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(14 Jun 2015, 11:42 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]They fund the days out, but I only recently had problems when the adults fares would be taken from the petty cash as well, so they said that only one member of staffs fare should be taken out of the petty cash along with my fare. This didn't happen yesterday, so I had to pay for my own fare.

The respite workers change every session, but the key worker, who is on my holiday sessions, currently works at the previous school that I went to that is managed by the same company. The staff there, tried stripping me into a nobody, not allowing me to interact with other pupils, not allowing me "out in the community" either. I'm sure that he relays info onto the headteacher there of what I do, because I had no problems with him before he started working at the school. 

Why do they stop you from integrating with others and stop you going 'out into the community', I find that very worrying to be honest, that goes against everything I have worked for and fought against, there must be a reason for it, and the only reason I can think is, do you have a history of violence towards teachers or other pupils?
(14 Jun 2015, 2:17 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Facebook is like an instant gossiping service - no different in reality, to the gossip, backstabbing, bitching, venue to air dirty laundry etc., that goes on everyday in workplaces, bus stops, in back lanes, outside the school gates or in the pub or clurb.

If I was your sister, I would take it as a complement that people are spending their precious time and energy talking about her.
I see what you mean mate, but the issue is who is saying it, if it was me, I probably would not be bothered, I have been picked on/bullied and shot down all my life and takes a lot to really get to me, I am probably more upset about it than my sister is, but it is my sister of course I am going to be upset...

Some of the shit that goes on on Facebook wouldn't look out of place on the Jeremy Kyle show
(15 Jun 2015, 9:51 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Why do they stop you from integrating with others and stop you going 'out into the community', I find that very worrying to be honest, that goes against everything I have worked for and fought against, there must be a reason for it, and the only reason I can think is, do you have a history of violence towards teachers or other pupils?

Only towards the teachers, one kept boasting that he had 20+ years experience with autism and that, and I asked "but do you have 20+ years experience with me?".

Anyway, due to me missing the Metro at Monument, I've now got 15 minutes taken from the next session, of which in his words went from "There won't be a next time" to "you'll only get one person to take you out" and then "you won't have anyone to take you out". Unless he can make the next bus/Metro/train late by 15 minutes, he's a complete bellend/jobsworth/bumhole.
(15 Jun 2015, 11:20 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Only towards the teachers, one kept boasting that he had 20+ years experience with autism and that, and I asked "but do you have 20+ years experience with me?".

Anyway, due to me missing the Metro at Monument, I've now got 15 minutes taken from the next session, of which in his words went from "There won't be a next time" to "you'll only get one person to take you out" and then "you won't have anyone to take you out". Unless he can make the next bus/Metro/train late by 15 minutes, he's a complete bellend/jobsworth/bumhole.

There's your problem Tommy...Any kind of violence towards anybody, whether it be a teacher, other pupil or social worker and your not going to be allowed to do anything...Teachers won't risk unleashing you on the community if you have any kind of violent outbursts toward anyone...

You need to find a way to rise above it, I have lived with people like that, it will do you no good in the future...

Keep up the violence mate and your heading down a road that will see you in lot if trouble...

PM me if ya ever wanna talk about anything mate
(15 Jun 2015, 11:44 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]There's your problem Tommy...Any kind of violence towards anybody, whether it be a teacher, other pupil or social worker and your not going to be allowed to do anything...Teachers won't risk unleashing you on the community if you have any kind of violent outbursts toward anyone...

You need to find a way to rise above it, I have lived with people like that, it will do you no good in the future...

Keep up the violence mate and your heading down a road that will see you in  lot if trouble...

PM me if ya ever wanna talk about anything mate

It's been over a year since that, bloody ignorant people just see my life written down in black and white and then judge me, saying that I need this and that etc etc. The council now want to send me to a school that originally refused to have me, this will be my SEVENTH school, and simply I'm refusing to go, what happens if it goes tits up? Let's face it, with my history, I won't become a bus, metro or train driver, so what's the point in education. I was ahead of everybody in Year 1 and 2 but now I'm six years behind on my education, because of the councils tendency to send me to spacker schools which have people learning 1+1 and ABC by the time they're 20.
(15 Jun 2015, 11:50 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]It's been over a year since that, bloody ignorant people just see my life written down in black and white and then judge me, saying that I need this and that etc etc. The council now want to send me to a school that originally refused to have me, this will be my SEVENTH school, and simply I'm refusing to go, what happens if it goes tits up? Let's face it, with my history, I won't become a bus, metro or train driver, so what's the point in education. I was ahead of everybody in Year 1 and 2 but now I'm six years behind on my education, because of the councils tendency to send me to spacker schools which have people learning 1+1 and ABC by the time they're 20.

Sorry but, can you not use that word please, I find that really offensive

OK then, give in now, just give up, I am sure plenty people won't be bothered about you, it is that easy...


