(06 Aug 2018, 2:04 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]It's a while since I posted in here as I've now realized that many of my public rants in the past were totally overblown and this is what I've primarily become known for, leaving the impression that I am an angry little irritant when I'm really not (much
), sadly the damage is done now and I will just have to live with that...
I'm going to break the silence today though to note that I'm absolutely gutted that my iPod Classic is no longer working, especially as this is one of the things that stops me going totally insane.
They just don't make them like they used to.
I'm gutted that the rivet on the kitchen devil's scissors I bought from woollies for £1.75 in 1990 is beginning to come loose. Wish I'd kept my receipt.
Went down to Asda at metrocentre to get a photo of 6916 on the AB5 service to Rockwood Hill and it left 10 minutes early as it’s not due to depart from Asda until half past one.
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Went down to Asda at metrocentre to get a photo of 6916 on the AB5 service to Rockwood Hill and it left 10 minutes early as it’s not due to depart from Asda until half past one.
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(04 Mar 2019, 5:05 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]Went down to Asda at metrocentre to get a photo of 6916 on the AB5 service to Rockwood Hill
Should be one of these every day (monday and friday) by the way.
Saw 9080 parked at the back of Riverside near the entrance gates so went round the corner to park the car and came back and someone moved it to the front, suppose will need to wait until it enters service
Gone out today to get a photo of something, get there and battery has gone flat on my DSLR
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Gone out today to get a photo of something, get there and battery has gone flat on my DSLR when it was full yesterday
Sent from my iPhone XS using Tapatalk
Literally cannot login to my Flickr account since Yahoo changed how you login the other day, each time I use my Flickr ID it reverts me to creating a new account even though as many of you know I already bloody have one.
Generally think I am done with using Flickr after 7 years which is a shame because I can't access my account I can't migrate all photos over on to a new platform i.e. Instagram if I wanted to move them over to there.
(21 Jun 2019, 4:32 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Literally cannot login to my Flickr account since Yahoo changed how you login the other day, each time I use my Flickr ID it reverts me to creating a new account even though as many of you know I already bloody have one.
Generally think I am done with using Flickr after 7 years which is a shame because I can't access my account I can't migrate all photos over on to a new platform i.e. Instagram if I wanted to move them over to there.
I had the same issue the other week, had an absolute mare trying to regain access to my account, think I spent half an hour guessing email addresses and getting verification codes, think I may have used a Yahoo login to get back in.
(21 Jun 2019, 4:47 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I had the same issue the other week, had an absolute mare trying to regain access to my account, think I spent half an hour guessing email addresses and getting verification codes, think I may have used a Yahoo login to get back in.
I have tried everything I can possibly think of and still can't access it.
This little scrote is even appearing on this forum now!
(30 Sep 2019, 1:39 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Ffs. This little scrote is even appearing on this forum now!
Is NEB his latest venture? Expect here to be filled with posts advertising Lonsdale clothing the end of the week then.
(30 Sep 2019, 1:49 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Is NEB his latest venture? Expect here to be filled with posts advertising Lonsdale clothing the end of the week then.
Lonsdale changing people's lives?!
Quite possibly!
I didn't click the link to find out.
Some people have something seriously wrong in the head with them, what an absolute ****
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Had a wonderful interaction with a Nexus security guard at Heworth late this afternoon who was such a jobsworth he made TSA staff look lenient. I took a single photograph of a LOOP L94 and saw this scruffy, diminutive guy (wearing a large hi-vis coat but with no identifiable markings, could have been anyone really - certainly not a uniform) watching me and noting stuff down on a notepad. It was raining and there was nothing due through for a few minutes so I took shelter in one of the bus stands. He came straight over to tell me he was in charge of security and said me I wasn't allowed to take photos of the buses unless I had a permit (yawn) and I requested to see this restriction notice in writing somewhere. He referred me to the website. I reiterated my request and asked him if I could have it physically in writing. He quickly told me I had no right to see it in writing and to look it up online in my own time. I was half tempted to just offer him a tenner and hope he'd bugger off but I didn't manage to get another word in before he raised his finger, pointed at me and told me if he 'caught' me taking any more photos he'd be ringing the police straight away. He didn't have any regard for the particulars of the legislation he was loosely referring to, which, to my knowledge, specifies that any such claim is only validated if notices are clearly displayed.
The rather enthusiastic jobsworths Nexus employ don't really do themselves any favours. He spent a further twenty minutes watching my movements like a hawk from underneath the canopy, smoking cigarettes on the job as he did so and when I eventually moved back inside the interchange itself, he seemingly assumed I was of no further concern and started having a laugh with some people inside the newsagents. I do wonder if he'd have been so eager to pounce had it been a group of youths (of which they were plenty in between Metro Replacement runs) rather than an individual who was keeping out of the way of proceedings, just taking photographs from the footpath alongside the car park. A friend I was conversing with raised a good point - what if I was much older and didn't have access to the internet there and then? It's just not good enough to say it's available online, it ought to, and must be, produceable on request.
