Had one of those days today where every little thing has annoyed me...
One of the main things has to be enduring some little brat screaming the bus down all the way from Middlesbrough to Carlin How (had to be!)
The other one would be the woman who had a moan about a bus missing (he wasn't, just late and running behind me) - fair enough but I explained to her that he was late and just behind me, this seemingly wasn't good enough and was outrageous. Oh well. As for why was he late? Well my guess is as good as yours pet...
The new Terminator plot... i was looking forward to it and now i'm not... sounds terrible!
The PLOT IS BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The beginning of Terminator: Genisys, the first of three planned films that Paramount hopes will relaunch the beloved sci-fi franchise, is set in 2029, when the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels has the evil artificial-intelligence system Skynet on the ropes. John Connor (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ Jason Clarke) is the leader of the resistance, and Kyle Reese (Divergent‘s Jai Courtney) is his loyal soldier, raised in the ruins of post apocalyptic California. As in the original film, Connor sends Reese back to 1984 to save Connor’s mother, Sarah (Game of Thrones‘ Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator programmed to kill her so that she won’t ever give birth to John. But what Reese finds on the other side is nothing like he expected.
Twist No. 1? Sarah Connor isn’t the innocent she was when Linda Hamilton first sported feathered hair and acid-washed jeans in the role. Nor is she Hamilton’s steely zero body-fat warrior in 1991’s T2. Rather, the mother of humanity’s messiah was orphaned by a Terminator at age 9. Since then, she’s been raised by (brace yourself) Schwarzenegger’s Terminator—an older T-800 she calls “Pops”—who is programmed to guard rather than to kill. As a result, Sarah is a highly trained antisocial recluse who’s great with a sniper rifle but not so skilled at the nuances of human emotion.
Durham County Council. I'm starting to think their customer services department has been outsourced to Arriva. Equally as useless.
I've two enquiries open with them at present. One being for fly tipping, which has been open for four weeks, yet the rubbish is still there. Whilst I'll give them credit for responding pretty much as soon as I email them, it's the fact that it's just a fob off and no follow up you get in response.
I should not pay my council tax one month, and see how quickly they get in contact with me.
(30 Oct 2014, 9:02 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Durham County Council. I'm starting to think their customer services department has been outsourced to Arriva. Equally as useless.
I've two enquiries open with them at present. One being for fly tipping, which has been open for four weeks, yet the rubbish is still there. Whilst I'll give them credit for responding pretty much as soon as I email them, it's the fact that it's just a fob off and no follow up you get in response.
I should not pay my council tax one month, and see how quickly they get in contact with me.
Gateshead Council now put signs up stating 'Police Aware' when investigating fly-tipping. Do Durham County Council do this?
The service provided by CrossStinky from York to Durham!
It was absolutely awful - our seats were in Coach F and were 17, 18, 21 & 22, and there were no signs to say which ones were reserved. So, as a result, with no signs of a reservation, other passengers were treating them as ordinary seats.
When we eventually found them, a mother and daughter were in 21 & 22, and the father was in 17 with a student in 18. The student was more than happy to get up, but the father grunted and told the other two they had to get up and move for us. They made it seem like such an effort! - and they went to go and stand at the front of the coach. Everytime I looked, the daughter, who was about my age, was staring at us with her eyes narrowed like we'd murdered her fucking pet and had the nerve to show up at it's funeral!! Jesus Christ!
When some seats were freed up at Darlington, they sat in them, and they happened to be near us. As we approached Durham, I got some 'hackies' off the mother and the daughter, and as we pulled into the station I heard her say to her husband 'you'd think the boy would have the manners to offer his seat to a girl, you know!'.....?....
WE HAD RESERVED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! You DON'T reserve seats at a cost and then give them to people who have NOT paid that bit extra!!
Last time I go with CrossCountry! You get some absolute twats for passengers! - East Coast all the way!!
(Sorry if this post seems way over the top!)
The question we all want to know (apart from wanting to know what you would do if the same people were on an EC set as you one day), is: Did the train stink?
Was rudely awaken by the telephone at 1am this morning

(31 Oct 2014, 7:41 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]The question we all want to know (apart from wanting to know what you would do if the same people were on an EC set as you one day), is: Did the train stink?
I'd say East Coast are more civilised, in comparison to TransPennine and CrossCountry.
The train also happened to be a nursery! - four kids running up and down the coach with a baby screaming it's head off at the very front. Not so much a bit smell, but something was certainly in the atmosphere!

