(01 Feb 2015, 1:10 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]I stick to a fervent belief that the comfiest seats out there are the ones on the Angel. 
No way.
Citaros and the Ecocities are much nicer. And I'd say the Tynedalexpress Solars are a bit nicer too.
(01 Feb 2015, 1:12 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]No way.
Citaros and the Ecocities are much nicer. And I'd say the Tynedalexpress Solars are a bit nicer too.
Believe the seating on the Tynedalexpress Solars is Civic V3 - exactly the same as the Angels (just with an ordinary fabric headrest opposed to leather!)
Only way the Tynedalexpress Solars may be remotely better is because they're less worn.
(01 Feb 2015, 1:15 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Believe the seating on the Tynedalexpress Solars is Civic V3 - exactly the same as the Angels (just with an ordinary fabric headrest opposed to leather!)
Only way the Tynedalexpress Solars may be remotely better is because they're less worn.
Maybe that is why then. I used them last year and they were still really nice, and the interiors weren't tatty or anything.
(01 Feb 2015, 11:29 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Just as I thought, then...
Headrests (as per the Civic V3s) are meant to provide additional comfort. They certainly achieve this on Go North East's Volvo B9TLs which have a fabric seat moquette. I can appreciate the refurbished ALX400s being #1 over e-leather seating, even though they're standard Civic V2(?), but can't get my head around Tommy preferring e-leather on some buses over others.
The seating on GNE's Mercs is far superior to any fabric Civic V2 seating as far as I am concerned, too.
Don't think the ALX400's are Civic V2, from what I remember the backs of the seats had a bit more padding, so this may be how he found them most comfortable
Bus Interiors: Arriva North East: 7476 W398VGJ DAF DB250/Alexander by
emdjt42, on Flickr
I've finally been arsed to drag my notebook out of my bag from yesterday's trip:
27141 685 0643 Greenhead to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station
Driving it was one of the rather 'rougher' drivers, and one of the weirdest parts of the trip was being launched up onto a pavement at Haltwhistle on a relatively easy corner! (I was sat above the rear wheels)... I was tempted to jump off at Hexham and have something a bit better to ride on (and miss out Throckley) which would've been the 0746 X85 from Hexham but it was too cold and I was relatively warm on the ADL so decided to stay put. Levels of passengers was low (expected on the first of the day) until around Throckley where a few boarded on several stops. At Eldon Square there was around 15 on. What was also rather strange that at Horsley, the driver knocked the engine off - as well as all of the electrics! For about 5 minutes, which isn't an uncommon place to stand for a while especially if you've had a good run from Corbridge along the A69.
Got into Newcastle for around 0815 as we had a relatively good run along West Road in.
4016* 4017 0826 TWM Haymarket to Northumberland Park
After watching 27141 reverse back into one of the layover bays at Eldon Square, I walked up to Haymarket. I had a couple of Pop Tarts for breakfast and by 0820 I was starving so it was pretty tough to walk past a Greggs! However this was all for good reason as I was planning to have a Toby Carvery Breakfast at Shiremoor. I got to the Metro and went down the escalator - nearly at the bottom I heard the door opening sound and ran to platform 1 where a train was standing. My common sense told me to check the screen before boarding (thankfully) as this was an Airport service and I didn't fancy a 6min wait at South Gosforth in the cold. I took a seat and waited in the warmth for 6 minutes for a Coast service to arrive which was 4016 and 4017. Front seats were free too so I grabbed these and relaxed for a while. These Metrocars also had new announcements too which were miles better than that woman's!
I alighted at Northumberland Park after a very good trip up and walked along to the lift (after mentally noting the rear Metrocar number) where I thought I might as well take the lift up to save my legs. Kind of wishing I didn't as it stank of urine and was generally untidy. Got to the top and I knew the Toby wasn't far at all from the Metro station next to a roundabout, but I couldn't see one so started walking. The pavements were lethal; I nearly slipped a few times even walking on the road as it was slush but ice on the bottom! I walked to the bottom of the road and noticed a lovely large and new building with 'Toby' signs on - bingo! I got in, paid at the bar (£5.98 I think plus coffee) and took a seat. Decent songs on in the background and I walked up to the serving tables and got a mountain of grub - bacon, sausages, beans, toast, scrambled eggs and hash browns plus an absolutely gorgeous coffee. It honestly filled me right up!
