(02 Feb 2015, 10:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]It will be the Russians!
How come it was weird like?
It was weird because I don't normally see fighter jets flying over Ashington - would have got photo - but every time I go to the window the neighbours starting mooning and filming me....
(03 Feb 2015, 9:50 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]It was weird because I don't normally see fighter jets flying over Ashington - would have got photo - but every time I go to the window the neighbours starting mooning and filming me....
Thought you meant weird as in the design or shape of it.
It isn't that long ago, since a RAF Tornado broke the sound barrier off the coast.
Oh, Shit.
"Unfortunately, Olympus decided to use a non-standard USB cable for charging and image transfer, so care will need to be taken not to lose it."
(03 Feb 2015, 11:32 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Thought you meant weird as in the design or shape of it.
It isn't that long ago, since a RAF Tornado broke the sound barrier off the coast.
I heard and felt that, I thought it was just Alcan doing something...
(03 Feb 2015, 11:32 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Thought you meant weird as in the design or shape of it.
It isn't that long ago, since a RAF Tornado broke the sound barrier off the coast.
Is there regulations in place when it comes to creating sonic booms????
I can remember years ago, was probably still in Primary School(I can't really remember it) a Jet broke the sound barrier...It rattled windows all over the place, someone told me it felt like an earthquake and a bomb going off at the same time...I have survived 2 earthquakes, so it must have been quite scary

(03 Feb 2015, 12:21 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Is there regulations in place when it comes to creating sonic booms????
I can remember years ago, was probably still in Primary School(I can't really remember it) a Jet broke the sound barrier...It rattled windows all over the place, someone told me it felt like an earthquake and a bomb going off at the same time...I have survived 2 earthquakes, so it must have been quite scary 
Aye, there are rules.
It mentions in that article about being a certain distance out to sea during the training flight.
However, when something is amiss with a passenger jet and Typhoons are scrambled overland, then there isn't much anyone can do but hope for the best, if they fly over our house.
There was an example late last year, when jets were scrambled to intercept a Latvian cargo plane. The location of the cargo plane meant the Typhoons broke the sound barrier over a few counties down south.
Was told by someone at school today that my hobby is 'weird', 'not normal', and a 'worrying obsession'...twat...

(03 Feb 2015, 4:32 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Was told by someone at school today that my hobby is 'weird', 'not normal', and a 'worrying obsession'...twat...
What's his hobby? Buttfucking?
(03 Feb 2015, 4:32 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Was told by someone at school today that my hobby is 'weird', 'not normal', and a 'worrying obsession'...twat...
Bus Botter [emoji14]
(03 Feb 2015, 4:34 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]What's his hobby? Buttfucking?
Chronic Masturbation
(03 Feb 2015, 4:44 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Chronic Masturbation
Probably is.
It's the fact that throughout all my time in secondary school (and people knowing about my hobby, or 'obsession' as he put it) - I've never had a single complaint and people have always known they can come to me should they need to loan some money for the fare, advise on how much it will be, and what bus they will need. The fact that this person has done all of these before, actually just last week (!), makes it even more frustrating!!
(03 Feb 2015, 4:46 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Probably is. 
It's the fact that throughout all my time in secondary school (and people knowing about my hobby, or 'obsession' as he put it) - I've never had a single complaint and people have always known they can come to me should they need to loan some money for the fare, advise on how much it will be, and what bus they will need. The fact that this person has done all of these before, actually just last week (!), makes it even more frustrating!!
He's probably made a website about you and your worrying obsession.
www.mylovelylife.com/blog/marcus-green-s-worrying-obsession (not a real website)

(03 Feb 2015, 4:55 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]...(backs away slowly nodding head and smiling)...
I didn't research the site before posting - it's for sale and some other links too

