It's probably about time to have another one of these threads anyway, due to the previous reaching 2.7k posts.
Rant away.

To solve all problems why don't we stop having a 'What's annoying you today" thread haha
Welllllll......hehe. RE homework. Don't get me wrong, I love RE, but the homework itself is a bit tedious. Just answering the same question each week to 'improve' our previous answers and 'modify' them to the teacher's responses.
(12 Mar 2015, 7:03 pm)leestransportphotos wrote [ -> ]To solve all problems why don't we stop having a 'What's annoying you today" thread haha
One of our most popular threads! [emoji14]
Been one of those days today where everything has just irritated me. Think I must be tired... I will probably be citaro5284's annoyance today, as I was a right misery guts!

(12 Mar 2015, 7:07 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]One of our most popular threads! [emoji14]
Been one of those days today where everything has just irritated me. Think I must be tired... I will probably be citaro5284's annoyance today, as I was a right misery guts! 
Poor citaro5284...

(12 Mar 2015, 7:08 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Poor citaro5284... 
He just took the mick out of me for it - poor me! [emoji14]
6 posts already kind of prove its popular haha
(7 now)
We're all one big happy family! Remember when I first joined and i acted like a (permission to swear?) t**t and I though it everyone was against me? Turns out they're not and I was just being a t**t haha
Been swimming for the last hour.
I have the feeling I've missed something.
(12 Mar 2015, 7:45 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Been swimming for the last hour.
I have the feeling I've missed something.
You and I both... Had half an hour off the forum and all the drama starts!
(12 Mar 2015, 7:37 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Wait until you've got me too........haha. 
You need to get your bus fleet numbers right before that can happen
(12 Mar 2015, 7:49 pm)Robert wrote [ -> ]You need to get your bus fleet numbers right before that can happen
Why I oughta...
Just like Fozzes signature, we all have opinions - whether everyone agrees with them, is another thing.
Whilst 'older' members may say something, someone else disagrees with or is maybe a touch personal, I would hope that whatever is said, or whatever disagreements may occur, that we are all old enough and mature enough to move on and get on with their lives - not taking any of it personally.
There have been a couple of exceptions to the rule like, when members have deleted posts, launched into tirades and spat their dummy out.
Over the last year, there has been an increase in younger members making contributions. Like their older counterparts, there are fallings out, disagreements and differing opinions in amongst the cliques which have formed. It seems that whatever is said, is taken personally. With a number of examples of this happening.
This seems to have been backed up in the number of posts relating to moderation, self moderation and increase in posts being removed. Inevitable perhaps?
Granted, it has happened in the past, just not as often.
By the way, none of this is aimed at anyone, is meant as an attack against a group - just me outlining my thoughts.
(12 Mar 2015, 7:45 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Been swimming for the last hour.
I have the feeling I've missed something.
Long story short Tommy is gone.
Hartlepools service 3. I've never known a bus run consistently early like that one, but only ever in one direction.
Was hoping to get a call to say I can pick up my new mobile today - no!
was gonna report this yesterday but i was too tired the metro went slow as anything late last night between East Boldon and of course Brockley Whinns i was heading from a mates house namely Ryan's and the metro was slow i thought i was gonna be late home oh well i made it to Pelaw in the nick of time
Me and my whole uni course are all off on some compulsory "team building" day tomorrow at Albermarle Barracks in Northumberland. We need to be at uni for 8:30am, and we're not returning until 6. I've seriously got a 1,000 better things to do!

(13 Mar 2015, 7:09 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Me and my whole uni course are all off on some compulsory "team building" day tomorrow at Albermarle Barracks in Northumberland. We need to be at uni for 8:30am, and we're not returning until 6. I've seriously got a 1,000 better things to do! 
i'd rather be in bed on a Saturday.... do u get an extra day off because of this?
(13 Mar 2015, 7:22 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]i'd rather be in bed on a Saturday.... do u get an extra day off because of this?
I wish we did get an extra day off, but unfortunately we don't

(13 Mar 2015, 7:25 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]I wish we did get an extra day off, but unfortunately we don't 
I would say... day off or i'll not come in
(13 Mar 2015, 7:09 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Me and my whole uni course are all off on some compulsory "team building" day tomorrow at Albermarle Barracks in Northumberland. We need to be at uni for 8:30am, and we're not returning until 6. I've seriously got a 1,000 better things to do! 
In other words: go on a bus adventure, milking the yearly bus pass.

(13 Mar 2015, 8:17 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]In other words: go on a bus adventure, milking the yearly bus pass. 
haha that could be one. Suppose I sort of still am by getting to/from uni, and then going on a coach ride up to wherever it is

Stupid Carphone Warehouse, where is my phone - who knows because they won't answer the phone!
Appalling customer service, was apparently going to get a call yesterday if my phone was in but no call so I don't know whether it's there or not and if it ain't I'm going to go ape and if it is there I'm still going to go ape because the haven't told me it's there.
Staff seem a bit dim to, they were going to connect me on my new mobile number! how exactly I haven't got the phone to place that SIM card in yet so how on earth are you going to call me on that - idiots!
Despite not even having the phone yet O2 are already billing me for my contract.
(14 Mar 2015, 9:46 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Stupid Carphone Warehouse, where is my phone - who knows because they won't answer the phone!
Appalling customer service, was apparently going to get a call yesterday if my phone was in but no call so I don't know whether it's there or not and if it ain't I'm going to go ape and if it is there I'm still going to go ape because the haven't told me it's there.
Staff seem a bit dim to, they were going to connect me on my new mobile number! how exactly I haven't got the phone to place that SIM card in yet so how on earth are you going to call me on that - idiots!
Despite not even having the phone yet O2 are already billing me for my contract.
(14 Mar 2015, 9:59 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]ANSWER THE PHONE, I'M NOT PAYING TO LISTEN TO YOUR HOLD MUSIC!!!
I haven't even got a phone lol
(14 Mar 2015, 9:59 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]ANSWER THE PHONE, I'M NOT PAYING TO LISTEN TO YOUR HOLD MUSIC!!!
Phone student finance their hold music is quite good haha
the weather is horrible
And I'm not in Newcastle.