4046* 4036 0927 TWM Northumberland Park to South Gosforth
After walking back from Toby down to Sainsbury's to pick up some small chocolate brownies for the day, I went back to Northumberland Park (after watching a GNE Omnicity on the 19 for Ashington pass through and stop) and the next Metro came along in 3 minutes. By this time it was absolutely freezing so after the two cars came (around half-full I'd say) I took a seat and opened up my Railway Magazine. This was the time I'd go and get the X40s, hopefully the Scanias on the Great Parks! As I came into South Gosforth, I checked the time of the next Metro for Regent Centre and it was only 3 mins away - you could see it from the platform itself as it stood at Ilford Road. I hopped off (watching a man run down for the Metro as the door alarm sounded but missed it, I sympathised with him as he went for a door which was closed and locked from opening) and went to Platform 1 where the next Metro came along,
4090* 4004 0941 TWM South Gosforth to Regent Centre
This one came along and I took a seat for the one-stop trip to Regent Centre. Journey was uneventful really.
5390 0948? X40 Regent Centre to Great Park to Newcastle John Dobson Street
This Versa turned up next on the X40 as soon as I emerged from another lift bash at Regent Centre (this time it was much nicer and didn't smell of piss!) so I boarded (it was carrying fresh air) up to Great Park to see if any Scanias would pass en-route. The bus was nice and warm as I was sat right in front of the lovely warm air dispenser from the engine. I passed a Volvo B10BLE at the raising bollards before the A1 overbridge near Wideopen and went through to the car parking bus stop before going into Brunton Village where we picked 3 people plus a pram up. What a weird and slightly horrible route going round and round to the car parking bit etc twice! Passed a Purple Versa at the raised bollards again before realising that would be the lot and my hopes of getting a Scania were nearly nil. I stayed on until John Dobson Street where the driver got out and stretched his legs before saying his relief driver should've been there by now. I jumped off, gave my regards to the driver and walked over to Eldon Square, through the shopping centre (it was much warmer in there).
6066 1035? 21 Newcastle Eldon Square to Chester-le-Street Market (Red Lion?)
I was hoping to get a President on the X21 to Chester but the next one was in about 30 minutes. I gave up and went to Stand E where I caught 6066 on the 21 for Chester. This was where I was nearly refused travel with my Explorer! Pretty good ride down even though the batteries weren't working sadly but even so I got to Chester in a decent time. Sorry to Marcus etc but Chester just looks like a right tip now with the utility work they're doing, absolutely vile! I got off and had a walk around (good job I did alight as I hadn't a clue my 21 terminated there anyway!) and went to B&M Bargains to get a couple of bottles of water for my brownies (one of them still lies in my bag unopened!). I took a few photos before deciding where to go next, I was wanting to go on a Lambton Worm as I've still not been on the route or on any of those Versas but 4896 turned up on the 78 so I went on that instead.
4896 1135? 78 Chester-le-Street Market to Sunderland Park Lane Interchange
Good old ride along in a B10BLE (including a couple of chavs who boarded and were just loud and irritating - the type that their presence is enough to annoy you) and I eventually got to Park Lane. I needed the toilet and, remembering Park Lane's were free of charge, I went in. What a dark and miserable place, it was pretty much all dark with a flickering blue light. I was glad to get out and I was going to go to South Shields so I waited for a 20 to turn up. A rather unhealthy sounding Volvo B10BLE showed up so I decided against this and boarded...
27730 1230 E1 Sunderland Park Lane Interchange to South Shields
All was very good for several minutes until we stopped at a bus stop, boarding about 20 people, left and then 20 seconds later stopped for another 20 or so. The bus was now pretty packed and I noticed a Volvo B9TL passing, the top deck was completely empty, on a 20 for Shields. I loved the scenery around Seaburn area though, although this was the best part of the journey!
4023* 4042 1331 TWM South Shields to Haymarket
I walked along the high street at Shields and caught a Metro with a couple of minutes to spare. I took this as far as Haymarket. Pretty uneventful journey apart from the front doors on both sides being isolated so it was pretty funny to watch people go to open them without reading the notice on them and nearly missing the train! I took over front seats from Tyne Dock all the way to Newcastle again. I alighted at Haymarket, headed back up the escalator and my plan was to wait for something decent to show up. Ex-London Volvo B7TL 7490 was stood in the layover stand at the north end of the bus station so it was either waiting for that to be taken into service or waiting for something else coming in. Something else did come in though...
