(07 Dec 2014, 9:57 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]I'll be starting my GCSEs next year, and yet to pick my options. I need one language (Park View is a languages college) and a humanity before 2 of my own choice.
As aureolin said, a lot of schools get 25 hours a week and mine is one of them. Next year, I'll get 4 hours of English, 4 hours of Maths, 6 hours of Science (kill me now!), 1 hour of R.E. and 2 hours of P.E., all mandatory! We get 4 options, and get 2 hours of each a week, and that adds up the total teaching hours.
Personally, I think we should get to pick 1 more, and get 2 hours less of Science. However, some will argue because we get all 3 sciences and need 2 hours of each.
Just my opinion, but extended hours would just lower 'moral' for everyone. If my year group got pulled into assembly and told next year as a new scheme we would be given extended schooldays.....there would be an uprising, and all the teachers would be shot in the yard! Just telling the truth, lol.
I left School 5 Years ago and I did 3 Hours of English/Maths and Science back then, to be honest I dont think you should forced into doing Science unless your planning working in a Laboratory or something, as its an otherwise pointless Subject and often didnt attend because of that reason, and because the class I was in was full of wannabe chavs who disrupted the lesson all the time so I never learnt anything not that I was interested anyway.
I also did Core P.E. rather than GCSE, Which meant I did 4 Hours Exercise per week, Art again was 4 Hours, then ICT and History for 3 Hours, then I had Contempary Issues which was based on Politics for 1 Hour a week, and there was an Option of a Lesson for 2 Hours a Week where you could use the time to catch up on any Subject you had Coursework, I often used to play games or go on facebook, or I simply no showed and went home early as it was the last lesson of the day, obviously I would show my face, say I was in and going into this lesson i.e. Art to do Coursework before buggering off home, and finally we had Tutorial with our Tutor for an Hour a week, used to love Wednesday Mornings, Double English followed by Tutorial with my Unbelievably Fit Tutor.
(07 Dec 2014, 10:24 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I left School 5 Years ago and I did 3 Hours of English/Maths and Science back then, to be honest I dont think you should forced into doing Science unless your planning working in a Laboratory or something, as its an otherwise pointless Subject and often didnt attend because of that reason, and because the class I was in was full of wannabe chavs who disrupted the lesson all the time so I never learnt anything not that I was interested anyway.
I also did Core P.E. rather than GCSE, Which meant I did 4 Hours Exercise per week, Art again was 4 Hours, then ICT and History for 3 Hours, then I had Contempary Issues which was based on Politics for 1 Hour a week, and there was an Option of a Lesson for 2 Hours a Week where you could use the time to catch up on any Subject you had Coursework, I often used to play games or go on facebook, or I simply no showed and went home early as it was the last lesson of the day, obviously I would show my face, say I was in and going into this lesson i.e. Art to do Coursework before buggering off home, and finally we had Tutorial with our Tutor for an Hour a week, used to love Wednesday Mornings, Double English followed by Tutorial with my Unbelievably Fit Tutor.
My grandma constantly bangs on about how science is necessary for every job! IT'S NOT! I ask her 'did you ever do science, grandma?'. She says no, but you'll need it no matter what.
I ask her 'tell me something about dad's job where he needs science' (he was in an age where Geography was mandatory and Science wasn't!). She sits there like a dope!
(07 Dec 2014, 10:27 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]My grandma constantly bangs on about how science is necessary for every job! IT'S NOT! I ask her 'did you ever do science, grandma?'. She says no, but you'll need it no matter what.
I ask her 'tell me something about dad's job where he needs science' (he was in an age where Geography was mandatory and Science wasn't!). She sits there like a dope!
Marcus 1 - 0 Grandma
(07 Dec 2014, 10:27 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]My grandma constantly bangs on about how science is necessary for every job! IT'S NOT! I ask her 'did you ever do science, grandma?'. She says no, but you'll need it no matter what.
