(20 Sep 2015, 11:42 am)Charles41 wrote [ -> ]Waiting for the bus at Wideopen. There's only me and this this chava at the stand. He's sitting smoking a roll up. Bus approaches and he stays sitting in the stand.
So I hail the bus thinking he doesn't want to get on. He calls me a cheeky c**t and accuses me of stealing his place in the queue!
I ask him to get off with me at the next stop so we can have a polite discussion about his manners.
He refuses to get off the bus. Chavas who are loud mouths and do not have the guts to back it up really get my goat.
That's a bit rude, which bus?
(20 Sep 2015, 11:46 am)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]That's a bit rude, which bus?
The one from Cramlington, I think its the 43.
Now I am in Newcastle Library and some random idiot has just started continuously shouting "Get Off" at the top of his voice voice from somewhere on the ground floor.
I think its going to be one of those days!
(20 Sep 2015, 11:42 am)Charles41 wrote [ -> ]Waiting for the bus at Wideopen. There's only me and this this chava at the stand. He's sitting smoking a roll up. Bus approaches and he stays sitting in the stand.
So I hail the bus thinking he doesn't want to get on. He calls me a cheeky c**t and accuses me of stealing his place in the queue!
I ask him to get off with me at the next stop so we can have a polite discussion about his manners.
He refuses to get off the bus. Chavas who are loud mouths and do not have the guts to back it up really get my goat.
Annoys me when you get anyone at a bus stop who looks like they don't want a bus then are quick to move if you try to get on before them.
The worst "queue jumping" incidents I have had was in Sunderland, Park Lane and I was waiting for the X20 to Bishop Auckland and there was only a few people in front of me when I got there who all got on the 20 but this old bloke appeared at the front who wasn't there when I was so I decided to be a prick and try and get on before him and he shouted at me claiming I was queue jumping when in actual fact he doesn't understand what a bloody queue looks like.
Another incident again in Park Lane was when a 20 arrived late and the 20A arrived at around the same time with one of them pulling onto the next stand along and either someone from Nexus or a Go North East driver shouting that the other bus was going to wherever from the next stand and these women got out of the queue for the 20A on its usual stand and started walking towards the bus on the next stand along then turned round and tried to get back where they were in the queue for the 20A (in front of me) and I has having non of it and they stated that I was queue jumping when I did no such thing, in my opinion they left the queue so I was of the opinion that they should have joined the back of the queue, I'd get the same reaction if I went into Greggs and tried to get back where I was originally in the queue. Once on the 20A I ended up sitting in the quadrant seats and they joined me and proceed to angrily stare at me until they got off in Houghton-le-Spring.
Oh and a follow up reply to what someone said about a old person jumping past seven people in Concord yesterday, that's nothing! There is times the queue for service 7 has been close to stretching out of the door in Durham Bus Station and this old bloke who always seems to get on/off in Chilton will always sail to the front of the queue for the bus. Now, I will allow elderly to go in front of me at bus stops if I think they will politely reply or ask politely but I won't for arses like this, that plastic pass does not give you the right to be a ****.
By the way I'm not ageist, the same applies to people of all ages.
We have that for my service to... we have an old bloke who always stands at the front of que to get on the 23 first.. annoys the shit out of me, more so when i've being waiting longer than him.
(20 Sep 2015, 11:53 am)Charles41 wrote [ -> ]The one from Cramlington, I think its the 43.
Now I am in Newcastle Library and some random idiot has just started continuously shouting "Get Off" at the top of his voice voice from somewhere on the ground floor.
I think its going to be one of those days!
It is the 43
A few of my friends were keen to have a ride in my car seen as I've had it now for 2 weeks. They live in a house in Fenham, so I tried to get there.
I got onto Westgate Road, missed my turn off, turned into some housing estate instead, got lost, ended up on a very narrow cul-de-sac where a 3 point turn had to be done, navigated myself back onto Westgate Road, found my correct turn off, then turned down the wrong street, found the right street, drove past the blinking house where my friends live without even noticing, leading to another 3 point turn being made in a different street.
Then, in the actual drive, I went the wrong way several times and accidentally drove into the Bus, Cycle, Taxi & Authorised Vehicles section of road in between the Blackett Street/Newgate Street junction & the mini Tesco on the way to Eldon Square bus station. I sincerely hope I do not get a letter through my door...
I often receive the nickname "Captain (then my surname, which shall remain anonymous)" from my friends, but I think Captain Sense of Direction is more appropriate here...
(20 Sep 2015, 10:01 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]A few of my friends were keen to have a ride in my car seen as I've had it now for 2 weeks. They live in a house in Fenham, so I tried to get there.