7479 1418 X14 Haymarket to Morpeth Bus Station
...Yes! A DAF DB250RS/Alexander ALX400. I sat right at the back and the kickdowns were pretty impressive as was the general high-speed running to Morpeth. Even better was my next service back to Newcastle sitting at Morpeth as I got in! (I had passed other ALX400s on the 44 and X14 just a few minutes beforehand as well as a Pointer on the 2 also) so I went over to the stand where I noticed the driver just leaving the bus and going elsewhere! He came back eventually, fired up the bus and I boarded.
7530 1453 X15 Morpeth Bus Station to Regent Centre
Another decent run apart from the crap rear wheel arch seats (as previously discussed) took me to Regent Centre where I decided I'd have a trip on the X47 to Newcastle. The bus was relatively quiet so thankfully no plebs about.
4043 4075* 1517 TWM Regent Centre to Kingston Park
Only a couple of stops so I stood most of the way. Again the Metro was rather quiet. I took the lift yet again from concourse to platform level!
22412 1530 X47 Kingston Park to Newcastle New Bridge Street
After jumping off the Metro I saw an X47 going off into the distance. Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised to notice it runs on a 10min frequency. I waited at the bus stop, seeing a pair of Metros pass as well as a Solo SR on the hourly 353 for Four Lane Ends. A man in his 20s with who I assume to be his mam joined the wait and she asked me 'Does this bus go into town' to which I replied 'aye, straight there'. The 353 turned around and went past and she went 'oh shit!' and flagged it down as it passed the stop with a queue of traffic behind. Her son then shouted 'Mam! That's not it!' so she flagged the bus on. Was quite embarrassing to be fair! I got on the bus and sat right at the back. Decent journey with only a handful on at any one time.
27510 1553? 100 Newcastle Pilgrim Street to Metrocentre Interchange
I was walking up New Bridge Street when I noticed a 100 pulling in so I ran around the corner to Pilgrim Street and boarded this, quite a few onboard. Very good trip down to Metrocentre with the falling sun! I noticed a Citaro on the 49 right in front on the stand. Without thinking I boarded this in the hope I'd get a Toonlink back to Newcastle for the 1745 home!
5331 1610? 49 Metrocentre Interchange to Winlaton Bus Station
Good little trip up, albeit slightly tedious going up the banks of Blaydon/Winlaton. As soon as I got to Winlaton I jumped off and was immediately greeted with the freezing wind! I also noticed some yobbos across the road with a football and didn't want to wait for an extra 10 minutes for a 31 back so I got the same Citaro back on the 49B.
5331 1635? 49B Winlaton Bus Station to Metrocentre Interchange
5298 1700? 44 Metrocentre Interchange to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station
I noticed a Lolyne on the 46 into Newcastle but as I ran for this I saw the doors close and it pulled away. I walked back for a Citaro on the X66 but that did the same, closed its doors and left. I decided to wait for the next bus in which was Diamond 5298 on a 44 straight into Newcastle. I was getting slightly worried with regards to time now as the roads were pretty busy and emergency vehicles and roadworks on Clayton Street didn't exactly help. Luckily I got back to Eldon Square with a fair bit of time to spare and met up with one of my mates. The inbound 85 was 20 minutes late but got in time for a 5min turnaround before heading back out.
1497 1745 85/685 Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to Greenhead
Thankfully this completed my Omnicity-free day! Although now limited to 50mph, this Pulsar was rather gutless but provided a couple of good kickdowns (including a couple as if it was revving straight in Neutral!) and a generally nice journey (barring legroom) back home.
Would do the same again, was a brilliant day out.
Been waiting for this the past day now Sean...
And I know, it does look a bit messed up...but things will get better - my school field has been dug up since the summer..

Great review!
ALX400's are epic! Much better than a E400, depsite not having Wi-Fi.
(01 Feb 2015, 9:43 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]ALX400's are epic! Much better than a E400, depsite not having Wi-Fi.
Love a ride on an ALX400, used to love it when 7477/8 often appeared on the X2 and the older examples on the 24 when it still ran to Sunderland.
