(24 Mar 2015, 5:29 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Well, something that confused me during Sex Ed...
All the boys in my tutor and the next down were all sent to the big maths room, to talk to a Youth Worker. We were all put in a bunch in the middle of the room and asked to either go to the left or right of the room, and when she asked the question; ''should sex be for pleasure only?'' - I went to the left in disagreement. 2/3 of the group were in agreement...
When someone was asked to give reasoning, I said ''I think you should have sex with a girl to show them how much you love them'', everyone went ''awwwwwhhhhh....'' then started clapping and smiling at me. Can't help but feel I missed something...either someone was doing something behind me or I just sounded like a total puff.
(24 Mar 2015, 5:35 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]In fairness sex isn't just for pleasure, it is also to sporn offspring.
What you said does sound a bit cringey!
Not quite sure what to make of that answer, I agree with Jimmi though, it is quite cringy, but is quite funny what you said...
Sounds almost as if you gave an answer you think the teacher wanted to hear

(24 Mar 2015, 8:50 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Received some Flickr Mail asking for me to change my Flickr profile name "Jimmi's Bus Photos"
I have looked at the profile of the person who sent me this and apparently he has the name Jimmi.
So some dude called Jimmi wants you to change your Flickr name because he is called Jimmi???
Tell 'im to go **** himself
(24 Mar 2015, 8:22 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Serious question: if someone is under no obligation to say ''yes'' to somebody, can I say ''no'' to an authority figure in any circumstance?
I remember one day last year not long after I started working at the WW2 Bomb Shelter that is 0800 Repair, one of the Managers asked me if I would go and make herself and few of the other members of staff a Cup of Tea/Coffee as I had got into work early, I replied no to the Manager, she said I asked you nicely, now go and do it please, I again said no and asked where in the Job Description of a Customer Service Advisor Apprentice does it say make Tea/Coffee for the Manager and other Members of Staff.
Which I was then firmly told to stop being rude, I apologised and then on purposefully went and made myself a cup of Tea much to the amusement of the members of staff who were enjoying the back and fourth between Myself and the Manager to kick start there Morning, the Manager wasnt amused in the slightest and made a sarky comment aimed at me when I sat back down at my Computer, in which I replied well if you wanted someone to make the Tea/Coffee then you should of employed a Tea Lady, those who were sat around me and could hear what was being said burst out laughing, the Manager then eventually got up and went and made the Tea/Coffees herself, I then asked her if that was difficult when she sat back down at her desk, she told me to less my Sarcasm, I replied I was just curious and cracked on with doing some Graft as it had just turned 9am which was when I was supposed to start my shift.
So in answer to your "Serious Question" Marcus, I would say Yes you can say No to an Authority Figure.
And yes my fellow NEB Members I can be an Argumentative Sarcastic Twat when I want to be, in all fairness though I was in a pretty good mood that morning and thought it would be a good idea to have a bit of banter with the Manager and other Members of Staff, unfortunately that went over the Managers Head and she completely misinterpreted what I was doing, She had a word with me later in the day after she had calmed down a bit and spoken to other members of staff, I simply said I was just joking about and made the Tea for myself for added effect to further wind her up a bit, suppose it was expected as she was Blond.
(24 Mar 2015, 9:02 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Don't do it. 
I don't want to really as people know that it is my photostream, if I was to remove the name Jimmi even if I kept the same buddy icon people would probably still get confused and think when did I follow this random person's photostream.
The thing is my name is not actually Jimmi, it is actually a nickname I have but I have this nickname because it is short for my name, it's like Daniel Graham going by Dan on here.
People will now know me by Jimmi so how am I go to get people to know me by my actual name, some barely know who I am to begin with.
This Jimmi is just going to have to deal with the fact there is another Jimmi (sort of) in the world of Flickr, I have seen other members on Flickr have had to come up with other things as there user names, for example Tom on here has the Flickr user name "Tom's Transport Photos" and there is another person with the username "tomstransportphotos"
So I think I will tell him that I am not going to change my user name but I will politely say that I am not changing it, besides according to his profile he is 11 what is he going to do and what is to stop him taking my name if I change it, people will think he's me.
