Arriva's X21 - as usual... late.
I'd rather pay £3.00 for a taxi or £1.50 with Go North East than wait forty minutes for a bus
This is getting ridiculous now, I'm not going to pay a bus company which finds it acceptable to run buses extremely late, I hope this new bus order and large driver recruitment at GNE creates new services in Northumberland, because I have no confidence in Arriva.
(28 Mar 2015, 11:15 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I have to agree with copyrights ruining photos as to me it takes attention away from the main subject (buses). Obviously I know the reason why you and others do place these stamps as it is to stop other people taking the image and passing them off as there own and possibly other reasons.
My Flickr account is set to "All rights reserved" as I'd hate to be browsing and find someone passing my own work off as their own especially with all the time and effort that goes into my work. I if I did see one of my photos elsewhere I would demand that it is taken down, not really sure what to do if they refused to take it down but I would want to take some action as it is copyright infringement at the end of the day. If anyone does see a potential photo theft let me know.
Not sure if I would ever allow things like blogs to use my photos even with consent as it would be even easier for other people to steal my photos.
I am happy if someone places a link to the original source (my Flickr) as if they click the link they'd be taken to the image on my Flickr.
I am happy for my photos to appear in the news section here on NEB as I am given acknowledgment that it's my photo and it links to the photo on my Flickr.
I'm fine for if people publish my photos on other sites as long as they ask and then give credit. As you say, I'd think everyone would be happy to see their photos on the news section, I certainly would, just need to find something newsworthy

(28 Mar 2015, 5:01 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Oh farce. It's starting. 
I blocked him, got sick of him hitting fave on ridiculous amounts like 60 odd photos all at one time.
(28 Mar 2015, 12:06 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]This piece of scum.
Coached a team that played in the same league/division as my eldest.
Feel mightily sorry for the lads, who I assuming played in the team he coached.
Hadn't heard anything at all, but noticed he had been missing for a while, including the fixture between the team he coached and my sons team just a few weeks back.
Hope he rots inside.
Speaking to people today, apparently he has already been attacked and lost half an ear.
Deserves a slow, painful time rotting away at her majesties pleasure.
Disgusting mate. I'm surprised he got to coach, unless the club have turned a blind eye to something? I thought that everybody had to do the FA CRB nowadays?
(28 Mar 2015, 12:26 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Arriva's X21 - as usual... late.
I'd rather pay £3.00 for a taxi or £1.50 with Go North East than wait forty minutes for a bus
This is getting ridiculous now, I'm not going to pay a bus company which finds it acceptable to run buses extremely late, I hope this new bus order and large driver recruitment at GNE creates new services in Northumberland, because I have no confidence in Arriva.
How late was it?
I've noticed that the run I rely on in the morning has started to improve (along with the increase of the 14-reg vehicles allocated to that particular run, read into that what you will...).
It's been nearly 8 months since the Sapphire launch, and punctuality has got far worse than before the upgrade. I've used the same run every morning for the past 3 and a half years, and prior to the upgrade it was more or less "on time" everyday without fail, the only time it was very late was a morning with a lot of snow. 7410 showed up about half an hour late, clearly having waded through a lot of water, with the brake slightly locking on when applied, shaking the bus, was fine by the time I got off though!
As much as I've blamed drivers for not pushing to remain on time, most things point to the vehicles allocated to the services, and something needs to be done.
(28 Mar 2015, 5:22 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Disgusting mate. I'm surprised he got to coach, unless the club have turned a blind eye to something? I thought that everybody had to do the FA CRB nowadays?
Depending when his CRB got done, the only thing on there would have been the banning order.
If it had been done prior to the Darlington match, guessing it would have been clean.
When I saw the article, my blood ran cold.
Kane Hutchinson - The local peadophile! Hope he rots in hell. I was Friends with him for a couple of years as he sat just to the right of me at the Gateshead matches but I hope he drops the soap and gets raped to death
Oh god, guess who is faving all my photos...3 in so far! 18 to go...
Forgot to mention a group of teenage boys (no older than me) in Consett, whilst Dan and I were standing taking photos (mine will show Olympians, I think he was looking to catch 6009 leaving) they made a few remarks about what we were doing...
Glad I had someone with me, otherwise I would have felt very intimidated.
(28 Mar 2015, 9:26 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]Kane Hutchinson - The local peadophile! Hope he rots in hell. I was Friends with him for a couple of years as he sat just to the right of me at the Gateshead matches but I hope he drops the soap and gets raped to death
He's also an EDL member to boot.
(28 Mar 2015, 9:41 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Oh god, guess who is faving all my photos...3 in so far! 18 to go...
Go to his photostream - click on the "..." on the right just below the header and click block.
