Not even half 8 and I have already made myself look a tit and peed everyone off, Wh-Smith's in Darlington Railway Station tried charging me £3.98 for two 500ml bottles of Cherry Coke even though they are in a buy one get one half price offer, still don't want to pay nearly £3 but I'm thirsty! Despite shouting at the self service till, it was still trying to charge me £3.98 which I weren't having, so I put them back and stormed out of the shop. £3.98.
Things haven't improved on my train to Leeds either, some lass is in my reserved seat and is acting like she can't hear what I'm saying, so I have had to walk down right down this Voyager to find an inside seat that isn't next to someone, knowing my luck when we get to York I am going to get told to move by however someone who has this reserved seat.
As such, both incidents have made me very angry and awakened all my stress and anxiety issues, great!

(08 Oct 2016, 7:28 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Not even half 8 and I have already made myself look a tit and peed everyone off, Wh-Smith's in Darlington Railway Station tried charging me £3.98 for two 500ml bottles of Cherry Coke even though they are in a buy one get one half price offer, still don't want to pay nearly £3 but I'm thirsty! Despite shouting at the self service till, it was still trying to charge me £3.98 which I weren't having, so I put them back and stormed out of the shop. £3.98.
Things haven't improved on my train to Leeds either, some lass is in my reserved seat and is acting like she can't hear what I'm saying, so I have had to walk down right down this Voyager to find an inside seat that isn't next to someone, knowing my luck when we get to York I am going to get told to move by however someone who has this reserved seat.
As such, both incidents have made me very angry and awakened all my stress and anxiety issues, great! 
On the majority of self service tills, you have to proceed to payment before it knocks the money off.
(08 Oct 2016, 9:24 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]On the majority of self service tills, you have to proceed to payment before it knocks the money off.
I find that W H Smith is a rip off, I only use the place for papers and magazines. I normally just go elsewhere for food or drink.
(08 Oct 2016, 10:22 am)Charles41 wrote [ -> ]I find that W H Smith is a rip off, I only use the place for papers and magazines. I normally just go elsewhere for food or drink.
I agree, but it's sometimes difficult at stations and such, when there's not a lot of choice.
(08 Oct 2016, 10:54 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]I agree, but it's sometimes difficult at stations and such, when there's not a lot of choice.
And it's all about 5x the price of the nearest shop in town.
Greggs are increasingly at transport hubs, now. May cost a bit, but at least you know it's flat rate!
I do normally avoid there but had little in the way of alternatives at Darlington Rail Station this morning, made worse by the fact I don't like coffee.
In regards to Lee's reply, from my experiences at least, self service tills normally puts offers in either as you scan them or the stage after that, today I got up to the stage where it was select payment method and it was still wanting £3.98.
My annoyances seem to be getting on everyone's nerves now, so I now feel like I'm going to have to stop but I got myself into a right state this morning and it seems like if I continue down the path I'm going down, I am going to end up with everyone either wanting nothing to do with me or just ripping me to shreads behind my back. Now at the stage where as well as getting annoyed, I am also worrying about what people are making of it and I am just getting worse as every day seems to pass.
Sorry to those who are sick of me but thanks to the people who are willing to put up with me moaning.
(08 Oct 2016, 11:19 am)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I do normally avoid there but had little in the way of alternatives at Darlington Rail Station this morning, made worse by the fact I don't like coffee.
In regards to Lee's reply, from my experiences at least, self service tills normally puts offers in either as you scan them or the stage after that, today I got up to the stage where it was select payment method and it was still wanting £3.98.
My annoyances seem to be getting on everyone's nerves now, so I now feel like I'm going to have to stop but I got myself into a right state this morning and it seems like if I continue down the path I'm going down, I am going to end up with everyone either wanting nothing to do with me or just ripping me to shreads behind my back. Now at the stage where as well as getting annoyed, I am also worrying about what people are making of it and I am just getting worse as every day seems to pass.
Sorry to those who are sick of me but thanks to the people who are willing to put up with me moaning.
Personally I find self-service tills very annoying to us and try to avoid them. I also feel they are merely a way of generating even large profits for retailers and cutting back on jobs. I prefer old fashioned face to face customer service. There's been a couple of times when I've given up when using self-service tills and went elsewhere.
Jimmi - I wouldn't feel bad with yourself about it, we all have had experiences with technology letting us down.
Whilst the issue this morning annoyed me, it's now the whole people being annoyed with me thing that has badly impacted me today and is praying on my mind really badly and has left me feeling awful.
I'm aware I am still moaning.
(08 Oct 2016, 3:31 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Whilst the issue this morning annoyed me, it's now the whole people being annoyed with me thing that has badly impacted me today and is praying on my mind really badly and has left me feeling awful.