Things that annoyed me the most was Richard Tiplady intimidating me he also took photos on property lucky I have an image to prove it him and another kid was doing it luckily I had my mates around me and then he told a lie to Nexus saying I was taking one photo on property which I didn't he said this to david and I was with my mates Ryan, Paul, Michael and Simon as witnesses and they said I didnt take a single photo on property outdside the property I did take photos where the Church was and off property where the buses come in and out
(31 Oct 2014, 3:40 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]Things that annoyed me the most was Richard Tiplady intimidating me he also took photos on property lucky I have an image to prove it him and another kid was doing it luckily I had my mates around me and then he told a lie to Nexus saying I was taking one photo on property which I didn't he said this to david and I was with my mates Ryan, Paul, Michael and Simon as witnesses and they said I didnt take a single photo on property outdside the property I did take photos where the Church was and off property where the buses come in and out
It's probably best you and this Richard give each other a wide berth... Two wrongs don't make a right, and it's silly little 'telling tales' like this, that make the pro-enthusiast position in Nexus bus stations, untenable...

Got in at 4ish and was up again at 8.
Was a great night out though with my American friends. Spent the early part of the night in the Weatherspoons at the very top of John Dobson Street, then went touring the clubs having a whole assortment of shots.
(02 Nov 2014, 11:39 am)Adam wrote [ -> ]Hungover
Got in at 4ish and was up again at 8.
Was a great night out though with my American friends. Spent the early part of the night in the Weatherspoons at the very top of John Dobson Street, then went touring the clubs having a whole assortment of shots.
Did you visit the wonderful Sam Jacks?

(02 Nov 2014, 11:45 am)Simmy wrote [ -> ]Did you visit the wonderful Sam Jacks? 
No we missed that one out last night. It is a wonderful place though. Who doesn't like walking into a bar/club to find some dancing lasses on an overhead balcony

