(22 Mar 2014, 8:19 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm out and about on a Get Around today... See below for my journey details so far (will edit throughout the day):
0711 #56 Stadium of Light to Gateshead (0801) - GNE 6097
0815 #X66 Gateshead to Riverside Depot (0822) - GNE 5347
0846 #10 Metrocentre to Hexham (0945) - GNE 6078
1041 #689 Hexham to Consett (1135ish) - GNE 645
1200 #78 Consett to Stanley (1230) - GNE 4850
1245 #8 Stanley to Chester (1318ish) - GNE 4852
1352 #X22 Chester to Durham (1420ish) - GNE 3865
1440 #265 Durham to Seaham (1536) - GNE 539
1628 #60 Seaham to Sunderland (1700ish) - GNE 5371
1719 #9 Sunderland to Newcastle Rd (1730ish) - GNE 5274
Full journey details for my day out are given above. Was a nice day out, and enjoyed a 3 mile or so walk along the coast at Seaham too - the sea air has certainly worn me out though!
I thought I would have trip into Durham Today for a few hours, in which I spent 2 Hours waiting for one of the Wheyaye50 Omnicities, in which all were unbranded, but I did get the chance Photograph the old Arriva SLF Darts which are for Withdrawal later this Year, I also Photographed Stanley Travels Optare Solos on the 40/40A and Park and Ride Services, No sign of the Solo SR's though.
I also bumped into Ray Parnaby and we had nice discussion of what Stanley Travel should do to combat Refuelling/Charging Issues with the SR's along with other Bus Related Topics, I then headed over to Newcastle to catch Kingsley's working the 33, I also took a few other Photos before heading back home via Gateshead/Heworth.
As for the rest of the week, i'll probs be Gateshead/Newcastle way Tomorrow and Thursday, and i'll be in Sunderland on Wednesday, as for Friday I am undecided. I think i'll head up Middlesbrough at somepoint Next Week also depending on the weather, Ohhh the Joys of being once again Unemployed, Just going hate having to Caption a load of Photos, already got 160 to do.
(24 Mar 2014, 9:53 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I thought I would have trip into Durham Today for a few hours, in which I spent 2 Hours waiting for one of the Wheyaye50 Omnicities, in which all were unbranded, but I did get the chance Photograph the old Arriva SLF Darts which are for Withdrawal later this Year, I also Photographed Stanley Travels Optare Solos on the 40/40A and Park and Ride Services, No sign of the Solo SR's though.
I also bumped into Ray Parnaby and we had nice discussion of what Stanley Travel should do to combat Refuelling/Charging Issues with the SR's along with other Bus Related Topics, I then headed over to Newcastle to catch Kingsley's working the 33, I also took a few other Photos before heading back home via Gateshead/Heworth.
As for the rest of the week, i'll probs be Gateshead/Newcastle way Tomorrow and Thursday, and i'll be in Sunderland on Wednesday, as for Friday I am undecided. I think i'll head up Middlesbrough at somepoint Next Week also depending on the weather, Ohhh the Joys of being once again Unemployed, Just going hate having to Caption a load of Photos, already got 160 to do.
Sounds like a busy day - sorry about the job.
Was presuming you had time off, until the last paragraph.
(24 Mar 2014, 10:00 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Sounds like a busy day - sorry about the job.
Was presuming you had time off, until the last paragraph.
Nope, they sacked me on Friday for Gross Misconduct after I made a Facebook post about having a frustrating day at work, and someone print screened the post and my personal page, which stated where I worked for, work then decided to tie that together with a prior disciplinary for being late twice to work in a week, thanks to the 50, even though it was only 3/4 Minutes on both occasions. But not to worry I handed in my Letter of Appeal/Complaint today, Before going on my trip to Durham/Newcastle.