(24 Mar 2015, 9:17 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I remember one day last year not long after I started working at the WW2 Bomb Shelter that is 0800 Repair, one of the Managers asked me if I would go and make herself and few of the other members of staff a Cup of Tea/Coffee as I had got into work early, I replied no to the Manager, she said I asked you nicely, now go and do it please, I again said no and asked where in the Job Description of a Customer Service Advisor Apprentice does it say make Tea/Coffee for the Manager and other Members of Staff.
Which I was then firmly told to stop being rude, I apologised and then on purposefully went and made myself a cup of Tea much to the amusement of the members of staff who were enjoying the back and fourth between Myself and the Manager to kick start there Morning, the Manager wasnt amused in the slightest and made a sarky comment aimed at me when I sat back down at my Computer, in which I replied well if you wanted someone to make the Tea/Coffee then you should of employed a Tea Lady, those who were sat around me and could hear what was being said burst out laughing, the Manager then eventually got up and went and made the Tea/Coffees herself, I then asked her if that was difficult when she sat back down at her desk, she told me to less my Sarcasm, I replied I was just curious and cracked on with doing some Graft as it had just turned 9am which was when I was supposed to start my shift.
So in answer to your "Serious Question" Marcus, I would say Yes you can say No to an Authority Figure.
And yes my fellow NEB Members I can be an Argumentative Sarcastic Twat when I want to be, in all fairness though I was in a pretty good mood that morning and thought it would be a good idea to have a bit of banter with the Manager and other Members of Staff, unfortunately that went over the Managers Head and she completely misinterpreted what I was doing, She had a word with me later in the day after she had calmed down a bit and spoken to other members of staff, I simply said I was just joking about and made the Tea for myself for added effect to further wind her up a bit, suppose it was expected as she was Blond.
What about a man in blue uniform asking you to go the station with him, can you say no that dude. [emoji14] am been silly now lol [emoji14]
I bet you can be sarcastic and argumentative lol...But why should you be obligated to do anything that is not in your job description
(24 Mar 2015, 9:28 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]What about a man in blue uniform asking you to go the station with him, can you say no that dude. [emoji14] am been silly now lol [emoji14]
I bet you can be sarcastic and argumentative lol...But why should you be obligated to do anything that is not in your job description
Id the tell the man in Blue to go and **** himself

As for being Sarcastic and Argumentative, I take that to whole new level at times Fozz, I certainly know how to push peoples buttons and engage a reaction out of them.
(24 Mar 2015, 9:04 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]So some dude called Jimmi wants you to change your Flickr name because he is called Jimmi???
Tell 'im to go **** himself
Sent a reply saying I am not changing my profile name as everyone knows me as Jimmi and to change my profile name would confuse my followers.
This Jimmi doesn't seem to be very popular with people as his photostream mainly seems to be transport nets and there is questions being raised about copyrights. Tempted to put a notice on my Flickr saying that I have no relation to this photostream and the nets in question.
Will keep you all updated on these developments.
(24 Mar 2015, 10:05 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Sent a reply saying I am not changing my profile name as everyone knows me as Jimmi and to change my profile name would confuse my followers.
This Jimmi doesn't seem to be very popular with people as his photostream mainly seems to be transport nets and there is questions being raised about copyrights. Tempted to put a notice on my Flickr saying that I have no relation to this photostream and the nets in question.
Will keep you all updated on these developments.
I know who you're on about. This is his profile (hoping i have the right Jimmi):
(24 Mar 2015, 10:22 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Yep, that's the one!
I honestly can't see how placing 'NET DELETED' over a net is but still having the net (albeit not fully visible) on his photostream is actually removing the net? Unless i've missed something...
Gotta love those comments on one of his cat photos by Bazza...[emoji23][emoji23]. Made my evening!
