22 Apr 2015, 7:29 pm
(22 Apr 2015, 7:26 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]Today has been annoying. And it doesn't help that people are trying to annoy me. Even someone on here
I'm guessing that's aimed at me judging by that P.M you just sent me.
(22 Apr 2015, 7:26 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]Today has been annoying. And it doesn't help that people are trying to annoy me. Even someone on here
(23 Apr 2015, 2:07 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Sorry about the lack of posts.I think you could do with some Anger Management or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy mate, may do you good to talk to someone
First of all, I haven't had Internet access due to my mam wanting the iPad, incase she was to go into labour. I've gotten sick of this by today, as she was cleared by a midwife that she was not anywhere near labour.
As I've been prepared to be picked up by a taxi to take me and Jacob (my brother) to emergency overnight respite, I was not able to carry my camera, USB leads, spare change etc meaning that I was in able to upload photos.
I'm sick of catching Phoenix buses to tuition, the driver has no common sense, I do not want to listen to your crap music and don't have the doors open when you enter the bus station and close them when you feel like it as its causes a draft ta.
Asda, yet again, boils my urine, some bloke races straight into the till inches from my trolley causing me to shout a loud expletive. That stupid zebra crossing, some old git revved his engine while my mam was crossing.
Then, when I get completely sick of waiting for a bus that obviously isn't going to be here in five minutes, I walk home just to be harrased for carrying a camera around my neck.
I cannot cope with this anymore, it's seriously stressing me out. I've just been on red alert for the last bloody week, not sleeping, just incase my mam was to go into labour at any point.
(23 Apr 2015, 2:24 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I think you could do with some Anger Management or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy mate, may do you good to talk to someone
(23 Apr 2015, 2:28 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]My mam has been begging for similar for ages just to be told that [school that I attended] could provide this and that, but then to be told again that it could not take place... due to my behaviour. -.-You cannot get Anger Management or CBT because of your behaviour...That is actually quite amusing mate, I dont understand that, you want it to hopefully change your behaviour, demand, I am assuming you have a Social Worker, ask them if they can refer you or see your GP
(23 Apr 2015, 2:35 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]You cannot get Anger Management or CBT because of your behavjour...That is actually mate, I dont understand that, you want it to hopefully change your behaviour, demand, I am assuming you have a Social Worker, ask them if they can refer you or see your GP
(23 Apr 2015, 2:55 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]I've gone through the social worker, when the social worker sees me in a very angry state (it's been about a year since the last incident), she just phones the police and lets them sort it out, they (social services) clearly don't want to help. My mam and me went through the GP about this time last year, when I was so low that I almost took my own life, they didn't want to help, then we just played ping-pong between SEN, Social Services and the psychiatrist.
I don't know what to do next, the baby is coming within a matter of days/weeks and I'm in this state.
I need to sort my own crap out, as nobody is willing to pick up the pieces.
(24 Apr 2015, 10:48 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Been doing a Marcus at the Coast and Country launch.
I don't want to but I honestly can't help it and it makes me hate myself.
(24 Apr 2015, 10:49 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Hope you got yourself a free ice cream - the lady dishing them out is very nice!Yeah, saw you taking a photo of one.
(24 Apr 2015, 10:55 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Yeah, saw you taking a photo of one.Sure enough made through Chester-le-Street without getting spotted then as soon as I arrive back in Durham I am spotted with the camera.
Would have said hi but I couldn't bring myself to do it, didn't help that I was slightly nervous about being spotted by people I know who live in the area.
(24 Apr 2015, 11:42 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Sure enough made through Chester-le-Street without getting spotted then as soon as I arrive back in Durham I am spotted with the camera.
Now on the 46 hoping someone I know who lives in Willington doesn't get on as I would struggle to come up with a believable lie to explain why I am heading to Crook.
(24 Apr 2015, 12:18 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]If you've gone to Crook for the MAX Streetlites then I'm afraid you've slightly timed it wrong - 1590 is just leaving Bishop Auckland for Darlington, 1591 will be approaching Darlington now to work the 1330 to Crook while 1592 was the 1301 from Crook to Tow Law running late.I just managed to get a shot of 1592 in Crook due to it running late. Don't think I'll upload it though as I had the camera in the wrong mode so it didn't catch the LED.
(24 Apr 2015, 5:13 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]Temporary traffic lights......... If only the bastard things didn't exist3 sets in 2 miles in Guisborough on the 5/5A route, plus the set in Skelton. No wonder punctuality is through the floor lol
(24 Apr 2015, 7:39 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I'm at the Green Room in Darlington and it has ONE toilet.
Even worse it doesn't lock so when I went for a pee I had to go whilst leaning back like I was in the Matrix with my arm having to keep hold of the door handle to try and stop someone coming in. Sure enough someone did try and come in.
(24 Apr 2015, 7:50 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Could have been worse. The bar of soap could have fell on the floor...The worst would have been if I was sat on the toilet with my trousers round my ankles as the door is too far away to press my legs against to stop people coming in.
(24 Apr 2015, 7:54 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]The worst would have been if I was sat on the toilet with my trousers round my ankles as the door is too far away to press my legs against to stop people coming in.
(24 Apr 2015, 8:07 pm)Robert wrote [ -> ]Should have been having a shite. the door opens, you fall on your knees with your arse in the air and you get handed a free can of irn bru. After taking a drink, you wont be bothered that your backside is there for the world to see.Another thing I thought of doing in that situation is pretending to be a Bond villan and just gone "greetings, welcome to my lare, now close the door" would also pretend to be stroking a cat.
(24 Apr 2015, 8:10 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Ask Malarkey for some top tips when it comes to toilet doors. Did someone say Eldon Square?
(25 Apr 2015, 8:23 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Only taken me 24 Hours and 12 Minutes to realise you posted thisLess embarrassing to boot the door down than shouting for help.![]()
Advice: Dont shout for help if you get stuck like I did, just take a step back, deep breath and boot the door off its hinges youll find you will get out a lot quicker.