That'll stop him faving your photos.
Hope this helps.
Just realised that I have been spelling Cobalt wrong.
Just had to update my Flickr captions to correct the spelling, also it will be spelt wrong on here but can't be bothered changing it.
Bravo Jimmi, bravo!
(29 Mar 2015, 4:24 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Just realised that I have been spelling Cobalt wrong.
Just had to update my Flickr captions to correct the spelling, also it will be spelt wrong on here but can't be bothered changing it.
Bravo Jimmi, bravo!
I was going to bring it up as you were writing "Colbalt" before you went, but I thought it would be rude to do so.
I still refer to the Cobalt Connect and Clipper as Col-balt.

Aye mate, I appreciate you faving all 50 of my photos - except for one.
Ta very much.
(29 Mar 2015, 5:40 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]I was going to bring it up as you were writing "Colbalt" before you went, but I thought it would be rude to do so.
I still refer to the Cobalt Connect and Clipper as Col-balt. 
I think when I was making notes my phone it was auto correcting it to Colbalt and I never really see Cobalt written down so just didn't notice I was spelling it wrong, didn't notice until I was cropping the Cobalt Clipper X39 photo down to make my new NEB avatar.
(29 Mar 2015, 5:47 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I think when I was making notes my phone it was auto correcting it to Colbalt and I never really see Cobalt written down so just didn't notice I was spelling it wrong, didn't notice until I was cropping the Cobalt Clipper X39 photo down to make my new NEB avatar.
On my iPad, when I click on "Colbalt" above, it instantly comes up red and says "Cobalt", so I think your phone enjoys making up its own words.
Can't be as bad as someone faving all 50 photos in a period of 3 minutes...
(29 Mar 2015, 5:45 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Aye mate, I appreciate you faving all 50 of my photos - except for one.
Ta very much.
By any chance is the one you don't think he's faved is the one that he's commented on, because if it is you may find he has because when someone comments on a photo you usually don't see if someone favourites a photo
(29 Mar 2015, 5:50 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]On my iPad, when I click on "Colbalt" above, it instantly comes up red and says "Cobalt", so I think your phone enjoys making up its own words.
Can't be as bad as someone faving all 50 photos in a period of 3 minutes...
I don't think anything came up, so I think I was guessing the spelling and it got saved into my phone.
(29 Mar 2015, 5:54 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]By any chance is the one you don't think he's faved is the one that he's commented on, because if it is you may find he has because when someone comments on a photo you usually don't see if someone favourites a photo
Just noticed that he faved it five minutes before. Oops.

Waking up at 5.50, on the first day of the holidays

(28 Mar 2015, 12:06 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]This piece of scum.
Coached a team that played in the same league/division as my eldest.
Feel mightily sorry for the lads, who I assuming played in the team he coached.
Hadn't heard anything at all, but noticed he had been missing for a while, including the fixture between the team he coached and my sons team just a few weeks back.
Hope he rots inside.
Speaking to people today, apparently he has already been attacked and lost half an ear.
Deserves a slow, painful time rotting away at her majesties pleasure.
I hope he gets buggered to death in jail, he can rot in hell for all I care
(28 Mar 2015, 5:22 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Disgusting mate. I'm surprised he got to coach, unless the club have turned a blind eye to something? I thought that everybody had to do the FA CRB nowadays?
Is there any FA Policy set about CRB checks for youth coaching i.e. how often they should be done, I imagine it would be every year, and if that was the case, the club he was coaching must have turned a blind eye as his banning order from the Darlo friendly was in 2011, somebody who claims to be a hooligan with a banning order on record is not somebody I would want to be coaching kids
(30 Mar 2015, 7:56 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Is there any FA Policy set about CRB checks for youth coaching i.e. how often they should be done, I imagine it would be every year, and if that was the case, the club he was coaching must have turned a blind eye as his banning order from the Darlo friendly was in 2011, somebody who claims to be a hooligan with a banning order on record is not somebody I would want to be coaching kids
The CRB doesn't expire, but some U18 clubs and leagues require it to be done on a regular basis. It's usually about three years? As Andreos1 said earlier though, it's only accurate at the time applied for. You could do anything a day after receiving it, and you'd still have a valid CRB. Useless system really...
In addition, you've got to do the FA's safeguarding workshop annually.
(30 Mar 2015, 8:04 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]The CRB doesn't expire, but some U18 clubs and leagues require it to be done on a regular basis. It's usually about three years? As Andreos1 said earlier though, it's only accurate at the time applied for. You could do anything a day after receiving it, and you'd still have a valid CRB. Useless system really...
In addition, you've got to do the FA's safeguarding workshop annually.
