Going to start giving these a more professional outlook! [emoji41]
Upon receiving advice from others, I took the plunge and got a Get Around today. Money well spent?, let's take a look.....
#78 - CLS Cricket Club to Sunderland Park Lane Interchange (10:14 --- 10:57) - Volvo B10BLE/Wright Renown 4897
-- Was running 4 minutes late when I boarded, and we got to Park Lane 11 minutes behind plan! The journey itself was nice and enjoyable, not too busy, not too quiet. Aside from a few chavs at the back, everything was okay. Except from waiting an extra 4 minutes in the freezing cold weather! --
Had a bit of a wander around Park Lane. Saw plenty of Nexus staff, so I waited until I was outside the premises before whipping my TZ55 out. Stood at that infamous spot outside Park Lane where Barnardo's is, and got a few snaps of vehicles coming in and out, but I got a couple of glares from passengers, so I went back in.
I got the surprise of my life when 4854 came in, having just worked the 78 in and working the 8 out. I ran for it, thrilled at the prospect of a ride on a good old B10BLE, especially in Lime colours! As everybody was off, I started strolling instead of jogging. What a mistake. Two people got on, and I saw the indicator change. No. No. No! No! NOOOOO!!!!!!
I lay crying on the floor as 4854 drifted away. After pulling myself together, I saw another Lime B10BLE. I dashed to the stand, it was 4854. It had come back for me. I tried to flag her down....to no avail.
The cock of a driver had pulled out and done a loop of the bus station before pissing off back to Chester!! Ever heard of turning the engine off and having a fag?! Never mind - there's always a next time!!
#2A - Park Lane Interchange to Washington The Galleries Bus Station (11:33 --- 12:06) - Mercedes Citaro 0530N/Mercedes Citaro 5324
-- Not 100% sure on the fleet number, due to not paying my normal 90p with my key card and getting a ticket!, but for some reason I'm thinking either 5322 or 5324, the latter strongly. Was a comfortable journey, first Deptford bus in a while now, happy because it was recently repainted too, so I'm pleased I filled the gap! --
Popped into The Galleries to pick some stuff up from the SAFC store there for my dad, who in terms of football knowledge - I am an embarrassment to him. lol, not really; but he is die-hard! Also popped into McColls to get the Hornby Magazine Yearbook and the latest edition of Hornby Magazine before going back to the bus station!
#50 - Washington The Galleries Bus Station to Chester-le-Street Front Street (12:29 --- 12:43) Scania CN230UB/Scania OmniCity 5255
-- I was just walking down the escalators when I saw this, so I made a dash and realised it was a friend driving. Hadn't seen him in a while, so we were both surprised to see each other. Couldn't have a talk, because I gather he was running really late. Nonetheless, we got to Chester-le-Street after picking up some time on the motorway. --
#21 - Chester-le-Street Front Street to Chester-le-Street Clifford Terrace (12:54 --- 12:58) - Volvo B5HL/Wright Gemini 2 6058
-- Appeared pretty late, the X22 had gone and I gather this was the 12:45 to Durham. Comfortable journey, not really any comments to make other than a few glares from Newcastle fans, who saw me with the SAFC store bag.

Got back home for 13:15ish.