This annoyed me yesterday...
I came face to face to one of my tormentors friends from school, though she did not seem to recognise...I know a lot will be thinking 'Why did I let girls bully', well I was soft as a runny pooh and could not defend myself, I only ever won fight at school...
But this one girl tortured me, mentally, emotional and sometimes physically, issuing threats through me to my sister...
This girl ws suggestive in what she claimed she wanted to do to get to me, lts just say it was things that today would probably see you gong on List 99 and ViSOR Register...
While she is no threat to me now, I was still shook up and hurt by the memory of it...
She is part of reason I distrust women and have never held down a decent relationship for no more than a few months at a time, and also frightened of getting intimate, to the point I would have to be drunk before I got intimate with anyone...
While I don't hold grudges against anyone, I wasn't half pissed off when I realised who it was
Inch High Private Eye has TWO bloody caravans on a public footpath (and the grass), this resulted in my walk for the bus being made considerably longer by this arse which I really didn't need so ended up having to power walk for the bus. I hate him, his garden looks like it's been hit by a bomb, litter everywhere including on the footpath, he has roadsigns and various other crap which looks an eyesore.
People who maintain that children's wheelchairs that look more like buggies, rather than traditional style wheelchairs, are not the same as wheelchairs and that the child could sit on the parent's knee or the buggy/wheelchair could just go into one of the 3 buggy spaces that all buses apparently have.
Motorway service stations.
There may be an attraction to stand and chat outside the corridor leading to/from the toilets or block the main entrance/exit to the building, dawdle about 4/5 people wide - but I have no idea what it is.
It certainly doesn't float my boat, particularly when all I want to do, is get in, go for a slash and get out.
I know how Moses felt when he got the the shoreline of the Nile!
(18 Sep 2015, 2:30 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Motorway service stations.
There may be an attraction to stand and chat outside the corridor leading to/from the toilets or block the main entrance/exit to the building, dawdle about 4/5 people wide - but I have no idea what it is.
It certainly doesn't float my boat, particularly when all I want to do, is get in, go for a slash and get out.
I know how Moses felt when he got the the shoreline of the Nile!
It'll be the same people who manage to stand in such a position in a supermarket that they block at least 3 aisles with their trolleys sticking out behind them.
(18 Sep 2015, 3:18 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]It'll be the same people who manage to stand in such a position in a supermarket that they block at least 3 aisles with their trolleys sticking out behind them.
I've found you get those people everywhere, it can irritate me at times especially when I'm in a hurry.
(18 Sep 2015, 3:18 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]It'll be the same people who manage to stand in such a position in a supermarket that they block at least 3 aisles with their trolleys sticking out behind them.
Going solely off the state of Wetherby services, the Galleries will have been dead.
The queue at Greggs was out of the door too. A sure sign the populace of Washington, were having a day out.
Defo the destination Inspector Robert, that is for sure!
People just don't understand how complicated destinations can be

(18 Sep 2015, 7:14 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Defo the destination Inspector Robert, that is for sure!
People just don't understand how complicated destinations can be 
Looks like a mobitec display too. The hanover software looks much easier to use

I have seen people using the mobitec software (MIE) and it looks complicated.
(18 Sep 2015, 7:26 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Looks like a mobitec display too. The hanover software looks much easier to use
I have seen people using the mobitec software (MIE) and it looks complicated.
I agree, HELEN is easy to use. They have brought out Hanover Central for Next Stop with the new HTC that is pretty tricky to use, thats for sure!
I haven't a clue why i said 'looks' there lol considering i have the software
Don't know how to get the black background to go away when you just want a coloured route number or how to insert a logo into it. Apart from that, its all good.
(18 Sep 2015, 6:41 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Going solely off the state of Wetherby services, the Galleries will have been dead.
The queue at Greggs was out of the door too. A sure sign the populace of Washington, were having a day out.
We're normally travelling to Hull when we go that way, so drive straight past Wetherby and stop of 20 minutes further at Ferrybridge. Much shorter queues for the ladies (and definitely not blocking off the door to the gents) and easier to get parked!
We usually grab some lunch at M&S and eat it in the car, mind.
Waiting for Davie we were meant to meet at 9 and I'm still waiting for him...
(18 Sep 2015, 7:40 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]I haven't a clue why i said 'looks' there lol considering i have the software
Don't know how to get the black background to go away when you just want a coloured route number or how to insert a logo into it. Apart from that, its all good.
I've followed the user guide to try and import images, but as yet to no avail. The programming side in HELEN is easy - it's the circuit boards and things that go on behind the scenes in the destination controllers which are little trickier.