(24 Mar 2014, 10:09 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Nope, they sacked me on Friday for Gross Misconduct after I made a Facebook post about having a frustrating day at work, and someone print screened the post and my personal page, which stated where I worked for, work then decided to tie that together with a prior disciplinary for being late twice to work in a week, thanks to the 50, even though it was only 3/4 Minutes on both occasions. But not to worry I handed in my Letter of Appeal/Complaint today, Before going on my trip to Durham/Newcastle.
Gross Misconduct?! Thats a bit harsh!
Sorry about the job, hope you'll find somewhere else.
(24 Mar 2014, 10:12 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Gross Misconduct?! Thats a bit harsh!
Sorry about the job, hope you'll find somewhere else.
I'm hoping the appeal works! How will we cope without Malarkey's dating tips?!
(24 Mar 2014, 10:16 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm hoping the appeal works! How will we cope without Malarkey's dating tips?!
We won't! Adam will be gutted for one reason only

Instant dismissal for that is complete bollocks. I hope you're in a union.
(24 Mar 2014, 10:17 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Instant dismissal for that is complete bollocks. I hope you're in a union.
As a mate of mine would phrase it - print screening a fb page and reporting it, is a 'c*nts trick'.
(24 Mar 2014, 10:09 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Nope, they sacked me on Friday for Gross Misconduct after I made a Facebook post about having a frustrating day at work, and someone print screened the post and my personal page, which stated where I worked for, work then decided to tie that together with a prior disciplinary for being late twice to work in a week, thanks to the 50, even though it was only 3/4 Minutes on both occasions. But not to worry I handed in my Letter of Appeal/Complaint today, Before going on my trip to Durham/Newcastle.
Do you really want to work at a company who treats staff like that?
Hope the appeal works - start looking for a new job, get it and drop 0800repair in it, without a moments thought.
(24 Mar 2014, 10:17 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]We won't! Adam will be gutted for one reason only 
It's all good lads, I have them all on Facebook so I can keep in touch with them that way, As for the appeal/complaint I ripped them to shreds as made so many mistakes in regards to cutting corners and not following Law and Company Policy and Procedures.
When comes to Disciplinary it meant to go like this.
Verbal Warning - 1st Written Warning - 2nd Written Warning - Dismissal
Whereas with me it went
1st Written Warning - Dismissal
(24 Mar 2014, 10:25 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]It's all good lads, I have them all on Facebook so I can keep in touch with them that way, As for the appeal/complaint I ripped them to shreds as made so many mistakes in regards to cutting corners and not following Law and Company Policy and Procedures.
When comes to Disciplinary it meant to go like this.
Verbal Warning - 1st Written Warning - 2nd Written Warning - Dismissal
Whereas with me it went
1st Written Warning - Dismissal
I hope you get things sorted Adam, but I'm afraid your view on how a disciplinary process should work isn't strictly correct. There's no obligation to have to issue you with three warnings prior to dismissal. They should have fully investigated though.
The ACAS code of practice states that employers should first try and resolve the issue informally (where possible). Failing that, and they feel they should take formal action, they should; a) establish facts, b) notify you in writing, and c) hold a meeting, notifying you of your rights to be accompanied by either a Trade Union rep or a colleague. It's at this meeting they can then decide what action to take, which would be anything from no further action to dismissal. The formal action taken should be given to you in writing (even if it's a verbal warning), and you would have a period of time (usually 5 days) to appeal the sanction.
When it comes to instant dismissal under the 'gross misconduct' charge, your employer should have a disciplinary policy which will clearly state the types of 'gross misconduct' that can fall within the category of instant dismissal. I'd be surprised if something you've posted on Facebook falls into this category.
What type of contract were you on if you don't mind me asking? Were you within a formal probationary period too? not that the latter should make a difference!
If I get up early enough, I'm going to have a run up to Middlesbrough and Redcar tomorrow, glad I'm not at school for two days, as I've had it with it. ;-)
I think a long break is what I need as I've not been in the best of moods lately.
(25 Mar 2014, 7:31 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]I hope you get things sorted Adam, but I'm afraid your view on how a disciplinary process should work isn't strictly correct. There's no obligation to have to issue you with three warnings prior to dismissal. They should have fully investigated though.
