(09 Nov 2014, 7:17 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Oh, that's his Instagram name! - I think he's in that shameful band '5 Seconds of Summer' or something.
Something to do with 1D seein them on youtube and they were invited to join 1D on tour
I know that because I looked on wikipedia...Honestly

(09 Nov 2014, 7:23 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]I honestly thought he was some kid from your school.
So he's just another pointless celebrity whose work I'm unfamiliar with.
He is, yes. There are four of them - all as pointless as each other!
(09 Nov 2014, 7:23 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Damn...A pervert stalker, ouch...
Probs just her friends stirring the cauldron, like! I've gotten all sorts!
(09 Nov 2014, 7:16 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Thanks Fozz 
It's just been going on for nearly 2 years, and I've almost adapted to hibernation between the hours of 11:15-35 & 12:35-13:35!
Thing is, if I tried to catch her alone, she would just tell me to go away and stop following her. Many a time her friends have told me her mam (or mum - she's quite well-spoken!
) thinks I'm a stalker and should get a serious telling-off (WTF?!) - and that she (the girl) thinks I'm a pervert of some sort....
Have you got her digits? If not, get them!
As others have said. Just catch her alone, but perhaps ask her to go through the town, pics, or something else you may fancy. Should kill the nerves a bit.
(09 Nov 2014, 7:30 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]What are those Skittle drinks? I've heard of them but never tried one. The craze used to be flaming Tequila or flaming Absinthe when I used to go through the town.
Flaming Tequila and Absinthe...that takes me back, The fumes from the being lit had more effect than the drink itself...
I used to love The Green Fairy, but it always blew my head off

(09 Nov 2014, 7:35 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Flaming Tequila and Absinthe...that takes me back, The fumes from the being lit had more effect than the drink itself...
I used to love The Green Fairy, but it always blew my head off
I think it was Bar:Me that used to have the tequilas on the go, and Bar 36 for the absinthe. I remember having a few too many absinthes one night, and can't actually remember leaving the town.