When I was involved with a Youth Group, as a Volunteer and an officer on the Board of Trustees I was CRB'd every 3 years, although I have a record, it was never a problem, though my record has caused problems with other authorities. I always wanted yearly CRB's, but it would have been costly putting in a load of CRBs every year, thats what I was told anyway.
Surely the FA and Youth Teams could come up with something whereby kids coaches get checked every year, then people like this **** from Gateshead will be found out before it is too late, I would probably have problems getting through an FA/Youth Football Team CRB check if one was run right now on me.
(30 Mar 2015, 7:56 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I hope he gets buggered to death in jail, he can rot in hell for all I care
Is there any FA Policy set about CRB checks for youth coaching i.e. how often they should be done, I imagine it would be every year, and if that was the case, the club he was coaching must have turned a blind eye as his banning order from the Darlo friendly was in 2011, somebody who claims to be a hooligan with a banning order on record is not somebody I would want to be coaching kids
(30 Mar 2015, 8:04 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]The CRB doesn't expire, but some U18 clubs and leagues require it to be done on a regular basis. It's usually about three years? As Andreos1 said earlier though, it's only accurate at the time applied for. You could do anything a day after receiving it, and you'd still have a valid CRB. Useless system really...
In addition, you've got to do the FA's safeguarding workshop annually.
When the new system was launched a few years back (CRB, but with a new name), there was a slight change, whereby an employer can check for updates.
I had no idea that small change had been made and I am subject to CRB's on a regular basis.
The fact this usually entails a new application, makes me wonder how many other organisations are aware of it.
(30 Mar 2015, 8:19 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]When the new system was launched a few years back (CRB, but with a new name), there was a slight change, whereby an employer can check for updates.
I had no idea that small change had been made and I am subject to CRB's on a regular basis.
The fact this usually entails a new application, makes me wonder how many other organisations are aware of it.
I can remember this coming up in our board meetings as early as 2005, when it came in, I dont know, but if I remember correctly, changes to CRB were put forward in thr aftermath of Ian Huntley murdering them little girls in Soham, I think the overhaul of CRB give Police power to disclose anything that was relevant on a disclosure, so you may have had serious allegations against you that were never proven but were left on record, again going back to Huntley, he had previous allegations of rape made against him, and because it was only an allegation it was not disclosed on a CRB and as far as I am aware, things like this can be disclosed under the new service...
It has been a while since I have been subject to CRB checks so I am not 100% sure about it
Stood in a queue, a group of four lads in front. It would then only take about five minutes for me to order then be on my way...
...they order one at a time.
With only half an hour to get from bus to Asda cashpoint to McDonalds back to bus, this was beyond a joke.
I place my order.
I wait five minutes for my order.
I receive my order.
I make my way back to the bus station.
Had about fifteen minutes to wait for the next bus, so I was bored and started peeling off the monopoly stickers...
...they hadn't put my mozzarella dippers in...
...with seven minutes until the bus...
...I quickly ran back to McDonald's to get them...
...and somehow I had a five minute wait for the bus...
...thank **** it was running late.
That was flipping exhausting.
(30 Mar 2015, 8:32 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I can remember this coming up in our board meetings as early as 2005, when it came in, I dont know, but if I remember correctly, changes to CRB were put forward in thr aftermath of Ian Huntley murdering them little girls in Soham, I think the overhaul of CRB give Police power to disclose anything that was relevant on a disclosure, so you may have had serious allegations against you that were never proven but were left on record, again going back to Huntley, he had previous allegations of rape made against him, and because it was only an allegation it was not disclosed on a CRB and as far as I am aware, things like this can be disclosed under the new service...
It has been a while since I have been subject to CRB checks so I am not 100% sure about it
My first CRB was in 2005 (still keep them all), but I think you are right about it being a fall out from the Huntley murders.
The most recent changes (and change from CRB to DBS) have happened in the last year or so - I have one from either side of the changes, one under the old banner in 2010ish and my most recent (last year), under the new system.
2851 on service 5.
Sounds awful squeeks and rattles galore, it smells like someone has crapped their pants and the person sat behind me has his legs pressed right against the seat which is giving me backache.
For added fun temporary lights outside the Odeon Cinema.
(30 Mar 2015, 2:09 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]2851 on service 5.
Sounds awful squeeks and rattles galore, it smells like someone has crapped their pants and the person sat behind me has his legs pressed right against the seat which is giving me backache.
For added fun temporary lights outside the Odeon Cinema.
Going over rough road surfaces have given me a bad back!
Strongly considering making a charity appeal video. "just two £2 a month would give Jimmi enough to own and run a car, no-one should suffer what Jimmi's going through, thank you"