Grow up, grow a set of balls, and do what I did, educate yourself, you have something I never had at your age, The Internet, find things that interest you and take it upon yourself to learn something, because let's face it, and it has happened to me, you will be left behind and people won't give two shits about you, don't let any disability you have be a barrier and take some responsibility...Don't sit back and let people tell you your nothing and if they do, prove to them you are worth it...

Dig deep and find it within yourself to sort your life out...

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it is the truth!!!!!
Well said Fozz.

Quite simply you are who you make you are. If that makes any sense.
(15 Jun 2015, 12:21 pm)GMitchelhill wrote [ -> ]Well said Fozz.

Quite simply you are who you make you are. If that makes any sense.
Yes...That does make sense...

Life is what you make of it...

I have mostly made a hash of my life, so I will quite happily bug other not to do the same, because if you do, welcome to my world Big Grin
I also hate that word to, can we stick to "Special Needs schools".

I've worked in Special needs schools before and they do lessons, one to one but they mostly play etc while the other children go out and do their one to ones or physico etc... although this was for children aged from 6 months to year 6.... obviously this will be different if its a older special needs school....
(15 Jun 2015, 12:37 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I also hate that word to, can we stick to "Special Needs schools".

I've worked in Special needs schools before and they do lessons, one to one but they mostly play etc while the other children go out and do their one to ones or physico etc... although this was for children aged from 6 months to year 6.... obviously this will be different if its a older special needs school....
I have a cousin who has downs syndrome and all I used to hear was 'look at them, getting mong bus to Spaz school' or 'windowlickers' it really pissed me off at times...I am not even keen on the term special school to be honest, nothing special about it tbh...To them it is just school...But the word spacker to me is as offensive as c**t
(15 Jun 2015, 12:43 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I have a cousin who has downs syndrome and all I used to hear was 'look at them, getting mong bus to Spaz school' or 'windowlickers' it really pissed me off at times...I am not even keen on the term special school to be honest, nothing special about it tbh...To them it is just school...But the word spacker to me is as offensive as c**t

I'm not sure if there's another name for Special needs school, although we could also say: Special educational needs and disability (SEND). 

I hate it when people stare and whisper to, i know the school next to me have their own taxi/bus service.

I see them sometimes passing mine if they are going to the park or Lidl etc, all the kids are happy and always say wave and say hi.

My next adventure in the world of working with children - is to do the SENCo course - which is "Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator"... have to be working to do it though....... since iv'e just finished uni, i'm looking for a job. 
(15 Jun 2015, 12:37 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]I also hate that word to, can we stick to "Special Needs schools".

I've worked in Special needs schools before and they do lessons, one to one but they mostly play etc while the other children go out and do their one to ones or physico etc... although this was for children aged from 6 months to year 6.... obviously this will be different if its a older special needs school....

It's an awful word, hate it, along with other insulting terms that can be used to describe it.

Special needs in schools really depends on the extent of the needs of the person in question really. Some will need more support than others and others will need less support and will be able to learn more independently or with less support.
(15 Jun 2015, 11:50 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]It's been over a year since that, bloody ignorant people just see my life written down in black and white and then judge me, saying that I need this and that etc etc. The council now want to send me to a school that originally refused to have me, this will be my SEVENTH school, and simply I'm refusing to go, what happens if it goes tits up? Let's face it, with my history, I won't become a bus, metro or train driver, so what's the point in education. I was ahead of everybody in Year 1 and 2 but now I'm six years behind on my education, because of the councils tendency to send me to spacker schools which have people learning 1+1 and ABC by the time they're 20.

The greatest education you could have at the moment is to learn to control your anger and temper. There's no place for violence in the world, but if that's the route you want to live your life by, then you're always going to come up against someone too big for you to handle in the end. Get past the self-requirement of always needing to be right, and you're half way on your way to doing that...

How do you know you won't become a bus, metro or train driver? Can't remember how old you are, but I'm sure you've got more than enough time to achieve that. You just need to let the system drive until you're old enough to leave it behind. It's certainly going to be a lot easier if you just play ball. 
Spent 10 minutes trying to crop one photo for my Flickr and it's just not happening Dodgy
(15 Jun 2015, 7:03 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Spent 10 minutes trying to crop one photo for my Flickr and it's just not happening Dodgy

Gave up in the end Dodgy

Thinking about taking a break from Flickr as recently I can't seem to get through a single upload without encountering technical problems and pretty much every time I've uploaded in the last fortnight I have been shouting, screaming and swearing the house down. I'm fed up with it at the moment, I'm at the stage where I am thinking that it is not worth the time and effort anymore.

I imagine many of you will be sad to hear me say this and I know many of you like viewing my Flickr but it is driving me insane now and the stress I'm having when these problems happen are starting to kill me. I think I need to take some time away from it for a little while.

