The 22. Or lack of one. Been waiting since 16:50 for one. Ended up getting on the 1 instead and nearly died at the price of the fare. £2.80 from Market Street to Wallsend?! Stagecoach only charge £2.35 for the same journey.
As ever on an outing where I use Dales and District services, they end up being utter s***, finally got on the 70 in Thirsk to head to Ripon 25 minutes late! [emoji35]
(03 Dec 2015, 1:22 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]As ever on an outing where I use Dales and District services, they end up being utter s***, finally got on the 70 in Thirsk to head to Ripon 25 minutes late! [emoji35]
Not the nicest day for standing around, either.
Was going to take the bus to Richmond with Big'un on Saturday, but the forecast is for some proper gales of the sort that result in shed sheds all over the roads. I don't want to risk visiting a place that there's only one way back from.
(03 Dec 2015, 3:55 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Not the nicest day for standing around, either.
Was going to take the bus to Richmond with Big'un on Saturday, but the forecast is for some proper gales of the sort that result in shed sheds all over the roads. I don't want to risk visiting a place that there's only one way back from.
Aye, the weather hasn't been the best today, especially when I was in Ripon. Now on the 29 back to Darlington.
The fact that Neil Broadley keeps bullying me, I took Lee's advice and stopped replying and he's doing my head in, and I feel like I'm about to explode!!
(03 Dec 2015, 7:40 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The fact that Neil Broadley keeps bullying me, I took Lee's advice and stopped replying and he's doing my head in, and I feel like I'm about to explode!!
Just try and ignore it. It aint easy, but its the best thing to do.
(03 Dec 2015, 9:01 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Just try and ignore it. It aint easy, but its the best thing to do.
I tried mate, that didn't exatly end up well.
(03 Dec 2015, 9:06 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I tried mate, that didn't exatly end up well.
Just remember the more they see that it is getting to you, the more they like it and they do it even more. Don't even bitch about it on here on a public forum as it is just fuelling the fire.
(03 Dec 2015, 9:11 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]Just remember the more they see that it is getting to you, the more they like it and they do it even more. Don't even bitch about it on here on a public forum as it is just fuelling the fire.
Thanks for the advice, Citaro.
(03 Dec 2015, 7:40 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The fact that Neil Broadley keeps bullying me, I took Lee's advice and stopped replying and he's doing my head in, and I feel like I'm about to explode!!
In the past some enthusiasts have intimidated me but when anyone does it to me they simply get blocked on any social media that's why nowadays I keep myself to myself eg try not to hang around enthusiasts if I can some bus stations am trying hard not to hang around bus stations if I can help it in Tyne and Wear but don't do anything stupid until it's really worse I got some advice from a fellow enthusiast ages ago back at Durham rally earlier this year and he said if it gets any worse as it is now report it if he continues to do it
(03 Dec 2015, 9:59 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]In the past some enthusiasts have intimidated me but when anyone does it to me they simply get blocked on any social media that's why nowadays I keep myself to myself eg try not to hang around enthusiasts if I can some bus stations am trying hard not to hang around bus stations if I can help it in Tyne and Wear but don't do anything stupid until it's really worse I got some advice from a fellow enthusiast ages ago back at Durham rally earlier this year and he said if it gets any worse as it is now report it if he continues to do it
I know what you mean mate. I will block him once I get the police involved. The only enthusiast I hand around with is Dan.
(03 Dec 2015, 10:02 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I know what you mean mate. I will block him once I get the police involved. The only enthusiast I hand around with is Dan.
I try to mingle with many members on here except for the bad ones
(03 Dec 2015, 10:09 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]I try to mingle with many members on here except for the bad ones
Aye. If I know an enthusiast I'll talk but if I don't then I just let them get on with whatever they are doing.
(03 Dec 2015, 10:36 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Aye. If I know an enthusiast I'll talk but if I don't then I just let them get on with whatever they are doing.
The bad enthusiasts I tend to avoid as much as I can that way i avoid them intimidating me only time I can't avoid them is when say if there a bus driver and passing through that's the only time I cannot avoid them or at rallies where it's a completely different matter
(03 Dec 2015, 11:20 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]The bad enthusiasts I tend to avoid as much as I can that way i avoid them intimidating me only time I can't avoid them is when say if there a bus driver and passing through that's the only time I cannot avoid them or at rallies where it's a completely different matter
That's one reason I usually stick near you at rallies.
