(28 Oct 2014, 4:42 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]As a no-smoker I hate this in all weather, especially in my local bus stop as this is where all the underage children go to smoke and drink.
Also when I got off the bus on Friday evening there was about 8 chavs stood in the bus stop, seriously you are adults all huddled up in a bus shelter wearing tracksuits, I seriously don't understand the appeal of standing in a bus stop on a chilly Friday evening at 6pm.
Oh this was grown adults. Not kids. Just very ignorant grown adults! Usually if there's only one of them smoking, I'd just tell them to shift, but you can't really do that when there's 6 or 7!
Oh this was grown adults. Not kids. Just very ignorant grown adults! Usually if there's only one of them smoking, I'd just tell them to shift, but you can't really do that when there's 6 or 7!
I know its annoying and you can't do anything about it.
My bus stop has signs saying it is illegal to smoke in the bus shelter (well it did, but the windows are put out on a regular basis so the sign has disappeared)
the rain then saw my ex girlfriend in the que meeting 3 footballers (i did not loose my virginity to her but i did to somebody else in 2011 who was my girlfriend at the time)
(28 Oct 2014, 6:36 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]the rain then saw my ex girlfriend in the que meeting 3 footballers (i did not loose my virginity to her but i did to somebody else in 2011 who was my girlfriend at the time)
And we need to know that becuase...

(28 Oct 2014, 6:40 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]And we need to know that becuase... 
(28 Oct 2014, 6:40 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]And we need to know that becuase... 
#awkward [emoji54]
(28 Oct 2014, 8:26 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]nope
Stop Lying Bazza
(28 Oct 2014, 8:43 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Stop Lying Bazza
i aint lying seriously
Whilst passing TK Maxx was trying to get past people on my way to Park Lane when a load of chavs on bikes came from nowhere and crashed into me, of course it is MY FAULT for walking through a pedestrian zone where bikes shouldn't be.
I am fed of cyclists, every one of them I've encountered deserves a smack, was walking for a bus the other week and I was walking down a narrow footpath and I had my headphones in and I wanted to get past some people who were walking slower than I was so I went to get past them and a cyclist came from behind and called me a prick and had an argument about me getting in HIS WAY, one you shouldn't be riding a bike on a footpath, two I do not have eyes in the back of my head and have super excellent hearing that I can hear things from a mile away. I'm fed of these arseholes who have an high opinion of themselves and they are always right even when there wrong.
(29 Oct 2014, 3:21 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Whilst passing TK Maxx was trying to get past people on my way to Park Lane when a load of chavs on bikes came from nowhere and crashed into me, of course it is MY FAULT for walking through a pedestrian zone where bikes shouldn't be.
I am fed of cyclists, every one of them I've encountered deserves a smack, was walking for a bus the other week and I was walking down a narrow footpath and I had my headphones in and I wanted to get past some people who were walking slower than I was so I went to get past them and a cyclist came from behind and called me a prick and had an argument about me getting in HIS WAY, one you shouldn't be riding a bike on a footpath, two I do not have eyes in the back of my head and have super excellent hearing that I can hear things from a mile away. I'm fed of these arseholes who have an high opinion of themselves and they are always right even when there wrong.
Opinions are like ar$eholes, everyone has them.
As for bikes - have you been to Amsterdam (or any of the other big cities in Holland)?
Cars, bikes, trams, sometimes buses and pedestrians all together!
The locals seem to manage ok - it is the visitors who seem to struggle.
(29 Oct 2014, 3:47 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Opinions are like ar$eholes, everyone has them.
As for bikes - have you been to Amsterdam (or any of the other big cities in Holland)?
Cars, bikes, trams, sometimes buses and pedestrians all together!
The locals seem to manage ok - it is the visitors who seem to struggle.
I have to being to Amsterdam, about 3 times..... the bikes are a nightmare!
Whats annoying me..... when people don't read stuff and then they same the exact same thing! (i can be bad for it to!)
(29 Oct 2014, 3:48 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I have to being to Amsterdam, about 3 times..... the bikes are a nightmare!
Whats annoying me..... when people don't read stuff and then they same the exact same thing! (i can be bad for it to!)
Dying to know what the missing word is! :p
(29 Oct 2014, 3:58 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Dying to know what the missing word is! :p
I just noticed haha
Na its just when u say something and then maybe later on, someone says the exact same thing... just wish people would look back!
Some idiot refuses to remove his bag from the seat refusing to give the seat up from others there is a rack next to him for goodness sake
(29 Oct 2014, 3:21 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Whilst passing TK Maxx was trying to get past people on my way to Park Lane when a load of chavs on bikes came from nowhere and crashed into me, of course it is MY FAULT for walking through a pedestrian zone where bikes shouldn't be.
I am fed of cyclists, every one of them I've encountered deserves a smack, was walking for a bus the other week and I was walking down a narrow footpath and I had my headphones in and I wanted to get past some people who were walking slower than I was so I went to get past them and a cyclist came from behind and called me a prick and had an argument about me getting in HIS WAY, one you shouldn't be riding a bike on a footpath, two I do not have eyes in the back of my head and have super excellent hearing that I can hear things from a mile away. I'm fed of these arseholes who have an high opinion of themselves and they are always right even when there wrong.
I'm a Cyclist so does that mean i'm an Arsehole Bazza?
And where does it stipulate that Cyclists shouldn't be riding on Pavements, for me personally I do it to ensure my own Safety as I have on 3 Separate Occasions came off my Bike due to Idiotic Drivers, also have you seen the amount of Cyclists that have been Killed recently as a result of careless Drivers.
(29 Oct 2014, 5:04 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I'm a Cyclist so does that mean i'm an Arsehole Bazza?
And where does it stipulate that Cyclists shouldn't be riding on Pavements, for me personally I do it to ensure my own Safety as I have on 3 Separate Occasions came off my Bike due to Idiotic Drivers, also have you seen the amount of Cyclists that have been Killed recently as a result of careless Drivers.
Confused how Bazza has come into this? His annoyance was to do with someone taking up a seat on a bus with their bag... I only briefly swept over the above posts though, so do tell me if I've not read a post in which Bazza has said cyclists are arseholes...
Bicycles are considered - by law - to be 'carriages' (very much like cars, buses, lorries, etc). As such - by law - bicycles should only use
carriageways (ie roads) or designated cycle tracks. It's a law which isn't particularly enforced, though I'd imagine if a police officer wished to be a bit of an arse, they could easily pull you over and 'advise' you against riding your bike on a roadside pavement.
(29 Oct 2014, 5:04 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I'm a Cyclist so does that mean i'm an Arsehole Bazza?
And where does it stipulate that Cyclists shouldn't be riding on Pavements, for me personally I do it to ensure my own Safety as I have on 3 Separate Occasions came off my Bike due to Idiotic Drivers, also have you seen the amount of Cyclists that have been Killed recently as a result of careless Drivers.
i didnt mean the likes of you when i said there is a rack i ment the luggage rack i Never said that Cyclists are arseholes sorry for the misconfusion but i think Cyclists are cool best ones ever for travelling i was actually referring to a rude customer on the bus i was on and no adam your one of a kind person i was referring to a custmer on the 27 bus tonight if he gets on my bus in future ill get the next one
(29 Oct 2014, 5:14 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Confused how Bazza has come into this? His annoyance was to do with someone taking up a seat on a bus with their bag... I only briefly swept over the above posts though, so do tell me if I've not read a post in which Bazza has said cyclists are arseholes...
Bicycles are considered - by law - to be 'carriages' (very much like cars, buses, lorries, etc). As such - by law - bicycles should only use carriageways (ie roads) or designated cycle tracks. It's a law which isn't particularly enforced, though I'd imagine if a police officer wished to be a bit of an arse, they could easily pull you over and 'advise' you against riding your bike on a roadside pavement.
Apologies Bazza, it was Jimmi who made the Post on Cyclists...My Bad
(29 Oct 2014, 5:33 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Apologies Bazza, it was Jimmi who made the Post on Cyclists...My Bad
ah its ok it happens sometimes
(29 Oct 2014, 4:23 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]Some idiot refuses to remove his bag from the seat refusing to give the seat up from others there is a rack next to him for goodness sake
See. I have a gripe about this one. Buses, generally speaking, provide the bare minimum of leg room. The likes of Geminis, Citaros, and Arrivas Max/Sapphire specs may be fine, but if you're on a Dart, Solar, Versa, etc, there's barely enough room for your legs never mind your bag. On top of this, buses rarely provide luggage racks these days, and even if they did, a lot of people wouldn't be able to leave rucksacks for example there. I have to carry my work laptop around with me to and from the office, so it needs to either be at my side or at my feet, as I'm responsible for it.
Went on a trip with my uni today to the Nissan plant at Washington to deliver our group presentations regarding the project they set us a couple of weeks ago. It was a bloody disaster. Everything seemed to go wrong, and now I'm bloody narked about it

I am fine if cyclists at least go slow through built up areas where there is lots of pedestrians but the incident today I could not see them coming because there was a giant plant/sculpture obstructing my view and they were going pretty fast so I didn't see them until they were practically in my face and because of this they had no time to stop which resulted in one crashing into me.
Recently I have had several dealings with cyclists many of them have shown aggression towards me, I mean the one the other week that had an argument with me because I was trying to get past some people and claimed he had to brake because I suddenly changed direction, I had no idea that he was hurtling up behind me as I'm looking straight ahead and bikes don't make a great deal of noise so I can't hear or see him coming either especially when I have earphones in, the tone he gave me suggested that I should be able to see and hear him coming but the fact is I can't and for some reason he just couldn't accept that.
Was also in the car recently and a cyclist suddenly decided to make a turn without giving any indication whatsoever, so the person driving had to slam on the brakes so we didn't hit them with the car behind us almost crashing into the back of us, and then the cyclist flicked the v's at us, it was his fault we had to brake hard to not hit him and he had no right to make that turn.
I do understand cyclists not wanting to cycle on the road as I've seen several nearly been knocked off by poor motorists trying to get past them and not leaving a lot of space between the cyclist and the motorist. This is why I would never cycle myself as I probably would be killed, especially as I'm not the best in sudden decisions, I'm bad enough being a passenger in a car when for example a lorry pulls out into the outside lane when the car your in is in that lane and there is nowhere for you to go and there is a car right behind you I just curl up into a ball and scream in fear so god knows what happen if I was cycling down a road and a lorry pulls back in just in front of you, which I have seen happen many times.
Probably went a bit OTT with calling cyclists arseholes but I was angry (I know that's just me making excuses) but recently have had some awful experiences from cyclists and some have gone to hurling abuse at me just because I've been walking down a path and not seen them coming.
With what happened today I will say that they should not have been riding bikes that fast through a busy area like that as some of us can't react fast enough to having a cyclist hurtling towards us, and I got evil looks from him and his mates and all I'm trying to do is innocently walk to Park Lane to catch a bus and I'm having a Nike Air rocket coming straight at me which I couldn't see because it was busy with lots of people walking in several directions plus other things obstructing my view such as lampposts, benches and giant plant pots.
Sorry if I angered anyone with what I've said about cyclists but I feel I am allowed to voice my opinions and you are allowed to voice your opinions on this too. Also sorry to Bazza who was accidently named for the comments I made.
I will show respect to cyclists providing they show respect to me, unlike today.
Another annoyance from today is some woman in a Nissan Micra almost ran over my foot whilst I was trying to take photos of buses leaving Park Lane (where Arriva's services leave) whilst she was picking someone up. She gave me such dirty looks and I ended having to move for fear she was going to hit me with her car. Got even more dirty looks when I took a photo of her car in case if she did hit me so I have the reg and the owner could be found and I could sue for my injuries.
(29 Oct 2014, 8:52 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Another annoyance from today is some woman in a Nissan Micra almost ran over my foot whilst I was trying to take photos of buses leaving Park Lane (where Arriva's services leave) whilst she was picking someone up. She gave me such dirty looks and I ended having to move for fear she was going to hit me with her car. Got even more dirty looks when I took a photo of her car in case if she did hit me so I have the reg and the owner could be found and I could sue for my injuries.
I was curious as to whether to say anything when I briefly came over and Photographed (NK64 EEN) on the 23 and the Compass Mini Van This Afternoon, but as you had your headphones I decided to leave you be.
I was curious as to whether to say anything when I briefly came over and Photographed (NK64 EEN) on the 23 and the Compass Mini Van This Afternoon, but as you had your headphones I decided to leave you be.
This happened just before you came over, if you started talking to me I probably would have taken my headphones out and had a chat, although I'm rather shy so I'm better if people talk to me first as I can't really get a conversation going.
(29 Oct 2014, 9:19 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]This happened just before you came over, if you started talking to me I probably would have taken my headphones out and had a chat, although I'm rather shy so I'm better if people talk to me first as I can't really get a conversation going.
Headphones were the key to my decision as thought might of ignored me or something, as has happened previously with other Enthusiasts, but if I see you again Jimmi I will make an attempt to speak to you.