I was working in Birtley at the time of the 9/11 attacks. A manager popped into my office asking if I'd seen the news. I then ventured into the conference room where the rest of my colleagues were watching the events as they unfolded. After about 10 minutes we all returned to work. It was surreal.
(11 Sep 2014, 12:29 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]It just seems like two mins ago.
The lass opposite me at work, got a call from a customer and initially thought it was the start of a joke when he said "Have you heard about the plane that crashed into the twin towers?".
The eldest was due to be born just a few months later and I just kept wondering how it would impact on him into the future, never mind what sort of world he would be being born into.
Randomly on the subject of 9/11, I recommend checking out a mini-documentary called 'Boat Lift' or 'Boat Trip' or something like that.
It's about the boats that evacuated all of the people from Manhattan (remembering it's an island and there was no way to get in or out). Really quite moving.
If anyone is into watching films linked to 9/11, I'd highly recommend watching United 93.
At the end of Year 9 (so two and a bit years ago now), we watched the film over the course of two or three lessons, as we'd finished the syllabus and completed our internal exams, and were waiting to break up for summer.
Although I personally wasn't too keen on History, I really loved that film, and quite a few people commented on the fact that it was the first time in three years that they'd seen me look so attentive in a History lesson.
Getting the popcorn out because there is a argument on my facebook, which is between two sisters and it's getting heated!
(11 Sep 2014, 3:36 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]If anyone is into watching films linked to 9/11, I'd highly recommend watching United 93.
At the end of Year 9 (so two and a bit years ago now), we watched the film over the course of two or three lessons, as we'd finished the syllabus and completed our internal exams, and were waiting to break up for summer.
Although I personally wasn't too keen on History, I really loved that film, and quite a few people commented on the fact that it was the first time in three years that they'd seen me look so attentive in a History lesson.
In R.E. last year we had a lesson where the teacher put up on the board, one by one, 3 acts of God telling people to do stuff.
For the last one, she said she didn't really agree with it, she put up a scene from United 93 (you may remember, it was where they were trying to break into the cabin). I can be quite strong, don't think I've cried from an injury since I was about 4 (

), but I remember a little tear rolling down my cheek.

This is a post for the what annoyed you today and what made you happy... don't want to post it twice so its here:
As you may of heard about the Manchester dog's home going up in flames due to arson, 15 year old being arrested -
I was shocked to see it last night on the news, such a sad story.
I hope the little twat who did it, is burnt alive in prison.
However theirs a happy side to it to, this due to people donating, so far £785,490.74 has being raised and its going up and up, but you can't forget the people who have donated food, bedding etc.
Well Done to those 2 blokes who went in a rescued some of the dogs before the fire brigade arrived.
Well Done everyone
if you want to donate here is the link:
over £1 million has now being raised for Manchester Dogs' Home =)
(14 Sep 2014, 7:58 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Hate people like that, so what if a main charater was gay?
Remember when someone told me in school a few years back, and I was quite shocked, as JKR didn't seem to give it away (at least in the films - braved reading half of one but I'm not an avid reader so didn't finish it).
Sad that someone would stop being a fan of the series just because of that though.
Dan will be happy to know i'm back at uni tomorrow!
Looking forward to going back, being off since middle of May!
(14 Sep 2014, 9:10 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Dan will be happy to know i'm back at uni tomorrow!
Looking forward to going back, being off since middle of May!
Wooo..! You may become a good reader again!
Usually get up at 7am and get into school early, but I didn't get up until after half 7 today... Can't be arsed.
(15 Sep 2014, 6:55 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Wooo..! You may become a good reader again! 
Usually get up at 7am and get into school early, but I didn't get up until after half 7 today... Can't be arsed.
Hopefully! Haha
I got up at 6:30 this morning had to have a shower... really cba, gon a be early as its my first day back.... can have a little lie in tomorrow though!
Traffic is terrible to next to the Grindon mill heading to the hospital..... forgot how fun it was to travel on a early morning....
Idiots of the petrol station is blocking the road to!
Got stuck behind 3814 and many other cars going up Whickham/Swalwell Bank (changes its name about halfway down i think). A good 5-10 minutes it took to get up there and it wasnt even rush hour! Seriously, why cant they just withdraw it now as planned. They have spare lolynes and other buses like 3871 etc so its not as if they will be losing any buses. (This was Saturday)
Gonna need 3 coffees before i enter a classroom this morning, shattered isn't the word i would use!
(16 Sep 2014, 6:01 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Gonna need 3 coffees before i enter a classroom this morning, shattered isn't the word i would use!
Yet again, staying in bed seems like a better idea than getting up...
(16 Sep 2014, 6:23 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Yet again, staying in bed seems like a better idea than getting up...
I have to agree, not untill Next Monday after today though, well untill i get a placement sorted...
(16 Sep 2014, 6:01 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Gonna need 3 coffees before i enter a classroom this morning, shattered isn't the word i would use!
Bear with me on this one...
One of the issues/causes related to tiredness and being shattered (apart from lack of sleep/over doing it), is lack of iron.
Iron can be found naturally in loads of food - but one of the things that can deplete your iron levels, is coffee.
I have suffered from lack of energy for a while now (for a variety of reasons), but one of them, was iron.
I was filling my boots with steak, green veg - thinking the impact would be immediate.
It wasn't - so filled my boots with coffee. Not realising, it was undoing everything else.
Since then, I have cut the coffee right down, but still get the longer term benefits by eating the iron rich foods.
(16 Sep 2014, 2:00 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Bear with me on this one...
One of the issues/causes related to tiredness and being shattered (apart from lack of sleep/over doing it), is lack of iron.
Iron can be found naturally in loads of food - but one of the things that can deplete your iron levels, is coffee.
I have suffered from lack of energy for a while now (for a variety of reasons), but one of them, was iron.
I was filling my boots with steak, green veg - thinking the impact would be immediate.
It wasn't - so filled my boots with coffee. Not realising, it was undoing everything else.
Since then, I have cut the coffee right down, but still get the longer term benefits by eating the iron rich foods.
Guinness is supposedly loaded with Iron

(17 Sep 2014, 8:51 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Is that Keith - the Sunderland Shagger?
Nah, he's called Michael and he's based in Guildford.
(17 Sep 2014, 8:58 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Just read it - thought the whole thing would be blocked.
This fella had 11 at the last count http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/lov...ld-2131005
I remember going into a shop where he worked in Houghton a few years ago, he was talking on his phone to some bird...What he was going to do to her made even me blush...Shocking, lol
That man needs his cock and balls lopped off
When you're on the bus and someone says they need a meaty dump when they get home...
(18 Sep 2014, 3:45 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]When you're on the bus and someone says they need a meaty dump when they get home...
The kind of thing I say...except I normally describe it as a meaty shite