I ask her 'tell me something about dad's job where he needs science' (he was in an age where Geography was mandatory and Science wasn't!). She sits there like a dope!
Science is massively important. We rely on it 24/7. Plus, buses and trains are science aren't they?

(07 Dec 2014, 10:30 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Science is massively important. We rely on it 24/7. Plus, buses and trains are science aren't they? 
(Cocks Rifle) - get off my lawn!

Something that annoyed me in year 10/11 in my school was that there was two groups, what got me was I was in the good group who actually did want to learn some things and then the other group had chavs who didn't and were often disruptive and annoying and the thing that bugged me was that they got handed all the opportunity's to do things, for example that group got to make a video about safe sex or something while we got to do bloody gardening.
Never liked doing R.E. not so much because I wasn't really religious more for the fact that it was always such a boring lesson.
I actually quite liked science lessons, although I have used very little of the things I've learned in science in my life, especially since I left school but it is still good knowing some of the things about how things work etc.
I liked Art at school because it was a bit of a skive lesson most of the time, you'd just get to draw some pictures whilst we got to listen to music, unfortunately it was mostly our teachers which was often stuff like Barry Manillow, he thought this was torture for us but we actually quite enjoyed it.
I agree with aureolin - science is one of the most important subjects you'll do for GCSE; it's one of three qualifications most companies look for along with maths and English. I quite enjoyed it but even still, if you get below a C you've reduced your chances of anything after school by quite a bit - be it 6th form, college or most apprenticeships or jobs.
If there's one subject I feel is absolutely pointless, then it is English Literature. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading but I don't enjoy reading sodding novels from the 1860s and getting to know the characters etc.
Wuthering Heights was the flaming worst!!
Science, like Maths, is relevant in most walks of life and it's important that pupils are taught the basic fundamentals of the subject. However, there's probably a case for Science (and Maths) to be split into two different levels based upon academic interest and career goals. A basic science subject can cover the fundamentals and involve very basic experimentation while an advanced science syllabus can focus upon the tricky stuff relevant to a career in science. This way, the less scientifically-abled students (for lack of a better term) can actively participate and have fun in lessons while not feeling under pressure to learn the more complicated material.
I went to a Catholic school and was forced to do R.E. at GCSE level. Although I did quite well at it, I do feel it was a complete waste of my time and I don't believe it benefited my education at all. My own personal view is that the teaching R.E. should be removed from schools. However, if it has to be taught in school, it should focus upon a secular approach (rather than the psuedo-doctrinal approach which I experienced) where other faiths are discussed.
Still no internet or cable... glad i'm at uni today.
Dropped my file on the bus coming to uni this morning. Every single document that was in it spilled onto the floor so now I've got the incredibly uncalled for task of putting everything back into chronological order into their respective file dividers.
Side note to cleaners, when you check 4931 tonight and if you find any document relating to Northumbria Uni and HR0160 Developing Employability & Study Skills, can I please have them back? They may be needed for my assignment due in on Friday.
Edit: To inflict more misery into my morning, I've just caught my finger in the ringpull mechanism thing that comes in the file, so I'm now spouting blood all over the desk
Just tried to upload my MAX Omnicity photos and the upload has timed out and I don't have time to upload them again.
Now it's stopped working!!!
Well I've been ill all day/night...
Beamish trip with school on Wednesday, Sixth Form Night Out on Thursday, a meal/subsequent party on Friday and Prague on Sunday...
Need to get better. Very quickly.
(08 Dec 2014, 10:32 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Well I've been ill all day/night...
Beamish trip with school on Wednesday, Sixth Form Night Out on Thursday, a meal/subsequent party on Friday and Prague on Sunday...
Need to get better. Very quickly.
Same. Loaded with cold. Hoping it shifts by Saturday!
(09 Dec 2014, 4:41 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Same. Loaded with cold. Hoping it shifts by Saturday!
