Awkward happiness, but seeing Rosberg go out of the race with a mechanical failure.
I like both him and Hamilton as they've provided some cracking finishes this season, but ultimately I always want to see Hamilton and Button do well.
Watching the end of the Tour de France reminds me of this stunt performed by French prankster, Remi Gaillard.
(03 Jul 2014, 4:46 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Not a Schadenfreude by any stretch of the imagination - but watching someone dig their own grave and not realise, has left me with a very big grin on my face indeed! 
More holes being dug and judging by the panic on said persons face, the pressure is getting to them!
(07 Jul 2014, 8:23 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]More holes being dug and judging by the panic on said persons face, the pressure is getting to them!
It's brilliant when that happens. Especially when they come running to you for help.

(08 Jul 2014, 7:37 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Thunder and Lightning =D
This should be in the "What's annoying you today?" thread!
I could be compated to a drowned rat at present.
(08 Jul 2014, 7:47 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]This should be in the "What's annoying you today?" thread!
I could be compated to a drowned rat at present.
haha! its your own fault from going out in it
saying that... i have to go out soon, as i'm getting my hair cut haha
School cancelled so off for the day.

School on strike tomorrow so my last day of lessons in Y7 is Friday as next week is activities week and on Monday i'm going to lightwater valley.
(09 Jul 2014, 5:00 pm)danpick wrote [ -> ]School on strike tomorrow so my last day of lessons in Y7 is Friday as next week is activities week and on Monday i'm going to lightwater valley.
=D, a nice lie in!
Iv'e being on strike since i finished uni for the year, i haven't even looked at my handouts etc, the teacher recommended the whole class to read everything again... YE what ever haha
This lass in Peterlee this morning, wearing quite a short dress, gust of wind blew it up round her waist...
Being the perverted minded person I am, made sure I had a good look, one of the nicest arse's I have ever seen..
Seeing all the folk who came through to the public sector strike rally in Newcastle today. Massive turn out and great speakers.
Images credit to NCJ Media.
Eventually finding a holiday that didn't involve my eyes been taken out too much and booking it!
(10 Jul 2014, 7:02 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Eventually finding a holiday that didn't involve my eyes been taken out too much and booking it!
And in the school holidays too?
(10 Jul 2014, 7:03 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]And in the school holidays too?
Hopefully the photos give the place a realistic look.
The online reviews seem positive!
(10 Jul 2014, 7:05 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Aye.
Hopefully the photos give the place a realistic look.
The online reviews seem positive!
Glad you've sorted somewhere. It's shocking what these companies do when summer comes around. All this talk about reducing their tax is nonsense. It's a purely commercial decision to up prices during school holidays.
(10 Jul 2014, 9:58 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Watching Jurassic park 
T rex has to be my fav 
Nah. It has to be the raptor.
I'm off to Germany with the school tomorrow morning. Got to be at the school for 5:30 in the morning. Arrive at the hostel at about 9:00.
Spent the entire English lesson today in a class discussion - discussing Pokémon with my teacher
Somebody brought up Gameboys - and he suddenly had a smile from ear to ear and he burst out saying he used to play on Blue. Was absolutely creased - looked like he'd just won the lottery!
(11 Jul 2014, 4:28 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I'm off to Germany with the school tomorrow morning. Got to be at the school for 5:30 in the morning. Arrive at the hostel at about 9:00.
Spent the entire English lesson today in a class discussion - discussing Pokémon with my teacher 
Somebody brought up Gameboys - and he suddenly had a smile from ear to ear and he burst out saying he used to play on Blue. Was absolutely creased - looked like he'd just won the lottery!
Nothing better when a lesson moves to a random subject and u spend all the lesson talking about it.
I still have my pokemon games and cards XD
(11 Jul 2014, 4:28 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I'm off to Germany with the school tomorrow morning. Got to be at the school for 5:30 in the morning. Arrive at the hostel at about 9:00.
Spent the entire English lesson today in a class discussion - discussing Pokémon with my teacher 
Somebody brought up Gameboys - and he suddenly had a smile from ear to ear and he burst out saying he used to play on Blue. Was absolutely creased - looked like he'd just won the lottery!
Potentially giving up my anonymity here - but we had a teacher who when made redundant from the shipyards - spent time travelling.
He often used to share tales of his adventures (better at that than teaching) and mentioned about a time he was in Papua New Guinea.
Wandering in the middle of nowhere, he heard electronic beeping coming from a short distance away.
As he got closer, he realised a kid from a tribe was playing on a Game Boy, left by a fellow traveller.
Presumably a stash of batteries were left as I can't see the leccy supply being too hot out there.
(11 Jul 2014, 4:50 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Nothing better when a lesson moves to a random subject and u spend all the lesson talking about it.
I still have my pokemon games and cards XD
Oh trust me - some of my teachers (well, ex-teachers seeing as I've finished school for the year) just have to jump in when a new, normally controversial topic comes about.
(11 Jul 2014, 5:27 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Oh trust me - some of my teachers (well, ex-teachers seeing as I've finished school for the year) just have to jump in when a new, normally controversial topic comes about.
One of the best things about school - when teachers share their views on a controversial topic (even though they're apparently not allowed to - they have to 'sit on the fence' and remain impartial in case it influences our views).
Here's what made me happy today...
Over the past few days, store management have really recognised the hard work and effort I've put in, and have often complimented me. It was also mentioned that unlike many in the store, I looked happy to be there... Debatable, but I was the only one singing along to the music playing in-store quietly to myself...
Indeed the compliments have been replicated by other members of staff too! An older member of staff on the bakery department (of whom I had not even seen prior to today) came up to me this afternoon whilst the department manager was standing next to me and said how she knew it wasn't her place to say given that she isn't even on my department, but she's been watching me over the past few days and has been incredibly impressed by the amount of effort that I've put in. She said that she has seen so many students on work experience come to the store, put no effort in, and leave before the work experience placement expired - and how it was so refreshing and wonderful to see a massive amount of enthusiasm being put into the job.
On the subject of students ditching the work experience placement before 17:00 on the Friday came, I was told fairly early on in the week that some students last year came on the Monday morning, went out for their lunch, and did not return! Mind, I must say if I had been doing it in Year 10 (like most schools do), I don't think I could have coped with it.
(11 Jul 2014, 5:48 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]One of the best things about school - when teachers share their views on a controversial topic (even though they're apparently not allowed to - they have to 'sit on the fence' and remain impartial in case it influences our views).
Here's what made me happy today...
![[Image: 10518259_350164138466311_1979541867_n.jpg]](
Over the past few days, store management have really recognised the hard work and effort I've put in, and have often complimented me. It was also mentioned that unlike many in the store, I looked happy to be there... Debatable, but I was the only one singing along to the music playing in-store quietly to myself... 
Indeed the compliments have been replicated by other members of staff too! An older member of staff on the bakery department (of whom I had not even seen prior to today) came up to me this afternoon whilst the department manager was standing next to me and said how she knew it wasn't her place to say given that she isn't even on my department, but she's been watching me over the past few days and has been incredibly impressed by the amount of effort that I've put in. She said that she has seen so many students on work experience come to the store, put no effort in, and leave before the work experience placement expired - and how it was so refreshing and wonderful to see a massive amount of enthusiasm being put into the job.
On the subject of students ditching the work experience placement before 17:00 on the Friday came, I was told fairly early on in the week that some students last year came on the Monday morning, went out for their lunch, and did not return! Mind, I must say if I had been doing it in Year 10 (like most schools do), I don't think I could have coped with it.
The compliments certainly can't do any harm

