30 May 2015, 9:51 pm
(30 May 2015, 9:49 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Cheers, I might risk it then. If not I can get a Red Kite.
Either way you will get a Streetlite. Win win i suppose.
(30 May 2015, 9:49 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Cheers, I might risk it then. If not I can get a Red Kite.
(30 May 2015, 9:35 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Aye I will.
Not too bad as I've never been on a Coast & Country yet.
(30 May 2015, 10:04 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]As you may have seen earlier in the Arriva Latest thread at the traffic lights at Nevilles Cross where the 7 turns right to head down towards Durham Bus Station the lights for straight on were green and we were going right meaning the bus went through the light on red and it wasn't just a few seconds before it turned green I mean it was red and straight on light was green throughout this illegal turn, thankfully nothing was coming the other way as if there had been it would have smashed straight into it. So thank you stupid moron for making an illegal move and putting your passengers lives at risk I will be complaining as this should not be happening as I don't know about the rest of you but dying is not something I want to be part of my outing today
A green traffic filter light allows traffic to proceed in the direction of the arrow. A directional green filter arrow means that you have priority over traffic as their lights will be on red when you make the turn. As with all junctions be aware of pedestrians and cyclists whilst making the turn. Just because you have priority, there is a possibility of another vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian crossing or being where they shouldn’t be.
GREEN FILTER LIGHT NOT ILLUMINATEDhttp://www.drivingtesttips.biz/traffic-l...uence.html
If turning right and your green filter light is not illuminated or it distinguishes, you can still proceed providing the full phase green light is illuminated. You must however give way to oncoming vehicles and wait at the point of turn.
Green filter arrow. This indicates a filter lane only. Do not enter that lane unless you want to go in the direction of the arrow. You may proceed in the direction of the green arrow when it, or the full green light shows. Give other traffic, especially cyclists, time and room to move into the correct lane.
(31 May 2015, 11:05 am)northern156 wrote [ -> ]So the 'main' light was on green but the filter (right arrow) was not showing any aspect? If so this is legal, the filter light only gives you priority when other conflicting traffic has stopped. You can pass it unlit as long as you give way.
(31 May 2015, 11:10 am)Robert wrote [ -> ]When the main straight across lights are on green, the right turn lane lights are on red. Its after the straight ahead lights are on red that the right turns (for both directions) turn green.
(31 May 2015, 11:12 am)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Ah very fair then, if you have a filter light actually showing red you don't pass it. Misunderstood Jimmi's post, apologies!
(31 May 2015, 11:12 am)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Ah very fair then, if you have a filter light actually showing red you don't pass it. Misunderstood Jimmi's post, apologies!Yeah straight on only on green at the time.
(31 May 2015, 11:26 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Yeah straight on only on green at the time.
This obviously was an illegal move given that I go through that junction on a regular basis and before yesterday I have only seen someone go through these lights on Red once and that was some chavs in a little Citroën or something like that.
It's difficult to explain as I doubt you will have been through that junction much before apart from the odd outing and I am not brilliant at explaining things.
(31 May 2015, 11:36 am)northern156 wrote [ -> ]I presume you mean this one? https://goo.gl/maps/7ulRl
If so I see exactly what you mean, my apologies.
(31 May 2015, 11:36 am)northern156 wrote [ -> ]I presume you mean this one? https://goo.gl/maps/7ulRlYep that's the one.
If so I see exactly what you mean, my apologies.
(31 May 2015, 1:59 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]What do you think would be quicker to Middlesbrough from Lambton.
A 2, 50, 82 or 82A from Lambton to The Galleries, Then the 4 to Heworth followed by the X9/X10 to Middlesbrough, Or alternatively the 50 from Lambton to CLS or Durham followed by the X12 to Middlesbrough, Just thinking about doing another Explorer Trip out in the next few weeks to Whitby & Scarborough.
(31 May 2015, 1:59 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]What do you think would be quicker to Middlesbrough from Lambton.
A 2, 50, 82 or 82A from Lambton to The Galleries, Then the 4 to Heworth followed by the X9/X10 to Middlesbrough, Or alternatively the 50 from Lambton to CLS or Durham followed by the X12 to Middlesbrough, Just thinking about doing another Explorer Trip out in the next few weeks to Whitby & Scarborough.
