Just though i'd get that out, honestly some people!
(28 Sep 2015, 10:10 am)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]I usually upload my photos on a Saturday, more people are in and uploading photos after their days out then.
HGVs get absolutely no faves at all from the HGV enthusiasts.
I have a photo of 7505 on my Flickr, crap photo as I was sat on a bench and the road was in the shade, but it got quite a few faves, I don't know why, as it wasn't screaming that it was on a very rare diversion.
Oh, and this new design for 'Post Reply' isn't very good. I've had to move my head from the usual viewing position to write an edit. [emoji14]
What I've been doing the last few weeks is uploading my photos in batches of five each day which does help increase the views although the main reason I've been doing this was because I've been pushed for time due to me being out on a night a few times in the last fortnight and I've found uploading in fives a lot less stressful than uploading anything up to twenty in one go so I am probably going to continue taking this approach to uploads. Like your HGV photos my train photos usually only get a few favourites but it is starting to get a bit better and I'm not too down about the low views on them as it's normally sandwiched between bus photos so it's not so bad.
As I'm stuck in the house with a cold for another day I'll probably upload more photos tonight as it would be a slightly wasted trip if I didn't upload them to Flickr, also I have to do something other than watch The Big Bang Theory all day again.
(28 Sep 2015, 9:47 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]What left of my self esteem as been brutally beaten thanks to some customer having a go about veing unshavened, said I looked scruffy. Told him to leave it, and said my self esteem is low enough as it is, and the fact my anxiety is playing up. The twat just became more verbally abusive towards me saying I was a stupid twat. I'm not paid enough to put up with this shit.
What a prick. I kind of know what it's like to have low self esteem and it's certainly not great.
(28 Sep 2015, 9:47 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]What left of my self esteem as been brutally beaten thanks to some customer having a go about veing unshavened, said I looked scruffy. Told him to leave it, and said my self esteem is low enough as it is, and the fact my anxiety is playing up. The twat just became more verbally abusive towards me saying I was a stupid twat. I'm not paid enough to put up with this shit.
I don't know how old this customer was, but some people of a certian age regard a man as having made no effort if not absolutely clean shaven and wearing a tie. It doesn't matter if said tie is poo brown and worn with a matching cardigan. It's "smart"
Unless it's relevant to your job, rather than mentioning your mental state to customers, many of whom would not be in the least bit understanding, anyhow, as there is still such a stigma attached to MH issues (particularly amongst the must be clean shaven and wearing a tie brigade) you merely need to point out that the person is being incredibly rude and bad mannered eg "did you mean to be so rude?"
Well thing is, my shop is like a community shop where everyone knows each other.
I've been based at the shop in Throckley for over 4 years know (plus working odd shifts there beforehand). And I'm popular with most of the regular punters. They do look out for me, and they often ask after me. Most of them know I do have issues with my mental state as I have had a breakdown in the shop last year.
Just that this window cleaner is a bit of a cocky git. Claims it was just harmless fun.
Harmless fun, my arse.
He's a bully.
Facebook - anyone else having trouble with it!?
It's worse than that it's dead Jim
(28 Sep 2015, 7:10 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Facebook - anyone else having trouble with it!?
(28 Sep 2015, 9:47 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]What left of my self esteem as been brutally beaten thanks to some customer having a go about veing unshavened, said I looked scruffy. Told him to leave it, and said my self esteem is low enough as it is, and the fact my anxiety is playing up. The twat just became more verbally abusive towards me saying I was a stupid twat. I'm not paid enough to put up with this shit.
I share your distress brother...
Been there myself when I worked at the Stadium of Light a couple of times...
A Middlesbrough fan started screaming at me for a pint, calling me a useless fat c**t in the process as he had been waiting 45 minutes, in reality he had only been waiting about 10 minutes...Dunno if I should admit this, half of his pint ended up coming from the remainders of a drip tray and what made it funnier he looked like he enjoyed the pint as well
Another occasion, A Spurs fan started giving me grief, I am not normally nervous or anything, but something about very drunk football fans makes me edgy to say the least, he just tore into me after I made it clear I wanted him to leave alone, he accused me of back answering him and being cheeky, on that occasion I was moved to a different part of the ground by one of the managers, after she believed this guy, had it not been for a the pollis not being far away I could have been in trouble, but the coper stood up for me and felt the guys collar...
Low self esteem is horrible and as such i guess you will have very little confidence in yourself, am I right?
