158842 is currently in the North East for a C Exam at Heaton, And should be leaving on Friday/Saturday.
Talking about 158's, Its rumoured the first one could be up here as soon as September for Familiarisation.
And anyone who rides 142079 for the rest of its working life will find that it had a Engine Replacement helped out/assembled by me while on Work Experience, Only for me to help out on a B Exam on it the next day! Don't worry, Everything was bolted together tightly....

(09 May 2017, 5:27 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote [ -> ]158842 is currently in the North East for a C Exam at Heaton, And should be leaving on Friday/Saturday.
Talking about 158's, Its rumoured the first one could be up here as soon as September for Familiarisation.
And anyone who rides 142079 for the rest of its working life will find that it had a Engine Replacement helped out/assembled by me while on Work Experience, Only for me to help out on a B Exam on it the next day! Don't worry, Everything was bolted together tightly.... 
What are the 158s replacing!
Also what is when is replacing the 142s on the Bishop line!
Strike action is planned for Tuesday 30 May.
We will do our best to keep you on the move. However, we will be operating a reduced service and expect all services to be busy. Customers are advised to give themselves more time to travel and to consider whether their journey is necessary.
(09 May 2017, 7:37 pm)pdiddy wrote [ -> ]What are the 158s replacing!
Also what is when is replacing the 142s on the Bishop line!
Just noticed this
158's will be coming in New Northern Connect Spec for the merging of the current 1x Hour Newcastle-Carlisle Service with a new Semi-Fast express Service to Middlesbrough via the ECML calling at Chester-Le-Street,Durham and onwards to Middlesbrough via the Stillington Line at Ferryhill, There will continue to be a 1x Hour Middlesbrough/Nunthorpe via Durham Coast Service and the Hexham short will continue to Carlisle forming a Half Hourly Service.
Last 142's should be leaving by 3rd Quarter 2019, So basically late Summer/ Autumn time.
A nice little retro surprise on 142 015 earlier.
Arriva's new logo now features on the Northern livery.
![[Image: 20622127_1486752341347807_31170542922067...e=5A340D5C]](https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20622127_1486752341347807_3117054292206776104_n.jpg?oh=7a7f78d49a4d26e4fc20323070c24f6a&oe=5A340D5C)
Courtesy of Northern.
What month/year was it when the trains would be running half hourly from Newcastle to Boro via Sunderland?
Never. The plan is still to run the Carlisle - Newcastle - Middlesbrough Northern Connect via Durham.
(18 Aug 2017, 1:33 am)markydh wrote [ -> ]Never. The plan is still to run the Carlisle - Newcastle - Middlesbrough Northern Connect via Durham.
Yes, Not the full Durham Coast. But I believe a additional Metrocentre/Newcastle/Heworth/Sunderland service is still in the pipeline, Probably by extending one of the shuttles, Was numbered "TW1" in the document.
While at Heaton I was in a conversation with a two high up's while on my break and that there was potential for a North East-York stopping service, More likely if the full reopening of the Leamside get's the go ahead, With it being " Not too long away " Of course this could just be speculation, But with the man that mentioned it being pretty high up, They could be some truth in it....
Track access applications for the May 2018 timetable change have been submitted. Major changes in the North East include: -
* Extension of Hexham terminators to Carlisle. The service pattern will now (mostly) be Carlisle - Middlesbrough and Carlisle to Morpeth.
* More weekday evening services on the Morpeth - Metrocentre and Newcastle - Middlesbrough routes.
* Extension of some Whitby services to Newcastle and Carlisle.
Between the 6 and 14 January a major track renewal project will take place near Newcastle station. This involves the closure of a bridge and a reduction in the number of trains that can enter Newcastle station from the South.
Northern services will be affected by this work. Trains between Newcastle and the Metrocentre will be replaced by buses.
Full timetables will be available to download here 2 weeks prior to the start of the work. Individual train times are already available at nationalrail.co.uk
(18 Nov 2017, 10:07 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Between the 6 and 14 January a major track renewal project will take place near Newcastle station. This involves the closure of a bridge and a reduction in the number of trains that can enter Newcastle station from the South.
Northern services will be affected by this work. Trains between Newcastle and the Metrocentre will be replaced by buses.
Full timetables will be available to download here 2 weeks prior to the start of the work. Individual train times are already available at nationalrail.co.uk
More info has appeared on the Northumberland County Council site:
When the new connect service starts between Boro - Durham - Carlisle with 158s ... is this going via Darlo (non stop)
Also what is happening to trains from Nunthorpe and Boro via Sunderland, Are these all only going as far as Metrocentre or Newcastle?
When are these changes due to take place ?
The plan is to run via the Stillington Branch so it won’t pass through Darlo.
I know it is used as a Diversion for the ECML when a blockade is in effect, but is the Stillington Line up to scratch for a full passenger service on the line, shame the Leamside could not be re-opened...A Leamside and Stillington full passenger and freight service could surely free up paths on the ECML between Newcastle and Northallerton and free some space on the Durham Coast line.
Out of interest whats happening with the Blyth and Tyne, will that ever has passenger services re-instated as people have campaigned for donkeys years to have it reopened
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Transport Focus are out and about today. Handing out leaflets for the latest train survey.
Having murdunoC stylee issues this afternoon, so unable to add photo
(26 Feb 2018, 4:37 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]Sunderland MP ‘disappointed’ that new trains will not run through city
Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk
Sunderland ,Hartlepool and middlesbrough line has for decades been the poor relations to Newcastle area,regarding dmuunits.while the old pacers are going shortly,you have to give them some tribute.these units were a cheap build by BR in the 80s.they were supposed to be a stop gap if I remember correctly,after getting rid of the first generation dmus. pacers were built to last 15-20 years at most. Because they are still running today, bears some testament to the trains themselves.the depot staff have to be recognised for their skills at keeping these trains on the rails way past their working life date.while some will be sorry to see these units go,the majority will welcome their demise.while class 158/156 dmus are a slight step up on the pacers,it is a disgrace that the seaham coast line will not get better ,newer trains, as these units were built I think in the early 90s.
(07 Apr 2018, 1:29 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Transport Focus are out and about today. Handing out leaflets for the latest train survey.
Having murdunoC stylee issues this afternoon, so unable to add photo
Front page of the survey.
Have the Scottish cascades started?
2W27 operated by a ScotRail liveried 156.
(12 Jun 2018, 11:54 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Have the Scottish cascades started?
2W27 operated by a ScotRail liveried 156.
ScotRail 156s now do a lot more in North East than just the runs along the Tyne Valley Line up to Glasgow, see link to railforums.co.uk below: