(24 Apr 2015, 8:39 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]The real question is how did you find a Tumblr account named Ed Milliband Being Sexy?
We're you searching for those images of Ed photoshopped on David Beckham and Borat's body's?
Yeah Andreos...
Looking for Ed Miliband Being Sexy...Is there something you want to tell us mate

(24 Apr 2015, 8:42 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]After watching The Last Leg last night, I would like to be a porn star named Tori Manifesto.
You know everytime you hear that now that is what is going to pop up.
"I think there is some good things about Tory Manifesto and will put out a lot of good things" [emoji1]
Down take the above out of that context.
(24 Apr 2015, 8:39 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]The real question is how did you find a Tumblr account named Ed Milliband Being Sexy?
We're you searching for those images of Ed photoshopped on David Beckham and Borat's body's?
(24 Apr 2015, 8:42 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Yeah Andreos...
Looking for Ed Miliband Being Sexy...Is there something you want to tell us mate 
Well... *coughs*
(24 Apr 2015, 8:42 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]After watching The Last Leg last night, I would like to be a porn star named Tori Manifesto.
I didn't see it. Question Time was quite funny last night though.
(24 Apr 2015, 8:58 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Well... *coughs*
I didn't see it. Question Time was quite funny last night though.
Yeah, I watched that too.
There seemed to be a bromance brewing between Billy Haig and the SNP guy at one point. The way they were looking at each other...
Decent little interview/profile of Natalie Bennett in the Metro today if anyone is considering voting Green.
Sturgeon on BBC1 currently.
Revealed her granny was from the Sunderland area and brushed over the question on bus de-regulation.
This time it was the conservatives turn to put there 'stuff' through the letterbox. So.. I was feeling creative and done a 'mock up' of it! And if anyone tells me that they're not identical then they are quite clearly deluded [emoji1]
![[Image: 32f7e72e821d8677ab06306d492d561f.jpg]](http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/04/27/32f7e72e821d8677ab06306d492d561f.jpg)
(27 Apr 2015, 9:53 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]This time it was the conservatives turn to put there 'stuff' through the letterbox. So.. I was feeling creative and done a 'mock up' of it! And if anyone tells me that they're not identical then they are quite clearly deluded [emoji1]![[Image: 32f7e72e821d8677ab06306d492d561f.jpg]](http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/04/27/32f7e72e821d8677ab06306d492d561f.jpg)
I attended a hustings event in Rowlands Gill on Friday where Allison Griffiths was on the panel. I don't think anyone in the room were particularly impressed by what she had to say.
(27 Apr 2015, 9:57 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]I attended a hustings event in Rowlands Gill on Friday where Allison Griffiths was on the panel. I don't think anyone in the room were particularly impressed by what she had to say.
She's pretty much poimtless if I'm honest. I know it sounds horrible but it's true. She doesn't even live in the area for a start! She lives in battersea.
I take it Mark Bell wasn't there?
(27 Apr 2015, 9:59 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]She's pretty much poimtless if I'm honest. I know it sounds horrible but it's true. She doesn't even live in the area for a start! She lives in battersea.
I take it Mark Bell wasn't there?
I guess the 'left-wing liberal' audience which hustings/question time/political panel events are presumed to attract were too much for poor UKIP to bear. Allison Griffiths may have been disliked, and at one point jeered, but at least she had the bottle to show up in an attempt to appeal to the local (and rather hostile) electorate.
Where was Mark Bell?
We've had nothing from him. It has been stated by UKIP though that what is the point of even trying if you know you have no chance of coming close to winning. I can see why
(27 Apr 2015, 10:09 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]We've had nothing from him. It has been stated by UKIP though that what is the point of even trying if you know you have no chance of coming close to winning. I can see why
That's such a defeatist attitude though. Completely inexcusable when the party constantly promote themselves as the voice of the disillusioned. Makes you wonder what else they'll simply write-off if things don't go their way.
If your in Wrekenton (If I'm correct) either Blaydon or Gateshead. If your under Gateshead then your UKIP parliamentary candidate is John Tennant
(27 Apr 2015, 10:15 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]I've had a UKIP leaflet through my door. I'm sure we're in the same constituency. It basically says something along of the lines of "We're the party who are the closest challengers to Labour". They then harp on about their incredibly close 2nd in the Heysham and Middleton (I think it's called that) by-election last year. The leaflet is also very generic. There's no mention whatsoever about the candidate name.
I'm in the Blaydon constituency and I've received no leaflet. But what the leaflet says illustrates my point. If UKIP are the 'closest challengers to Labour' (which, in Blaydon, I seriously doubt), why back down from the challenge?
Yep that's Blaydon and your candidate for UKIP will be Mark Bell
(27 Apr 2015, 10:33 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Exactly. If UKIP can't be bothered to put in a half-hearted campaign, whether it be not turning up to public meetings/debates, and creating a poor, generic campaign leaflet, then why should we vote for them, regardless of whether we agree or disagree with their policies? Personally, I don't, but my point still stands.
For me, I'm still undecided, but it's a toss between Labour and the Greens.
Now, now, UKIP
has put in a half-hearted campaign in some parts of the country...
Now that's how you advertise

