Diana's death was well before I was born.
9-11 was a year before I was born.
7-7 I was in Reception so really didn't think much about it. But now, That im older and understand a lot more I find the Twin Towers the most shocking.
Im not scared of another terrorist attack when I go to New York in 3 weeks. I go by what my Dad told me when I was younger ( These people are not real Muslims, But me and you are) if you were wandering me and my dad and the rest of my family on my dads side are Muslim.
I sound so depressing don't I?!
(07 Jul 2015, 6:51 pm)South Tyne Lad wrote [ -> ]Diana's death was well before I was born.
9-11 was a year before I was born.
7-7 I was in Reception so really didn't think much about it. But now, That im older and understand a lot more I find the Twin Towers the most shocking.
Im not scared of another terrorist attack when I go to New York in 3 weeks. I go by what my Dad told me when I was younger ( These people are not real Muslims, But me and you are) if you were wandering me and my dad and the rest of my family on my dads side are Muslim.
It'll never put me off from going to New York, London etc, they wont win.
I never knew you were muslim, i'm with you to, dont let others make you think all muslims are bad.
When Diana died I woke up with the worst hangover possible...What I remember is The National Anthem at the top of every hour, and it did not really sink in till Tony Blair gave his speech from Sedgefield, the funeral was also something etched on my memory, he sight of William and Harry, 16 and 12/13 respectively walking with Prince Phillip, Prince of Wales and Charles, Earl Spencer behond the coffin, I remember thinking they were brave to do that very much in the public eye, in front of the watching, I signed at least 3 books of Condolence to her, 1 in Durham, 1 in Newcastle and in Sunderland, I used to to goto a Day Centre every week at the Hospital and we took a walk into town...
9/11, as NYC is 5 hours behind us, I was coming home from College, popped in the shop to get some fags and the shopkeeper saying 'Look at that' I stood with him speechless, I then sprinted home to tell my mam and dad and I think the News stopped on all day long, one of those moments when I wanted John McLane to coming and dispatch the nasty terrorists(as if I was watching a Die Hard movie)...
7/7, I had not long been out of bed, the first attack happened before 9am, again just glued to the news all day...
I vaguely remember Lockerbie, The Dunblane School massacre stuck out in my mind as we had a special assembly at school...
The first biggie for me was Hillsborough, 7 years old and not able to understand what happened, just watching something I had no idea about, we talked about it in school on the Monday after and remember people asking 'Why', how is it 95 people went out for the day and never came home(the 96th died years later, never emerging from a coma)
Another I remember, was Desert Storm, my Uncle went to the Gulf in Late 1990, my Nana and Granddad were upset, my mother probably was too, again, being young, I did not understand why they were worried, as far as I was concerned he was just going to work, and doing what he had to do as that was what he did all the time...My class at school all wrote letters to my Uncle in The Gulf and when he came home, my Uncle came up to the School to talk the class, I was the proudest 8 year old in Murton that day...
Is anyone here old enough to remember Kennedy being murdered???
Massive Fire in Sunderland, Thick plooms of Black Smoke can be seen from Grangetown, looks to be over by the Stadium of Light.
(08 Jul 2015, 11:24 am)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Massive Fire in Sunderland, Thick plooms of Black Smoke can be seen from Grangetown, looks to be over by the Stadium of Light.
Its the scrap yard i think,

UK Foreign Office tells all British nationals to leave Tunisia, warning "further terrorist attack is highly likely"
(10 Jul 2015, 11:25 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Do you spend all your time trawling news sites mate...
Like your football results, without you I would not know much...
Anyway well done to that landlord, good way to boost your numbers
Haha, no I don't mate, I am usually on Facebook, here or Flickr

