I got mine from Labour today, am tempted to drop buy their office and give it them back in am honest.
Looking at the online Polls and it seems like this Election is going to be fun as Predictions are showing that Con and Lib Dems will not have the required number of seats to make another Col and if an agreement was made Labour and SNP would have the same issue!
(30 Apr 2015, 11:34 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I have had leaflets for the Conservatives, UKIP, Lib Dems and The N.E Party...
Still waiting for Labour, BNP and Greens(if them 2 are standing)
It is interesting that you mention the BNP.
The BNP fielded a candidate in Blaydon in 2010 but have no candidates standing in 2015. In 2010, the BNP managed to secure 2,277 votes in Blaydon and managed to keep their deposit - scraping by with 5.1% of the vote share.
In 2010, UKIP did not field a candidate. Mark Bell is standing this time round as previously discussed. It'll be interesting to see whether UKIP are able to secure more votes than the BNP in the upcoming election. If they manage to secure more or less the same amount, then I'd suggest it's a crude indication of where the base of UKIP support lies within the constituency of Blaydon.
(01 May 2015, 6:01 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]He just doesn't learn does he?
Complaining about such trivialities only serves to ridicule him, his party, and their supporters even more.
It is pretty poor really complaining about some rather minor stuff said on a comedy show. They seem to be doing this every time something doesn't go their way, its like a child wanting an ice cream but the child's parents say no so the child then starts crying in the hope mummy and daddy get them an ice cream - I think that's basically describes it.
I would say more on the matter but I may get reported to the police

(01 May 2015, 6:09 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]It is pretty poor really complaining about some rather minor stuff said on a comedy show. They seem to be doing this every time something doesn't go their way, its like a child wanting an ice cream but the child's parents say no so the child then starts crying in the hope mummy and daddy get them an ice cream - I think that's basically describes it.
I would say more on the matter but I may get reported to the police 
I would absolutely love it if Big Nige reported me to the police. Not that it would amount to much mind. I'm not regulated by Ofcom so I'm entitled to my own personal opinion peppered with any amount of vitriolic bias to boot.
(01 May 2015, 5:57 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]UKIP reports Have I Got News for You to the police.
He wad peed off at the BBC the other week, when he claimed the audience was chosen to be against (or something like that) boo hoo Big Nige, you big man child
(01 May 2015, 6:01 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]He just doesn't learn does he?
Complaining about such trivialities only serves to ridicule him, his party, and their supporters even more.
Hasn't Big Nige appeared on HIGNFY a number of times in the past
(01 May 2015, 6:09 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]It is pretty poor really complaining about some rather minor stuff said on a comedy show. They seem to be doing this every time something doesn't go their way, its like a child wanting an ice cream but the child's parents say no so the child then starts crying in the hope mummy and daddy get them an ice cream - I think that's basically describes it.
I would say more on the matter but I may get reported to the police 
I won't forget Russell Howard upsetting/taking piss out of the English Defence League on his Good News show
EDL members and sympathisers were even talking about demonstrating at his gigs and whereever he was on TV...idiots
(01 May 2015, 6:30 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Hasn't Big Nige appeared on HIGNFY a number of times in the past
I won't forget Russell Howard upsetting/taking piss out of the English Defence League on his Good News show
Apparently he was on the last series of HIGNFY.
EDL are idiots.
I wonder if Nigel Farage will be flying around in a plane on Election Day
We should be able to remember what happened in 2010
UKIP Nigel Farage Plane Crash
Would not wish that on anybody, must have been a real brown trousers moment
Watching a Welsh Political Debate...
Leanne Wood definately has that milf thing going on there, I also love her sexy little accent
I would definately get Wood for Leanne if she popped my house [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY][FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY][FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
Wanna shit on some politicians, check out this mad little app pigeon poop
Pigeon Poop
![[Image: 78d1bf7e818d822ba0155b1393c5717b.jpg]](http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/05/01/78d1bf7e818d822ba0155b1393c5717b.jpg)
Just joined Labour, £1 per year as I'm in the 14-19 age bracket
ukip candidate suspended for threatening to shoot tory rival
Oh no, UKIP members showing there true colours yet again
Ukip has suspended one of its parliamentary candidates just two days before the general election after a video emerged in which he appears to threaten to shoot his Tory rival.
In a secret recording made as part of an investigation by the Mirror, Robert Blay, who was standing in North East Hampshire, was shown declaring that he "absolutely loathes" Conservative candidate Ranil Jayawardena.
Ukip has now apologised to Mr Jayawardena for Mr Blay's "abhorrent" remarks.
In the video, Blay said:
If he is I will personally put a bullet between his eyes.
If this lad turns up to be our Prime Minister, I will personally put a bullet in him. That’s how strong I feel about it.
I won’t have this f***** as our Prime Minister. I absolutely loathe him.
