Seeing MS Oasis of the Seas in Malaga port today.
(11 Sep 2014, 10:44 am)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Well done mate.
Thank you

The fact today is Friday... I've needed this since Wednesday.

My foot's beginning to feel a bit less painful. I can just stand on it with that much of a stabbing pain. Still can't walk though - have to hop!!
Some kid in Park Lane while out taking bus photos actually thought me and my mate Paul was Daniel Graham I replied am not dan and then I said dan could be anywhere made me happy though
(12 Sep 2014, 3:22 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]Some kid in Park Lane while out taking bus photos actually thought me and my mate Paul was Daniel Graham I replied am not dan and then I said dan could be anywhere made me happy though
I was probably in school - about five minutes away from Park Lane!

That I can like things now.

(17 Sep 2014, 6:02 pm)danpick wrote [ -> ]That I can like things now. 
Now for the hashtags
(17 Sep 2014, 6:24 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Now for the hashtags
I tried to install a hashtags plugin but it didn't seem to work very well.
(17 Sep 2014, 6:27 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I tried to install a hashtags plugin but it didn't seem to work very well.
Oh, and a dislike button
Something to keep working on mate re: hashtags
Trip down memory lane tonight (this morning) by talking to an old friend from primary.

Well I had my first drive of a VDL SB120/Cadet today, in the form of 8272. Not a type of bus I have had much experience of as a passenger either but I was mightily impressed. Smooth, powerful, not many rattles, and no electrical gremlins the type has a reputation for.
Was in Topman at Eldon Square today and some lad went to go up the down escalator and he actually stepped on the steps before realising that he was going the wrong way.
Although everyone seems to get lost when they are trying to leave that Topman.
@stuey - try 8273. Makes a lovely clunking noise down the middle when turning left and the engine/mechanics rattle like mad when idling.
(22 Sep 2014, 9:43 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]@stuey - try 8273. Makes a lovely clunking noise down the middle when turning left and the engine/mechanics rattle like mad when idling.
A few of Washington's examples have a tendency to tip from side to side when idle.
I helped Tom with his Maths homework!
Anyone fancy helping me write an A-Level Business Studies exam-style question as to why the formulation of a business plan is so important during the early stages of a business?
Ugh, I know the answer but it's just the effort of putting it into words and relating it to the case study.
(23 Sep 2014, 9:08 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I helped Tom with his Maths homework!
Anyone fancy helping me write an A-Level Business Studies exam-style question as to why the formulation of a business plan is so important during the early stages of a business?
Ugh, I know the answer but it's just the effort of putting it into words and relating it to the case study.
Yes that's what made me happy today

Thanks again!
..and now I've completed my homework! Double happy!

(23 Sep 2014, 9:43 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]..and now I've completed my homework! Double happy! 
Take it I'm a bit too late to help. Would have been a good little revision lesson for me

(23 Sep 2014, 11:06 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Take it I'm a bit too late to help. Would have been a good little revision lesson for me 
Just a bit!
My problem with Business at the moment is knowing the answers but lacking motivation to follow the steps to write it out in full (as you can often miss bits out here and there in GCSE and still get full marks).
(24 Sep 2014, 5:48 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Just a bit!
My problem with Business at the moment is knowing the answers but lacking motivation to follow the steps to write it out in full (as you can often miss bits out here and there in GCSE and still get full marks).
Yeah, I was exactly the same. My teachers though kept saying it's more about how you structure the answer rather than the content of the answer. One of them used to mark some of the exam papers for Edexcel and he said that there were weak answers with a good structure that scored more marks than a good answer with a weak structure. Once you get the hang of the structure then everything will be fine.
(24 Sep 2014, 5:48 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Just a bit!
My problem with Business at the moment is knowing the answers but lacking motivation to follow the steps to write it out in full (as you can often miss bits out here and there in GCSE and still get full marks).
Im doing BTEC Business and we are focusing on extended writing. Now my problem is, i cant write much when im meant to but i write loads when i get to chose what to write about (and most of the time we arent meant to write a lot)!
It may have only been for a few seconds and was only because of my half asleep state - but for a short while, I thought word had reached Manchester, on the fight going on in Fencehouses...
(25 Sep 2014, 7:05 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]It may have only been for a few seconds and was only because of my half asleep state - but for a short while, I thought word had reached Manchester, on the fight going on in Fencehouses...
Oh God...If The Ardwick Liberation Front and the Military wing of the Moss Side Independence Party get involved were all fucked...
In all seriousness, looks like The Bin Dippers finances are about to be scrutinised
(25 Sep 2014, 5:55 pm)danpick wrote [ -> ]If I'd been on that bus I would of told him to shut up.
I wouldnt! Id have just let him go on and shout. Its him making a fool of himself at the end of the day. But...
"Sorry about that folks." haha!