I don't think our female American friends would appreciate us lads stood there gauping at some eye-candy haha.
I can't remember all the places we visited, but I can recall Digi, Perdu, Gotham Town and Empress
One of Richards mates messages me to leave Richard alone when it was him too bad she is now blocked on FB I have no time for trouble makers
(02 Nov 2014, 7:22 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]One of Richards mates messages me to leave Richard alone when it was him too bad she is now blocked on FB I have no time for trouble makers
However, 'she' does have a point.
As Aureolin has said 'two wrongs don't make a right'. While Richard may well harass you, it might be argued that you are doing exactly the same by coming on here, accusing him of theft, and generally acting in way that's tantamount to harassment.
It's obvious that you both have no time for each other and that's unlikely to change. You can't change his behaviour but you can change your own by being the bigger man and let all this animosity go. Give him a wide berth. If he still tries to harass you then ignore him - don't give him the satisfaction of being able to wind you up.
It might be hard but you'll feel better for it in the long run.
Today really isn't my day like but never mind.
I mentioned in my previous post the three American lasses me and my mates befriended during freshers. Anyway, I got with one of the Americans during freshers and was dumped by her a couple of weeks ago. I now seem to be in a very awkward situation because the events of last night have resulted in me falling for her flatmate/best friend. What makes it even more awkward is that I agreed to remain very good friends with my ex, so I don't want to hurt her, but both my ex and her flatmate/best friend I've fallen for are both going back to Arkansas next month...
(02 Nov 2014, 7:53 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Today really isn't my day like but never mind.
I mentioned in my previous post the three American lasses me and my mates befriended during freshers. Anyway, I got with one of the Americans during freshers and was dumped by her a couple of weeks ago. I now seem to be in a very awkward situation because the events of last night have resulted in me falling for her flatmate/best friend. What makes it even more awkward is that I agreed to remain very good friends with my ex, so I don't want to hurt her, but both my ex and her flatmate/best friend I've fallen for are both going back to Arkansas next month...
Follow your heart.
You say you were dumped by your ex which implies that the decision to end the relationship was hers.
I appreciate that you may have agreed to remain friends, but, as a friend, she should have no objection to you going out with someone you really like.
If she has a problem with you going out with a friend of hers - the problem lies with her not you.
I know you want to keep everyone happy but life isn't that simple. If you think that her friend is something special, and her feelings are reciprocated, then go for it!
Long distance relationships however...
(02 Nov 2014, 8:08 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]Follow your heart.
You say you were dumped by your ex which implies that the decision to end the relationship was hers.
I appreciate that you may have agreed to remain friends, but, as a friend, she should have no objection to you going out with someone you really like.
If she has a problem with you going out with a friend of hers - the problem lies with her not you.
I know you want to keep everyone happy but life isn't that simple. If you think that her friend is something special, and her feelings are reciprocated, then go for it!
Long distance relationships however...
I agree with what you are saying AdamY, but I've never been in the situation myself (probably never will).
Adam, do what you want, and don't let people change your decision.
Ask Dr Nick!
There is a thread in here somewhere. Uncle AdamY solved the initial love triangle there too.
Laying my cards on the table - I have 'lived' a bit. Older women, younger women, same age women, bitter women, scorned women, two faced women, secure women, insecure women, in different countries women.
One thing I learned, no matter what you do, what you say - you can't win.
Whatever you do, it will be wrong in someone's eyes.
Just go with your gut instinct and don't let your head rule your heart or vice versa.
One positive, is that you are young and have plenty of time, whatever the outcome here.
Don't let it chew you up. What will be, will be.
As my Dad always reminded me: "don't go plodging without your wellies".
Three kids later - I may start listening to his advice.
(02 Nov 2014, 8:08 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]Follow your heart.
You say you were dumped by your ex which implies that the decision to end the relationship was hers.
I appreciate that you may have agreed to remain friends, but, as a friend, she should have no objection to you going out with someone you really like.
If she has a problem with you going out with a friend of hers - the problem lies with her not you.
I know you want to keep everyone happy but life isn't that simple. If you think that her friend is something special, and her feelings are reciprocated, then go for it!
Long distance relationships however...
Sound advice that. Thank you.
My head says one thing, my heart another.
I'm really not sure if the friend feels the same way or not.
It is very hard to keep everyone happy. I don't want to make my friendship with them awkward, and I don't want their friendship to be awkward either.
And it does seem a bit pointless if we've only got a month and a bit left.
Doing A-Level Ethics has made this a hell of a lot harder. I've got all the different theories running through my mind; Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtue Ethics.
(02 Nov 2014, 8:11 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I agree with what you are saying AdamY, but I've never been in the situation myself (probably never will). 
Adam, do what you want, and don't let people change your decision.
Also good advice. Thank you. That's one problem with me. I hate being selfish, so I do always consider other people's opinions and how they would feel. It's quite annoying at times.
(02 Nov 2014, 8:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Ask Dr Nick!
There is a thread in here somewhere. Uncle AdamY solved the initial love triangle there too.
Laying my cards on the table - I have 'lived' a bit. Older women, younger women, same age women, bitter women, scorned women, two faced women, secure women, insecure women, in different countries women.
One thing I learned, no matter what you do, what you say - you can't win.
Whatever you do, it will be wrong in someone's eyes.
Just go with your gut instinct and don't let your head rule your heart or vice versa.
One positive, is that you are young and have plenty of time, whatever the outcome here.
Don't let it chew you up. What will be, will be.
As my Dad always reminded me: "don't go plodging without your wellies".
Three kids later - I may start listening to his advice.
Also cracking advice. Thank you.
Ah, I should have probably tried to find the Uncle AdamY thread. Completely forgot about it.
In regards to someone seeing either outcome as wrong, that's one of the sub-problems I have. I absolutely hate seeing friends hurt, so if I hurt someone then I'll feel guilty as owt.
I love these deep quotes and mottos people have (blame A-Level philosophy). That's certainly a one to remember.
I'll have to think about it long and hard over the next few days. I might be seeing them tomorrow night for a game of bowling or on Wednesday for bonfire night, or even both, so I best get my skates on.
But seriously lads, thanks a lot. I do appreciate it.
(30 Oct 2014, 1:48 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]The new Terminator plot... i was looking forward to it and now i'm not... sounds terrible!
The PLOT IS BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The beginning of Terminator: Genisys, the first of three planned films that Paramount hopes will relaunch the beloved sci-fi franchise, is set in 2029, when the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels has the evil artificial-intelligence system Skynet on the ropes. John Connor (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ Jason Clarke) is the leader of the resistance, and Kyle Reese (Divergent‘s Jai Courtney) is his loyal soldier, raised in the ruins of post apocalyptic California. As in the original film, Connor sends Reese back to 1984 to save Connor’s mother, Sarah (Game of Thrones‘ Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator programmed to kill her so that she won’t ever give birth to John. But what Reese finds on the other side is nothing like he expected.
Twist No. 1? Sarah Connor isn’t the innocent she was when Linda Hamilton first sported feathered hair and acid-washed jeans in the role. Nor is she Hamilton’s steely zero body-fat warrior in 1991’s T2. Rather, the mother of humanity’s messiah was orphaned by a Terminator at age 9. Since then, she’s been raised by (brace yourself) Schwarzenegger’s Terminator—an older T-800 she calls “Pops”—who is programmed to guard rather than to kill. As a result, Sarah is a highly trained antisocial recluse who’s great with a sniper rifle but not so skilled at the nuances of human emotion.
Thanks for that Michael, wont need to watch it now
(31 Oct 2014, 7:20 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]It's probably best you and this Richard give each other a wide berth... Two wrongs don't make a right, and it's silly little 'telling tales' like this, that make the pro-enthusiast position in Nexus bus stations, untenable...
Been telling him that for agea
(02 Nov 2014, 7:22 pm)Racer_Experience wrote [ -> ]One of Richards mates messages me to leave Richard alone when it was him too bad she is now blocked on FB I have no time for trouble makers
Told you once, I have told you a hundred times, ignore the bloke
(02 Nov 2014, 8:48 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Sound advice that. Thank you.
My head says one thing, my heart another.
I'm really not sure if the friend feels the same way or not.
It is very hard to keep everyone happy. I don't want to make my friendship with them awkward, and I don't want their friendship to be awkward either.
And it does seem a bit pointless if we've only got a month and a bit left.
Doing A-Level Ethics has made this a hell of a lot harder. I've got all the different theories running through my mind; Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtue Ethics.
Also good advice. Thank you. That's one problem with me. I hate being selfish, so I do always consider other people's opinions and how they would feel. It's quite annoying at times.
Also cracking advice. Thank you.
Ah, I should have probably tried to find the Uncle AdamY thread. Completely forgot about it.
In regards to someone seeing either outcome as wrong, that's one of the sub-problems I have. I absolutely hate seeing friends hurt, so if I hurt someone then I'll feel guilty as owt.
I love these deep quotes and mottos people have (blame A-Level philosophy). That's certainly a one to remember.
I'll have to think about it long and hard over the next few days. I might be seeing them tomorrow night for a game of bowling or on Wednesday for bonfire night, or even both, so I best get my skates on.
But seriously lads, thanks a lot. I do appreciate it.
Uncle Mista Fozz is willing to give advice if I can

