57 pm)RGR756V wrote Not true. Many Unit 2 employees have a considerable amount of service but choose to be there due to personal preference. When I first started at Chester I was asked to go into unit 1 as I had held my PCV for a number of years.
I know that a lot of Unit 2 employees (I know one who did cover on Unit 1 for a couple of months and went back to Unit 2 because Unit 1 was like hell going backwards and forwards all day on the 21, for some reason he didn't get many runs on the X25 or 71) choose to stay on Unit 2 instead of going backwards and forwards all day, I'm just saying new PCV qualified drivers that have trained with the company start on Unit 2 for a number of reasons.
* A lot of varied routes to get them used to learning and remembering
* A variety of vehicles (mainly single deckers)
* Less pressure and less demanding than Unit 1
With Stanley I'm not entirely sure however, I think they start on Unit 1 and go onto Unit 2, or like Chester it could be the other way around?