(11 Jul 2015, 7:44 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeYSzQGAwo8
Not surprised such YouTube account exists, there is some terrible drivers on the road, seen a few terrible drivers in Newcastle who could kill someone, I nearly got ran down by a taxi on that zebra crossing where Eldon Square is round Blackett Street.
Slightly hypercritical account
Some terrible driving observed on the A1(M) on our way back from Newcastle last night, two lanes with a lorry overtaking another lorry which was not really going any faster than the one it was overtaking, this move took around 3-4 minutes to make. In addition to this there was someone in a BMW who used the hard shoulder to illegally undertake them! Also on the A1(M) there is currently a 50mph speed limit between junction 61 and 60 and we were about the only people to obey this limit and were overtaken by pretty much everything, as we got to the end of the 50mph limit we were overtaken by a lorry but because the 50 limit had ended we had sped up and he was blaring the horn at us.
Think I should take my camera down to Newton Aycliffe Tesco's car park, Jesus there is some total brain dead morons in there, you can almost guarantee someone will not give way and end up pulling out right in front of you causing you to slam on the breaks.
(11 Jul 2015, 7:44 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeYSzQGAwo8
The guy is a bit of a dick to be honest. 1:35 in, and he's in the wrong. He's entered a box junction when his exit lane isn't clear.
Oh and wait - 3:40. Sitting stationary in a yellow box junction, that he has entered when his exit lane isn't clear (again). Not to mention the aggressive use of a horn.
(11 Jul 2015, 8:15 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]The guy is a bit of a dick to be honest. 1:35 in, and he's in the wrong. He's entered a box junction when his exit lane isn't clear.
And rather than stopping, he had to speed up to get round in the clip straight after!

Gutted... Just completed my PAT on my equpiment and £700 worth of gear has failed. Not exactly a good time to replace it.
The mother and murderer of Daniel Pelka, Magdalena Luczak, has been found dead in her prison cell in Derbyshire.
Luczak was two years into a 30 year jail term for the death of her 4-year-old son who suffered years of abuse at the hands of her and her partner Mariusz Krezolek.
I hope she fucking suffered, if she was killed by another cell mate... i want to buy them a drink!
Daniel Pelka would of being 8 today =(
(15 Jul 2015, 5:38 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]The mother and murderer of Daniel Pelka, Magdalena Luczak, has been found dead in her prison cell in Derbyshire.
Luczak was two years into a 30 year jail term for the death of her 4-year-old son who suffered years of abuse at the hands of her and her partner Mariusz Krezolek.
I hope she fucking suffered, if she was killed by another cell mate... i want to buy them a drink!
Daniel Pelka would of being 8 today =(
Probably Suicide...I hope she rots in hell!!!!!
Facebook have said they'll either delete my account or I have to change my name (which I'm not doing), so I'm just going to not bother with that account any more.
(15 Jul 2015, 4:52 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Facebook have said they'll either delete my account or I have to change my name (which I'm not doing), so I'm just going to not bother with that account any more.
I had the same problem yesterday
(15 Jul 2015, 4:58 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I had the same problem yesterday
Yeah I'm not going to bother having the buses one any more.
Thought it would be a good idea to have a Toasted Cheese & Ham Wrap for my supper, as I had one for my dinner earlier in the day and it was quite nice, except this time around it caught fire after the wrap curled up while toasting and touched the grill heating tongs, my mother now thinks I am not only a complete arsehole, but a dickhead also, personally I blame my sister for this incident as she just so happened to be singing fire by ellie goulding at the exact same time, bit of freaky kharma right there I think.
(15 Jul 2015, 10:29 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Thought it would be a good idea to have a Toasted Cheese & Ham Wrap for my supper, as I had one for my dinner earlier in the day and it was quite nice, except this time around it caught fire after the wrap curled up while toasting and touched the grill heating tongs, my mother now thinks I am not only a complete arsehole, but a dickhead also, personally I blame my sister for this incident as she just so happened to be singing fire by ellie goulding at the exact same time, bit of freaky kharma right there I think.
I am with your mam on this one

(16 Jul 2015, 5:18 am)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]I am with your mam on this one 
My mam certainly wouldn't by happy if I made something catch fire...

(16 Jul 2015, 9:25 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]It's kicking off bigtime in North Tyneside....
Talk about wasting Police time and resources, obviously whoever posted this missed April Fools, what a Joke I am bloody dying with laughter.