Today's Journeys
08:10 - 52 from Wrekenton to Heworth (5390) Smooth and comfortable ride on the Versa. The only down side was that the WiFi wasn't working properly. 7/10
08:35 - 35A from Heworth to Sunderland (5325) Again a good ride on a good bus. The driver was very good, although the bus was boiling. Between Heworth and Hylton Castle there was only 6 passengers. Also if on a Citaro never sit on the two individual seats at the front, they kill your back. This was my first time on the 35A and it follows a very interesting but good route. Towards the end of the journey some bloke who got on at Heworth decided to start playing his music out loud, this was pretty annoying as it was early morning. At this point 8 passengers had used the service. I must note how polite the driver was, he was giving people timetables and just generally being a helpful soul. 3 more boarded at Southwick meaning that 11 people had travelled in total, I'm starting to think this load isn't too bad for a Sunday at 9am. The driver was now joking with passengers and made this journey a 9/10. 18 passengers used the service between Heworth and Sunderland.
09:40 - 78 from Sunderland to Chester-Le-Street (4847) Finally! A renown. The 78 arrived at the stand a good 7/8 minutes early. The driver was quite a miserable soul and there was no verbal communication what so ever. The bus sounded and performed well for its age, but barley broke the 30mph zone. The journey was very comfortable as we sat on the 2+2 opposite seats. Only 9 people used the service between Sunderland and Chester. 7.5/10
11:05 - 21 from Chester-Le-Street to Newcastle (6059) This ones a strange one. I really wanted to go to Durham but Davie didnt because he's adament its a shithole. Anyway, the bus turned up 6 mins late, the driver was canny and there was a decent load, but it was one of the worst journeys ever. I wanted to be going in the opposite direction for a start! The bus stank and it was just generally unpleasant! 3/10
12:10 - 21 from Newcastle to Birtley (6058) This one, the journey was quite enjoyable! I managed to get in te front seats upstairs. The driver was canny, but there was 2 polish people sitting next to me, that didn't go down well as I'm a strong supporter of UKIP. But overall a good journey 8/10
12:47 - 82 from Birtley to Barley Mow Estate (8253) This bus was pretty much empty with only me and an elderly lady on it. The driver was good, but did mount the kerb about 4 times. The bus had my favourite graffiti moquette. Good journey 9/10
15:51 - 21 from Barley Mow to Newcastle (6064) We decided to go back to Manors , I got the 21 and Davie got the 1. The driver was nice and spoke unlike some today. The bus was completely empty when I got on, but 5 mins later some loudmouths got on and sat at the back. But a comfortable and enjoyable journey 8/10
17:30 - 21 to Barley Mow from Newcastle (6959) The second time I've been on this bus today! This time it wash much better, although the bus still had a weird smell about it. This time it smelt like paint. There was a decent load and the usual 12 year olds at the back who reckon they're radgies but in actual fact their screaming like banchies because their balls quite clearly hadn't dropped! One of these is actually wearing a vest top and is boasting about the fact he has no armpit hair. Quite weird, they kind of had most of the passengers in stitches. Anyway a decent ride with my favourite driver made this a great journey. At this point now the lads at the back are now talking about who has the most leg hair. At this point I decided to get off, it's probably for the best. 9/10 and them lads must be on the verge of puberty!
An all round great day!
Durham isn't a shithole at all! It's a lovely city.
(02 Feb 2015, 7:58 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]Durham isn't a shithole at all! It's a lovely city.
I know it isn't! I agree with you. But he thinks it's a shithole for some unknown reason
(01 Feb 2015, 11:09 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]Today's Journeys
08:10 - 52 from Wrekenton to Heworth (5390) Smooth and comfortable ride on the Versa. The only down side was that the WiFi wasn't working properly. 7/10
08:35 - 35A from Heworth to Sunderland (5325) Again a good ride on a good bus. The driver was very good, although the bus was boiling. Between Heworth and Hylton Castle there was only 6 passengers. Also if on a Citaro never sit on the two individual seats at the front, they kill your back. This was my first time on the 35A and it follows a very interesting but good route. Towards the end of the journey some bloke who got on at Heworth decided to start playing his music out loud, this was pretty annoying as it was early morning. At this point 8 passengers had used the service. I must note how polite the driver was, he was giving people timetables and just generally being a helpful soul. 3 more boarded at Southwick meaning that 11 people had travelled in total, I'm starting to think this load isn't too bad for a Sunday at 9am. The driver was now joking with passengers and made this journey a 9/10. 18 passengers used the service between Heworth and Sunderland.