Me too. I will likely to be cold and sneezing until March, then I'll be too warm, dizzy and have hayfever.
(09 Dec 2014, 4:49 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Me too. I will likely to be cold and sneezing until March, then I'll be too warm, dizzy and have hayfever.
I'm glad I've ended up with it now to be honest, as I usually have it over the Christmas week!
(09 Dec 2014, 4:56 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I'm glad I've ended up with it now to be honest, as I usually have it over the Christmas week!
There is always something wrong with me over Christmas, one year I was coughing up blood on Christmas morning.
To the Person of this Forum who thought it would be a great idea to Send an "Anonymous Slanderous Letter" to the Work Program Provider Ingeus, To which I go to 3 Times a Week to do Job Search, and anything else they want me to do in relation to finding a Job.
I am going make this as crystal clear as possible so that you understand, What I do in my spare time is my Business and if I want to take some Photos of Buses at Park Lane or Washington Galleries Bus Station either before or after my Appointments, or if I have a day in the week free and I am not doing anything then I will do whatever I want to do, and that is simply no Business of yours or anybody elses for that matter.
As for saying I dont do anything to find a Job, You are clearly mistaken and I would love to know how youd go about proving otherwise, what angered me the most was the fact that had Ingeus decided to take it further, and report it to the DWP/Job Centre then I could potentially of lost any Benefits that I currently get, furthermore that would of then had an effect on my Family as any Money I do get goes towards Food Shopping and Paying Monthly Bills, If I was to lose that then I would be living on the Streets because of what you had done, in future think about what you are doing before interfering with another persons Family, I would also greatly appreciate it if you have an issue with me, at least the decency to grow a set of Balls and say it directly to my face, you clearly know my whereabouts so I shouldnt be to hard to find should I.
Kind Regards
If it was someone from the forum, then I genuinely am I disgusted and hope they have the balls to stand up.
I hope whoever it was (forum member or not), realises that whatever you do, is up to you and naff all to do with them.
However, maybe it is a wakeup call to not tell the world anything and everything ie Ingeus, signing on, hospital appointments.
Only giving whoever it is, details of your goings on.
Hopefully your advisor doesn't take it further.
(10 Dec 2014, 8:20 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]If it was someone from the forum, then I genuinely am I disgusted and hope they have the balls to stand up.
Obviously not condoning the actions of whoever has done it, but this is what crossed my mind too... Do we know for certain it is a member of this forum?
A lot of us are quite open on this forum (which has its advantages), but there are downsides to this which has been demonstrated here.
(10 Dec 2014, 8:20 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]If it was someone from the forum, then I genuinely am I disgusted and hope they have the balls to stand up.
I hope whoever it was (forum member or not), realises that whatever you do, is up to you and naff all to do with them.
However, maybe it is a wakeup call to not tell the world anything and everything ie Ingeus, signing on, hospital appointments.
Only giving whoever it is, details of your goings on.
Hopefully your advisor doesn't take it further.
I was there today and he showed me the Letter and didnt even have for example Kind Regards and who it was from at the bottom, there was also a Print Screen of a Post I had made in relation to Ingeus when replying to a Post from Micheal, from reading the post there was nothing bad about it, just said I was sick of going in 3 Times a week, furthermore the Person who sent the letter wasnt signed in at all on NEB and was merely viewing as a Guest.
My Advisor said not to worry about it and that he wouldnt be taking it any further, but I do have to attend an appointment with him on Monday to show him all the Job Searches I have done in the Last Month, as a Result of the above.
(10 Dec 2014, 8:20 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]If it was someone from the forum, then I genuinely am I disgusted and hope they have the balls to stand up.
I hope whoever it was (forum member or not), realises that whatever you do, is up to you and naff all to do with them.
However, maybe it is a wakeup call to not tell the world anything and everything ie Ingeus, signing on, hospital appointments.
Only giving whoever it is, details of your goings on.
Hopefully your advisor doesn't take it further.