(18 Sep 2015, 8:12 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]We're normally travelling to Hull when we go that way, so drive straight past Wetherby and stop of 20 minutes further at Ferrybridge. Much shorter queues for the ladies (and definitely not blocking off the door to the gents) and easier to get parked!
We usually grab some lunch at M&S and eat it in the car, mind.
Hitting either when coach parties are in, can be a fate worse than death.
Ferrybridge can be a pain to get in, with lots of people sitting on the steps and congregating around the picnic benches.
Dear potty-mouthed chav,
Please refrain from shouting "X21!?" to the driver of the number 1 while he's trying to issue a fare. He is not a live map.
Thank you.
Cats shittin on my lawn.....
(19 Sep 2015, 2:27 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Cats shittin on my lawn.....
![[Image: I-Just-Pooped_o_140752.jpg]](
I've been having thoughts recently.
I keep thinking about the 'good old days' when I used to go to the MetroCentre and the cinemas on the evening of my birthday. I also remember when I used to have loads of friends at school and how they all were helpful and kind.
Then, I remember the dark days. Being locked in a 'quiet room' for the most of the day at a special school in Blyth and then being beaten up at a school in the Throckley area. Then the frequent fights between my mam and her ex-husband. I didn't know if I was going to survive for as long as I have.
How much things have changed in six years. I really don't know how I've got through all of the hell.
I think the small minority of OAPs deserve to be given a slap at times, some bloke earlier just walked straight past seven of us in queue for the 56 at Concord and boarded the Bus while people were getting off, then the ignorant tosser proceeded to empty all of his pockets of used bus tickets before eventually after approximately 2 Minutes making his way to a seat, never in my life have I witnessed such rudeness and ignorance from another human being, I guess this C*** must think he has the Key to the City, well he can take that Key, turn it sideways and shove it where the Sun don't shine.
(19 Sep 2015, 8:54 am)DanPicken wrote [ -> ]Waiting for Davie we were meant to meet at 9 and I'm still waiting for him...
Sorry mate, I couldn't get in contact as my phone is knackered
Signed up to another forum over a fortnight ago and they still haven't activated my account!
Well they can go and get stuffed as they don't seem to want me as a member.
(19 Sep 2015, 4:19 pm)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]I've been having thoughts recently.
I keep thinking about the 'good old days' when I used to go to the MetroCentre and the cinemas on the evening of my birthday. I also remember when I used to have loads of friends at school and how they all were helpful and kind.
Then, I remember the dark days. Being locked in a 'quiet room' for the most of the day at a special school in Blyth and then being beaten up at a school in the Throckley area. Then the frequent fights between my mam and her ex-husband. I didn't know if I was going to survive for as long as I have.
How much things have changed in six years. I really don't know how I've got through all of the hell.
"quiet rooms" are so often mis-used. That sounds pretty rubbish, especially in amongst all the other stuff.
I expended many sleepless nights (and drank many bottles of wine) finding and securing a really good school for big'un. It's an 80 minute journey each way for him, but so worth it. Oddly enough, despite the fact that many of their pupils are quite capable of kicking off big time, they don't seem to need a "quiet room". Funny that, isn't it?
I have friends who have walked out of schools aimed at kids with aspergers when they've seen the "quiet room" and heard the language used to describe its purpose.
(19 Sep 2015, 5:11 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I think the small minority of OAPs deserve to be given a slap at times, some bloke earlier just walked straight past seven of us in queue for the 56 at Concord and boarded the Bus while people were getting off, then the ignorant tosser proceeded to empty all of his pockets of used bus tickets before eventually after approximately 2 Minutes making his way to a seat, never in my life have I witnessed such rudeness and ignorance from another human being, I guess this C*** must think he has the Key to the City, well he can take that Key, turn it sideways and shove it where the Sun don't shine.
I got barged past by two old ladies on my way into the loos at M&S, at lunchtime. I wouldn't mind, but one walked straight past me, as if was invisible, when I stopped to let a long queue out of the loos (surely making more room for everyone in there) then the other walked straight past a whole queue into the stall with handrails. someone took her to task so I opted for the PA reply when she asked me if I needed the cubicle - its OK, there's another just become available, but go ahead if you need that one more than me - luckily it's been a day when I've not needed the cubicles with handrails, but I fully expect to get questioned for using them, one day, just as I do for taking a disabled child into the accessible loos so I can change him and relieve myself without him being in danger of wandering off.
And breathe....
(19 Sep 2015, 2:27 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Cats shittin on my lawn.....
I thought dogs were bad I remember once I was with my cousin who was almost ready to pop in 2011 and her dog pooped on the flowers in the park
(19 Sep 2015, 4:19 pm)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]I've been having thoughts recently.
