(19 Mar 2015, 10:19 am)mb134 wrote [ -> ]Haha
Was going to go in the shower shortly after as well, me running out of the bathroom naked and dripping wet would not have been good had my parents been upstairs [emoji14]
Could be worse, the Carphone Warehouse phoned me when I was in the shower the other day, felt very strange stood there completely starkers whilst I gave the man on the phone my name and home address.
(19 Mar 2015, 1:06 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Could be worse, the Carphone Warehouse phoned me when I was in the shower the other day, felt very strange stood there completely starkers whilst I gave the man on the phone my name and home address.
Had an unexpected telephone interview in the bath many moons ago.
Not wanting to rearrange, I kept perfectly still to avoid the other person hearing the splashing of water.
Didn't get the job.
(19 Mar 2015, 1:09 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Had an unexpected telephone interview in the bath many moons ago.
Not wanting to rearrange, I kept perfectly still to avoid the other person hearing the splashing of water.
Didn't get the job.
Should have said you are good at multitasking or your productively using your time.
Heard that there is "smog" coming over from Europe.
Probably what's making me feel ill.
(19 Mar 2015, 1:18 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Heard that there is "smog" coming over from Europe.
Probably what's making me feel ill.
It was here this morning, horrendous as well. Itchy eyes, dry mouth and throat plus severe coughing if you have asthma are all symptoms. Not only that it's 'supposedly' going to block out the solar eclipse tomorrow
(19 Mar 2015, 1:28 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]It was here this morning, horrendous as well. Itchy eyes, dry mouth and throat plus severe coughing if you have asthma are all symptoms. Not only that it's 'supposedly' going to block out the solar eclipse tomorrow
Honestly, I feel like I'm dying, it's making me cough and everything. I couldn't eat my McDonald's today, I've only taken one photograph too.
Saying that, there was loads of dust in the house too of when the electricians were in installing the solar panels and they had a large stool in the toilet.
That might of causes it then but if you have asthma, do you? It could be a problem
(19 Mar 2015, 1:33 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]That might of causes it then but if you have asthma, do you? It could be a problem
I shouldn't have asthma.
When I got off the bus yesterday I could see some fog/smoke. But when I walked up to it there was nothing on fire so I think that that was the smog.
Just looking out the window, I can see smog.
(19 Mar 2015, 1:32 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Honestly, I feel like I'm dying, it's making me cough and everything. I couldn't eat my McDonald's today, I've only taken one photograph too.
Saying that, there was loads of dust in the house too of when the electricians were in installing the solar panels and they had a large stool in the toilet.
Stool as in poo or Stool as in item of furniture you can sit on.
(19 Mar 2015, 2:42 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]Stool as in poo or Stool as in item of furniture you can sit on.
What's it often referred to if a toilet gets thrown into the mix?...
Stool as in poo, a runny one at that...

Changed my mind I hate the sun because I couldn't get a decent shot of the 19 heading round High Grange - that's around 30 minutes of my life I
am never getting back!
The internet isn't working properly
(19 Mar 2015, 3:29 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The internet isn't working properly
Mine is
Who are you with? If its BT you're bo**ocked.
(19 Mar 2015, 3:30 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Mine is
Who are you with? If its BT you're bo**ocked.
(19 Mar 2015, 3:41 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Yep
Funnily enough my BT broadband isn't working mate, must be a problem in the area as my grandad's is down also.
I did a fitness class yesterday morning and I'm still in agony today.
I don't know how I made it through work.
(19 Mar 2015, 3:41 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Yep
Mine is in again
That extra science test after school was absolutely dreadful...
I think I've done that bad in it, I'm going to have to move to another area under a new identity!
(19 Mar 2015, 4:52 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]That extra science test after school was absolutely dreadful...
I think I've done that bad in it, I'm going to have to move to another area under a new identity!
Marcus, there's no need to be disheartened by a bad test. That is their purpose. They are there to help you practice for the real thing, so it doesn't particularly matter if you mess it up. It's frustrating I know, as I've been in your position before, but it's far better to mess it up in practice papers than the real thing. You have the opportunity to right your wrongs. You see, life is a learning curve and you learn by your mistakes.
(19 Mar 2015, 5:32 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Marcus, there's no need to be disheartened by a bad test. That is their purpose. They are there to help you practice for the real thing, so it doesn't particularly matter if you mess it up. You have the opportunity to right your wrongs. You see, life is a learning curve and you learn by your mistakes.
Wow...that is deep, Adam. Words of a true philosopher.
But, thank you for your kind words. [emoji6]
(19 Mar 2015, 5:34 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Wow...that is deep, Adam. Words of a true philosopher. 
But, thank you for your kind words. [emoji6]
That A-Level in the subject comes in handy you know. It's taught me a lot

Jimmi, Lee and Davie;
Bloody Torture
Hope this makes you lot happy

(19 Mar 2015, 7:03 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Jimmi, Lee and Davie;
Bloody Torture ![[Image: 175079b5-ef86-44a4-9e32-f7eda5d891b1?ima...icon_large]](http://cdn.marketplaceimages.windowsphone.com/v8/images/175079b5-ef86-44a4-9e32-f7eda5d891b1?imageType=ws_icon_large)
Hope this makes you lot happy 
Hey my BT Internet has been fine... Today!
Mine hasn't.... Cheers Tommy [emoji1]
My laptop decided to freeze part-way through the initial downloading of photos of my camera - crashed it and have now lost all my photos taken in Richmond earlier - mad isn't the word!!!!
(19 Mar 2015, 10:50 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]My laptop decided to freeze part-way through the initial downloading of photos of my camera - crashed it and have now lost all my photos taken in Richmond earlier - mad isn't the word!!!!

, that would nark the life outta me, did u have many to upload?
(19 Mar 2015, 10:50 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]My laptop decided to freeze part-way through the initial downloading of photos of my camera - crashed it and have now lost all my photos taken in Richmond earlier - mad isn't the word!!!!
Go into the Recycle Bin, they may have gone in there if your Computer Crashed otherwise I would have thought the photos would of remained on your Memory Card.
(19 Mar 2015, 11:15 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Go into the Recycle Bin, they may have gone in there if your Computer Crashed otherwise I would have thought the photos would of remained on your Memory Card.
No, I remove mine from my memory card as they are downloading.
I've lost 126 in total out of 406 taken today - and I can't recovery them without paying out for recovery software

(19 Mar 2015, 11:53 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]No, I remove mine from my memory card as they are downloading.
I've lost 126 in total out of 406 taken today - and I can't recovery them without paying out for recovery software 
Rookie mistake that mind Kuyoyo, I always Delete mine off my memory card after I have put them onto the Computer in case something like what occurred with you happens.
(20 Mar 2015, 12:06 am)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Rookie mistake that mind Kuyoyo, I always Delete mine off my memory card after I have put them onto the Computer in case something like what occurred with you happens.
I delete my photos off my camera after I upload them to flickr