(13 Dec 2015, 12:53 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]The background story to this doesn't make me happy. Far from it.
It is the fact he has managed to play and perform, after a horrible week.
It takes a strong man to do what he has done.
Massive respect to Harry Arter.
I second that...
He did not have to do it...I certainly would not have the strength to go out there...
What was he booked for? the ref could have shown a little compassion
(13 Dec 2015, 1:00 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I second that...
He did not have to do it...I certainly would not have the strength to go out there...
What was he booked for? the ref could have shown a little compassion
Not sure, but Arter doesn't look too happy about it in the photo.
He was subbed moments later too.
(13 Dec 2015, 1:32 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Not sure, but Arter doesn't look too happy about it in the photo.
He was subbed moments later too.
Subbing him at that point was probably best, as you say he was not amused, the logical thing to do was get him out of there.
Fair play to him for turning out, he could have certainly stayed away if he wanted to and nobody would have thought any worse of him
I had a decent day (For once). I enjoyed all four bus journeys I had, all four buses were great. Also, I found out that I break up for christmas on Thursday. Just a shame I have to go in on my Birthday.
its been all over the news Tim Peake made a successful launch to the International Space Station he has arrived safe and am proud of this guy from Chichester in Sussex to Baikonour is an amazing achievement plus Xmas party was good alllowed to watch the launch despite my iphone kept on buffer but overall i am happy for this guy one of my favourite British astronauts
Despite it being a sad time at the moment for me...
The support I have had on Facebook is simply amazing and despite not wanting it on Facebook originally my mam has found comfort in reading through it...
I knew my sister was popular, but it seems like half of Murton and East Durham knew her and her funeral next Wednesday will most likely end up being standing room only in the Chapel...
I am also in charge of her gonetoosoon page, in just over 24 hours, it has had about 1500 views and around 300 shares

Finished college until next year
Earned over £60 selling bus leaflets on ebay.
(18 Dec 2015, 1:03 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]Earned over £60 selling bus leaflets on ebay.
Might make a fortune at rallies oh well I'm planning to keep some bus timetables for years to come
(18 Dec 2015, 2:15 am)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]I'm planning to keep some bus timetables for years to come
That's my plan too.
Done a good deed today by helping somebody out to look for a place and guiding them to where it was feel like I've been a Good Samaritan today by doing this deed
Initially it was just seeing Zig and Zag on TFI. Then Gabby Roslin appeared too.
Two totally different reactions, but both positive.
(18 Dec 2015, 9:09 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Initially it was just seeing Zig and Zag on TFI. Then Gabby Roslin appeared too.
Two totally different reactions, but both positive.
Loved Zig and Zag when i was young, was great seen them on the TV again, havent changed, still funny.
(18 Dec 2015, 9:09 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Initially it was just seeing Zig and Zag on TFI. Then Gabby Roslin appeared too.
Two totally different reactions, but both positive.
i remember them but only just when i was little
Pretty pleased with the amount of hits that I'm getting on my Flickr for the photos that I've uploaded.
Suprised to have managed to "score" with someone. Hopefully we can meet up in the new year.
Got a nice free lunch today a kebab pizza and some cool liquids (soft drinks) and I never had kebab pizza with chips before until today and it tasted fantastic and now I saved £5 as a result so am happy
(24 Dec 2015, 3:40 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]Got a nice free lunch today a kebab pizza and some cool liquids (soft drinks) and I never had kebab pizza with chips before until today and it tasted fantastic and now I saved £5 as a result so am happy
I never seem to have such luck!
(24 Dec 2015, 3:51 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I never seem to have such luck!
That's luck for you sometimes you get it sometimes you don't things happen in life
(25 Dec 2015, 4:39 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]It is Christmas!!!!!!!
Have you just found out? [emoji14]
(23 Dec 2015, 1:27 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]Suprised to have managed to "score" with someone. Hopefully we can meet up in the new year.
I thought you already a fella Gary 😕
(25 Dec 2015, 5:55 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I thought you already a fella Gary ?
We broke up at the end of November, he could cope with the stress of a relationship. Told me it wasn't my fault. We still friends though.
Cos I am stuck in a 90's timewarp (and would grow back my curtains given half a chance), I was over the moon to receive the two books that were on my Christmas list.
'Touching Distance' and 'Pavel is a Geordie' - signed by Robert Lee and Pavel Srnicek respectfully, were sitting all wrapped up yesterday.
The Pav book is one I think will be a bit poignant, bearing in mind his circumstances at the moment.
(25 Dec 2015, 11:07 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]We broke up at the end of November, he could cope with the stress of a relationship. Told me it wasn't my fault. We still friends though.
Oh right...Sorry, never realised, with all the stuff I got going on
I appear to have gotten 25 little packets of Haribo's in a tub which should only contain 24 packets!
(26 Dec 2015, 7:21 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I appear to have gotten 25 little packets of Haribo's in a tub which should only contain 24 packets!
Jimmi's won the lottery
What's made me happy today is the football results. Finding it hilarious that the Premiership is completely beyond anything we've seen recently.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens becomes fastest to take $1bn
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has become the fastest film to take $1bn (£674m) at the global box office.
JJ Abrams' film achieved the feat in 12 days, beating the previous record of 13 days set by Jurassic World in June.
Going to watch Darlo tomorrow up in Blyth...
I was going on my own originally, but now my mam and dad want to go, I did not think they would be up for it being in public so soon after the death of my sister 2 weeks ago...But I love the family time we are having...
Even the enemy wants to come with us, I promised to take her down to Whitby on Easter Monday for her first ever match when we play Whitby Town [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
Finally found some nice big mugs to replace the ones that have been falling apart - with one of them exploding rather spectacularly, the other week.
I'd already decided I'd probably get some, but was wavering because, lovely as they are, they're pretty steep at £14 each. Turned out that TKMaxx had some for half price, with one with a slightly wonky handle knocked all the way down to £3. I shall be visiting the one in Newcastle, tomorrow, to see if they have any more in nice colours (ie not beige!)