(03 Feb 2015, 4:57 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]I didn't research the site before posting - it's for sale and some other links too 
If said site actually existed it would probably be incredibly dodgy and probably illegal.
(03 Feb 2015, 5:05 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]If said site actually existed it would probably be incredibly dodgy and probably illegal.
And probably owned by the lad at Marcus' school...
Marcus, divint let him get to you, he's a bastard, and bastards have no lives, he can go back to his slutty mother, and eat a bag of cheap crisps.
Is everyone alive, I'm get withdrawal symptoms from the lack of posts!
It's raining.
(03 Feb 2015, 5:42 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Is everyone alive, I'm get withdrawal symptoms from the lack of posts!
It's raining.
Nah, am dead mate
#NEBghostpost [emoji14]
A bus better get to Harrowgate Hill Ashleigh House soon or I'm going to punch these annoying chavy arsehole's.
(04 Feb 2015, 4:05 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]A bus better get to Harrowgate Hill Ashleigh House soon or I'm going to punch these annoying chavy arsehole's.
Why do you need to go there for????
(04 Feb 2015, 6:44 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Why do you need to go there for????
To get a weapon to give some chav arsehole a good kicking [emoji14]
Once again Inch High Private Eye has once again parked his car on the footpath although today I could actually get past it, unfortunately it was icy so I nearly fell on the pricks car. This is really annoying me now as it is preventing me from walking the way I want to walk and caused me numerous problems, the other week I ended up leaving the house a bit later than I probably should have and of course his car was blocking the footpath so to avoid going through the mud I had to take a lengthy detour and this made me even later so had to start practically running to the bus stop. To get round the problem I started to go round the front of his house although I walked past the other day and some woman was stood at the door having a tab and giving me looks like I killed a kid or something - bitch!
I got so angry when I saw the car there again this afternoon as not only is it blocking access for pedestrians, it is also making a total mess of the grass, but now am so fed up of this prick parking here I've actually taken a photo on my camera of his car on the footpath / grass.
(04 Feb 2015, 6:44 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Why do you need to go there for????
Had been to Teesside Park (no idea why, I was bored) and I got off at Harrowgate Hill to avoid going right into Darlington to get a bus home.
On the plus side I finally got to ride Leven Valley's new Solo SR on the H66.
Not going back there in a hurry though as there isn't much there and it's even worse since the A66 was withdrawn as there is now only one bus an hour or a long walk for another bus.
Although this isn't annoying I found this a funny or lol moment of today I was walking down the street and this guy thought I was a woman I immediately said no am a boy I almost said if you do not believe me check 2 ways my genitals to prove am right and check my birth certificate and it clearly states Boy at birth
(04 Feb 2015, 8:12 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]Although this isn't annoying I found this a funny or lol moment of today I was walking down the street and this guy thought I was a woman I immediately said no am a boy I almost said if you do not believe me check 2 ways my genitals to prove am right and check my birth certificate and it clearly states Boy at birth
Why would he want to do thatÂ

(04 Feb 2015, 8:19 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Why would he want to do that 
Said that part for a joke lol
I got selected for my school football team today, but only 25 mins in i scored an own goal. And as a left-back I should be keeping them out haha
The fact that my Partners Xbox 360 is acting up and won't let them go online. Therefore I cannot play GTA Online with them.
Went to Bishop Auckland to try and get a photo of a StreetLite on the 6 and it didn't happen (when I was there for an hour.) So now I am beginning to question why I even do this hobby.
(05 Feb 2015, 2:52 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Went to Bishop Auckland to try and get a photo of a StreetLite on the 6 and it didn't happen (when I was there for an hour.) So now I am beginning to question why I even do this hobby.
What part of "I am currently taking a bit of a break from bus photography, but I will resume sometime soon!" do you not understand!

Thats like me saying "I'm taking a break from bus photography, but I'll be back tomorrow"
Take a break, or you'll bore yourself stiff...
(05 Feb 2015, 3:16 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]What part of "I am currently taking a bit of a break from bus photography, but I will resume sometime soon!" do you not understand!
Thats like me saying "I'm taking a break from bus photography, but I'll be back tomorrow"
Take a break, or you'll bore yourself stiff...
I was taking a break but then I heard that the ex P&R Solos were in service then heard that there may be a StreetLite on the 6 so I went to Bishop in the hope it would be on the same working as yesterday and sure enough it wasn't.
I'm also having other issues which is driving me up the wall and have really bad anger problems which seems to be getting worse.