He also goes on to claim Mr Jayawardena was not "British enough" to stand for MP as his family only moved to the UK in the 70s, and said of the constituency - widely considered a safe Tory seat: "I've always said in my constituency you could put a monkey out there with a blue rosette on and it would win."
What a clown
And they will always get exposed like this because, rightfully or wrongfully, that's how people (some members included) view UKIP - an acceptable brand of jingoism with a xenophobic political outlook.
On Thursday TV channel E4 will close down between 7am-7pm in a bid to get younger people to go out in vote in the election.
Bit pointless really as it is too late to register to vote and do we really think people watching repeats of the Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother in the middle of the day would really bother to go out and vote and in fairness do we really want people watching E4 daytime repeats to affect the outcome of who will run the country.
I have to say that I sort of fall into this category as I haven't registered to vote and even if I did I probably still wouldn't vote simply because I do not know enough about this sort of thing so I wouldn't begin to know who to vote for and I would rather not vote than just pick a party at random as I would not want to feel responsible for making the decision I had made if things go wrong. I just don't have enough interest and enough knowledge to know who to vote for and some of the things they come out with, I wish I did know more and could take an interest but I just can't seem to find any real interest in this and to make a sensible decision of who to vote for.
My vote has already been cast. Postal voting together with various methods of implementing direct democracy will probably do more encourage voting than shutting down a television station for a day.
(05 May 2015, 10:55 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]My vote has already been cast. Postal voting together with various methods of implementing direct democracy will probably do more encourage voting than shutting down a television station for a day.
Most will probably just watch Jezza Kyle and Judge Judy repeats on ITV2 instead.
I don't think enough is done in getting younger people to vote, it seems like all the attention to get younger people to vote seems to go to the ones who already have some knowledge on it and will vote but could be just a case of not decided which party to vote for. There seems to have been nothing much aimed at getting the likes of me interested in voting, it's just a bunch of people saying "young people, voting matters" that gives me zero help, I have very little understanding about what is actually going on right now and what it all really means.
I hoping these posts don't make me sound thick or anything but I am getting headache just thinking about this. I wish I was more interested and knowledgeable but it's just not there which is a shame.
I hope everyone has either posted their postal votes, or made some time tomorrow to go and vote!

(06 May 2015, 8:39 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I hope everyone has either posted their postal votes, or made some time tomorrow to go and vote! 
First thing I will do tomorrow before I goto Seaham
(06 May 2015, 8:39 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I hope everyone has either posted their postal votes, or made some time tomorrow to go and vote! 
Postal vote signed, sealed and posted.
Took about half an hour to work out which envelope went in where, but hopefully I cracked it
Article on the obsession to announce first
Thoughts on the attached?
(07 May 2015, 6:55 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Thoughts on the attached?
Most of that is bull shit, people are only saying that because they want to deny most of the "real" stuff hes going on about, such as immigration problems and the fact people can still get benefits for their children when they aren't even in the country!
Green Party is a load of do gooders, wanting to do things which will wreak the country, £10 minimum wage, businesses struggle with the current one!
Labour - did fuck all for us while they were in power!
Conservatives - Done quite a bit for the NE while in power, example, gave us funding for the bridge - although they still for the rich!
Liberal Democrats - Nah rather not - Cameron's pets!
Personally i'm not voting...
Shame The Monster Raving Looney Party are not standing in Easington...I would vote for them lol
We're having our own election in school. We actually have a UKIP parliamentary candidate in our sixth form... I'm working with him today!
Irregardless of who I go and vote for, I know Labour are just going to retain the seat, as that many people will just vote blindly for them
(07 May 2015, 8:13 am)beefcake wrote [ -> ]Irregardless of who I go and vote for, I know Labour are just going to retain the seat, as that many people will just vote blindly for them
My dad always says our Constituency is like Hartlepool...Labour could put a monkey up for election and it would be voted in [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
We'd probably hang said monkey first, and then vote it in
(07 May 2015, 8:19 am)beefcake wrote [ -> ]We'd probably hang said monkey first, and then vote it in
You lot did vote a monkey in, H'angus for Mayor
Stewart Drummond or someone weren't it?
Didn't he dump the monkey suit as soon as he took the Mayors job
We did vote him in back in 2002, and he did drop the suit as soon as he got the job. He only got ousted after Labour realised they couldn't beat him in the mayoral election so voted to scrap the post. Still didn't get my free bananas he promised either.
(07 May 2015, 9:02 am)beefcake wrote [ -> ]We did vote him in back in 2002, and he did drop the suit as soon as he got the job. He only got ousted after Labour realised they couldn't beat him in the mayoral election so voted to scrap the post. Still didn't get my free bananas he promised either.
Did he stay Independent right through his time as mayor, I thought he aligned himself with The Labour Party