I got onto Westgate Road, missed my turn off, turned into some housing estate instead, got lost, ended up on a very narrow cul-de-sac where a 3 point turn had to be done, navigated myself back onto Westgate Road, found my correct turn off, then turned down the wrong street, found the right street, drove past the blinking house where my friends live without even noticing, leading to another 3 point turn being made in a different street.
Then, in the actual drive, I went the wrong way several times and accidentally drove into the Bus, Cycle, Taxi & Authorised Vehicles section of road in between the Blackett Street/Newgate Street junction & the mini Tesco on the way to Eldon Square bus station. I sincerely hope I do not get a letter through my door...
I often receive the nickname "Captain (then my surname, which shall remain anonymous)" from my friends, but I think Captain Sense of Direction is more appropriate here...
Bet you're also hoping someone gets you a Sat Nav for Christmas [emoji14]
People seem to get lost in Newcastle all the time, I was once stood outside the O2 Academy and someone was going down the one way street in the wrong direction. People have often gone into those no car lanes and have had no action faced so hopefully you should be alright.
(20 Sep 2015, 10:01 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]A few of my friends were keen to have a ride in my car seen as I've had it now for 2 weeks. They live in a house in Fenham, so I tried to get there.
I got onto Westgate Road, missed my turn off, turned into some housing estate instead, got lost, ended up on a very narrow cul-de-sac where a 3 point turn had to be done, navigated myself back onto Westgate Road, found my correct turn off, then turned down the wrong street, found the right street, drove past the blinking house where my friends live without even noticing, leading to another 3 point turn being made in a different street.
Then, in the actual drive, I went the wrong way several times and accidentally drove into the Bus, Cycle, Taxi & Authorised Vehicles section of road in between the Blackett Street/Newgate Street junction & the mini Tesco on the way to Eldon Square bus station. I sincerely hope I do not get a letter through my door...
I often receive the nickname "Captain (then my surname, which shall remain anonymous)" from my friends, but I think Captain Sense of Direction is more appropriate here...
Several witnesses have said you then turned right at the traffic lights, into Eldon Square bus station and dropped your mates off. Realising your stand was blocked - you then drove around the block again. Getting onto the stand at the second time of asking.
A late running mate, got a wag of a finger - before you closed the doors and made off onto Percy Street.
Any truth in these rumours?

(20 Sep 2015, 10:01 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Then, in the actual drive, I went the wrong way several times and accidentally drove into the Bus, Cycle, Taxi & Authorised Vehicles section of road in between the Blackett Street/Newgate Street junction & the mini Tesco on the way to Eldon Square bus station. I sincerely hope I do not get a letter through my door...
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I've managed to do the same thing several times and received no letter, just a few dirty looks. It's easily done when stressed or slightly distracted, especially if you're used to getting a bus.
If a letter does come, lodge a challenge. Claim you don't know the area well. It worked for me down in Liverpool when I took a wrong turn down some pedestrianised/loading zone.
(20 Sep 2015, 7:50 am)Sidthebusbabe wrote [ -> ]A driver on the X21 (3872) in Durham at about 16:00, was quite disgruntled that his path out of the stand was inhibited by a black Optare Solo. So much so that he obnoxiously belched "move the f*cking bus" loud and clear for all passenger to hear. I was genuinely shocked by his impertinence and unprofessionalism.
Was that on Saturday? It was a bit bonkers with lots of buses turning up at once, at that time - all 3 buses from Newcastle vial CLS had arrived within a few minutes of each other after being delayed in Newcastle and the Weardale black solo was stuck in that queue, behind the X12 which wa behind us (the X21 had nipped ahead in CLS, so got in first). Almost the stands were full and the weardale 52 had to wait for someone to pull out so it could get in.
I agree, it's highly unprofessional, no matter how frustrated you are.
Depends what time you did it. Between 7pm at night and 7am the next morning you can drive in most the bus lanes around Newcastle.
Plus there is only a handful of bus lane cameras in Newcastle, off the top of my head they are located...
Great North Road
Tyne Bridge
High Level Bridge
Great Park
And one or two other places.
Gone to Durham to snap the two afternoon 265's ran by Deptford and Chester-le-Street only to realise I left the SD card in my other camera!
Well that's one way to waste an afternoon.
(21 Sep 2015, 2:41 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Gone to Durham to snap the two afternoon 265's ran by Deptford and Chester-le-Street only to realise I left the SD card in my other camera!
Well that's one way to waste an afternoon.
