Has anyone seen Trent's latest complaint and the all too standard 'shrug of the shoulders' from GNE?
In this day and age, I find it amazing a member of the RAF, Army or Navy sitting somewhere on the other side of the world can notify someone in the UK of an issue within seconds, but 'control' sitting no more than 15 miles from Queen Street, can't notify Customer Services of a missing bus...
(28 Sep 2013, 2:38 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Has anyone seen Trent's latest complaint and the all too standard 'shrug of the shoulders' from GNE?
In this day and age, I find it amazing a member of the RAF, Army or Navy sitting somewhere on the other side of the world can notify someone in the UK of an issue within seconds, but 'control' sitting no more than 15 miles from Queen Street, can't notify Customer Services of a missing bus...
Yes I saw it and couldn't help chipping in with some comments! Asking customers to log formal complaints before they can provide an explanation as to why a bus didn't turn up is just pathetic, especially when they're allegedly already too bogged down to reply to complaints within the promised 5 working days...
(28 Sep 2013, 2:38 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Has anyone seen Trent's latest complaint and the all too standard 'shrug of the shoulders' from GNE?
In this day and age, I find it amazing a member of the RAF, Army or Navy sitting somewhere on the other side of the world can notify someone in the UK of an issue within seconds, but 'control' sitting no more than 15 miles from Queen Street, can't notify Customer Services of a missing bus...
What would you rather want? The Control Room trying to get the services back on time and regulating them to minimise further lost mileage or informing someone that a bus is missing. I think option 1 for me.
I find it funnier that Percy Main jumped in claiming it's in writing he's got day pass coming when GNE clearly said MAY.
His mother won't get anything either.
I find him ridiculous
To compare RAF to GNE. Come on! RAF tech budget is billions.
(28 Sep 2013, 8:46 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]What would you rather want? The Control Room trying to get the services back on time and regulating them to minimise further lost mileage or informing someone that a bus is missing. I think option 1 for me.
I'd want both, and have in fact always done both at every operator I've worked for. Yes the priority is to get the service back on track again but you have to log each problem and what you've done about it so why, in this age of computers, can't this be automatically passed on to customer services and bus station staff etc. at the same time even if it's just a list of lost journeys, with basic reasons, so at least there's something to answer any enquiries with?
At the moment I'm not even sure that Control even know the true picture of what's going on.
(28 Sep 2013, 8:46 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]What would you rather want? The Control Room trying to get the services back on time and regulating them to minimise further lost mileage or informing someone that a bus is missing. I think option 1 for me.
I'd rather an operation was resourced effectively.
Edit: Just to expand on this. I myself work in operational support - albeit a different industry. I find that far too many companies try and run their operational support teams at minimal (economic) cost. This is usually by reduction of staff, with an expectation that remaining staff will do more. As a result, the customer ultimately receives a poorer level of service, as the department is stretched to it's limits. Something you've actually pointed out in your original post.
It's basic that an incident log should be kept, as someone else alluded to above. That log should be available to anyone (internally) who needs to view it. Management and customer services most definitely being two examples of that. Have Go North East heard of collaboration? A solution as simple as appending a document on MS SharePoint would achieve what we want here...
(28 Sep 2013, 10:31 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I'd rather an operation was resourced effectively.
Edit: Just to expand on this. I myself work in operational support - albeit a different industry. I find that far too many companies try and run their operational support teams at minimal (economic) cost. This is usually by reduction of staff, with an expectation that remaining staff will do more. As a result, the customer ultimately receives a poorer level of service, as the department is stretched to it's limits. Something you've actually pointed out in your original post.
It's basic that an incident log should be kept, as someone else alluded to above. That log should be available to anyone (internally) who needs to view it. Management and customer services most definitely being two examples of that. Have Go North East heard of collaboration? A solution as simple as appending a document on MS SharePoint would achieve what we want here...
Or giving them access to Hootsuit...
It doesn't have to cost any money at all in the way of purchasing additional access rights - but I get what you are saying about Sharepoint
@gtomlinson - RAF, army and Navy kit may be more advanced (possibly not) and may cost millions (possibly not). The point is, it doesn't cost me millions or take any time at all to send an email or communicate to someone across the world. If I can do it, why can't control do it.
@citaro - Yes, the priority may be to get the bus back on time, but as I (and others) have pointed out, how complicated and how long does it take to notify someone in customer services of these problems? Seconds...
wheres me bus at like?! 15mins late for work a am Yas are losing is money joke what yas are wi ya ramshackle buses and ya awful service. shame arriva doesn't run It
Like · · about an hour ago
Go North East
33 minutes ago · Like
Ian Hignett Can you translate please?
yes he may find it hard to read but does he have to reply with that?
GNE need to do something
No email and its being 5 working days... emailing them again tomorrow
(29 Sep 2013, 12:27 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]wheres me bus at like?! 15mins late for work a am Yas are losing is money joke what yas are wi ya ramshackle buses and ya awful service. shame arriva doesn't run It
Like · · about an hour ago
Go North East http://www.simplygo.com/contactusform/
33 minutes ago · Like
Ian Hignett Can you translate please?
yes he may find it hard to read but does he have to reply with that?
GNE need to do something
No email and its being 5 working days... emailing them again tomorrow
This is getting beyond a joke now. Ian should be banned from the Facebook Page.
(29 Sep 2013, 12:51 pm)W179SCU wrote [ -> ]This is getting beyond a joke now. Ian should be banned from the Facebook Page.
Further comments have been made in the past few hours -
Quite liked this one:
Connor Grieves Gan boil ya heed hignett
2 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 8
(29 Sep 2013, 5:48 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]lmao
Is Stumpy McBagpipes a real name?
(29 Sep 2013, 5:56 pm)Fyacebukpolis wrote [ -> ]Is Stumpy McBagpipes a real name?
Yeah it is, this kid was in my Maths class at College unfortunately. One of Washington's Finest little scruffs from the Area they call .... Sulgrave hahaha.
(29 Sep 2013, 8:47 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Yeah it is, this kid was in my Maths class at College unfortunately. One of Washington's Finest little scruffs from the Area they call .... Sulgrave hahaha.
Sulgrave is a right dump.... its full of chav's
(29 Sep 2013, 8:50 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Sulgrave is a right dump.... its full of chav's
Good Job I live in Lambton, as you are indeed correct it is Dump, although it does have a Posh end now. There worse places like Barmston where I used to live and of course not forgetting Blackfell on that list also.
(29 Sep 2013, 8:54 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Good Job I live in Lambton, as you are indeed correct it is Dump, although it does have a Posh end now. There worse places like Barmston where I used to live and of course not forgetting Blackfell on that list also.
Washington is a delightful place.
(29 Sep 2013, 9:00 pm)Daniel wrote [ -> ]Washington is a delightful place.
Iv'e never lived in Washington i have the pleasure of going though 2 days a week now due to my Uni course moving to Usworth college.. =(
(29 Sep 2013, 9:02 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Iv'e never lived in Washington i have the pleasure of going though 2 days a week now due to my Uni course moving to Usworth college.. =(
That's the College I went 2, Wish I was still there, Left just over a year ago after doing 3 years of IT, And yes Daniel Washington is a Delightful place if you live in the right area.
Washington is great man