They may say 'it is a harmless, I mean no offence, You can't a joke' but they don't realise how fragile your mind and emotions can be, and cannot see that you may be torn apart inside.
End of the day, nobody should have to feeling that way, it is not fair...
Hope you are ok anyway Gary
All the best
Your Ol' pal Mr Fozz

(28 Sep 2015, 7:10 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Facebook - anyone else having trouble with it!?
I am too.
(27 Sep 2015, 3:53 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]My dad's ill again, and I'm getting really stressed over him
Just found out he has cellulitus (I'm not sure how to spell it correctly). For those who don't know what it I'll give you a brief description; Cellulitus is a disease which starts as a small red patch in any part of the body. It can actually kill you if you get it and don't get it seen to. The only way (To my knowledge)to get rid of it is ypu have to go to hospital for a week (you stay in over night) and get put on a drip. Although my dad has had this a few times, it still worries me and I'm getting really stressed and upset over him.
(28 Sep 2015, 8:40 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I am too.
My problem is whenever I try to message anyone, for example, I tried to message three different people on different occasions and I kept getting a message saying 'This message cannot be sent, please try again later,' I tried a few times and it didn't work, I checked the Internet, and that was working, I restarted the phone I'm currently using but nothing happened!
I've had celluitus a few times. Everytime it's in my left shin. First time was the worse and ended up going to hospital and put on a drip for a few hours.
The other handful of times it's just been medication and cream. Though my body has now built up a resistance to it and now only really needs cream to ease it off.
This is what my leg looked like the first time I had it. The marker pen was to see if it was spreading or not.
Aye that's what my dad has. He hasn't had it for a good 2/3 year prior to now
(28 Sep 2015, 10:50 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Just found out he has cellulitus (I'm not sure how to spell it correctly). For those who don't know what it I'll give you a brief description; Cellulitus is a disease which starts as a small red patch in any part of the body. It can actually kill you if you get it and don't get it seen to. The only way (To my knowledge)to get rid of it is ypu have to go to hospital for a week (you stay in over night) and get put on a drip. Although my dad has had this a few times, it still worries me and I'm getting really stressed and upset over him.
I hope your Dad is fine.
Hopefully the treatment works.
Had a programme on series link on Sky and I've just discovered it started again several weeks ago and it hasn't been recording it [emoji34]
(29 Sep 2015, 7:58 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Had a programme on series link on Sky and I've just discovered it started again several weeks ago and it hasn't been recording it [emoji34]
Fortunately it actually turns out I've missed no episodes. Good thing the thought went through my head tonight to see if it was on.
The fact that I'm getting stressed over the slightest thing!
(29 Sep 2015, 8:47 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I hope your Dad is fine.
Hopefully the treatment works.
Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as he used to get it so he didn't go to hospital.
Stupid woman who stopped her car on Victoria Road (Darlington) moved her hand which looked like a signal to cross so I thought she was letting me cross, so I did then as I stepped into the road she started to move and gave me a hacky look. Well don't just stop in the middle of the A167 for no reason, idiot!
Currently on a pretty busy 7 out of Darlington full of school and college students, ugh! Just glad it's an Enviro 400.
Uncomfortable trainers. It feels like I'm wearing one on the wrong foot.
Missed out on a photo of Arriva's 9955 earlier. Damn, it sneaks up when I dont have a camera on me!
Sunderland College ........................got a letter today to graduate... in 20 days time... like bloody usual Sunderland College are bloody hopeless...... now my mam and dad can't get time off work to attend............
Looks like i'm waiting till i finish Newcastle!
I'm currently suffering from a really bad headache which made me leave collage early!
The internet isn't working!
(03 Oct 2015, 2:10 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The internet isn't working!
How'd you post that then? [emoji14]
(03 Oct 2015, 2:31 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]How'd you post that then? [emoji14]
Mobile data
Some tit in a HGV has swung out from Fenwicks and blocked the road and in 15 minutes we've moved maybe 100M.
Newcastle throwing away such a good performance in the first half to be shambolic in the 2nd half.
(03 Oct 2015, 4:20 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Newcastle throwing away such a good performance in the first half to be shambolic in the 2nd half.
So did Sunderland... could it get any worse.
(03 Oct 2015, 4:25 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]So did Sunderland... could it get any worse.
Don't think it could get any worse!
We play Norwich then Sunderland so they will be huge games.
(03 Oct 2015, 4:33 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Don't think it could get any worse!
We play Norwich then Sunderland so they will be huge games.
No doubt Sunderland will beat us as usual...!