(31 May 2015, 2:45 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Couple of other options: Bus to Sunderland and then an X7 or the alternative to Peterlee and something from there.
You also have the train from Sunderland, but at extra expense.
Or, Newcastle and an X9/10?
(31 May 2015, 2:46 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Google Maps is saying via Heworth and then over on the X9 or X10 (X10 taking 10 mins less) is the best way at 1h47m.
The other way you could do it is going over to Sunderland on whichever bus route serves Washington - Sunderland this time (I'm clueless about that route!) then go to Peterlee before getting on the X9. Or if you like Citaros just do the X7 all the way.
(31 May 2015, 6:42 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Anyone interested in doing this, wont be for a few weeks like, but the offer is there.
(31 May 2015, 7:52 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]I'd definitely be up for that! Only thing is that I won't be able to spend long there as the earliest I can get there is 0950 and the latest I have to leave to be back is 1700. Unless I lodge in Boro or nearby.
(31 May 2015, 7:59 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Could stop in a Hotel in Newcastle for the Night then get on whatever X9/X10 get on at Heworth, and go from there.
Do you not have any relatives that live in the Newcastle Area etc.
(31 May 2015, 8:05 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Unfortunately don't have any relatives that live around Newcastle etc.
However I wouldn't mind stopping in Boro or nearby and then spending the day bus bashing from very early til very late, especially if it was on a Mon-Thu (no Fri/Sat evening pissheads around).
(31 May 2015, 8:07 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]There is probably pissheads in Middlesbrough every night
(31 May 2015, 8:30 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Hope you two never become travel advisors![]()
(04 Jun 2015, 7:35 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]The effects of boredom have brought this upon me. For a long time, I've often pondered what it would be like to go in time, to the 1990s, when buses were at their peak. Easy Access was unheard of, most buses were step entrance, and built to last; Leyland buses prowled the streets, now long gone. I decided, as I didn't have any other plans for this evening; to send myself back to the year of 1998, when the Plaxton Prestiges and Wright Renowns were first born, and what I would now call an ''old'' bus was still about. With the help of citaro5284, I've managed to create an outing from 1998. I apologise in advance if any of this sounds like I'm just going on assumption, I've spent the last hour or so (started writing this at 17:30) going through old photographs of bus interiors, watching videos on YouTube, and just about everything I could, to hear the sounds of some of these buses and try to make an accurate review, so I'm really sorry if this seems like a load of garbage. Just thought it would be nice to do, something different from the norm. For those who get lost off, this is set in 1998, just after the Plaxton Prestiges entered service with Go Northern, and before the Wright Renowns arrived. Here goes;
I should add, that the Bygone Era section of this forum helped a lot with timetables, routes and a lot of other things, which was of great use for this. Hope you all enjoyed reading, it certainly filled in an evening for me.
(04 Jun 2015, 7:35 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]The effects of boredom have brought this upon me. For a long time, I've often pondered what it would be like to go in time, to the 1990s, when buses were at their peak. Easy Access was unheard of, most buses were step entrance, and built to last; Leyland buses prowled the streets, now long gone. I decided, as I didn't have any other plans for this evening; to send myself back to the year of 1998, when the Plaxton Prestiges and Wright Renowns were first born, and what I would now call an ''old'' bus was still about. With the help of citaro5284, I've managed to create an outing from 1998. I apologise in advance if any of this sounds like I'm just going on assumption, I've spent the last hour or so (started writing this at 17:30) going through old photographs of bus interiors, watching videos on YouTube, and just about everything I could, to hear the sounds of some of these buses and try to make an accurate review, so I'm really sorry if this seems like a load of garbage. Just thought it would be nice to do, something different from the norm. For those who get lost off, this is set in 1998, just after the Plaxton Prestiges entered service with Go Northern, and before the Wright Renowns arrived. Here goes;