did anyone have the misfortune of spending a night in 'The Ranch'/Stevie Y's?
(29 Sep 2013, 8:54 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Good Job I live in Lambton, as you are indeed correct it is Dump, although it does have a Posh end now. There worse places like Barmston where I used to live and of course not forgetting Blackfell on that list also.
My old man works in Lambton
(30 Sep 2013, 4:40 am)fozzovmurton wrote [ -> ]My old man works in Lambton
Where about's as there is only the Highwayman Pub/The Chippy and what is supposed to be a Londis or a Nisa, But has Lambton Convenience Store sign instead. Unless he work's at the Factories next to Makro which is in the Middle of Lambton/Harraton.
There are some ok places in Washington.
But... I have been banned from the Go North East Facebook page

(30 Sep 2013, 9:57 pm)Fyacebukpolis wrote [ -> ]There are some ok places in Washington.
But... I have been banned from the Go North East Facebook page 
It's all good Daniel i'm sure you were getting sick of Hignett and his 20 alter ego characters.
(30 Sep 2013, 11:03 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote [ -> ]It's all good Daniel i'm sure you were getting sick of Hignett and his 20 alter ego characters.
Have I missed something.....is Daniel Mr Polis in disguise, working undercover

Have I missed something? I thought their Facebook page was an "open forum". Obviously the exception to that is upsetting Mr Hignett.
What reason has been given for you being banned?
So the GNE FB page is still a one stop joke shop, not been on for ages
Just catching up on things and looking at the GNE fb page, apart from Stuart Smith and Andy Clifford (?), it looks like there has been no advice from anyone.
They're finally having a crackdown on what "regular contributors" are posting. I had a message from them saying so and to make sure I didn't spam their page. Fyacebuk Polis may be the first victim of this new policy but I wonder what, if anything, they've told Mr Hignett?!
(01 Oct 2013, 1:09 pm)Leyland wrote [ -> ]They're finally having a crackdown on what "regular contributors" are posting. I had a message from them saying so and to make sure I didn't spam their page. Fyacebuk Polis may be the first victim of this new policy.
Are you 'Leyland Olympian'?
Can you still post or are you blocked?
Pleased they are doing something about it, but having read Fyacebuk's posts, I am not sure why that 'character' would be banned and people like Hignett (who have caused arguments) aren't.