We have all did it I once left my memory card in my PC by accident when I was about to get a shot of 563 on 27X same happened a few weeks back I was gonna get a shot of 2 crusader citaros at Jarrow but realised I left my memory card in PC again had to use my phone as an alternative
(21 Sep 2015, 2:41 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Gone to Durham to snap the two afternoon 265's ran by Deptford and Chester-le-Street only to realise I left the SD card in my other camera!
Well that's one way to waste an afternoon.
I have done worse.
Many years ago (was actually before I had a decent camera), I actually forgot my camera for a trip to Sheffield.
In 2008 on my trip to Belgium, I forgot to take all my spare batteries with me. Fortunatley the battery that was in the camera was the best one out of the 8 I had (this was for my Sanyo camera which is now gathering dust), so I didn't lose out on too many photos.
(21 Sep 2015, 2:46 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]I have done worse.
Many years ago (was actually before I had a decent camera), I actually forgot my camera for a trip to Sheffield.
In 2008 on my trip to Belgium, I forgot to take all my spare batteries with me. Fortunatley the battery that was in the camera was the best one out of the 8 I had (this was for my Sanyo camera which is now gathering dust), so I didn't lose out on too many photos.
My camera is with me all the time when I go out
Going back to the discussion of queue jumping...
Was in the queue the 7 in Durham Bus Station and as I got to where the doors where two chavs climbed through the railings jumping their way further forward into the queue with them ending up in front of me. I was not amused by this but did not want any confrontation as I'm too fearful I'd get my head kicked in as I would be totally unable to physically or verbally defend myself should things kick off, sadly the passengers behind me did want an argument with them so I ended up getting caught in the middle of this which I really didn't want to happen and I did not know where to look to try and not get involved in this. In case anyone is concerned for me, I'm fine.
See, it's not just old people who queue jump!
(21 Sep 2015, 3:45 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Going back to the discussion of queue jumping...
Was in the queue the 7 in Durham Bus Station and as I got to where the doors where two chavs climbed through the railings jumping their way further forward into the queue with them ending up in front of me. I was not amused by this but did not want any confrontation as I'm too fearful I'd get my head kicked in as I would be totally unable to physically or verbally defend myself should things kick off, sadly the passengers behind me did want an argument with them so I ended up getting caught in the middle of this which I really didn't want to happen and I did not know where to look to try and not get involved in this. In case anyone is concerned for me, I'm fine.
See, it's not just old people who queue jump!
The queue for the 7 is often entertaining (when you're not caught up in the middle of it.)
(And yes, it can be very boring, waiting for the 22 to turn up, so my "entertaining" threshold is low)
(21 Sep 2015, 2:38 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]Depends what time you did it. Between 7pm at night and 7am the next morning you can drive in most the bus lanes around Newcastle.
Plus there is only a handful of bus lane cameras in Newcastle, off the top of my head they are located...
Great North Road
Tyne Bridge
High Level Bridge
Great Park
And one or two other places.
I can tell you Great Park is getting one but does not have one at the minute because there are bollards, I think this might happen to the centrelink
(21 Sep 2015, 4:12 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]I can tell you Great Park is getting one but does not have one at the minute because there are bollards, I think this might happen to the centrelink
The bollards aren't in operation any more, are they..?
Of all the routes between Newcastle and Metrocentre available to Stagecoach service 100, the driver decides to choose A184 and A1.
Game shows. In tonight's chase, the 3 team members are playing for £37,000 (£12,333 each). What annoys me is the fact that £1 will not be given to the contestants meaning that they have actually only earned £36,999. They could at least give them each an extra pound meaning that they walk home with £12,334.
(21 Sep 2015, 4:48 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Game shows. In tonight's chase, the 3 team members are playing for £37,000 (£12,333 each). What annoys me is the fact that £1 will not be given to the contestants meaning that they have actually only earned £36,999. They could at least give them each an extra pound meaning that they walk home with £12,334.
If I had £12k I wouldn't be worried about a pound haha.
(21 Sep 2015, 4:48 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Game shows. In tonight's chase, the 3 team members are playing for £37,000 (£12,333 each). What annoys me is the fact that £1 will not be given to the contestants meaning that they have actually only earned £36,999. They could at least give them each an extra pound meaning that they walk home with £12,334.
While i'd be happier with £12,334, I think I could make do with £12,333. Mind you, i'd probably argue for the 33p to which I was entitled.
Problem solved. They got caught and went home with nothing.
(20 Sep 2015, 10:08 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Bet you're also hoping someone gets you a Sat Nav for Christmas [emoji14]
People seem to get lost in Newcastle all the time, I was once stood outside the O2 Academy and someone was going down the one way street in the wrong direction. People have often gone into those no car lanes and have had no action faced so hopefully you should be alright.
