(27 Dec 2015, 5:38 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Ah. Your connection to the Internet, you mean? [emoji14]
Aye. It looks like Citaro was correct when he said my phone was the problem not GNE's WiFi.
The fact Newcastle lost again, I'm bored and the Internet is being dodgy again...!
I am nwver going to Durham again!
I was taken photos when some random bloke came over to me and kept talking a load of crap! Why is it always me who meets the arseholes?!?!
(29 Dec 2015, 2:21 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I am nwver going to Durham again!
I was taken photos when some random bloke came over to me and kept talking a load of crap! Why is it always me who meets the arseholes?!?!
In fairness Davie, that can happen anywhere.
(29 Dec 2015, 2:31 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]In fairness Davie, that can happen anywhere.
True. Just my luck I'd get the idiots!
(29 Dec 2015, 2:21 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I am nwver going to Durham again!
I was taken photos when some random bloke came over to me and kept talking a load of crap! Why is it always me who meets the arseholes?!?!
(29 Dec 2015, 2:31 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]In fairness Davie, that can happen anywhere.
And it is normally Davie who is the one who comes over and starts talking crap

(29 Dec 2015, 5:06 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]And it is normally Davie who is the one who comes over and starts talking crap [emoji14]
It wasn't my fault! I was happily taken bus photos when he came over and started talking crap.
Just missing the 5 at Harrowgate Hill so now I have to wait nearly half an hour for the 7 (or 25 minutes for the 21 which goes nowhere near my house so I'd faced with a long walk home where part of the route has no lights whatsoever so getting stabbed is an almost certainty.
Also WHSmith's, more like WHS***s, I was told to get a magazine for someone whilst I was out today, so I went to the Teesside Park store which didn't have it, so then I rushed like mad to get to the Stockton store and got there just after 17:20, I picked up the magazine waited at the till but I must have turned invisible at this point as the staff acted like I wasn't even flaming there, either serve me or tell me to get out, don't just me standing there like a frigging prat!!! So no doubt this situation is so stupid that the person is just going think I am making this crap up and they will just I either forgot or didn't go in because I couldn't be arsed!
Idiot at the pizza shop didn't have change for a £10 note, for a £4 item. So that's my fare budget for tomorrow gone by giving them a £5 note.
Then a jobsworth at the co-op never bothered checking if there was any Cravendale Pure-Filtered Whole Milk available before telling me that there wasn't any and advised me to buy their own brand if paying with a Healthy Start voucher. So there's £2.19 down the drain.
Robbing bastards the lot of them, I'll be paying for a £1 fare with a £10 note early tomorrow morning then....
(29 Dec 2015, 6:27 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Just missing the 5 at Harrowgate Hill so now I have to wait nearly half an hour for the 7 (or 25 minutes for the 21 which goes nowhere near my house so I'd faced with a long walk home where part of the route has no lights whatsoever so getting stabbed is an almost certainty.
Also WHSmith's, more like WHS***s, I was told to get a magazine for someone whilst I was out today, so I went to the Teesside Park store which didn't have it, so then I rushed like mad to get to the Stockton store and got there just after 17:20, I picked up the magazine waited at the till but I must have turned invisible at this point as the staff acted like I wasn't even flaming there, either serve me or tell me to get out, don't just me standing there like a frigging prat!!! So no doubt this situation is so stupid that the person is just going think I am making this crap up and they will just I either forgot or didn't go in because I couldn't be arsed!
It's WHS. When it comes to customer service, you couldn't make it up.
(29 Dec 2015, 7:06 pm)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]Idiot at the pizza shop didn't have change for a £10 note, for a £4 item. So that's my fare budget for tomorrow gone by giving them a £5 note.
Dont quite get what your saying, whats the different between a fiver and a tenner, as long as you have enough for your 4 quid purchase
(29 Dec 2015, 7:06 pm)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]Then a jobsworth at the co-op never bothered checking if there was any Cravendale Pure-Filtered Whole Milk available before telling me that there wasn't any and advised me to buy their own brand if paying with a Healthy Start voucher. So there's £2.19 down the drain.
Did you not asking them first before you looked for it
(29 Dec 2015, 7:06 pm)GX03 SVC wrote [ -> ]Robbing bastards the lot of them, I'll be paying for a £1 fare with a £10 note early tomorrow morning then....
Again whats wrong with that, as I said to your first point as long as you have enough to make the purchase then I dont see what the problem is
(29 Dec 2015, 8:40 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Dont quite get what your saying, whats the different between a fiver and a tenner, as long as you have enough for your 4 quid purchase
Did you not asking them first before you looked for it
Again whats wrong with that, as I said to your first point as long as you have enough to make the purchase then I dont see what the problem is
I used a £10 note as I had to keep money for tomorrow, I had to go through all my pockets trying to find it, while she held the £10 note grinning. At the time, I'm certain that they will have £6 worth of change available...
At the co-op there was only one bottle of milk on the shelf, I asked at the till if they had anymore and they said they didn't. What sort of shop only gets in 10x bottles of milk if they put all of them on the shelf, surely there would be more?!
As a result, I couldn't use a voucher worth £3.10, as the milk is on offer for £3, I wasn't wasting a voucher.
Dear pillock sat at the back of this X15,
You are aware that I've was sitting waiting for this bus when you arrived. Next bus - X15 Berwick-upon-Tweed.
When I move outside to wait for the X15, then when I'm about to board you start shouting abuse and how I'm a queue-jumping idiot.
Please be aware that I've been waiting for the 1033 departure since 1003. While you arrived a few minutes beforehand.
But still, you pushed in front of everyone else in front of you, how ironic. Battle for the front seats you miserable bastard?
So-called regards,
(29 Dec 2015, 2:21 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I am nwver going to Durham again!
I was taken photos when some random bloke came over to me and kept talking a load of crap! Why is it always me who meets the arseholes?!?!
Funnily enough, when I was in Durham this afternoon a bloke appeared from behind me when I was stood on the roundabout (not literally on the roundabout) and asked if I like buses.
(30 Dec 2015, 3:39 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Funnily enough, when I was in Durham this afternoon a bloke appeared from behind me when I was stood on the roundabout (not literally on the roundabout) and asked if I like buses.
We were just surrounded by rowdy kids, much to big'un's disgust.
Just been confronted in ALNWICK bus station by a lad who I had massive problems with over a year ago in Ashington.
Now on an X15 to get home as quickly as possible before he catches me up when he's on the X20.
Had to get a memory card as the old one decided not to work properly on my camera had 7 photos on there had to pop to Boldon on 9 and double back to Sunderland how I noticed my memory card was playing up was about to get a shot of venture on 78 and realised it wasn't working anymore at least I have images all on PC I took except from my new memory card
Big'un's miffed because he's without a camera for up to a month. It's not been much cop lately, anyhow, since it's been randomly claiming the battery's flat and shutting out, only to be fine again a minute later. Thankfully, it's under warranty, so hopefully, we will have a fix or replacement. Eventually.
(Big'un keeps asking me what's annoying ME, today. I've told him it's him asking the same questions over and over, leaning heavily on my shoulder and reading what I type as I type it as he takes a pride in being an annoying not so little oik.)