09:40 - 78 from Sunderland to Chester-Le-Street (4847) Finally! A renown. The 78 arrived at the stand a good 7/8 minutes early. The driver was quite a miserable soul and there was no verbal communication what so ever. The bus sounded and performed well for its age, but barley broke the 30mph zone. The journey was very comfortable as we sat on the 2+2 opposite seats. Only 9 people used the service between Sunderland and Chester. 7.5/10
11:05 - 21 from Chester-Le-Street to Newcastle (6059) This ones a strange one. I really wanted to go to Durham but Davie didnt because he's adament its a shithole. Anyway, the bus turned up 6 mins late, the driver was canny and there was a decent load, but it was one of the worst journeys ever. I wanted to be going in the opposite direction for a start! The bus stank and it was just generally unpleasant! 3/10
12:10 - 21 from Newcastle to Birtley (6058) This one, the journey was quite enjoyable! I managed to get in te front seats upstairs. The driver was canny, but there was 2 polish people sitting next to me, that didn't go down well as I'm a strong supporter of UKIP. But overall a good journey 8/10
12:47 - 82 from Birtley to Barley Mow Estate (8253) This bus was pretty much empty with only me and an elderly lady on it. The driver was good, but did mount the kerb about 4 times. The bus had my favourite graffiti moquette. Good journey 9/10
15:51 - 21 from Barley Mow to Newcastle (6064) We decided to go back to Manors , I got the 21 and Davie got the 1. The driver was nice and spoke unlike some today. The bus was completely empty when I got on, but 5 mins later some loudmouths got on and sat at the back. But a comfortable and enjoyable journey 8/10
17:30 - 21 to Barley Mow from Newcastle (6959) The second time I've been on this bus today! This time it wash much better, although the bus still had a weird smell about it. This time it smelt like paint. There was a decent load and the usual 12 year olds at the back who reckon they're radgies but in actual fact their screaming like banchies because their balls quite clearly hadn't dropped! One of these is actually wearing a vest top and is boasting about the fact he has no armpit hair. Quite weird, they kind of had most of the passengers in stitches. Anyway a decent ride with my favourite driver made this a great journey. At this point now the lads at the back are now talking about who has the most leg hair. At this point I decided to get off, it's probably for the best. 9/10 and them lads must be on the verge of puberty!
An all round great day!
Does the 35A follow the old 26 Route...Tell Davie Durham is not a shithole...That is blasphemy...Lovely walks round the river (dont go down there drunk mind [emoji14]), The Cathedral and Castle
(02 Feb 2015, 7:58 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]Durham isn't a shithole at all! It's a lovely city.
Great place Tom innit, I lived up in Fram for 4 years so spent a lot of time round Durham
(02 Feb 2015, 7:59 am)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Land of the Prince Bishops. [emoji14]
Must admit, some little villages surrounding it are a little rough imo.
But the city centre itself is fine.
I lived in Fram for 4 years, spent a lot of time round Durham...My main stomping ground tho was Nevilles Cross, Fram and Newton Hall...Was canny where I knocked about

Yeah, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Durham, I went to New College for 4 years and often slipped into the City Centre at lunchtime's (often for new music releases) and it is a nice place to go to. Most of the places around Durham itself are pretty fine too.
Durham is also a great place to get photos as well, as you can have a great range of scenery especially if you head away from the Bus Station and if you know you're way round Durham like I do it's brilliant. The only reason why I don't like taking photos in Durham City Centre myself is because far too many people know me up that way and I always see somebody I know, luckily for me it's usually when I've stopped taking photos, I saw about 3 people I knew last time I was there.
Yeah. I know it's a great place and I've told him several times but he still won't go. It's great for photos also
(01 Feb 2015, 11:09 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]12:10 - 21 from Newcastle to Birtley (6058) This one, the journey was quite enjoyable! I managed to get in te front seats upstairs. The driver was canny, but there was 2 polish people sitting next to me, that didn't go down well as I'm a strong supporter of UKIP. But overall a good journey 8/10
Off topic I know, but, as a strong supporter of UKIP, why are you opposed to two Polish people sitting next to you?