Do we think I should put a notice on my Flickr explaining that I am not him and I have no connection with his photostream, just worried as he has put livery on net created by Jimmi and don't want people thinking it's me.
(24 Mar 2015, 10:38 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Gotta love those comments on one of his cat photos by Bazza...[emoji23][emoji23]. Made my evening!
Do you like his pussy?
I started looking through pictures of his cat when you said that and i gotta say, i loved the following section: 'Meow boy or girl cat' aww sounds so cute when you say it.
(24 Mar 2015, 10:43 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Do we think I should put a notice on my Flickr explaining that I am not him and I have no connection with his photostream, just worried as he has put livery on net created by Jimmi and don't want people thinking it's me.
Personally, I would. You've worked quite hard to get where you are now in the photo-world, Jimmi, so if you fear this guy is going to be confusing others and thus corrupting your reputation, do what you need to to ensure you stay afloat!

(24 Mar 2015, 10:43 pm)Robert wrote [ -> ]Do you like his pussy?
I started looking through pictures of his cat when you said that and i gotta say, i loved the following section: 'Meow boy or girl cat' aww sounds so cute when you say it.
Have you seen him in the cab of that E200? Thought it was a little one!
I too found that line quite cute, I have this weird feminine side to me where sometimes I find little things like the puppy playing with his things really adorable and I AM A MAN.

(24 Mar 2015, 10:44 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Personally, I would. You've worked quite hard to get where you are now in the photo-world, Jimmi, so if you fear this guy is going to be confusing others and thus corrupting your reputation, do what you need to to ensure you stay afloat! 
Thinking of doing it.
Writing what I'm going to say into word now, if I do post it I will now do it sometime tomorrow as it's late now.
(24 Mar 2015, 10:58 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Thinking of doing it.
Writing what I'm going to say into word now, if I do post it I will now do it sometime tomorrow as it's late now.
Make sure it's alright and not too evasive, remembering he is just 11.
Although in your shoes, I would be quite peeved at someone getting confused with me and another Marcus (or Marc).
(24 Mar 2015, 11:04 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Make sure it's alright and not too evasive, remembering he is just 11.
Although in your shoes, I would be quite peeved at someone getting confused with me and another Marcus (or Marc).
I've basically wrote that I am not involved with any of the content on his photostream.
If anyone has anymore advice on what to do about the whole Flickr situation please drop me a PM on here.
I am thinking of making a notice to alert my followers of this as I don't want people thinking I am behind the nets on his Photostream.
I have prepared a statement regarding the issues with the other Jimmi on Flickr, although I have made it private for the moment to give chance for him to find that I am not changing my username and also because people may miss the photo I uploaded earlier and I will be out this evening so I don't want to be spending the whole night keeping an eye on my Flickr in case things go wrong.
Again if anyone has any advice on anything I should do surrounding this matter please PM me on here.
Probably a silly question, but something I was wondering about...I apologise now just in case people think I am disrespectful in any way, it is not my intention at all.
After hearing about the devastating plane crash in the French Alps, now in the majority of plane crashes the black boxes are normally found with no devastating damage to it...Is it not possible to build a plane using the same material as a black box???
Jimmi update: Just received the following the FlickrMail.
"The reason why I want you to change your name as I am also called Jimmi and I thought this may clash"
(25 Mar 2015, 5:11 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Jimmi update: Just received the following the FlickrMail.
"The reason why I want you to change your name as I am also called Jimmi and I thought this may clash"
Why dont you mail him ask him to change his name as you think it might clash...
Out of interest which of you has been on flickr longer
(25 Mar 2015, 5:18 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]He has longer than me.
But you've had the name for longer, and seeing as he obviously prefers to do nets, why he can't make his name ''Jimmi's Bus Nets'' is beyond me.
(25 Mar 2015, 5:19 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]But you've had the name for longer, and seeing as he obviously prefers to do nets, why he can't make his name ''Jimmi's Bus Nets'' is beyond me.
He should call it Jimmis Nettys...