I keep thinking about the 'good old days' when I used to go to the MetroCentre and the cinemas on the evening of my birthday. I also remember when I used to have loads of friends at school and how they all were helpful and kind.
Then, I remember the dark days. Being locked in a 'quiet room' for the most of the day at a special school in Blyth and then being beaten up at a school in the Throckley area. Then the frequent fights between my mam and her ex-husband. I didn't know if I was going to survive for as long as I have.
How much things have changed in six years. I really don't know how I've got through all of the hell.
You get your good and bad days school was worse for me I felt left out half the time on things I remember once I was so desperate to join the school football team and the teachers knew I was emotional and didn't do nothing they did sod all I was prepared to sacrifice 1 or 2 after school clubs just to be in the football team which I did had a good run until 2006 where the stupid teachers crushed everything I was so angry with the teachers i never forgave them for crushing my dreams luckily I didn't had long left of school anyway a as I was nearer to 16 the teachers also knew I was going through hell at home because I had a critically ill Grandma who I was close to and I used to go after school to visit her everyday she was well loved by me and my sister then 13 years old 14 that August although I miss my grandma her name lives on within my hearts and the cat who was originally named Bell but we put an a on to her name and she became Bella when I got an assessment at Espa it was just pure amazing I was so desperate to get a place when I found out I got a place there I felt relieved that now things are looking up by this point I was so desperate to leave school then the day came felt good leaving school however when I returned home from an old school pals house my dad told me some sad news that my gran his mother had died I was heartbroken as a result I couldn't eat my food or sleep properly as me and her were so close I had to make sure dad was ok my last words to her was "your the best grandma in the world" starting college was the best feeling Sunderland AFC were getting better in the championship they won promotion at the end of the season thanks to Roy Keane 3 years later I would meet my best mate Ryan then not quiet 2 years my bestie Paul my old school was a nightmare I don't wanna relive it again I still talk to some teachers the nice ones I like who were amazing but others nope as the ones that did sod all I would never speak to but my class were amazing I speak to most of them including one of them I was close to I speak to him every now and again just to check how there all doing one of my besties in that school the year below me he agreed with me and said he would never go back there today we see each other recurringly and we always have a good laugh when we see each other last time I saw him we attended a football match together which we won 6-3 against Exeter City we both agreed the teachers were horrible some of them but college was miles better than anything staff were friendly they understood my needs and gave me confidence like getting back into the solid football game again as I felt it was at the time for me feeling like it was fizzling out but they got me believing again and then 1 staff have me the confidence a few weeks after I joined college and said "you should see a Sunderland match" and I did it was Sunderland AFC vs Leicester City in the championship we drew 1-1 and felt confident again but college really gave me a boost of confidence which I was missing years previously although it wasn't until I joined south Tyneside college I was inspired to get a cat that was in 2009 when I saw this cute cat named Henry while I was with my buddies Dean, Ryan, Michael and Chris but had to wait until 2013 but I would never even go back for a visit to my old school as it was a nightmare if I see my old school in the gazette I refuse to look at it or read it I skip the page to read the next one
(19 Sep 2015, 5:28 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Sorry mate, I couldn't get in contact as my phone is knackered
Last time my phone played up was back in March complaining about Safc vs Aston villa my phone got blue screen of death
Was on a bus and this woman refused to give up her seat when she said it was reserved for her husband "she cannot reserve seats a seat is a seat and other need to sit there if it's taken my another person or myself then her husband will have to stand"
A driver on the X21 (3872) in Durham at about 16:00, was quite disgruntled that his path out of the stand was inhibited by a black Optare Solo. So much so that he obnoxiously belched "move the f*cking bus" loud and clear for all passenger to hear. I was genuinely shocked by his impertinence and unprofessionalism.
(20 Sep 2015, 7:50 am)Sidthebusbabe wrote [ -> ]A driver on the X21 (3872) in Durham at about 16:00, was quite disgruntled that his path out of the stand was inhibited by a black Optare Solo. So much so that he obnoxiously belched "move the f*cking bus" loud and clear for all passenger to hear. I was genuinely shocked by his impertinence and unprofessionalism.
Call customer services, as they opened 6 minutes ago and give them the drivers number
Waiting for the bus at Wideopen. There's only me and this this chava at the stand. He's sitting smoking a roll up. Bus approaches and he stays sitting in the stand.
So I hail the bus thinking he doesn't want to get on. He calls me a cheeky c**t and accuses me of stealing his place in the queue!
I ask him to get off with me at the next stop so we can have a polite discussion about his manners.
He refuses to get off the bus. Chavas who are loud mouths and do not have the guts to back it up really get my goat.