(09 Oct 2015, 8:47 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Fortunately for levels two and three most the people I didn't like didn't come back after completing level one, most was partly down to the EMA payments being scrapped and they couldn't be arsed. Got on reasonably well with the people on my course for my second and third year.
Most of the ones who left just sat on the dole and three years later they probably still are.
That's good, end of the day though, u did what you wanted and nothing stopped you... those on the dole now, they'll never get a job.
(09 Oct 2015, 8:50 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]That's good, end of the day though, u did what you wanted and nothing stopped you... those on the dole now, they'll never get a job.
Absolutely hated my first year, thought about leaving several times but thankfully managed to not do so. That year was awful as I also ended up spending my lunchtimes on my own as all my friends at college were in on different days to me, so most of my lunchtimes resulted in many lonely trips to HMV in Durham to pass the time.
This could be my sob story if I was ever to appear on Britain's Got Talent [emoji1]
Also I still really miss having a HMV in Durham, since it closed Durham has mainly just been a place to change buses.
(09 Oct 2015, 9:01 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Absolutely hated my first year, thought about leaving several times but thankfully managed to not do so. That year was awful as I also ended up spending my lunchtimes on my own as all my friends at college were in on different days to me, so most of my lunchtimes resulted in many lonely trips to HMV in Durham to pass the time.
This could be my sob story if I was ever to appear on Britain's Got Talent [emoji1]
Also I still really miss having a HMV in Durham, since it closed Durham has mainly just been a place to change buses.
Or... X-Factor... hate both shows..
(09 Oct 2015, 9:17 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Or... X-Factor... hate both shows..
I can't watch either of them shows. Don't find them entertaining at all.
I'm trying to get to sleep but a helicopter (I'm guessing it belongs to the police or air ambulance) is hovering near my house!
(09 Oct 2015, 10:39 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]I'm trying to get to sleep but a helicopter (I'm guessing it belongs to the police or air ambulance) is hovering near my house!
Not that uncommon for a heavy police presence in Wrekenton mind!
Maybe after you?

(09 Oct 2015, 10:46 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]Not that uncommon for a heavy police presence in Wrekenton mind!
Maybe after you? 
Cheers Sean, much appreciated [emoji14]
Not annoying, but saddened, Found out my Uncle died about 9pm last night, may sound cheesy, but he is in a better place, he is free from all the pain and he is re-united with his daughter who tragically died 3 years ago which was probably the beginning of the end for my Uncle, I last saw him 2 weeks ago and he was upset to see him like that [CRYING FACE]
Still no reply so gonna ditch the Gateshead game.
(10 Oct 2015, 6:41 am)DanPicken wrote [ -> ]Still no reply so gonna ditch the Gateshead game.
If I haven't got a message (Which I don't) then I'm not going to reply am I?
(10 Oct 2015, 8:27 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]If I haven't got a message (Which I don't) then I'm not going to reply am I?
There's the PM not that it matters now anyway.
(10 Oct 2015, 8:27 am)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]If I haven't got a message (Which I don't) then I'm not going to reply am I?
There's the PM not that it matters now anyway.
(10 Oct 2015, 3:10 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Not annoying, but saddened, Found out my Uncle died about 9pm last night, may sound cheesy, but he is in a better place, he is free from all the pain and he is re-united with his daughter who tragically died 3 years ago which was probably the beginning of the end for my Uncle, I last saw him 2 weeks ago and he was upset to see him like that [CRYING FACE]
Very sad to hear that mate. Best wishes.
(10 Oct 2015, 3:10 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Not annoying, but saddened, Found out my Uncle died about 9pm last night, may sound cheesy, but he is in a better place, he is free from all the pain and he is re-united with his daughter who tragically died 3 years ago which was probably the beginning of the end for my Uncle, I last saw him 2 weeks ago and he was upset to see him like that [CRYING FACE]
Very sorry to hear of your loss Fozz. Best wishes.
(10 Oct 2015, 3:10 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Not annoying, but saddened, Found out my Uncle died about 9pm last night, may sound cheesy, but he is in a better place, he is free from all the pain and he is re-united with his daughter who tragically died 3 years ago which was probably the beginning of the end for my Uncle, I last saw him 2 weeks ago and he was upset to see him like that [CRYING FACE]
My bet wishes are with you Fozz

(10 Oct 2015, 3:10 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Not annoying, but saddened, Found out my Uncle died about 9pm last night, may sound cheesy, but he is in a better place, he is free from all the pain and he is re-united with his daughter who tragically died 3 years ago which was probably the beginning of the end for my Uncle, I last saw him 2 weeks ago and he was upset to see him like that [CRYING FACE]
Sorry to hear Fozz =(
(10 Oct 2015, 3:10 am)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Not annoying, but saddened, Found out my Uncle died about 9pm last night, may sound cheesy, but he is in a better place, he is free from all the pain and he is re-united with his daughter who tragically died 3 years ago which was probably the beginning of the end for my Uncle, I last saw him 2 weeks ago and he was upset to see him like that [CRYING FACE]
I'm sorry to hear that, Fozz.
Cheers guys...Means a lot, I appreciate your kind words, not a good time at the moment, lost a cousin in May, now my Uncle, another Uncle in hospital, my sister is having problems with her liver, I am struggling to cope with my own issues as it is with all this on top and my mam is a wreck at the moment with everything thats going on...It don't just rain in my life at the moment it fooking pours [CRYING FACE]
That's a lot of crap to be dealing with, fozza
On a more petty note, this Max x66 is 15 minutes late and someone on it smells of puke. Glad I've already had some lunch
(10 Oct 2015, 12:11 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]That's a lot of crap to be dealing with, fozza 
On a more petty note, this Max x66 is 15 minutes late and someone on it smells of puke. Glad I've already had some lunch
Look on the bright side, it is an OmniCity

(10 Oct 2015, 12:27 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Look on the bright side, it is an OmniCity 
ThT I can't argue with. They look odd, have windows that are tricky to open, cantilever seats (hated by long legged big'un), rock when idling and throw you around everwhere when moving but they're flippin' brilliant!!
And a fab driver shouting out details of the aircraft that people are out photographing

(10 Oct 2015, 12:32 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]ThT I can't argue with. They look odd, have windows that are tricky to open, cantilever seats (hated by long legged big'un), rock when idling and throw you around everwhere when moving but they're flippin' brilliant!!
And a fab driver shouting out details of the aircraft that people are out photographing 
Why not tell him to be a pilot
(10 Oct 2015, 3:52 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Why not tell him to be a pilot
I suspect that if he wasn't working, he'd have been taking pics of his own.
I've been waiting half an hour for this X25, and still no show.
Thanks Go North East.
(10 Oct 2015, 6:50 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I've been waiting half an hour for this X25, and still no show.
Thanks Go North East.
You do not know why the service has not turned up. The amount of times we do not operate due to it not being our fault is pretty high (roadworks, waiting for emergency services, accidents).
Bearing in mind Newcastle was at a standstill earlier, I think we have done a pretty good job today trying to maintain a service.
(10 Oct 2015, 6:50 pm)LeeCalder wrote [ -> ]I've been waiting half an hour for this X25, and still no show.
Thanks Go North East.
I should imagine that many services going in and out of Newcastle are still pretty messed up.
I have just been informed by the driver of the 28 that the X25 has broke down. Sorry Go North East but you's could have sent a replacement instead of keeping me standing here for an hour until the next one turns up!!!!!
Never been so frustrated in my life.
And then when I ask the 28 driver if he knows whether a replacement will be send he said "Well I diven't na I'm sitting here aren't I"
You could have just said "I'm not sure, sorry"