Got my postal ballot through the door today so i'll be casting my vote tonight and sending it away tomorrow

The people of New Kyo, South Moor, South Stanley and Tanfield Lea had a campaign bus go through today. In the form of 3822 and a few school kids (including myself) pressing a 'Vote Labour' sign against the bus window. We got a few thumbs up along the way plus a couple of no's but we did our best

(28 Apr 2015, 4:29 pm)Robert wrote [ -> ]The people of New Kyo, South Moor, South Stanley and Tanfield Lea had a campaign bus go through today. In the form of 3822 and a few school kids (including myself) pressing a 'Vote Labour' sign against the bus window. We got a few thumbs up along the way plus a couple of no's but we did our best 
Nice to see the young-uns taking an interest in promoting politics.
What was the impetus behind the campaigning? Do people in your school have a strong desire to promote the cause of the Labour party? Or did someone simply happen to find a 'Vote Labour' sign and decided to display it for a bit of laugh?
(28 Apr 2015, 4:33 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Nice to see the young-uns taking an interest in promoting politics.
What was the impetus behind the campaigning? Do people in your school have a strong desire to promote the cause of the Labour party? Or did someone simply happen to find a 'Vote Labour' sign and decided to display it for a bit of laugh?
Some Sixth Formers did something regarding politics and certain people were given stuff for each party in signs and other propaganda etc. We managed to get hold of one of these on the bus of course and honestly, was absolutely fantastic and we got so many laughs out of it - i actually didnt want to give it back to the owner.
(27 Apr 2015, 10:09 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]We've had nothing from him. It has been stated by UKIP though that what is the point of even trying if you know you have no chance of coming close to winning. I can see why
As a legend once said - “If you fight you won’t always win. But if you don’t fight you will always lose”
(28 Apr 2015, 11:34 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]http://news.bfnn.co.uk/prof-stephen-hawk...n-twitter/
Stephen Hawking launches into twitter tirade against David Cameron
Said the autocorrect on his computer was playing up...what was he trying to say for that to come out?
(28 Apr 2015, 11:39 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Love the poll at the bottom of the page in the link you provided. The results are almost unanimous.
About 92% Yes

I know I have asked mentioned it before...
About a National Government...
If most parties would not entertain the idea of the SNP, would it not be best for some sort of deal between Labour and Tories thrashed out and take any power away from the SNP...
I dont mean a full Con/Lab Coalition, but a confidence and supply deal, would that not stop the SNP in there tracks
I have had leaflets for the Conservatives, UKIP, Lib Dems and The N.E Party...
Still waiting for Labour, BNP and Greens(if them 2 are standing)
Finally received my UKIP mailshot through in the post today. I found the candidate blurb to be a bit general to be honest. The same blurb, slightly modified, could be used to describe any candidate standing in any constituency. That said, the literature presented by the other parties hasn't been that much better. I've still yet to receive a mailshot from the Greens.