(29 Mar 2016, 8:58 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]For some reason some posts that get made on some Facebook pages I like don't seem to show on my timeline which is really annoying, there is a band I like on Facebook and they made a post over an hour ago and it hasn't appeared and I have liked several bands who's posts never seem to show on my timeline.
Anyone know if there is anyway of sorting this issue out?
Are you following the page?
If you are press where it says follow, and select to see them first on your news feed so when they make a new post they will be at the top.
(29 Mar 2016, 9:01 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Are you following the page?
If you are press where it says follow, and select to see them first on your news feed so when they make a new post they will be at the top.
There is a few pages where I'm having this problem with, I've checked and I am following them, they are set as default following. It annoys me how some pages I have no issues with but others I do and it's even more annoying that it's the one's I want to keep a close eye on that have the issue.
(29 Mar 2016, 9:06 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]There is a few pages where I'm having this problem with, I've checked and I am following them, they are set as default following. It annoys me how some pages I have no issues with but others I do and it's even more annoying that it's the one's I want to keep a close eye on that have the issue.
If you select ''see first'' when you press on following it should fix the problem.
(29 Mar 2016, 9:10 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]If you select ''see first'' when you press on following it should fix the problem.
Right okay, thanks
Hopefully that sorts the issue out.
(29 Mar 2016, 9:15 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Right okay, thanks
Hopefully that sorts the issue out.
No problem it should do worked for me

Last night I had a Pulsar on my 85 again!!!
Waited for the 17 but never showed up until I was walking around the corner onto Churchill Street so missed it. Then just missed the 1 and 22 together. I can tell how this day is going to go haha!
(30 Mar 2016, 9:53 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]Waited for the 17 but never showed up until I was walking around the corner onto Churchill Street so missed it. Then just missed the 1 and 22 together. I can tell how this day is going to go haha!
Had a similar experience in Wallsend last Wednesday, waited ages for a bus to appear at Wallsend Metro but I gave up waiting there in the end and walked down towards the shops and just missed the 1 and 22 back to Newcastle so I then had to wait about another 10 minutes before a 12 finally appeared. Was not amused!
(30 Mar 2016, 10:04 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Had a similar experience in Wallsend last Wednesday, waited ages for a bus to appear at Wallsend Metro but I gave up waiting there in the end and walked down towards the shops and just missed the 1 and 22 back to Newcastle so I then had to wait about another 10 minutes before a 12 finally appeared. Was not amused!
And the annoying thing is normally when you miss one bus you miss most of them for the rest of the day! Didn't have to wait long for the next 1 though which is good.
And unlucky getting the 12 - it's a horrible route haha.
(30 Mar 2016, 10:08 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]And the annoying thing is normally when you miss one bus you miss most of them for the rest of the day! Didn't have to wait long for the next 1 though which is good.
And unlucky getting the 12 - it's a horrible route haha.
It was annoying when I was on it the other day as I think we didn't stop at only one stop on the journey I did to Newcastle and said stop was out of use due to roadworks! Why don't you like the 12?
(30 Mar 2016, 10:12 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]It was annoying when I was on it the other day as I think we didn't stop at only one stop on the journey I did to Newcastle and said stop was out of use due to roadworks! Why don't you like the 12?
The 12 goes through much of Newcastle's " Industrial " area, That's maybe why he hates it.
(30 Mar 2016, 10:12 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]It was annoying when I was on it the other day as I think we didn't stop at only one stop on the journey I did to Newcastle and said stop was out of use due to roadworks! Why don't you like the 12?
Yep that's one of the reason it takes forever compared to the rest of them and a lot of dodgy people get on around Walker.
(30 Mar 2016, 10:17 am)South Tyne Lad wrote [ -> ]The 12 goes through much of Newcastle's " Industrial " area, That's maybe why he hates it.
(30 Mar 2016, 10:20 am)Tom wrote [ -> ]Yep that's one of the reason it takes forever compared to the rest of them and a lot of dodgy people get on around Walker.
I don't mind the industrial nature but it does seem to take a while. Must say I also didn't find the 40 route exactly thrilling either. Are all the Newcastle - Wallsend services like this? Will have to sample the 1 or 22 the next time I head over that way.
(30 Mar 2016, 10:23 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I don't mind the industrial nature but it does seem to take a while. Must say I also didn't find the 40 route exactly thrilling either. Are all the Newcastle - Wallsend services like this? Will have to sample the 1 or 22 the next time I head over that way.
The 1 is quicker than the rest in my opinion the 22 is better than the 12/40 but stops quite a lot.
Try and avoid Byker, there's temporary traffic lights and my 40 is 10L.
Currently on 8301 and the smell on this bus is absolutely vile, someone on this bus hasn't had a shower in about 2 weeks by the smell
Currently on 680, and it's vile!
(30 Mar 2016, 11:36 am)Davie wrote [ -> ]Currently on 680, and it's vile!
What service are you on?
(30 Mar 2016, 11:40 am)South Tyne Lad wrote [ -> ]What service are you on?
Service 80.
Service 80.
I'm on 672 heading to Wallsend so I might pass you
Decided to go for a ride on the 46 hoping for a Lowlander, what did I get? Pulsar. What was just about every other bus on that circuit today? Lowlander's! [emoji34]
In the past week, Ive ridden 7 Solos and I'm starting to feel the aftereffect....
Also after my time in Wallsend Bus Station, I decided to get photos " En Route " of the Indigo Solos, And lighting and cars didn't really help.
I'm still going to upload the " En Route " photos to Flickr instead of the Bus Station photos to provide some Variety.
Somebody's been sick on GNE 6090, and they've put it out in service.
Stood just outside Filey Bus Station to photograph the Shoreline Suncruisers 555 and my uncle and auntie pass me in their car. Gonna get grief for this if they find out it was me! Hid my face behind the camera is a bid to disguise myself.
(31 Mar 2016, 12:37 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Stood just outside Filey Bus Station to photograph the Shoreline Suncruisers 555 and my uncle and auntie pass me in their car. Gonna get grief for this if they find out it was me! Hid my face behind the camera is a bid to disguise myself.
Have you been naughty and crossed the road (or county boundary in the case) when you've been told not to, Jimmi?