why don't you write to one of those managers in a couple weeks time and enquire about part time work? I know Sainsburys over this way do a lot of part time contracts for students in sixth form/college, but unlike most places, you at least get a set amount of hours per week.
(11 Jul 2014, 6:18 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]The compliments certainly can't do any harm
why don't you write to one of those managers in a couple weeks time and enquire about part time work? I know Sainsburys over this way do a lot of part time contracts for students in sixth form/college, but unlike most places, you at least get a set amount of hours per week.
One of the lads today said it'll be a shame not having me around as an extra pair of hands! Gotta say, unless the rotas were worked around people being in for Work Experience, they would have struggled this week... I think today was the only day when they weren't short staffed really! Can't remember if I mentioned it on here or not, but I had the entire department to myself all morning yesterday (well, with the other lad I was doing work experience with... but he's about as good as a blind lifeguard.
I know that employers can't discriminate against me for age (officially), but given the fact, at a guess, nobody in there was under the age of 25... Think it says a lot.
We were told that we should write a thank you letter (which I intend on doing), and I had originally planned to say I'd be more than happy to work part-time on evenings/weekends during term time... Not sure about adding that extra bit in now, but we'll wait and see.
(11 Jul 2014, 4:57 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Potentially giving up my anonymity here - but we had a teacher who when made redundant from the shipyards - spent time travelling.
He often used to share tales of his adventures (better at that than teaching) and mentioned about a time he was in Papua New Guinea.
Wandering in the middle of nowhere, he heard electronic beeping coming from a short distance away.
As he got closer, he realised a kid from a tribe was playing on a Game Boy, left by a fellow traveller.
Presumably a stash of batteries were left as I can't see the leccy supply being too hot out there.
I remember one of my mates going visiting a Russian Orphanage back in late 90's, it was upsetting for him what he saw, the kids had nothing at all, ran a guilt trip on himself and left all of his clothes he went out for the Russian kids...
Another story unrelated to the above, another mate went to Romania with Save The Children, while there he bought a gun shaped cigarette lighter, he got pulled in at Customs at either Gatwick or Heathrow, he told the Customs officer it was a lighter no a real shooter, the customs man took it, put his opposite up in front of the lighter and pulled the trigger...Lucky it really was a lighter otherwise it would have blown his hand off [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
Losing 10lbs in weight after my first week with Slimming World.
Just had my graduation ceremony at Northumbria University this morning.
It's the second time I've graduated as a student and, on the whole, the affair was just as boring as the previous occasion. With approx 540 students to get through in around two hours it can also seem rather impersonal - the fact that was held in the main sports hall at Sport Central (Newcastle University's, for example, is held in The Kings Hall) doesn't really add to the event in my opinion.
My own personal observations and complaints aside, getting through university and graduating is an achievement and it's one that I'm happy about.