(03 Dec 2015, 11:20 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]The bad enthusiasts I tend to avoid as much as I can that way i avoid them intimidating me only time I can't avoid them is when say if there a bus driver and passing through that's the only time I cannot avoid them or at rallies where it's a completely different matter
That's one reason I usually stick near you at rallies.
(03 Dec 2015, 11:20 pm)Diamond One wrote [ -> ]The bad enthusiasts I tend to avoid as much as I can that way i avoid them intimidating me only time I can't avoid them is when say if there a bus driver and passing through that's the only time I cannot avoid them or at rallies where it's a completely different matter
That's one reason I usually stick near you at rallies.
(04 Dec 2015, 12:02 am)Davie wrote [ -> ]That's one reason I usually stick near you at rallies.
That's one reason I usually stick near you at rallies.
That's one reason I usually stick near you at rallies.
A reason good enough that you had to tell us 3 times in one post [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
My idea to reset my body clock by doing an all nighter didn't work.
(04 Dec 2015, 3:04 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]My idea to reset my body clock by doing an all nighter didn't work.
Not the best way to sort sleep problems out Gaz mate...
Hope you can get your body clocking ticking back to normal sometime soon, I am having similar problems and have done for 17 years
(03 Dec 2015, 10:02 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I know what you mean mate. I will block him once I get the police involved. The only enthusiast I hang around with is Dan.
I'm the only one out usually anyway.
(04 Dec 2015, 3:04 am)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]My idea to reset my body clock by doing an all nighter didn't work.
Google sleep hygiene. Might help you to find better techniques.
Obviou things include cutting way back on caffeine and avoiding bright screens such as phones and tablets just before bed.
If your mind is racing, some people swear mindfulness techniques.
Ibtend to read my e-ink kindle when I go to bed. Currently reading Neuotribes about 3 pages at a time!
(04 Dec 2015, 1:45 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]A reason good enough that you had to tell us 3 times in one post [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
No idea what happened there, like. [emoji14]
(04 Dec 2015, 7:49 am)DanPicken wrote [ -> ]I'm the only one out usually anyway.
And Uncle Gaz (Garry Devlin)
The fact that I've been looking forward to going to Carlilse tomorrow, but my dad has taken bad so I don't know if I'll be aloud to go or not. I really should have learned not to get my hopes up... hopefully my dad is ok too, I'm getting stressed again over him
(04 Dec 2015, 5:43 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The fact that I've been looking forward to going to Carlilse tomorrow, but my dad has taken bad so I don't know if I'll be aloud to go or not. I really should have learned not to get my hopes up... hopefully my dad is ok too, I'm getting stressed again over him
Stay strong mate...
As hard as it may be, keep your chin mate
Thinking of you and your family mate
(04 Dec 2015, 5:44 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Stay strong mate...
As hard as it may be, keep your chin mate
Thinking of you and your family mate
Cheers mate. I think the fact I may have let Dan down again doesn't help though.
(04 Dec 2015, 5:46 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Cheers mate. I think the fact I may have let Dan down again doesn't help though.
It's ok mate.

If you dont me asking Davie
What is up with your old man?
Gone over my word count on my research proposal meaning i could get penalised for it although its only 100 words over means i still loose marks and i can't get it down any further. -.-
(04 Dec 2015, 5:43 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The fact that I've been looking forward to going to Carlilse tomorrow, but my dad has taken bad so I don't know if I'll be aloud to go or not. I really should have learned not to get my hopes up... hopefully my dad is ok too, I'm getting stressed again over him
Hope he picks up, soon, Davie.
And tomorrow's probably not the best day for making travelling plans, anyhow. Blowing a hoolie out there.
(04 Dec 2015, 5:50 pm)DanPicken wrote [ -> ]It's ok mate. 
Thanks for understanding mate.
(04 Dec 2015, 6:05 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]If you dont me asking Davie
What is up with your old man?
He has the usual problems with his chest. He gets them commonly, but I always get stressed.
(04 Dec 2015, 6:59 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Hope he picks up, soon, Davie.
And tomorrow's probably not the best day for making travelling plans, anyhow. Blowing a hoolie out there.
Thanks Buslovermum.
Probably not like, but we'd planned this trip weeks back.
(04 Dec 2015, 5:43 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]The fact that I've been looking forward to going to Carlilse tomorrow, but my dad has taken bad so I don't know if I'll be aloud to go or not. I really should have learned not to get my hopes up... hopefully my dad is ok too, I'm getting stressed again over him
Hope he gets better soon Davie!