I'm aware I am still moaning.
I used to be exactly like that until very recently, but I just realised that people generally don't care - the ones who do and judge aren't worth thinking about in such ways. It's an odd mix of being a bit more self centred and blind. You let others control what you do because of speculative thought, whereas in reality it doesn't matter - the added benefit that you aren't likely to even see and remember the people again.
Easier said than done, but it's the irrationality that makes it harder to not worry about.
My example is that I never used to be able to bring myself to speak to drivers on buses if a single soul was on-board or even the driver for the same anxiety-based reason, now I can do it and the drivers often talk to me as I walk on. I don't care what my fellow passengers think or judgements they make of me and it allows me to do so much that I restricted myself from in the past. A perhaps obscure example, dunno if it helped, but hope you can somewhat relate.
Can't adjust the volume on my iPod [emoji19]
(11 Oct 2016, 1:42 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Can't adjust the volume on my iPod [emoji19]
Are you an Apple kind of guy?
(11 Oct 2016, 5:38 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Are you an Apple kind of guy?
Not really.
Probably won't be wanting much more Apple products as it seems the dial has gone completely, can't adjust the volume, can't select artists/songs/albums, unless the issue can be resolved, essentially it's stuck on a certain volume and can only do album shuffle. Only had it two years, it's broken before I've even put all my music on it. Fuming! [emoji35]
(11 Oct 2016, 8:58 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Not really.
Probably won't be wanting much more Apple products as it seems the dial has gone completely, can't adjust the volume, can't select artists/songs/albums, unless the issue can be resolved, essentially it's stuck on a certain volume and can only do album shuffle. Only had it two years, it's broken before I've even put all my music on it. Fuming! [emoji35]
I put 1995 songs on my phone in 4 hours, do you have like an 8 figure song collection or something 😛?
Anyway, I gave up on apple after my 3GS was retired due to lack of support. Phone is great but no apps work anymore. Prefer it to my SGS6. Even on the newer iPhones, the home button breaking seems to be a common issue.
(12 Oct 2016, 3:32 pm)Jamie M wrote [ -> ]I put 1995 songs on my phone in 4 hours, do you have like an 8 figure song collection or something 😛?
Anyway, I gave up on apple after my 3GS was retired due to lack of support. Phone is great but no apps work anymore. Prefer it to my SGS6. Even on the newer iPhones, the home button breaking seems to be a common issue.
I have either 5 or 6 digits worth of songs on it, the more I added, the slower and more unresponsive it became with it becoming incredibly dim witted recently. Probably didn't help that it was the display model in Curry's Digital at Sunderland which is where I bought it from.
Unfortunately the iPod Classic was discontinued at the time I bought it which of course a lacking of a alternative music device which has the same level of storage (160 GB) meant that it sent music lovers into having into swiftly buying them up when it was announced it was no longer being made, unfortunately they were also bought up by people wanting to take advantage of this and charge people silly money for them, just seen a listing on Amazon for one which is charging £595!
I really don't know what to do, as unless I go down the pre-owned route, I can't buy a replacement and there is no other portable devices avaliable that can hold the amount of music I have, could maybe see if it's possible to have it repaired but I don't know how to look into that or where could possibly repair it.
Unfortunately, my iPod is one of the things that keeps me going and I am currently lost with the fact that it is not working.
(12 Oct 2016, 4:21 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]I have either 5 or 6 digits worth of songs on it, the more I added, the slower and more unresponsive it became with it becoming incredibly dim witted recently. Probably didn't help that it was the display model in Curry's Digital at Sunderland which is where I bought it from.
Unfortunately the iPod Classic was discontinued at the time I bought it which of course a lacking of a alternative music device which has the same level of storage (160 GB) meant that it sent music lovers into having into swiftly buying them up when it was announced it was no longer being made, unfortunately they were also bought up by people wanting to take advantage of this and charge people silly money for them, just seen a listing on Amazon for one which is charging £595!
I really don't know what to do, as unless I go down the pre-owned route, I can't buy a replacement and there is no other portable devices avaliable that can hold the amount of music I have, could maybe see if it's possible to have it repaired but I don't know how to look into that or where could possibly repair it.
Unfortunately, my iPod is one of the things that keeps me going and I am currently lost with the fact that it is not working.
You could buy MP3s which supports microSD cards which have vast space and are tiny, probably under 100£ for loads of storage and a device which works well.
Woman on the 9, I moved to the back of the bus as you and your family are loud and annoying as hell, so stop turning round and giving me hacky looks! [emoji19]
(15 Oct 2016, 12:28 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Woman on the 9, I moved to the back of the bus as you and your family are loud and annoying as hell, so stop turning round and giving me hacky looks! [emoji19]
Does she use this forum like?