I will continue to take photos and go on outings.
(15 Jun 2015, 7:38 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Gave up in the end Dodgy

Thinking about taking a break from Flickr as recently I can't seem to get through a single upload without encountering technical problems and pretty much every time I've uploaded in the last fortnight I have been shouting, screaming and swearing the house down. I'm fed up with it at the moment, I'm at the stage where I am thinking that it is not worth the time and effort anymore.

I imagine many of you will be sad to hear me say this and I know many of you like viewing my Flickr but it is driving me insane now and the stress I'm having when these problems happen are starting to kill me. I think I need to take some time away from it for a little while.

I will continue to take photos and go on outings.

See if you can get yourself a copy of Photoshop Elements or something instead perhaps? I just load all my raw files into Photoshop (using CameraRAW), and work from that.
Google Chorme. In the last 2 hours, it has basically gone from working fine to either not loading anything or loading some sites but not others. And this is after restarting the computer twice, logging off several time, clearing cached data at least 10 times and resetting the browser twice as well.
(15 Jun 2015, 5:20 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]The greatest education you could have at the moment is to learn to control your anger and temper. There's no place for violence in the world, but if that's the route you want to live your life by, then you're always going to come up against someone too big for you to handle in the end. Get past the self-requirement of always needing to be right, and you're half way on your way to doing that...

How do you know you won't become a bus, metro or train driver? Can't remember how old you are, but I'm sure you've got more than enough time to achieve that. You just need to let the system drive until you're old enough to leave it behind. It's certainly going to be a lot easier if you just play ball. 
What Aurelion Said Smile

Check your PM's Tommy...

Sorry if I am bombarding your inbox mate
(15 Jun 2015, 7:42 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]See if you can get yourself a copy of Photoshop Elements or something instead perhaps? I just load all my raw files into Photoshop (using CameraRAW), and work from that.

May look into this as it is often the cropping where the problems occur.

Hopefully what I said earlier will be me just being a bit melodramatic and will hopefully be back to uploading in a few days.
(15 Jun 2015, 7:46 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Google Chorme. In the last 2 hours, it has basically gone from working fine to either not loading anything or loading some sites but not others. And this is after restarting the computer twice, logging off several time, clearing cached data at least 10 times and resetting the browser twice as well.

I had a similar issue yesterday on my tablet.
No internet!
My BT Internet! Jesus Christ is is horrendous
(16 Jun 2015, 8:05 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]No internet!

Virgin box has also gone off.... -.-

(16 Jun 2015, 8:11 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]My BT Internet! Jesus Christ is is horrendous

Were with Virgin, its a decent company although my above posts say other wise about its internet atm!
A half mile walk to catch a bus after Phoenix Coaches don't have the competence to wait at B&Q at North Seaton Colliery.
(16 Jun 2015, 11:48 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]A half mile walk to catch a bus after Phoenix Coaches don't have the competence to wait at B&Q at North Seaton Colliery.
Should keep ya fit Big Grin
Ascot. I should have put a bet on. Won 4 of the 6 races. With a Heinz, I would have made £34 odd Sad

There's always tomorrow I suppose...
(16 Jun 2015, 4:53 pm)Adam wrote [ -> ]Ascot. I should have put a bet on. Won 4 of the 6 races. With a Heinz, I would have made £34 odd Sad

There's always tomorrow I suppose...
How many separate bets is in a Heinz...not 57 by any chance...When I put accumulator bets on I normally would do a Yankee(6 Doubles, 4 Trebles, 1 Four-Fold) or Lucky 15(4 Singles, 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles, 1 Four-Fold)

Very rarely win though, lol
(16 Jun 2015, 5:22 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]How many separate bets is in a Heinz...not 57 by any chance...When I put accumulator bets on I normally would do a Yankee(6 Doubles, 4 Trebles, 1 Four-Fold) or Lucky 15(4 Singles, 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles, 1 Four-Fold)

Very rarely win though, lol

A Heinz is, ironically enough, 57 bets at X amount. I normally put a 10p Heinz on (10p X 57 = £5.70 to put the bets on). It's logical to assume that's where the name comes from Smile
Had a nightmare today and managed to send an email meant for one person to the whole of the office, not even just my department, everybody who works/contributes there (about 300 people) Blush Undecided
(16 Jun 2015, 10:06 pm)Drifter60 wrote [ -> ]Had a nightmare today and managed to send an email meant for one person to the whole of the office, not even just my department, everybody who works/contributes there (about 300 people) ??
Ouch... nothing untoward I hope?

It does happen, although I do wonder why companies don't restrict who can send to certain lists, or even limit the header size of an email. It'd certainly prevent instances like this.
(16 Jun 2015, 10:08 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Ouch... nothing untoward I hope?

It does happen, although I do wonder why companies don't restrict who can send to certain lists, or even limit the header size of an email. It'd certainly prevent instances like this.

Nothing to sensetive on the email or anything, a few people would been very confused thought and I'm slightly mortified!
Yeah, mine happens as what I thought was the email of just 1 person turns out to be a general email out for everyone! 
Unlike the rest of the distribution lists it looks like a standard email.