The ACAS code of practice states that employers should first try and resolve the issue informally (where possible). Failing that, and they feel they should take formal action, they should; a) establish facts, b) notify you in writing, and c) hold a meeting, notifying you of your rights to be accompanied by either a Trade Union rep or a colleague. It's at this meeting they can then decide what action to take, which would be anything from no further action to dismissal. The formal action taken should be given to you in writing (even if it's a verbal warning), and you would have a period of time (usually 5 days) to appeal the sanction.
When it comes to instant dismissal under the 'gross misconduct' charge, your employer should have a disciplinary policy which will clearly state the types of 'gross misconduct' that can fall within the category of instant dismissal. I'd be surprised if something you've posted on Facebook falls into this category.
What type of contract were you on if you don't mind me asking? Were you within a formal probationary period too? not that the latter should make a difference!
I haven't seen or signed any contract with them and I believe it was a 6 Months Probationary Period as I was a Customer Service Apprentice, I did speak with ACAS Last Friday and they advised taking them to the Civil Court if my Appeal is Unsuccessful on the Ground of Health and Disability Discrimination as didn't feel I capable of doing the Job and meeting there targets due having Aspergus Syndrome and an Eye Condition. Due to this I was stuck doing training up until my dismissal, while the other 2 Apprentices were aloud to the Job fully without support at the end of week 1. And yes they do have a Disciplinary Policy but they don't follow it as they should by Law, hence why I have Appealed and also handed in a Letter of Complaint against the Company. I am sure it'll sort itself out in time, Back at Ingeus Tomorrow though so there something to look forward to.
(25 Mar 2014, 11:25 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I haven't seen or signed any contract with them and I believe it was a 6 Months Probationary Period as I was a Customer Service Apprentice, I did speak with ACAS Last Friday and they advised taking them to the Civil Court if my Appeal is Unsuccessful on the Ground of Health and Disability Discrimination as didn't feel I capable of doing the Job and meeting there targets due having Aspergus Syndrome and an Eye Condition. Due to this I was stuck doing training up until my dismissal, while the other 2 Apprentices were aloud to the Job fully without support at the end of week 1. And yes they do have a Disciplinary Policy but they don't follow it as they should by Law, hence why I have Appealed and also handed in a Letter of Complaint against the Company. I am sure it'll sort itself out in time, Back at Ingeus Tomorrow though so there something to look forward to.
Hope you can get back on your feet soon mate, bedt of luck pal
(26 Mar 2014, 11:04 am)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Hope you can get back on your feet soon mate, bedt of luck pal
Hopefully something will come along.
Today I a Trip into Sunderland before my Appointment at Ingeus and decided to take some Photos of the Gas Buses on the 16/20 at Various Spots including Hastings Hill/Pennywell - Chester Road - Royal Hospital - Millfield (Pit Stop at Grandparents for Dinner Break) - Stockton Road Diversion - Sunderland City Centre(Wilkinsons/Winter Gardens), Overall I had quite nice few hours Photographing these Buses although I didn't get on a Single one of them.
There was interesting/confusing thing happened when taking a Photo of 28012 at Hastings Hill, as the Driver for some reason took a Photo of me on his Mobile Phone and then said something which I didn't catch a word of as he drove past, has anyone ever had this happen to them before as it was very odd.
More photos to come over the past 2 Months over the Next Week or So.
(26 Mar 2014, 11:08 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote [ -> ]There was interesting/confusing thing happened when taking a Photo of 28012 at Hastings Hill, as the Driver for some reason took a Photo of me on his Mobile Phone and then said something which I didn't catch a word of as he drove past, has anyone ever had this happen to them before as it was very odd.
Report it to Stagecoach NE including the photo.
Anyone out today?
I'm going for a little bit of everything today. Weather isn't up to much, but that's why I haven't left the house yet rather than being out by 6am!

(29 Mar 2014, 8:47 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Anyone out today?
I'm going for a little bit of everything today. Weather isn't up to much, but that's why I haven't left the house yet rather than being out by 6am! 