In all the years I've been taking photos, this was the first occasion on which I'd actually been challenged so abruptly and threateningly (not that he was particularly intimidating, 5'4" perhaps and maybe 10 stone compared to me, 6'4" and 16 stone). I am fortunate in the respect that I'm generally able to hold my own in a verbal confrontation but I know other high-functioning autistic people don't have that ability. I wouldn't like to have been in those shoes.
(23 Nov 2019, 10:47 pm)R852 PRG wrote [ -> ]Had a wonderful interaction with a Nexus security guard at Heworth late this afternoon who was such a jobsworth he made TSA staff look lenient. I took a single photograph of a LOOP L94 and saw this scruffy, diminutive guy (wearing a large hi-vis coat but with no identifiable markings, could have been anyone really - certainly not a uniform) watching me and noting stuff down on a notepad. It was raining and there was nothing due through for a few minutes so I took shelter in one of the bus stands. He came straight over to tell me he was in charge of security and said me I wasn't allowed to take photos of the buses unless I had a permit (yawn) and I requested to see this restriction notice in writing somewhere. He referred me to the website. I reiterated my request and asked him if I could have it physically in writing. He quickly told me I had no right to see it in writing and to look it up online in my own time. I was half tempted to just offer him a tenner and hope he'd bugger off but I didn't manage to get another word in before he raised his finger, pointed at me and told me if he 'caught' me taking any more photos he'd be ringing the police straight away. He didn't have any regard for the particulars of the legislation he was loosely referring to, which, to my knowledge, specifies that any such claim is only validated if notices are clearly displayed.
The rather enthusiastic jobsworths Nexus employ don't really do themselves any favours. He spent a further twenty minutes watching my movements like a hawk from underneath the canopy, smoking cigarettes on the job as he did so and when I eventually moved back inside the interchange itself, he seemingly assumed I was of no further concern and started having a laugh with some people inside the newsagents. I do wonder if he'd have been so eager to pounce had it been a group of youths (of which they were plenty in between Metro Replacement runs) rather than an individual who was keeping out of the way of proceedings, just taking photographs from the footpath alongside the car park. A friend I was conversing with raised a good point - what if I was much older and didn't have access to the internet there and then? It's just not good enough to say it's available online, it ought to, and must be, produceable on request.
In all the years I've been taking photos, this was the first occasion on which I'd actually been challenged so abruptly and threateningly (not that he was particularly intimidating, 5'4" perhaps and maybe 10 stone compared to me, 6'4" and 16 stone). I am fortunate in the respect that I'm generally able to hold my own in a verbal confrontation but I know other high-functioning autistic people don't have that ability. I wouldn't like to have been in those shoes.
I still don't get the aggro with photo taking in Nexus Interchanges (and some other areas), think we are seen as easy targets to assert their power on as most will just put the camera away and naff off. I'm impressed you got told you need a permit, normally they just simply say "it's illegal" and nothing else.
I can top this though, I almost got charged with smoking outside Doncaster Rail Station the other week... I don't even smoke!!! This security enforcement officer claimed she saw me smoking and was adamant I had the smell of smoke on me which was probably because I stopped in an area people tend to smoke in, really had to fight my case to prove my innocence as she was insistent I had and me stuttering my words like hell because of me panicking didn't help, she had to let me go in the end as she couldn't prove that I had.
Dropped my camera the other day when I was out in Peterlee and since then it keeps getting intermittent error messages which happened right at the wrong time as I was after a photo of 8319 coming out of Beamish Museum this afternoon and an error message came up instead of taking the picture, luckily it was working when it came in or wouldn’t have got one so have ordered a new DSLR as I’ve tried different lenses and it still does it.
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(23 Nov 2019, 11:14 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I still don't get the aggro with photo taking in Nexus Interchanges (and some other areas), think we are seen as easy targets to assert their power on as most will just put the camera away and naff off. I'm impressed you got told you need a permit, normally they just simply say "it's illegal" and nothing else.
I can top this though, I almost got charged with smoking outside Doncaster Rail Station the other week... I don't even smoke!!! This security enforcement officer claimed she saw me smoking and was adamant I had the smell of smoke on me which was probably because I stopped in an area people tend to smoke in, really had to fight my case to prove my innocence as she was insistent I had and me stuttering my words like hell because of me panicking didn't help, she had to let me go in the end as she couldn't prove that I had.