Waking up at 06:00, I showered and dressed myself for the day ahead. I decided I would get the 735 service that left Chester-le-Street at 06:53, towards Houghton-le-Spring. Leaving the house at 06:40, I strolled through the housing estate, only erected 3 years before in 1995, and towards the bus stop, arriving at bang-on 06:50. The first 735 of the day in this direction, scheduled to leave at 06:53, was timed to get here for 06:58, upon inspection of the timetables. After twiddling my thumbs for 8 minutes, I looked up towards Ropery Lane, to see a double decker, resplendent in it's ''NORTHERN'' livery, in sight. Readying myself at the bus stop, I waited for it to round the roundabout, curious what sort of vehicle this double decker was. Turned out to be an MCW Metrobus, 3506 to be precise. I flagged it to a halt, and boarded. The driver didn't look like he was happy to be driving a bus at 06:58 on a Saturday morning, but nonetheless I paid for my day ticket and received a nod from him. Not a soul was downstairs, and when it had first appeared, here didn't look to be anybody enjoying the upper saloon either. As the driver closed the doors and pulled away, I heard the melodious engine of the Metrobus roar as we picked up speed. I was torn between the front seats upstairs, or the back seats downstairs; the former for the views and the latter for the noises. In a few seconds, I grabbed onto the pole and began to pull myself up the stairwell. True enough, the upper deck was deserted. I sat down at the front, driver's side, and continued to listen to the engine. Inspecting my day ticket, I tried to plan anything for the day ahead. Time was not a problem, as there were no boundaries or limits for today's well-earned trip. Eventually, I decided that once I'd arrived at Houghton-le-Spring, I'd board a 194 service to Washington, or if the bus was decent, continue onwards to Heworth. A couple of passengers were picked up on the journey to Houghton-le-Spring, but none would join me upstairs. As we drew close to Houghton-le-Spring Church, I checked my watch; the time was 07:18. From previous experience, I knew the 194 was due at 07:22, so I could connect with this. As the Metrobus slowed to a halt at Houghton-le-Spring Church, I thanked the driver, and disembarked 3506.
As 3506 returned back to Newcastle, on the 735 via Chester-le-Street; I waited for the 194. A couple of minutes passed, before a ''Red, Blue and Yellow'' Leyland Lynx came into view, with the 194 to Heworth, from Easington Lane. I decided to go with this, noting the fleet number as 4726, and showed my day ticket to the driver, before taking my seat two rows before the very back seats. Some of the kickdowns produced by this Lynx through the areas on the road to Washington's Bus Station were fantastic, but the numbers did build up until nearly every seat was taken. I chose to continue on to Heworth, but moved to the back row. Left Washington with a load of roughly 20 people, all nicely spaced out around the bus. Several left at Concord Bus Station, with a couple boarding, but once we'd arrived at Heworth, there were only half a dozen that I counted. Really enjoyed the ride from Houghton-le-Spring on 4726, and watched it leave back to where it came from.
Wandered around Heworth Metro, for something to come in from Newcastle. I noticed two bus enthusiasts were talking amongst themselves, that the next 532, the 08:33 to Newcastle Market Street, would be one of the Palatine 2 bodied Volvo Olympians, that South Shields depot had received a few weeks ago. Having never been on one of these buses yet, I decided to stick around for the 532 to come, hoping it was. Thankfully, I saw one enter the interchange, screened up for the 532 to Newcastle, looking fine in it's ''Go Coastline'' colours. A small queue of 5 passengers were waiting for this, while about double that amount disembarked here, presumably for the Metro, to me, that was still something of a novelty, despite being a few years old now! We left Heworth at 08:33, the correct time, on 3815; still felt brand new inside. Enjoyed my first ride on a Palatine 2, despite being no different to any other Volvo Olympian, the novelty of my first ride on a bus with this body made me enjoy it. Dropped off a couple of passengers in Gateshead, leaving only 2 others with myself upstairs. I disembarked on Market Street, Newcastle, before pondering what to do next.