(09 Nov 2014, 7:34 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Have you got her digits? If not, get them!
As others have said. Just catch her alone, but perhaps ask her to go through the town, pics, or something else you may fancy. Should kill the nerves a bit.
I've been offered them by a few other kids who have gone out with her before, but I declined on account of the fact that if I were to ring her, she'd report the call as harassment!
(09 Nov 2014, 7:38 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I've been offered them by a few other kids who have gone out with her before, but I declined on account of the fact that if I were to ring her, she'd report the call as harassment!
Sounds a bit chicken-oriental to me.
My advice would be to avoid and move on.
(09 Nov 2014, 7:38 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I think it was Bar:Me that used to have the tequilas on the go, and Bar 36 for the absinthe. I remember having a few too many absinthes one night, and can't actually remember leaving the town. 
Did you ever hallucinate on Absinthe, that was a big thing at the time, it supposedly made you trip out, I tripped a lot, but it was not on Absinthe, which blew my head off...
My favourite shots was always Aftershock and Jägermeister, always could drink that stuff by the bottle
(09 Nov 2014, 7:41 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]Sounds a bit chicken-oriental to me.
My advice would be to avoid and move on.
I am starting to feel that as well Adam
Well, thanks for the advice anyway guys.
While I'm not so shy when I know people aren't going to annoy me, after 2 long years I've gone from confidence Lv.10 to confidence Lv.4, I constantly get teased about it because most of the others think she's unattractive, when I disagree.
(09 Nov 2014, 7:30 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]What are those Skittle drinks? I've heard of them but never tried one. The craze used to be flaming Tequila or flaming Absinthe when I used to go through the town.
Skittles are basically a green-coloured drink that's made up of vodka (optional), blue WKD, fresh orange juice, lemonade and loads of ice. You won't believe how popular they are amongst both males and females.
To elaborate further, if this was a situation where you admired this girl from afar, or, were good friends with her and wished to progress to a relationship, then I'd suggest something similar to the advice Aureolin has kindly provided.
However, despite your infatuation, it seems like you live in fear of this girl and any attention you give her is wrongly interpreted as harassment. Even if you somehow move beyond that impasse, it's unlikely to provide the foundation of a healthy relationship. This is why, in my opinion, you need to walk away before it turns into something ugly.
(09 Nov 2014, 8:04 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Skittles are basically a green-coloured drink that's made up of vodka (optional), blue WKD, fresh orange juice, lemonade and loads of ice. You won't believe how popular they are amongst both males and females.
Got to say, I tried Kopparberg's Strawberry and Lime and Cider this weekend.....lets just say I hope Sainsburys have a good supply in, bloody love it!!
(09 Nov 2014, 8:07 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Got to say, I tried Kopparberg's Strawberry and Lime and Cider this weekend.....lets just say I hope Sainsburys have a good supply in, bloody love it!!
Strawberry Cider...sounds nice that does
(09 Nov 2014, 8:07 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Got to say, I tried Kopparberg's Strawberry and Lime and Cider this weekend.....lets just say I hope Sainsburys have a good supply in, bloody love it!!
Strawberry and Lime Kopparberg is amazing. If you haven't tried it already, I'd recommend the strawberry and lime or the peach rekorderlig, or even the kiwi and lime 'old mout' cider. Sainsbury stock both.
(09 Nov 2014, 8:06 pm)AdamY wrote [ -> ]To elaborate further, if this was a situation where you admired this girl from afar, or, were good friends with her and wished to progress to a relationship, then I'd suggest something similar to the advice Aureolin has kindly provided.
However, despite your infatuation, it seems like you live in fear of this girl and any attention you give her is wrongly interpreted as harassment. Even if you somehow move beyond that impasse, it's unlikely to provide the foundation of a healthy relationship. This is why, in my opinion, you need to walk away before it turns into something ugly.
I was good friends with her, and then her friends started to notice I was getting quite close with her, and it was just forced out of me....
Ever since then, she hasn't shown any sign of interest in my feelings, and her friends making any contact awkward, so I've just naturally started to avoid her. I wish I could go back to September 26 2013 and change everything.
(09 Nov 2014, 8:11 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I was good friends with her, and then her friends started to notice I was getting quite close with her, and it was just forced out of me....
Ever since then, she hasn't shown any sign of interest in my feelings, and her friends making any contact awkward, so I've just naturally started to avoid her. I wish I could go back to September 26 2013 and change everything.
I wish I had a Deloreon and Flux Capicator to help you out mate
(09 Nov 2014, 8:11 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I was good friends with her, and then her friends started to notice I was getting quite close with her, and it was just forced out of me....
Ever since then, she hasn't shown any sign of interest in my feelings, and her friends making any contact awkward, so I've just naturally started to avoid her. I wish I could go back to September 26 2013 and change everything.
Hadn't realised it'd been going on for that long! I'd seriously just move on. There are plenty more lasses out there, without wasting your time and energy.
I've always had a rule. I never dated from the same school, the same college, and certainly not from the same workplace. That way it never has to be anyone else's business but your own.
(09 Nov 2014, 8:12 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]I wish I had a Deloreon and Flux Capicator to help you out mate
I don't think a DeLorean and Flux Capacitor would be much use in helping hormonally imbalanced teenagers.
People and relationships change so rapidly at school.
(09 Nov 2014, 8:12 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]I wish I had a Deloreon and Flux Capicator to help you out mate
Or a Vauxhall Nova, couple of subs in the back, and go faster stripes. Do chicks still dig that?

(09 Nov 2014, 8:19 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Or a Vauxhall Nova, couple of subs in the back, and go faster stripes. Do chicks still dig that? 
Is it possible to achieve 88 miles per hour in a one-litre Vauxhall Nova with a car full of people?
Or a Vauxhall Nova, couple of subs in the back, and go faster stripes. Do chicks still dig that? Big Grin
Don't forget to execute a perfect hand brake turn

Possibly completely blowing my identity out of the water - but yes, it is possible to get beyond 88mph in a Vauxhall Nova, with 4 passengers.
Quite a few years since I had mine, yet the stories about said car are talked about to this day.
I won't share these stories on a public forum, for obvious reasons...
There was even a group set up on FB in dedication to the car!
That i have to go to uni tomorrow... really cba with it
(09 Nov 2014, 10:13 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]That i have to go to uni tomorrow... really cba with it
It's doing its job of setting you up for working life then... Monday dread.

(09 Nov 2014, 10:40 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]It's doing its job of setting you up for working life then... Monday dread. 
You get that from being 4 years old in school!