The Internet is fucked up AGAIN!!!! And Fifa 16 is a waist of money and time!
(30 Dec 2015, 11:09 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The Internet is fucked up AGAIN!!!! And Fifa 16 is a waist of money and time!
I've saved my money, stuck with 15 on the PS4, and instead spent £20 on Football Manager 2016 for my laptop, a far better game in my opinion

FIFA 16 is the best one in a long time imo. They seem to have cut out a lot of the unrealistic glitches, making it a lot harder to score.
(30 Dec 2015, 11:39 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]FIFA 16 is the best one in a long time imo. They seem to have cut out a lot of the unrealistic glitches, making it a lot harder to score.
All down to personal opinion, I think they are steadingly getting worse each year.
(30 Dec 2015, 11:39 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]FIFA 16 is the best one in a long time imo. They seem to have cut out a lot of the unrealistic glitches, making it a lot harder to score.
I played it with my friend on his X1, and it felt so slow in comparison to 15, and I doubt the console will make any difference on FIFA?
I also played the demo on my PS4, and while I never really judge games off their demo's, it felt similarly sluggish, like there wasn't something quite right.
Is there any real improvement in the career mode over 15?
On career mode, you can now train certain players to help increase their person stats.
(30 Dec 2015, 11:39 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]FIFA 16 is the best one in a long time imo. They seem to have cut out a lot of the unrealistic glitches, making it a lot harder to score.
i got Fifa 16 nice and class for my PS4 which am happy to get
Totally shattered and I have a headache, I just want to go to bed, especially as I've pretty much been awake since six o' clock this morning.
(31 Dec 2015, 10:38 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Totally shattered and I have a headache, I just want to go to bed,
Me too, but unfortunately, my neighbours are setting fire works off & the police helicopter is out.
One of the lamp posts in the background of my photo that I took on New Years Eve is the wrong way around and it's setting off my OCD slightly.
Bloody BBC Iplayer on my PS4! It won't let me watch Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie, all I get is a message saying I have to update the application or the system, which I checked, and both are up to date!