Presuming these people are indeed immigrants, how do you know that they haven't independently supported themselves for five years without claiming state benefits? Did you ask?
(02 Feb 2015, 11:08 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Off topic I know, but, as a strong supporter of UKIP, why are you opposed to two Polish people sitting next to you?
Presuming these people are indeed immigrants, how do you know that they haven't independently supported themselves for five years without claiming state benefits? Did you ask?
Nowt wrong with The Poles, I sometimes talk to a couple of lads sometimes who for GNE at Deptford...
As for UKIP, I dont understand what there about, I voted for them once, never again...Big Nige to me, just comes across like a reet c**t at times
They were just generally being rude which pissed me off, one was spitting.... On the bus
(02 Feb 2015, 11:19 am)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]They were just generally being rude which pissed me off, one was spitting.... On the bus
No offence..I say this in a totally light hearted way...
Does not take much to piss you off lee [emoji14]
Oh I know haha, spitting on the bus is hideous though haha
(02 Feb 2015, 11:19 am)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]They were just generally being rude which pissed me off, one was spitting.... On the bus
Fair enough. But you could have just noted that there were two rude people on the bus - one of whom was spitting. Their nationality, or your political beliefs, do not have any bearing on the story. Not all immigrants are rude after all.
(02 Feb 2015, 11:24 am)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]Oh I know haha, spitting on the bus is hideous though haha
You would have hated me about 15 years ago, I used have the ability to clear the top of a bus with a well timed fart, and one day was so ill with a hangover, that I puked out of a window and left a mess down the side of a bus...It is still talked about today by people who were on the bus that day [emoji14]
(02 Feb 2015, 11:27 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Fair enough. But you could have just noted that there there two rude people on the bus - one of whom was spitting. Their nationality, or your political beliefs, do not have any bearing on the story. Not all immigrants are rude after all.
Got to agree with Mr MurdnunoC on that...
one question, how did you know they were Polish...did they say Jesteśmy polskim
(02 Feb 2015, 11:31 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Got to agree with Mr MurdnunoC on that...
one question, how did you know they were Polish...did they say Jesteśmy polskim
If you don't speak Polish: We are Polish
Lee, you could have said: odpieprz się
(02 Feb 2015, 1:10 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]If you don't speak Polish: We are Polish
Lee, you could have said: odpieprz się
That would have went down like a wet fart
My neighbours are polish. Therefore I know what they were banging on about
(02 Feb 2015, 3:14 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]My neighbours are polish. Therefore I know what they were banging on about
Do you know much Polish Lee...
I only really Dzien Dobry and what tommy put above lol
In understand there are a few Polish drivers at Stanley depot.
My grandad used to see them regularly, as he went the club he was a member of and they went too.
They (presuming there are indeed more than one like he said) live in Tanfield Lea from what I gather.

(02 Feb 2015, 3:47 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]In understand there are a few Polish drivers at Stanley depot.
My grandad used to see them regularly, as he went the club he was a member of and they went too.
They (presuming there are indeed more than one like he said) live in Tanfield Lea from what I gather. 
I will never forget when Lech Kaczyński(President of Poland) was killed in an airplane crash in 2010, some of the Polish drivers at Deptford were allowed to come into work on the day of his funeral or the day after as if they were dressed to go to the funeral, Black Tie, White Shirt, Black Trousers, which I actually thought was thoughtful of GNE to let those drivers mourn him in a respectful...One of my mates who drove for GNE said 'If you did not any better, you would think they were Eastern European mobsters'...
I have always found the Polish/Eastern European drivers to be friendly, more than some British drivers, at one time there seemed to be loads of foreigners driving around Sunderland and Co. Durham and quite a few went back to Poland/Eastern Europe leaving only a few round about 2010/11...
Will never forget going for a drink in Sunderland the day they won promotion in 2007 against Burnley, me and my mate had a couple of Burnley tagging along on the bus with us, when we started a chant off, the foreign bus driver started to get worried, he was German I think, I could see him getting worried and looking a bit on edge, he kept glancing at his radio as if he was going to call for some kind of backup, until me and my friend told him the Burnley lads were our guests and not rivals wanting to fight each other