Oh no, can't stand Sat-Navs. Very tempted to have a trip to WHSmith though for one of those A-Z Maps to keep in the glove compartment. I suppose I could use my 20% off voucher
(20 Sep 2015, 10:28 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Several witnesses have said you then turned right at the traffic lights, into Eldon Square bus station and dropped your mates off. Realising your stand was blocked - you then drove around the block again. Getting onto the stand at the second time of asking.
A late running mate, got a wag of a finger - before you closed the doors and made off onto Percy Street.
Any truth in these rumours? 
You been talking to my friends like?
Indeed, the 20:25 Tango Tours Magical Mystery Excursion service (I call my car Tango) was slightly delayed. That blinking bus already in the stand was a nightmare. A swift stand change was required in order to pick up my awaiting and slightly irritated passengers.
Happily though the on-board entertainment kept my passengers happy. Metro Radio and a massive bag of Fruit Polos from Poundland do the trick!
(21 Sep 2015, 11:01 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I've managed to do the same thing several times and received no letter, just a few dirty looks. It's easily done when stressed or slightly distracted, especially if you're used to getting a bus.
If a letter does come, lodge a challenge. Claim you don't know the area well. It worked for me down in Liverpool when I took a wrong turn down some pedestrianised/loading zone.
I'll certainly consider it if something does come through the post! My driving instructor took me that way once when there were roadworks at the very top of Northumberland Street, meaning traffic couldn't turn left along past the Civic Centre so we went the way I did. I don't believe he received a fine for it so I hope the same applies here. I got nowt through the post today though. It's normally within two weeks isn't it? 1 day down, 11 postal delivery days to go...
(21 Sep 2015, 2:38 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]Depends what time you did it. Between 7pm at night and 7am the next morning you can drive in most the bus lanes around Newcastle.
Plus there is only a handful of bus lane cameras in Newcastle, off the top of my head they are located...
Great North Road
Tyne Bridge
High Level Bridge
Great Park
And one or two other places.
I seen a sign saying "CCTV is in Operation" even though I couldn't see the actual camera. I also couldn't see the 7am-7pm sign, but I hope I just failed to see it. I ended up turning left down Blackett Street until Monument where it was "Bus Only", so did a U-turn and went straight up the St James' Park way.
(21 Sep 2015, 9:28 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Oh no, can't stand Sat-Navs. Very tempted to have a trip to WHSmith though for one of those A-Z Maps to keep in the glove compartment. I suppose I could use my 20% off voucher [emoji14]
They all sound robotic, although I did like the built in Sat Nav in the car my brother had at one point which had several different accents, including Irish. I don't drive so obviously have no real need for one myself although I am pretty good with directions around the North East due to my numerous outings across the region.
(21 Sep 2015, 9:36 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]They all sound robotic, although I did like the built in Sat Nav in the car my brother had at one point which had several different accents, including Irish. I don't drive so obviously have no real need for one myself although I am pretty good with directions around the North East due to my numerous outings across the region.
I'm useless with directions, as yesterday proved haha. I had endless outings with my yearly bus pass when I had it before it expired, but since I got my car, I seem to be following the bus routes just so I can get to my destinations without going the wrong way or getting lost. It's not so bad when my Dad's in the car with me though. He seems to know the roads.
(21 Sep 2015, 9:57 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]I'm useless with directions, as yesterday proved haha. I had endless outings with my yearly bus pass when I had it before it expired, but since I got my car, I seem to be following the bus routes just so I can get to my destinations without going the wrong way or getting lost. It's not so bad when my Dad's in the car with me though. He seems to know the roads.
Probably not the best idea to follow bus routes through Newcastle, will end up in loads of bus lanes etc. if you do that [emoji14]
Bus routes is how I learn how to get places, even learnt how to get to Scorborough through riding the X61 from Aycliffe - Scarborough a few times, then later the X93. Should be intresting to see what happens when I'm heading to Edinburgh for the first time on Saturday.
(21 Sep 2015, 10:04 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Probably not the best idea to follow bus routes through Newcastle, will end up in loads of bus lanes etc. if you do that [emoji14]
Bus routes is how I learn how to get places, even learnt how to get to Scorborough through riding the X61 from Aycliffe - Scarborough a few times, then later the X93. Should be intresting to see what happens when I'm heading to Edinburgh for the first time on Saturday.
Getting to Scarborough is easy once you get to know it. From this end, it seems quicker to go down the A19, off past Guisborough and down the A171 past Whitby and eventually, you'll get to Scarborough with the road leading directly into it.
Alternatively, you could choose to experience the strange forces of the Sutton Bank approach.