Believe me if you will, but I remember being told a ghost story about my school. A few people who live near Chester will know which school I go to, and if memory serves it's either 102 or 103 years old now.
Having moved up from the lower site this year, some parts of the building feel so nostalgic, and I can't begin to imagine what they looked like 100 years ago (probably the same tbh

). I mean, there was the fire in the art corridor that completed gutted Room 212 (the main art room), (from a distance, those who have seen the school may just know it as the massive window at the bottom of the red brick building).
Anyway, moving onto the ghost story. I was told by the finance officer back in the 2013/14 year that her relative was the chief cleaner (or something like that, possibly site manager?). (I'm using far too many brackets here!)
Most nights, the cleaners are at school until about 6 or 7. Well, in the main building, the main staircase was one of the first parts of the interior constructed, I was told. To some people who don't know the school at all, possibly Andreos may know what I'm talking about, it's basically in the main building, and leads up from English and takes you to Languages.
One night, the site manager was mopping the stairs at the very top of the main staircase. She was on the landing, when she heard that distinctive noise made when you walk through water. She looked at the puddle left by her mop, and realised there were footprints in it. She couldn't have made them, because she was on the opposite side of the landing. A bit disturbed, she mopped over them again, and continued, only for it to happen again. Now she was getting pretty scared - and suddenly she heard a loud crash, she later described it to the finance officer as somebody banging off a wall. She was creeped out, and got all of her stuff, put it away, and legged it. The cleaners room is right at the bottom of the main corridor, so when she was running back up, she looked through 'the link', and into the hall. She swears she saw what appeared to be the figure of a person standing wandering around in the hall.
But that was impossible, as the site manager is always the last person in the building on a night, and the cleaners all go before the site manager.....
Please bare in mind I'm only going off what I've been told, and I have no idea if it's fact or fiction

. Although, considering the building's age - I can't see why it's not possible.
When she returned the next morning, she went to the library once the day had begun, and started to look into books about the schools history. She found something that made her sick to the stomach....
In short, in 1937 there was a boy who had done something bad enough to be getting chased around the school. He ran through the library, through the languages corridor. He ran down the stairs, and before he realised it, he was flying through the air, having missed a step.....and he toppled down the staircase, knocking several times off the walls in the process. I don't know what happened to him.
Well, there's a 'ghost story' for you to think about. I'm biased as to whether it's true or not, but it's an interesting tale about my schools past.