(31 Mar 2016, 12:44 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Have you been naughty and crossing the road (or county boundary in the case) when you've been told not to, Jimmi? [emoji14]
In fairness I said nothing about me going to Filey and Bridlington, I just said Scarborough!
It's the fact I've been where they live and not popped in or owt.
Wish I hadn't bothered with Filey and Bridlington, the sun is in the wrong place in both locations making it a real challenge to get anything even half decent. [emoji35]
(31 Mar 2016, 1:40 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Wish I hadn't bothered with Filey and Bridlington, the sun is in the wrong place in both locations making it a real challenge to get anything even half decent. [emoji35]
You'll have to pop down to Hornsea and pick up the coat Husband left at my parents' at the weekend

Took the boys for a good long walk, this morning. Chance to blow out some cobwebs and for big'un to take some pictures and practice framing his shots.
Littl'un decided halfway, when we were furthest from home, that he didn't want his hand held, any more (no chance of that, as we were walking along the main road)
Some gobshite of a kid, who was apparently in some sort of holiday club, called out some rather unfriendly "greetings" to big'un before realising that he wasn't alone.
Imagine a pile of dog poo as big as your head. You wouldn't miss it, would you? Unless you were big'un.
So we're now off into the yard to do some shoe cleaning. Once I've taken something for this damned headache.
Oh, and we were out 90 minutes and only clocked up 8,000 steps on my fitbit.
(31 Mar 2016, 1:58 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Everything.
Took the boys for a good long walk, this morning. Chance to blow out some cobwebs and for big'un to take some pictures and practice framing his shots.
Littl'un decided halfway, when we were furthest from home, that he didn't want his hand held, any more (no chance of that, as we were walking along the main road)
Some gobshite of a kid, who was apparently in some sort of holiday club, called out some rather unfriendly "greetings" to big'un before realising that he wasn't alone.
Imagine a pile of dog poo as big as your head. You wouldn't miss it, would you? Unless you were big'un.
So we're now off into the yard to do some shoe cleaning. Once I've taken something for this damned headache.
Oh, and we were out 90 minutes and only clocked up 8,000 steps on my fitbit.
Cracking day then!