I second that Andreos, it is rotten and I would like to see someone grow a set and own up to it...I also agree that you should maybe not bang on about Ingeus, the DWP too much
Shit like that can shatter people with harsh sanctions by the DWP...
I think I speak for a lot of us when I say you have our support...
If it is someone on here, then please give your head a shake, and think about the lives that can potentially be messed up...
Take Care Adam

It's disgusting if someone from the forum has gone to the effort to make a complaint like that. It's got absolutely nothing to do with them. The work scheme provider also needs to realise that being out of work doesn't mean you forfeit your right to a personal life too. If you chose to partake in a hobby whilst you're out, then that's up to you.
One thing I should point out though. Have they actually defined that an individual from this forum has made a complaint? As we shouldn't forget that anyone can view the content on this board - member or not. It's all in the public domain.
(10 Dec 2014, 8:31 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I was there today and he showed me the Letter and didnt even have for example Kind Regards and who it was from at the bottom, there was also a Print Screen of a Post I had made in relation to Ingeus when replying to a Post from Micheal, from reading the post there was nothing bad about it, just said I was sick of going in 3 Times a week, furthermore the Person who sent the letter wasnt signed in at all on NEB and was merely viewing as a Guest.
My Advisor said not to worry about it and that he wouldnt be taking it any further, but I do have to attend an appointment with him on Monday to show him all the Job Searches I have done in the Last Month, as a Result of the above.
That's just pure sad, who ever's done that, looks like they have nothing more else to do with their lives!
I wouldn't worry about it!
(10 Dec 2014, 8:30 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Obviously not condoning the actions of whoever has done it, but this is what crossed my mind too... Do we know for certain it is a member of this forum?
A lot of us are quite open on this forum (which has its advantages), but there are downsides to this which has been demonstrated here.
My initial thought was someome here, but I wont jump to conclusions or speculate...In future it means we should be careful talking about things that can used against us in some ways
(10 Dec 2014, 8:32 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]It's disgusting if someone from the forum has gone to the effort to make a complaint like that. It's got absolutely nothing to do with them. The work scheme provider also needs to realise that being out of work doesn't mean you forfeit your right to a personal life too. If you chose to partake in a hobby whilst you're out, then that's up to you.
One thing I should point out though. Have they actually defined that an individual from this forum has made a complaint? As we shouldn't forget that anyone can view the content on this board - member or not. It's all in the public domain.
When I first started with Ingeus, my first advisor, who Adam also knows, actively encouraged me to keep my hobby of bus enthusiasm as it got me out the house for a few hours a day.
Whoever did send the letter, is possibly reading this now and maybe, trying to catch you out again - by getting you irate and say something you shouldn't.
As frustrating as it might be and as angry as you possibly are, hang back - bite your lip and don't give anyone ammunition.
Give your job search to your advisor and prove the grass/telltale/busybody wrong.
(10 Dec 2014, 8:47 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Whoever did send the letter, is possibly reading this now and maybe, trying to catch you out again - by getting you irate and say something you shouldn't.
As frustrating as it might be and as angry as you possibly are, hang back - bite your lip and don't give anyone ammunition.
Give your job search to your advisor and prove the grass/telltale/busybody wrong.
I do think it was a Member of the Forum as they are aware of where I take Photos and of who I am, They have clearly been quite clever by not being logged into NEB when print screening the post I made also and went to great effort of finding the Address Details of Ingeus also,
Not going to point any fingers and make accusations as thatll get me nowhere, and I havent clue who it is nor do I think theyll own up to doing so either, best off moving on from this and hope nothing more comes of it.
You have my support if you ever need it mate, it is pure rotten and spiteful...
Suppose it is best to draw a line under this and get on with doing what Ingeus and the DWP demand of you
Cant think why someone would want to do that in the first place, you are one of the good guys, it aint like you are a cvnt or owt, and cant understamd what is there to be gained from it