I'm going to head up to Cramlington or somewhere like that, 'cause the weather isn't good enough to head to Darlo/Stockton like i'd originally planned.
(29 Mar 2014, 9:36 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]I'm going to head up to Cramlington or somewhere like that, 'cause the weather isn't good enough to head to Darlo/Stockton like i'd originally planned.
Well I'm due my monthly trip to Alpha but I am going to stay in Tyne and Wear. Rather bravely going to Four Lane Ends for the K2 too.
(29 Mar 2014, 9:50 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Well I'm due my monthly trip to Alpha but I am going to stay in Tyne and Wear. Rather bravely going to Four Lane Ends for the K2 too.
Me too actually. Besides, I need to go to Newcastle with my Grandma first to get a bottle of wine for my mam tomorrow

(29 Mar 2014, 9:36 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]I'm going to head up to Cramlington or somewhere like that, 'cause the weather isn't good enough to head to Darlo/Stockton like i'd originally planned.
(29 Mar 2014, 9:50 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Well I'm due my monthly trip to Alpha but I am going to stay in Tyne and Wear. Rather bravely going to Four Lane Ends for the K2 too.
Don't know what you two are going on about - weather's quite decent down Teesside (although that's might just where I am at present - still at home, over 2 hours after I originally planned to be heading out).
(29 Mar 2014, 9:55 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Don't know what you two are going on about - weather's quite decent down Teesside (although that's might just where I am at present - still at home, over 2 hours after I originally planned to be heading out).
Nice and foggy here in Sunderland from the top deck of a Fab56!
Foggy here too. Anyway, what time does the K1/K2 depart FLE?
(29 Mar 2014, 10:14 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]Foggy here too. Anyway, what time does the K1/K2 depart FLE?
Arrives into FLE around xx40 iirc.
(29 Mar 2014, 8:47 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Anyone out today?
I'm going for a little bit of everything today. Weather isn't up to much, but that's why I haven't left the house yet rather than being out by 6am! 
My day so far:
0941 #56: Stadium of Light to Concord (GNE 6092)
1010 #4 Concord to Galleries (GNE 5360)
1035 #X27 Galleries to Metrocentre (Pygalls YJ55BJE)
1105ish #45 Metrocentre to Riverside (GNE 4903)
1135 #100 Metrocentre to Newcastle (SNE 22023)
1237 #X5 (in reality it is pulling out at 1250) Newcastle to Burradon (ANE 7604)
1352 #353 Burradon to Airport (GNE 639)
1440 Metro Airport to Regent Centre (4038)
1517 Metro Regent Centre to South Gosforth (4001)
1530 Metro South Gosforth to Four Lane Ends (4013)
1545 Metro Four Lane Ends to Chichester (40??)
1630ish Metro Chichester to South Shields (40??)
1700 #35A South Shields to Stadium of Light Metro (GNE 5298)
(29 Mar 2014, 11:37 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]My day so far:
0941 #56: Stadium of Light to Concord (GNE 6092)
1010 #4 Concord to Galleries (GNE 5360)
1035 #X27 Galleries to Metrocentre (Pygalls YJ55BJE)
1105ish #45 Metrocentre to Riverside (GNE 4903)
1135 #100 Metrocentre to Newcastle (SNE 22023)
My day is going horrendous, missed the K2 by seconds, and the 359 didnt turn up.
(29 Mar 2014, 12:00 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]My day is going horrendous, missed the K2 by seconds, and the 359 didnt turn up.
Did you see if the mini SR was allocated to the K2?
(29 Mar 2014, 12:04 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Did you see if the mini SR was allocated to the K2?
It was, missed it on two occasions today, one time thanks to the 52 being 10 minutes late.
(29 Mar 2014, 4:01 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]It was, missed it on two occasions today, one time thanks to the 52 being 10 minutes late.
The Arriva buses I've seen on the Live App have been hideously late today. A 308 came into Haymarket 28 minutes late...