Whats annoying me today...I never slept a wink on Friday Night, I never slept a wink last night, am fucking knackered, I am due to have a tooth out this afternoon...
And I am relapsing...old habits die hard...
Shopping for jeans.
I hate it, all stops seem to think we are skinny and very tall or morbidly obese and I don't want to pay £40 for ONE pair.
Also some tosser shoved past me on the escalator.
(03 Nov 2014, 12:17 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Shopping for jeans.
I hate it, all stops seem to think we are skinny and very tall or morbidly obese and I don't want to pay £40 for ONE pair.
Also some tosser shoved past me on the escalator.
Try ASDA, Tesco or Primark. You can buy two or three (and perhaps four) pairs of jeans for £40. They come in a range of sizes too.
Try ASDA, Tesco or Primark. You can buy two or three (and perhaps four) pairs of jeans for £40. They come in a range of sizes too.
Got some in Burton.
What's annoying me now is people walking through shops with their eyes glued to their phones not looking where they are going and clash into you and make its your fault even when you've had to stop in the hope they look up for a second and see you coming.
Can we have a brand new thread started whats annoying Jimmi today

I'm kidding mate...I like ya really

Can we have a brand new thread started whats annoying Jimmi today
I'm kidding mate...I like ya really
Sounds like a good idea.
Traffic... everywhere...
56 diverting from Nissan.. nightmare... southwick to the bus link at Southwick... terrible...SOL to Wheatscheaf... nightmare.... only took me over an hour from Concord to Park lane...
Part of me is pleased to see it in frontline service. Part of me is gutted to have yet to ride it - the Alexander of Brylaine's I saw the other week in Lincoln bus station, was out again today on the 5.
I was heading in the opposite direction.
.....and none of my Metros were late today (hurrah!!)