(09 Sep 2016, 2:56 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]Went to o2 this morning for just after opening time to pre order the new iPhone 7+ and they say can only do pre orders for the 7 as can't do pre orders on them. They said can't order online so went home and guess what, managed to order online, up to 6 week wait though.
Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk
6 Weeks wait, unlucky mate it is between 1-3 with BT, Plus if you Broadband with BT you get a further £5 discount off your monthly bill also.
(09 Sep 2016, 8:26 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]6 Weeks wait, unlucky mate it is between 1-3 with BT, Plus if you Broadband with BT you get a further £5 discount off your monthly bill also.
£44 a month for a phone contract! I pay like £12, and twist about that being too much.
(09 Sep 2016, 9:04 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]£44 a month for a phone contract! I pay like £12, and twist about that being too much.
I pay £40 a month for my iPhone 6 with EE.
(09 Sep 2016, 9:40 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]I pay £40 a month for my iPhone 6 with EE.
Jesus wept. I'd expect EE to come and do my housework for that price.
EE PAYG is eye watering, but all we can reliably make calls on in the village, so I haz a SIM and it has my main mobile number.
Use my three SIM for more, these days. Have been spending a tenner a month on it, recently, though, mostly on the penny a meg data, so may consider one of their essential contracts when it runs out, as they're £9 or £11 and pretty data heavy, which is what I use most of. No iPhone - don't want one. Loving my Moto G4 (and not paying over the odds for it as part of a contract)
(09 Sep 2016, 9:43 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Jesus wept. I'd expect EE to come and do my housework for that price.
This is pretty much why I haven't gone down the iPhone route, as it would probably cost me a fair whack each month on contract. Think the contract for my Sony Xperia Z1 Compact is about £27 a month which is probably a bit on the pricey side but it's not too bad for me. Unsure what to go for when the contract runs out in May but I ain't going to entertain the Carphone Warehouse after the week of pain, anger and frustration over my 'missing' phone (it had fallen behind something in the store room) when I got my current phone. It's the branch in Darlington Town Centre if anyone wants to avoid.
I've a Galaxy S6 at the moment. Bought the handset SIM free (£469 iirc), and then it's completely up to me what SIM I put into it. It'll work out just more than half of what you'd be expected to pay over 24 months, on one of these pay monthly + "free" phone packages.
I'll probably get a Galaxy Note next (if I can get a dual SIM version). I have to carry two phones about at the minute, as I need one for work, so it would make sense putting both SIM cards into the one phone.
Punk at We Are Family Festival, the photographer is just doing his job at getting photos of the crowd, don't go throwing a hissy fit, if you don't want your photo taken, don't stand at the front if you don't want to be snapped and you'll take photos of stuff yourself, so you are just a hypercrical muppet! The photographer looked like like he was going to crap himself when he told him. As such I'm now about the only person in the crowd getting photographed as a result.
Can't leave the festival and being a fussy eater means that with a lack of food I would eat, I'm going to have to starve until I get home which won't be until 23:30 at the earliest [emoji35]
(10 Sep 2016, 3:15 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Can't leave the festival and being a fussy eater means that with a lack of food I would eat, I'm going to have to starve until I get home which won't be until 23:30 at the earliest [emoji35]
Just eat what is going. If they're serving it, it's not going to kill you.

(10 Sep 2016, 3:15 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Can't leave the festival and being a fussy eater means that with a lack of food I would eat, I'm going to have to starve until I get home which won't be until 23:30 at the earliest [emoji35]
Big'un can sympathise with that one. He often goes all day without eating (makes up for lost time, mind!)
(10 Sep 2016, 3:18 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Just eat what is going. If they're serving it, it's not going to kill you. 
If only it were that simple. Offer big'un something not on The List and you might as well have offered him a poo sandwich. (Just as well I can bring myself to choke down something grim from Greggs when needs must - it's a massive leap for him that he's discovered a few of their sandwiches he likes. Well actually, one of their sandwiches, but they serve it in various ways).
(10 Sep 2016, 8:16 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]If only it were that simple. Offer big'un something not on The List and you might as well have offered him a poo sandwich. (Just as well I can bring myself to choke down something grim from Greggs when needs must - it's a massive leap for him that he's discovered a few of their sandwiches he likes. Well actually, one of their sandwiches, but they serve it in various ways).
I used to have no choice when I was a bairn. We had to sit at the table until we were finished, whether we liked it or not. It was one way of getting us used to eating veg though, I suppose!
I'll eat most nowadays, other than fish.
Just feeling a bit down in general, and I cannot pinpoint what is causing it, just feel totally conflicted at the moment.
Was going to do Moorsbus this afternoon but as the Sapphire 7 was 10 minutes late, I have instead ending up in Darlington with nothing to do as I missed the connecting X66 at Harrowgate Hill. [emoji35]
Left a snotty post on Arriva's Facebook about it.
Last Stagecoach 553 from South Shields to Newcastle was due at 1700 and decided not to turn up so had to pay £3.50 to ride one of GNE'S buses. I was also unhappy that my finisher pack contained no medal.
Go to take a photo of the Flying Scotsman this evening on the return journey from Carlisle and camera decides to play up with message saying "no memory card" as its approaching when the memory card is in the camera, thankfully managed to get a good one earlier today when it was going the other way. And got video of it on my iPhone so at least it wasn't a complete waste of time this evening.
Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk
My phone and my Nikon camera broke today.. Not a good Sunday for me

Having a bus waiting, but no sign of a driver for it.
Haven't got time for a cuppa before picking littl'un up, now.
(14 Sep 2016, 1:35 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Having a bus waiting, but no sign of a driver for it.
Haven't got time for a cuppa before picking littl'un up, now.
(14 Sep 2016, 1:35 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Having a bus waiting, but no sign of a driver for it.
Haven't got time for a cuppa before picking littl'un up, now.
Durham bus station by any chance?
(14 Sep 2016, 1:54 pm)Jamie M wrote [ -> ]Flask? [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]
I just shivered and had one when I got back! (Totally different to this afternoon and Tuesday - we still had a fret and I was huddled up in me coat!)
(15 Sep 2016, 2:43 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Durham bus station by any chance?
Naturellement. Almost every stand occupied at about 1:30pm, the late running 24 ended up on stand K! The 22 had to go round the block before it could even drop off, then got its own stand as a 43 left, still pretty much on time, then finally, at gone quarter to, a potential driver arrived, took a look at the running board, shook his head, went back to the office, then came back again and logged in, himself. I can only assume our own driver was either delayed or asleep! We followed the 24 out of Durham.
So long as it's not raining stair rods, I need to visit the Arnison centre again, in the morning. Wish me luck because it's not been a great week for local bus travel!
(15 Sep 2016, 10:20 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]I just shivered and had one when I got back! (Totally different to this afternoon and Tuesday - we still had a fret and I was huddled up in me coat!)
Naturellement. Almost every stand occupied at about 1:30pm, the late running 24 ended up on stand K! The 22 had to go round the block before it could even drop off, then got its own stand as a 43 left, still pretty much on time, then finally, at gone quarter to, a potential driver arrived, took a look at the running board, shook his head, went back to the office, then came back again and logged in, himself. I can only assume our own driver was either delayed or asleep! We followed the 24 out of Durham.
So long as it's not raining stair rods, I need to visit the Arnison centre again, in the morning. Wish me luck because it's not been a great week for local bus travel!
We arrived in Durham Bus Station early this afternoon on the 7 and driver had to go out and come back in as the X21 to Bishop Auckland was on the stand the 7 uses, we ended up getting dropped off on stand A, I was especially annoyed by this as I saw Nexus liveried 2816 on the 49A and wanted a photo, fortunately it didn't leave for a while.
When I got back into Durham this afternoon just after 3pm, the 22 was on stand C and 24 was on D with the 16 pulling onto stand B.
The first time I entered Durham Bus Station this afternoon was even more chaotic as a OmniDekka had broken down on stand C.
I was expecting a parcel to be delivered by Yodel yesterday between the hours of 7am-5pm - it didn't arrive, meaning I wasn't able to go and visit my other half.
(16 Sep 2016, 11:05 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I was expecting a parcel to be delivered by Yodel yesterday between the hours of 7am-5pm - it didn't arrive, meaning I wasn't able to go and visit my other half.
Do you not get a tracking number with Yodel? I normally check first thing to make sure it's gone out in the van at least, but the vague estimates are never great.
(16 Sep 2016, 11:21 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Do you not get a tracking number with Yodel? I normally check first thing to make sure it's gone out in the van at least, but the vague estimates are never great.
I once tried their customer chat and it was awful like.. they knew nothing and you could tell they were handling many clients.. too many at once. 6 minutes between responses. It's fairly comical, the guy I was with spent 2 minutes typing.. was expecting an essay and got just "okay". The one downside to online shopping has to be when delivery goes wrong, cause the customer support have no idea - nor does anyone else.
(16 Sep 2016, 11:21 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Do you not get a tracking number with Yodel? I normally check first thing to make sure it's gone out in the van at least, but the vague estimates are never great.
All they could tell me was that Argos had not yet dispatched the item to them.
(16 Sep 2016, 2:17 pm)Jamie M wrote [ -> ]I once tried their customer chat and it was awful like.. they knew nothing and you could tell they were handling many clients.. too many at once. 6 minutes between responses. It's fairly comical, the guy I was with spent 2 minutes typing.. was expecting an essay and got just "okay". The one downside to online shopping has to be when delivery goes wrong, cause the customer support have no idea - nor does anyone else.
After Yodel had held my item for around a week without dispatching it, I ended up needing it really urgently. I found it almost impossible to find a direct phone number to my local depot. When I eventually did I explained I intended to head down there to get it myself. They said I couldn't as nobody on site was trained for that!
(16 Sep 2016, 3:44 pm)James101 wrote [ -> ]After Yodel had held my item for around a week without dispatching it, I ended up needing it really urgently. I found it almost impossible to find a direct phone number to my local depot. When I eventually did I explained I intended to head down there to get it myself. They said I couldn't as nobody on site was trained for that!
They finally said to me "oh, it's sitting in the depot", I'm like "so what's next...?" and nothing else came back. Still waiting for the item 3 weeks later.
I'm having to go to Edinburgh on short notice tomorrow with work (on call joy)
Travel have booked me on a train without checking and I stupidly accepted.
East Coast mainline is closed between Berwick and Alnwick, so I've a whopping 3hr 6min journey from Newcastle to Edinburgh....I'm not best pleased!