I walked to Eldon Square Bus Station, quite a hectic set-up, it must be said. The time was only 08:55, but I noticed another MCW Metrobus, again, in it's predominantly red ''NORTHERN'' colours, entering on the 723 to Durham. It made plenty of noise as it drew towards it's stand, so I decided I would have a ride to Durham on it. Few passengers were looking to board, but a decent load seemed to get off in the bus station. Finally, the queue made it's way onto the bus, until I was finally making my way up the stairs after showing the driver my day ticket. 3501, which was working this run on the 723, was scheduled to get to Durham for 09:53, having left Newcastle at 09:00. Fortunately, there wasn't much traffic through Low Fell, Birtley and Chester-le-Street, where, after a driver changeover took place, we carried on to Durham Bus Station; I had a front row view, as I'd taken the front seats in Newcastle, driver's side. After something of a lengthy but enjoyable journey on 3501, we pulled into Durham Bus Station a couple of minutes early, as 09:50. I looked around, but then something entering the bus station caught my attention. An Optare Delta, with the blind set for the X50 to South Shields. I knew this would take me back to Chester-le-Street, but as I did enjoy a ride on a Delta, I decided I'd go the long way around rather than direct along the A167 like my ride on the 723 had demonstrated.
I boarded the Delta, which produced quite a nice noise when idling, and made a note of the fleet number; 4802. This bus had absolutely no problems when reversing out of it's stand in Durham – and once we were clear of Durham, and onto the brief part of the A167 the X50 follows, the driver put his foot down and flew along the dual carriageway. We turned at Chester Moor, and then continued down through Waldridge, before arriving in Chester-le-Street, on-time. Despite two great rides on Metrobuses, an Olympian and also the Lynx; the Delta was the best ride of the day so far. I alighted in Chester-le-Street, when I spotted a 729 to Stanley pulling into it's stand on South Burns. Walking from the X50 stand, I heard the Delta depart for South Shields behind me as I walked across to the Classic Coaches Leyland National. The queue quickly boarded, myself included, Mk1 National GPC 732N, which after reviewing the timetables, seemed to be running over 20 minutes late, hence why there was no waiting around when everybody had boarded. I took my seat towards the back, enjoying the sounds of the Leyland engine as we soared up South Pelaw Bank. Was a great ride up to Stanley Bus Station behind this motor. Some of the kickdowns on the hilly ride up to Stanley were immense, the best part was the fact that I was sat at the back.
Once we'd pulled into Stanley, I walked into the brick building that was the bus station. The smell of urine, and dampness, was not nice in the slightest. Luckily for me, I saw a Leyland Olympian enter with an X36 to Newcastle. Checking my watch again, I noted it was 10:58, and after consulting the timetables, saw this service was due to depart at 11:01. As I'd already been on a Volvo Olympian today, I chose to have a ride on this to Newcastle. Passenger numbers were okay, and several alighted at the MetroCentre. Yet another Leyland-built machine, carrying the fleet number 3523; which was absolutely fantastic. The noises emitted from the engine when tackling uphill climbs were great, the engine was so powerful it felt like they weren't even there. With the front seats upstairs, yet again, I enjoyed every minute of the ride to Newcastle. Once I was back in Eldon Square Bus Station, again I wondered where to go next. The time was only 11:50, and there were still plenty of hours left in the day.
Then, after about 10 minutes of observing the comings and goings of Eldon Square, I saw another Delta, this time on the 745 to Consett, in it's ''NORTHERN'' livery, come to a standstill. It was 4740, and the queue to board was only a couple of people. After one or two others joined the journey as we stood waiting to depart, we soared out of the city centre, with the fantastic DAF engine ringing in my ears. I wondered whether to stay on until Consett, or just bail at the MetroCentre and see what was going on there. I'd only been on the fairly new P-Reg DAF Prestiges on the X66 a couple of times, so took the opportunity to disembark at the MetroCentre and have a ride to Gateshead and back. When I arrived at the MetroCentre, behind us, was a Prestige carrying the eye-catching X66 ''Supershuttle'' livery, bringing in a healthy load from Gateshead Interchange. I decided to board this, showing the driver my day ticket, before sitting at the very back of 4824, the vehicle operating this trip. A great ride to Gateshead Interchange, with very few passengers on this bus. The fact that it is non-stop between the two is a great feature. Like the Delta just before, the DAF engine was music to my ears; I was sad to have to get off in Gateshead.
