(25 Aug 2014, 9:34 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]haha
It has been a while since Dan first commented on how nice the Percy Main Renowns smelled compared to other depots vehicles - yet the addition to the wiki page still features.
It must be true!
(25 Aug 2014, 9:36 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]It has been a while since Dan first commented on how nice the Percy Main Renowns smelled compared to other depots vehicles - yet the addition to the wiki page still features.
It must be true!
She hasn't been as hard at work lately!
I've narrowed it down to about four of the dual door B10s which smell nice when you're sitting on that front side seat on the nearside.

(25 Aug 2014, 9:37 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]She hasn't been as hard at work lately!
I've narrowed it down to about four of the dual door B10s which smell nice when you're sitting on that front side seat on the nearside. 
You sure it isn't just the drivers aftershave?

(25 Aug 2014, 10:11 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]You sure it isn't just the drivers aftershave? 
If the male drivers at Percy Main wear a fruity fragrance aftershave, I suppose.........!

(25 Aug 2014, 10:26 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]http://lockerdome.com/bbcsporf/616946138...8254259988
The Chelsea FC club doctor has accepted her challenge! 
She is the reason I like watching Chelsea...
My mother has been challenged but she can't do it till Wednesday because of work shifts...If she does not chicken out, she is getting the bucket over her from 12' up on the roof [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
(26 Aug 2014, 12:59 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]New series of Benefits Street being filmed in Stockton.
I'm still waiting for parasite street. A reality TV show dedicated to the thieving tax dodgers sitting on the boards of multimillion pound corporations.

(27 Aug 2014, 10:38 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Is it time to change the gun laws in America?
Girl Accidentally Kills Gun Instructor With Uzi
A fucking Uzi
Something seriously wrong there, in what world would anyone give a NINE year old a gun??!!! There's a reason games like battlefield are rated 16's. And what were her parents doing, allowing their child fire a gun at that age.
America need to seriously rethink their gun laws, and quick
(27 Aug 2014, 10:38 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Is it time to change the gun laws in America?
Girl Accidentally Kills Gun Instructor With Uzi
A fucking Uzi
Yup, I wholeheartedly agree that the laws need to change, but I know they won't. Americans have a weird and sick fetish with firearms, and seemingly can't (or won't) live without them. It's horrific and you'd think they'd have learnt by now that things NEED to change.
(27 Aug 2014, 11:22 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Yup, I wholeheartedly agree that the laws need to change, but I know they won't. Americans have a weird and sick fetish with firearms, and seemingly can't (or won't) live without them. It's horrific and you'd think they'd have learnt by now that things NEED to change.
I can't see cant reasonable explanation for guns being allowed in the first place, they can only be there to cause trouble, in my mind anyway
Gonna sound harsh but anyone who is killed by a gun as a child, i blame the parents... yet the government blame games like GTA etc...
(27 Aug 2014, 11:26 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Gonna sound harsh but anyone who is killed by a gun as a child, i blame the parents... yet the government blame games like GTA etc...
Yep, everytime you hear about someone does a violent attack they always say about how they glamorize violence, drugs and sex in games and music videos and then you always hear a parent say that their seven year old is now incredibly violent and swears like hell all because he played GTA... and who bought him the game was it the company someone managed to give the game to a seven year old, NO! it was his parents who thought it would be appropriate to let him have it with an age rating more than double his age, same when you hear parents complain about things heard on Family Guy when their children are watching, it's not a family show so why are you letting your children watch it, is it the company's fault for making a cartoon for adults, no it's the parents fault for letting them watch it.
(27 Aug 2014, 2:45 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]LMAO, i would do something like that
I heard about that on the radio the other week, the man being deemed a 'legend' as opposed to a 'loser' by the majority of listeners.
Thought it was quite funny myself.
I know it sounds clichéd, but guns don't kill people. People do.
I have had access to a firearm since I was kid (all above board), which was used initially by my Grandad to pot rabbits, kill vermin etc.
The result being, that I am unpopular at the stalls on the Town Moor

What I will say, is that the American right to bear arms does need looking at.
Why a little kid (or anyone not a serving member in the armed forces), is using a gun of that power - it is genuinely beyond me.
Homer Simpson ice bucket challenge
The lad who has just sat across from me on the bus, is absolutely reeking of cannabis.
No idea how much he has in his bag, but the cafes in Amsterdam possibly have a shortage!
(28 Aug 2014, 4:06 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]The lad who has just sat across from me on the bus, is absolutely reeking of cannabis.
No idea how much he has in his bag, but the cafes in Amsterdam possibly have a shortage!
Must some potent shit...I have smoked some of Amsterdams finest and must say it mostly does have a distinct kinda smell
(28 Aug 2014, 4:09 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]What service is this on?
You wanting to meet it to go halfies

It is a GNE service.
Should have put it in the 'happy' thread, cos I am feeling it already
(28 Aug 2014, 4:08 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Must some potent shit...I have smoked some of Amsterdams finest and must say it mostly does have a distinct kinda smell
He has a bag of mints in his bag too. Obviously trying to disguise the smell, cos I keep getting a whiff of polos too.
If this stuff is as potent as it smells...
(28 Aug 2014, 4:11 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]You wanting to meet it to go halfies
It is a GNE service.
Should have put it in the 'happy' thread, cos I am feeling it already 
He has a bag of mints in his bag too. Obviously trying to disguise the smell, cos I keep getting a whiff of polos too.
If this stuff is as potent as it smells...
Mints are no good, all it does is freshen breath, the smell of dope in my experience clings to clothes and anything in the way of the smoke from it
(28 Aug 2014, 4:15 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Mints are no good, all it does is freshen breath, the smell of dope in my experience clings to clothes and anything in the way of the smoke from it
There wasn't a smoke smell, just freshly cultivated cannabis.
It is on my clothes now and people have commented about the smell on my next bus!