(01 Mar 2015, 9:47 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Right I have now not had any WiFi for 18 HOURS!!!!
I am utterly ****ing ****ed off now and someone's head is going to be on a ****ing pike for this as this is a complete ****ing joke feel like I'm back into 2005 before WiFi was even a thing.
This lack of service means I can't view the forum or any other website on my phone and all I have to view the internet is a dongle, the problem with this is to satisfy my internet needs I have to keep getting on the laptop about every 2 hours which is not ideal and a pain in the arse to get the laptop turned on and set up every time I want to go on it.
Phone your ISP.
If worst comes to worst - they'll not fix it for you, but they will give you compensation of some sort.
Where do you have the lack of WiFi? Is your computer not picking up your router? Is your phone not picking up the router?
(01 Mar 2015, 9:53 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Where do you have the lack of WiFi? Is your computer not picking up your router? Is your phone not picking up the router?
The hub isn't working (again!) can't get access via any device.
No idea what's wrong with it but it keeps happening and is getting worse it used to just stop working for about 2 minutes every 15 minutes, now it likes to go off for hours and hours until several hours later it comes back - still waiting!
(01 Mar 2015, 9:58 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]The hub isn't working (again!) can't get access via any device.
No idea what's wrong with it but it keeps happening and is getting worse it used to just stop working for about 2 minutes every 15 minutes, now it likes to go off for hours and hours until several hours later it comes back - still waiting!
BT Hub? If so have you tried their diagnostics site?
I appreciate it may be inconvenient but is it possible to connect your computer to the internet without WIFI using a good old fashioned cable? Doing so may help diagnose the problem as it may not necessarily be an ISP issue but rather one relating to the configaration of your router.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:00 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]BT Hub? If so have you tried their diagnostics site? http://diagnostics.bt.com/login/?workflow=Wireless
Yep sadly, I would try it but annoyingly my stupid head never wants to try these sorts of things in case I end up completely ****ing things up which often seems to happen and I am completely useless with technology.
I hate being me at times.
Well that didn't work - guess I'm doomed to have no WiFi forever!
(01 Mar 2015, 10:20 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Well that didn't work - guess I'm doomed to have no WiFi forever!
Ring BT Customer Services. They should help you fix it at their end.
If it's not something they can fix, they should send an engineer out. As you've been without an Internet connection for almost a day, they should compensate you, too.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:22 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Ring BT Customer Services. They should help you fix it at their end.
If it's not something they can fix, they should send an engineer out. As you've been without an Internet connection for almost a day, they should compensate you, too.
I can't ring because of communication problems I have, going to have to wait for my sister to sort this now.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:24 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I can't ring because of communication problems I have, going to have to wait for my sister to sort this now.
Nothing worse than problems communicating...Sometimes have trouble myself, stumble over words and sound like I am pissed or on drugs(i am sometimes) [emoji14]
That the 10:35 X21 from the Elephant has left 3 minutes early, now I have to wait for the next (service 1) at 11:13.
I hate fucking Arriva. Also sent a compliant about it via Twitter, as this is not supposed to happen, especially when The Elephant is a timing point.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:42 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Nothing worse than problems communicating...Sometimes have trouble myself, stumble over words and sound like I am pissed or on drugs(i am sometimes) [emoji14]
Yeah, I do that at times - sometimes when I go to talk to someone I am a bit terrified and look a bit nervous and awkward god knows what Dan was thinking when I saw him in Durham on Friday.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:48 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Yeah, I do that at times - sometimes when I go to talk to someone I am a bit terrified and look a bit nervous and awkward god knows what Dan was thinking when I saw him in Durham on Friday.
"At least he said hi - unlike Marcus!"
(01 Mar 2015, 10:49 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]"At least he said hi - unlike Marcus!"
Yeah I had to practically shoot myself in the foot just to say that, so what's Marcus' excuse.
Marcus, you know that this is going to go on forever.
"Sapphire X21 and X22: Newcastle – Bedlington – Ashington – Newbiggin
We know that this service is not as reliable as it should be, especially on Monday to Friday mornings. We have looked closely at the causes of delays and we are making some changes to the timetables to reflect these."
Why not have a look at the fucktarded gits who you employ, you retarded DB piece of shite.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:48 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Yeah, I do that at times - sometimes when I go to talk to someone I am a bit terrified and look a bit nervous and awkward god knows what Dan was thinking when I saw him in Durham on Friday.
Pleased I never jumped off the bus and come bounding over to you, you might have crapped your pants [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
(01 Mar 2015, 10:49 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]"At least he said hi - unlike Marcus!" [emoji14]
(01 Mar 2015, 10:51 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Yeah I had to practically shoot myself in the foot just to say that, so what's Marcus' excuse.
Yeah Marcus, whats your excuse
(01 Mar 2015, 10:54 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Pleased I never jumped off the bus and come bounding over to you, you might have crapped your pants [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
No it's not that bad - if that was the case I'd never leave the house.
The X21 is an unreliable piece of shite. Even on fucking Sundays.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:58 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]The X21 is an unreliable piece of shite. Even on fucking Sundays.
Not having a good day today at all, are you?.
It was the same on Friday for me.
(01 Mar 2015, 10:58 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]The X21 is an unreliable piece of shite. Even on fucking Sundays.
Was going to say I wish my bus would be 3 minutes early but I think that's why I ended up stood in Bishop Auckland for 30 odd minutes on Tuesday.
(01 Mar 2015, 11:00 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Not having a good day today at all, are you?.
It was the same on Friday for me.
If we had an 'I don't believe it' award Tommy would give Jimmi a good fight for it, nobody would be in with a chance [emoji14]
(01 Mar 2015, 11:11 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]If we had an 'I don't believe it' award Tommy would give Jimmi a good fight for it, nobody would be in with a chance [emoji14]
I'd be happy if the Wi-Fi would start working again.
Well I'm now into hour 24 of Wi-Fi gate.
Annoyingly the only person who can really contact BT is my dad who won't be home until late tonight.
The lack of Wi-Fi is now driving me insane so I think I might jump on a 5A to Darlington, 1B to Bishop Auckland and then the 5A home just to kill 2 hours so I can maintain my sanity for a bit. At least I'll get to see what the EcoCity's are like on the 1B.
Hate to state the obvious, but have you tried restarting your home hub? Just shot it off at the plug socket, and stick it back on.
(01 Mar 2015, 2:04 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Hate to state the obvious, but have you tried restarting your home hub? Just shot it off at the plug socket, and stick it back on.
Dragon's Den isn't on tonight!

I ended up walking back from the bus station. Arriva buses are unreliable pieces of shite.
I hate the "like" feature.
It's just as bad as people teaming up against me, by "liking" somebody's "against" post.
Fucking sick of it.
(01 Mar 2015, 3:17 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]I hate the "like" feature.
It's just as bad as people teaming up against me, by "liking" somebody's "against" post.
Fucking sick of it.
Could you show me an example of that Tommy???
I dont mind it to be honest...
Just about every social media site has some kind of like/favourite feature, so it is not like you could get rid of like/favourite features
Re: my excuse for not speaking to Dan. The 82 I planned to get on was due in a few minutes, Dan was standing quite a way away from the 82 stand when I saw him, and I didn't have my camera which would have made it awkward.
I also somehow manage to say something really weird.
Next time I see him, I will go over and attempt conversation.
Anyway, what is annoying me today is the fact that I have tonnes of homework and just can't motivate myself.