(15 Oct 2016, 6:15 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Does she use this forum like? [emoji14]
I certainly hope not! [emoji23]
Don't go to blackhall mill race if you're an arachnid or by other means hate crawling things. I can see this is nexus' attempt to increase biodiversity amongst the buses and stops they overlook!
Firstly I was waiting at Heworth to catch a 4 to the Galleries. The 1557 one didn't turn up nor did the 1607 one. Or not until 1620 when 3 came in at once. One went off NIS and the one I got on which was 10 minutes late stopped for ages at Glebe and then took forever at Concord as the replacement driver didn't show up. This meant I missed the 50 at the Galleries as the driver pulled away when I got to the doors.And now I will miss my X46 to my Grandma's house or I'll have to take out a bank loan to get on the 46 as I've only got my Pop card and Key card. I'm not happy at all
The new look Flickr home (activity) page, yuck!

(19 Oct 2016, 4:03 pm)Brian13 wrote [ -> ]Firstly I was waiting at Heworth to catch a 4 to the Galleries. The 1557 one didn't turn up nor did the 1607 one. Or not until 1620 when 3 came in at once. One went off NIS and the one I got on which was 10 minutes late stopped for ages at Glebe and then took forever at Concord as the replacement driver didn't show up. This meant I missed the 50 at the Galleries as the driver pulled away when I got to the doors.And now I will miss my X46 to my Grandma's house or I'll have to take out a bank loan to get on the 46 as I've only got my Pop card and Key card. I'm not happy at all
I've got my own bad experience of connexions 4. Waiting for one from Concord to Heworth so that I can get to Heworth in time to get my last bus home from Newcastle and it didn't turn up so I ended up having to get the metro from Heworth to Palmersville then getting the last 53 to Killingworth bus station.
Rude corrections.
Made some small mistakes, nowt major but it seems like being right and wrong is a matter of life and death to some people.
Cut my hand on rusting paint flakes on the handlebar on 6016.
Bad enough they send these out on a flagship service but infuriating they don't bother maintaining them.
(24 Oct 2016, 7:45 pm)Ambassador wrote [ -> ]Cut my hand on rusting paint flakes on the handlebar on 6016.
Bad enough they send these out on a flagship service but infuriating they don't bother maintaining them.
Did you report the accident to the driver? As a report should have been made.
I'd follow up with CS as a matter of course too...
(24 Oct 2016, 8:03 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Did you report the accident to the driver? As a report should have been made.
I'd follow up with CS as a matter of course too...
No I didn't, had 3 laptops with me (joys of a work screw IT screw up)
I just got off and throughly sterilised at home. Looks like a bad dog/cat scratch.
Every B7 I've been on has had some form of rusting, mainly on the front upstairs window bars
Annoyed doesn't cover it. I'm absolutely livid by the attitude of 5388's driver towards me. Long story short, told him I have a North Tyne Saver which flatly refuses to register on any Q3 service despite being valid. Told me he needed proof the ticket was valid. I told him he could easily print off a report from the reader. Refused to do it, then threatened to take my pass off me. Asked for his driver number, refused to give me that too. Formal complaint gone into GNE.
Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
(25 Oct 2016, 4:35 pm)MVK 500R wrote [ -> ]Annoyed doesn't cover it. I'm absolutely livid by the attitude of 5388's driver towards me. Long story short, told him I have a North Tyne Saver which flatly refuses to register on any Q3 service despite being valid. Told me he needed proof the ticket was valid. I told him he could easily print off a report from the reader. Refused to do it, then threatened to take my pass off me. Asked for his driver number, refused to give me that too. Formal complaint gone into GNE.
Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
I was on 5388 earlier too, the driver would not except that £7 Day rover tickets exist
(25 Oct 2016, 4:52 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]I was on 5388 earlier too, the driver would not except that £7 Day rover tickets exist
It wasn't a cockney sounding bloke with glasses by any chance? Felt like waiting for him to come back the other way.
Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
(25 Oct 2016, 4:35 pm)MVK 500R wrote [ -> ]Annoyed doesn't cover it. I'm absolutely livid by the attitude of 5388's driver towards me. Long story short, told him I have a North Tyne Saver which flatly refuses to register on any Q3 service despite being valid. Told me he needed proof the ticket was valid. I told him he could easily print off a report from the reader. Refused to do it, then threatened to take my pass off me. Asked for his driver number, refused to give me that too. Formal complaint gone into GNE.
Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
When I've been on in the past they don't seem to be able to issue them either and normally just give people a Newcastle/Metrocentre day saver. Odd as they are definitely accepted.