I'm glad I'm not the kind of person to take photographs of buses! I am however the kind of person who likes to see how far I can push my luck so I probably would have took another photo right in front of him.
I was in a museum and there was a sign saying you can take video, but not photos! Do the people who make the rules not realise a video is nothing but a series of photographs played quickly to create the illusion of movement?
I just wish they would actually enforce the no smoking rules in Gateshead Interchange. You see drivers, Nexus Staff and passengers standing directly under the no smoking signs with a cigarette! I've even seen the cleaners light a cigarette inside then walk outside with it while they're going around with their trolley!
Further to my last, I received a rather abrupt email from a Nexus customer service manager in response to a complaint I submitted:
"Nexus has a full up to date website that gives clarity for request for those who wish to take images on our property, Nexus owned or Managed. The security officer has correctly advised you and we are not required to have signage for this. Most photographers and bus enthusiasts follow Nexus requests and adhere to this.
I have copied some of your email/concerns and sent them confidentially to the security Manager for him to look into your allegations/observations of Nexus contracted staff."
I was quite taken aback. Not quite the tone I had been expecting. I think 'security officer' is something of a stretch too - he was just a scruff in a hi-vis.
(02 Dec 2019, 10:11 pm)R852 PRG wrote [ -> ]Further to my last, I received a rather abrupt email from a Nexus customer service manager in response to a complaint I submitted:
"Nexus has a full up to date website that gives clarity for request for those who wish to take images on our property, Nexus owned or Managed. The security officer has correctly advised you and we are not required to have signage for this. Most photographers and bus enthusiasts follow Nexus requests and adhere to this.
I have copied some of your email/concerns and sent them confidentially to the security Manager for him to look into your allegations/observations of Nexus contracted staff."
I was quite taken aback. Not quite the tone I had been expecting. I think 'security officer' is something of a stretch too - he was just a scruff in a hi-vis.
I would say 'customer service' is a bit of a stretch too!
If they're being that petty, I would also argue that nowhere does it say that you can't take photographs in the bus station part of an interchange, even for commercial/enthusiast purposes.
If you look at the guidelines on their 'up to date website', there is only mention of photography on Metro property, not Nexus owned or Managed property, and since the bus station is not 'Metro' property, that guideline does not apply.
Reading your original post again, I also find it laughable that they threatened to call the police as they have absolutely no authority.
It reminded me of an incident with Ken Livingstone in Westfield Shopping Centre where the security phoned the police because he wouldn't stop filming. As much as I can't stand the man politically, I think what he did was great. Here's the link if you want to have a watch
Website keeps going off... annoying
Michael wroteWebsite keeps going off... annoying
It seems to have been down more often than it's been available over the last couple of days - what on earth's going on with it?
I'm missing my regular dose of News from the North East!
(04 Dec 2019, 11:18 am)Ianthegoon wrote [ -> ]It seems to have been down more often than it's been available over the last couple of days - what on earth's going on with it?
I'm missing my regular dose of News from the North East!
I think someone hasn't been paying the bills!
Resource Limit Reached, today and the past few days. Really annoying.
Seems to be back up and running fine now (although I still can't upload attachments!)
I also kept getting MySql errors, so I'm guessing the database was too large for the host
Seeing as there isn't a 'what made you feel sick to the pit of your stomach' thread... This one will have to do.
The election result.
Awful. Horrendous. People believed the lies.
(13 Dec 2019, 7:50 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Seeing as there isn't a 'what made you feel sick to the pit of your stomach' thread... This one will have to do.
The election result.
Awful. Horrendous. People believed the lies.
Well people didn't believe in the lies by Corbyn either... so it works both ways.
Its happened, lets get on with Brexit.
(13 Dec 2019, 1:06 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Well people didn't believe in the lies by Corbyn either... so it works both ways.
Its happened, lets get on with Brexit.
I don't believe that anything has changed. It's still a parliamentary deadlock over what to do with brexit.
Can I just ask what lies Corbyn told?
(13 Dec 2019, 3:52 pm)Rob44 wrote [ -> ]Can I just ask what lies Corbyn told?
All this money available to privatise everything, such as the royal mail, railways etc, all under 25 years free bus travel, would of cost trillions.... where was this coming from?
Same as every other party, all had lies... Tory's won, we get on with life, no point in the constant moaning, its not gonna to change the outcome......n
(13 Dec 2019, 4:05 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]All this money available to privatise everything, such as the royal mail, railways etc, all under 25 years free bus travel, would of cost trillions.... where was this coming from?
Same as every other party, all had lies... Tory's won, we get on with life, no point in the constant moaning, its not gonna to change the outcome......n
Didnt bring Labour up specifically, but like Rob44, keen to know what lies they told.