(03 Nov 2015, 2:18 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Nick Grimshaw has come out as gay.
Good on him although i didn't expect it.
I honestly thought he already had?
I am thinking about doing some fundraising for charity next year...
Now my sister hs been diagnosed Cirrohsis of the Liver, I want to raise funds for charity, I am thinking of a 3 way split between a Liver Disease Charity, MIND and a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Organisation...
I have a couple of ideas myself, but do any of you guys have any mad/wacky/stupid ideas...
Penny for ya thoughts guys
(03 Nov 2015, 8:33 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I am thinking about doing some fundraising for charity next year...
Now my sister hs been diagnosed Cirrohsis of the Liver, I want to raise funds for charity, I am thinking of a 3 way split between a Liver Disease Charity, MIND and a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Organisation...
I have a couple of ideas myself, but do any of you guys have any mad/wacky/stupid ideas...
Penny for ya thoughts guys
Liver disease charity is good.
I know someone helped by them
Great North Run or Sponsered skydive
(03 Nov 2015, 8:39 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Liver disease charity is good.
I know someone helped by them
Great North Run or Sponsered skydive
The Great North Run, if I did it, it would be the Great North Walk lol, I couldn't run 13' never mind 13 miles...
The Skydive/Parachute Jump is one I thought of, I am terrified of heights and would probably have a little pooh in my kegs if I jumped out a plane...But that is the kind of thing I would do, I reckon something that terrifies me would go down well with people who may want to sponsor me

As things stand at the moment, I am currently looking for donations for Mashers Murton* Christmas Party in December
So will be thinking about my own ideas more seriously in the New Year
So up to now, it is:-
1. Skydive/Parachute
2. Possibly the old body wax event
3. Maybes a small summer soiree
4. Boxing Day Dip to end the year
Maybes I could come up with an event called 3 Stages of Hell
*Mashers Murton is a group on Facebook of which I am a proud member
(03 Nov 2015, 8:57 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]As things stand at the moment, I am currently looking for donations for Mashers Murton* Christmas Party in December
So will be thinking about my own ideas more seriously in the New Year
So up to now, it is:-
1. Skydive/Parachute
2. Possibly the old body wax event
3. Maybes a small summer soiree
4. Boxing Day Dip to end the year
Maybes I could come up with an event called 3 Stages of Hell
*Mashers Murton is a group on Facebook of which I am a proud member
Do the skydive
You will love it
(03 Nov 2015, 9:06 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Do the skydive
You will love it
Not sure I would tbh, but a little pooh in my drawers would be worth any money I could raise hopefully lmao
(03 Nov 2015, 8:33 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I am thinking about doing some fundraising for charity next year...
Now my sister hs been diagnosed Cirrohsis of the Liver, I want to raise funds for charity, I am thinking of a 3 way split between a Liver Disease Charity, MIND and a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Organisation...
I have a couple of ideas myself, but do any of you guys have any mad/wacky/stupid ideas...
Penny for ya thoughts guys
A sponsored walk, sponsored swim, sponsored silence (I did that once the teacher forgot she said gosh you've been quiet all lesson), if it's a sponsored walk I was thinking the full X10 route, I wouldn't do what David Blayne does as everyone says don't try this at home but one of my old classmates his dad shaved his hair for charity but one of my locals who lives near me once suggested if GNE sponsor you why not try out all the routes in a day starting with the brands it was Michael Kelly who suggested that yonks back
(03 Nov 2015, 10:22 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]A sponsored walk, sponsored swim, sponsored silence (I did that once the teacher forgot she said gosh you've been quiet all lesson), if it's a sponsored walk I was thinking the full X10 route, I wouldn't do what David Blayne does as everyone says don't try this at home but one of my old classmates his dad shaved his hair for charity but one of my locals who lives near me once suggested if GNE sponsor you why not try out all the routes in a day starting with the brands it was Michael Kelly who suggested that yonks back
Thats interesting, all GNE routes in a day...That could be made a little tougher by stating 'No rare/odd workings' is allowed only branded buses on there regular routes

Going to the Lake District today, will try to get some photos
Bought a ticket for my Brother for the Stone Roses concert... so that's him had his Christmas present.
(06 Nov 2015, 10:31 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Bought a ticket for my Brother for the Stone Roses concert... so that's him had his Christmas present.
Where's that on at?
(06 Nov 2015, 1:21 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Where's that on at?
Etihad Stadium next year, think he said its around June.
He said tickets went within 5 minutes on all the dates, even though a couple of new dates was added!.
(06 Nov 2015, 1:25 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Etihad Stadium next year, think he said its around June.
He said tickets went within 5 minutes on all the dates, even though a couple of new dates was added!.
Yeah, believe it was originally two gigs, then a third was added and now there is a fourth. Think you can still get tickets for the fourth night.
Bazza - you have me on the edge of my seat... I hear you've been e-mailing one of your love interests..!
(06 Nov 2015, 4:32 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Bazza - you have me on the edge of my seat... I hear you've been e-mailing one of your love interests..!
Lol one of my old college buddies was worse he used to chat up almost every lass it was like a Pokemon moment where Brock used to flirt with almost every lass til he was pulled away or jabbed
(06 Nov 2015, 4:32 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Bazza - you have me on the edge of my seat... I hear you've been e-mailing one of your love interests..!
It's the lass off the X9 - Davie knows what I mean.
(06 Nov 2015, 4:53 pm)DanPicken wrote [ -> ]It's the lass off the X9 - Davie knows what I mean.
Oh god! Not that again [emoji14]
Went to see Spectre yesterday... not the best Bond movie prefer Skyfall (Daniel Craigs era).
I'll post no spoilers.
(06 Nov 2015, 4:53 pm)DanPicken wrote [ -> ]It's the lass off the X9 - Davie knows what I mean.
(06 Nov 2015, 4:57 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Oh god! Not that again [emoji14]
care to elaborate Davie Baby
(08 Nov 2015, 11:54 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]care to elaborate Davie Baby
I'll let Dan give the details.
Was that Drifter60 I saw on the telly the neet....if so, I loved ur black cardy
Off to Manchester this afternoon...
If I can I wanna try and get an hour of bus spotting later this Afternoon and maybe an hour in the morning where would be the best place to go...I am shacking up in a travelodge next to Manchester Arena...I know it is near Victoria, is Piccadilly Gardens far away???
(10 Nov 2015, 11:18 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Off to Manchester this afternoon...
If I can I wanna try and get an hour of bus spotting later this Afternoon and maybe an hour in the morning where would be the best place to go...I am shacking up in a travelodge next to Manchester Arena...I know it is near Victoria, is Piccadilly Gardens far away???
Not really sure as I've only been twice and the last time I went I just snapped what I could from walking from the Coach Station to the hotel I'd imagine you'll be staying in. You should be able to find somewhere nearby in the city centre.
Amusingly I am in Blackpool today, should have been for the Vaccines but they changed the date to December but had already booked the hotel so thought I may as well still headed down there for the day.
At least somebody was having a good time at work today.