Checking my watch; the time was 12:40. Another Prestige came into Gateshead as 4824 departed, this time it was 4825. Joining the line to board, I managed to secure a seat just beyond the step; but we left about three quarters full. Another charming ride on a Prestige, although it wasn't as smooth as 4824's journey beforehand. Something of a squeal in the engine, and also when idling it wasn't too nice. The whole bus shook constantly when we got stuck in traffic when trying to enter the MetroCentre; that made the 10 minute journey into a 15 minute journey. Once I was returned to the bus station at the MetroCentre, it was 13:00. Looking around for anything good, I found myself at the timetable for the 809 service to Chester-le-Street. I knew from experience that this often kicked up a Leyland National, so decided to head into the MetroCentre for about 10 minutes to see what was new. Nothing had changed since my last visit, but I wandered around nonetheless. I returned to the bus station for 13:15, where a ''NORTHERN'' liveried Leyland National came in shortly afterwards. This was Mk2 National 4662; as I'd been on a Classic Coaches Mk1 earlier today, I felt the need to ride a Mk2 as well to look for any differences. Despite being smooth also, the engine noises were slightly differing. This was pretty much a ghost bus, with a few people using it along the route, serving Birtley, Ouston, Pelton, etc., but only another man and myself for the whole journey back to Chester-le-Street. An enjoyable ride at the back of a National, something I'll have to do again at some point. Walked home from the town centre, after a great day out.
Well, this was purely for fun. Like I said at the start, I'm unsure of vehicle allocations or routes in 1998. Nothing to be taken seriously, just the effects of boredom. A fake log of this outing;
06:58 #735 – Chester-le-Street Durham County Cricket Ground to Houghton-le-Spring Church – NORTHERN 3506
07:22 #194 – Houghton-le-Spring Church to Heworth Metro – Go Wear Buses 4726
08:33 #532 – Heworth Metro to Newcastle Market Street – Go Coastline 3815
09:00 #723 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to Durham Bus Station – NORTHERN 3501
09:55 #X50 – Durham Bus Station to Chester-le-Street Corals – Go Northern 4802
10:23 #729 – Chester-le-Street South Burns to Stanley Bus Station – Classic Coaches GPC 732N
11:01 #X36 – Stanley Bus Station to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station – Go Northern 3523
12:07 #745 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – NORTHERN 4740
12:29 #X66 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Gateshead Transport Interchange – Go Gateshead(?) 4824
12:44 #X66 – Gateshead Transport Interchange to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – Go Gateshead(?) 4825
13:20 #809 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Chester-le-Street South Burns – NORTHERN 4662
I should add, that the Bygone Era section of this forum helped a lot with timetables, routes and a lot of other things, which was of great use for this. Hope you all enjoyed reading, it certainly filled in an evening for me.
(04 Jun 2015, 7:35 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Well, this was purely for fun. Like I said at the start, I'm unsure of vehicle allocations or routes in 1998. Nothing to be taken seriously, just the effects of boredom. A fake log of this outing;
06:58 #735 – Chester-le-Street Durham County Cricket Ground to Houghton-le-Spring Church – NORTHERN 3506
07:22 #194 – Houghton-le-Spring Church to Heworth Metro – Go Wear Buses 4726
08:33 #532 – Heworth Metro to Newcastle Market Street – Go Coastline 3815
09:00 #723 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to Durham Bus Station – NORTHERN 3501
09:55 #X50 – Durham Bus Station to Chester-le-Street Corals – Go Northern 4802
10:23 #729 – Chester-le-Street South Burns to Stanley Bus Station – Classic Coaches GPC 732N
11:01 #X36 – Stanley Bus Station to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station – Go Northern 3523
12:07 #745 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – NORTHERN 4740
12:29 #X66 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Gateshead Transport Interchange – Go Gateshead(?) 4824
12:44 #X66 – Gateshead Transport Interchange to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – Go Gateshead(?) 4825
13:20 #809 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Chester-le-Street South Burns – NORTHERN 4662
I should add, that the Bygone Era section of this forum helped a lot with timetables, routes and a lot of other things, which was of great use for this. Hope you all enjoyed reading, it certainly filled in an evening for me.
(04 Jun 2015, 7:47 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Wow, even in this fake outing you don't go any further north than Newcastle
I couldn't be bothered to come up with this sort of thing, I can't always be even bothered to write a review of a day out made on the day of the outing
Just a shame that this outing can't be done today.